
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1982, PAGE FIV: Atlantic Side News Eagleston, very direct to the right reserves tiet wioners given the.
bad this service agaia Place during this Clubhouse Archer, Panama District Notice of Removal.
Canal Zone Notes. niato ters and teachers. All satisfied Annual Session On and after July 8th the Offices of Dr. Anderson Chubb LEST YOU FORGET RED TANK LA BOCA LITERARY will be removed to No 131 BoliAs was announced the Fourih var Street, in the premises lately SO CITY, Annual Session of the Panama vacated by Dr. Milliard, where MacFaden Health And District Lodge of the Grand the doctor will be pleased to EVERY HOME CAN ENJOY GAS (AS Educational Club.
To have Elocution Contest.
United Order of Oddfellows, geet all his patiente.
working under the the Commit July 15.
tee of Management in England, We are still farnishing stoves The members of the MacFadden As previously announced, was held under the auspices of nities, to see into this case FREE Noaxi Household Lodge No. 61 especially clause ealth and Educ. ional Club met test, under the auspices of the Inter Clubhouse Elocution Con at the Flower of the Isthmus Lodge is as strong as its provided the gas pipes are already installed at the Red Tank Clubhout the purpose of Society, will be held at La Boca Lodgeroom, on Tuesday, July 4, rules or laws to depart therefrom day night, Jude 29 b, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing term.
Clubhouse 1922 at 10. 45 a. Prayers were said is unrighteousness. therefore and We are still furnishing installations The following were cleoted: Mrs. Applicants are requested to comthe usual formalities denounce the Ad aş out of order observed.
Tekel in law and Status.
FREE Blanchard President: Mr. Mitch all municate with the secretaries of the different Silver Clubhouses At the call of the roll, deleSecretary: Mr Swall Journalist.
hom have the honour to be, provided you purchase GAS Stove.
These officers gates from elght lodges were applications for will be installed next torough whom Yours in fraternity, Thursday night July 6:1, Me Noel entry into the Contest will be represented.
forwarded to Mr, Hawkins has been uppɔinted JOSEPH EARLE interesting and exten instalarea ons may also be offier.
of La Boca Clubhouse, sive Asenda was presented to The management committee bags to the Session OUR AIM IS High Class Program.
sent atfecting the announce that on Wednesday night July Clubhouse. The to the Social of La interests of the lodges concerned 12th Members of the and the Order in general. These The Upper grades of the 7th GAS STOVE IN EVERY KITCHEN en christian Eade svour Literary De competent judges will be select reject were dealt with in an eficient Street Baptist School of Colon partment will come over to Rad manner. At this stage a very will be travelling over to the and render a beautiful Literet promo gold medals ed for the occasion and three important item was announced Gatun Silver Clubhouse on Sanded will be awarded will of Club namely, nomination and elec. Saturday next the 15th inst, to PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY regular program. On that night there committee is select tion of officers to serve for the give the Gatunites a rendition of will also be abown, under the auspices of with a view to present to the working out details PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLOR OFFICE: the Club, fiva reels of educational Oficers were elected and install. rendered at the Cristobal Club Cathedral Plaza YOUR motion pictures. All are invited to 93 Bolivar St.
a program that will outdo blic of its kind that has ed: Bros. Best, house a few weeks ago.
come and spind an enjoyable evening.
Green. Allman, Much praise bave been Tel. 798 heretofore been staged at SERVICE DS. Connell, Dist. Treas: this performance as appeared in Tel. 364 Silver Clubhouses. Tickets for Trustees J. Anderson, last week issue this paper, the occasion will be on sale withAllman, and Belton; Lodge and we hope that all parents LA BOCA of in a short time.
Book Examiners James, children and those interested in and Anderson Juvenile entertainments will Branch of Jamaica Hope thou in God Women Life Problem The outgoing District Master, secure their tickets in due time, Song Service Bro. Wilson and his staff from Mr. Waller at the ClubClub Outing a Success, Represenrative done much good in the house at the reasonable cost of Clouds Before the Dawn of Day The monthly song service in interest of the District and the 25c. general admission, 40 (By a Member of the Party. connection with the activities of Order.
reserved seats, while children Government Association The next annual Session will will be admitted at half price.
Lord! come to thee in this moment The ladies of the Woni»n Life Pro the Society will be held on Sun be held at Panama. under the Formed in Colon.
of stone: blem Club of Li Boos, il at no other day afternoon the 9th instant at Installation of of Fidelity Lodge No.
Great me fsich and joy and gladnose; time, have shown that they are really in 30 o clock.
10107 Colon Boy Institute come to thes at this moment of pain, carncat in helping to solve the stubora officers for the ensuing term will The usual The congratulatory The committee appointed at Grant me ty blessing of San ebino problem of life; in fact th trip that also take place League.
the meeting of the Panama remarks were exchanged. The they plsoned to Tobago Island (Pana Mr. B Hanter, Branch. Jamaica Representative pronouncing of the Benediction the health foort) 10 skillfallo dono tary of Cristobal sil fer club biere Government Association held on The amonto se loting and few that, in addition to furnishing a splen will be master of ceremonies and and the singing of the closing To The Editor Of The Workman Sunday 25th June last at the watchers are we ode brought the Session to a Sir please permit me space in NJA Hall (Chartered Div. O11 lead there the way as we come home widely advertised the usefulness of their Silv did outing for their kuoer, they have Mr. e Waller, Secretary, Gatud Silver Clubhouse, the principal close at 11 30 your most valuable paper to No 18) had its first meeting on to those; Vocal selections will be Club.
publish the attached letter which Wednesday, June 28, at the hall The legion of evil are in battle array rendered by some well knowo THE TRIP. trust will be of great help to of the Colon Co operative Society But led by King Joow we ll ehwe them local talents. All iavited. AdmisLoyal Perseverance to Meet this League 5th and Hudson Lane, the follow www.
Yours truly, Jupiter Pluvius granted permission sion free. No collection ing being present: Mr. B Low.
The darkno! it deepens, we re far in July 4: the Palma gasoline launches for the outing and precisely at 30 on There will be a meeting of WATSON rence (in the chair. Mr. Scott PANAMA BAPTIST the night.
Loyal Perseverance Lodge No.
Commander Wynter, Ricketts, с Tao wicked surround us but we re arrayed from the Canal, after taking over eighty Taboga and Aspin wall. headed south LITERARY 10105. on Tuesday, Cole, TJ Williamson, F Ebacks 25 Miles July 11, at the Flower of the JL Stewart, EP Burton, A for the fighs; home Costa Rica, Isthmus Lodge room, at p.
We awaited by command, Oh lead pleasure seeker from deek 18; Doctor Rod Tank on Wednesday Night Kerr, H Hamilton.
the the way.
School of All members are req dested to be June 26, 1922 Brown Andrews, Mrs And grantu tas vietary at the break. La Boca Literary Society and bis Seo will be rendered by the Christian the Ministry, the President elect, of The following variety program present and on time.
Richardson, and other friends. ing of day.
Dear Bro. Watson, retary; tha Presideat, Secretary and in Endeavour Literary Society of Among the business disposed of were the election of officers marcha bravaly onward for thou fact the full membership of the Life to inform the Panama Baptist Courch, at To the Fraternal that was to have written you and mothers distribue com ori leta ta wou believe the praiso when the problem to be distried intended. Red To Canal Zone on Wedof lists to. Club, which of before now, but owing to the fact friends for the purpose of solicitnesday night next: vichey won.
The ssfety of the passage was entrusted that was very much ill for de We tighten our armour and fight to the operators of the Jaunobes, PROGRAMME three months with fever and Ing contributions to the funds sending Mei BP though we re few (U. cit) and Panama Piano Selection. Mr. Sunith beavy cold. Thank God, am To the Editor of The Workman, member of the deputa we know thou art with and will nias, with two sesmen whose nationality Addreso 10. Mr. I, Rigby just coming round Dear tion named in Jamaica to Wynter for proCarty u thre couldn be obtained The party rode Recitation Sir. Please permit me space Bro. Watson, have got a boy ceed to England to. Miss Vickers presenta joyfully on the quiet wav? s, althouz in your valuable paper, to present from a decent lady a interested petition to the Imperial Govern.
to the Public wbat term U. member, and her de ment for a change in the present What joy. be ours when we hear the Panamanian operator landed his 4: Vocal Solo selected. Min Harper thy well done.
passengers fully three minutes before Paper. Mr Leslie Breach of fraternal exactitude. sire to let such be in your League Constitution of Jamaica, and And to the father pronat when we the American. Piano Selection. Miss Baker This is in connection with an or Institute, all praying for a form of RepreTHE PARTY AT TABOGA.
Duet. Madame Byer Soott cary Master, dear Master! Keep us ekly inform wer bearing dates 17th and your name to her, and she of paramount loyal The party got ashore at Taboga at 8, Paper. Miss A, Dennis 24th June, and 1st of July, under me to let you know of same, and importance affecting West In while the date om deep ano and the about o. with Willio Jump trom Solo. elosted. Mr. Irving the headline. To Whom it May if you agree to take over dians at home and abroad valley we go through La Bos at the head sweating under 10. Addrom 10 minutes Mr. Edwarde bere under your charge, sucb as Concern. This letter accuses The officers elected suitcase (contents unknown) Walking 11. Quartette. The Harmony Four me of continuous bad behaviour. his clothing he has got already, follows: Mera Test Lawrenos a brotherl, ob ister! lat our forcon unite through what resembles a typical West 12 Recitation.
accompanied by my expulsion but she want. Mrs. Scott Let us stick more closely together as Indian village the perspiring party for 99 years from Royal King quick, what your let more President: Mr me know dent; vo Scott, Presi we finish the fight; Wynter, Secretary; halted and encamped near a whart Aying 13. Paper. Mrs, Walkes agreement. F8 Relrette, Treesurer.
Solomon Lodge No. 11, In the strength of Jehovah we are bound a British flag, Picnicking began imme. 14, Vocal Solo. Mrs. Williams of was a member She would be glad for such a boy distely thereafter with Jump against 15. Paper meeting of the Committee. Mr. Reid.
for the past was held at the sa ne place last vears, would be bound out under your jurisIn the battle that raga without and the head of affgirs.
Ho 16. Vocal Solo. The Hesvealy Song within like to say bene diction and government of credentials to Panamanian lady fit of the public, that the finding UN. Deare Bront Watsthe night, and some vary important Me, Richards of the above named Lodge is you are still a living fire for auch business was transacted. The Non fidt for lural which seldom received her consent for the party 17. Chairmsa. Remarks Foam Mopping perspiration enthey wie thin 18. B:Dediction arbitrary and unconstiutional work, am trying my bestor over Coinmittee are all ren of known over repute in Colon, od will endea and will start right here to bere but not halt bas ever been our to bring the Atlantic si de Pustning fx Kingdoms of Satan and saging rooms, disregarding everything told program the except bathing suits and fishing rode prove the same.
and reels followed General frolicking ligt Eust these and our life we was indulged in for Public Lecture at Golden 1st. That paid my last con. and am just trying tos up to the Standard of sh my city.
the day, and at lay dora tribution in the month of Feb enerxy now not to leave any that the withstood For life everlasting union and unusual exertion, for being on Paasma party Green.
1921. Thus, in Feb. of the pre stone un turned. Compliment to sent year, was one year in yourself and all your officers of of name was nover given, the once crona.
nian territory the auw WAS by Mr. GL. Harry will address was suspended your League, God be with you wonderful society wbich free from ot. Although many orators were the residents of Golden Green aceeding to article 27 Page 18 until we meet, very best debt and had a reasonable banking NOTE: The above commemorates among the party, inetu ting Jie Roy ng of the Bye laws It reads Un remain, nocount and strek of many thoussode 57th birthdate experiences 22 22.
ity on the subj ct of the nolds, De Anderson. liJum and Oath bound Covenant Sunday, Anancial members who are in Yours; dollars went flat in less than your Charlie Harris no spovuamaking ar ears for 12 months or more the competent and July 9th, 3:30 m. at the Golden STEWART bearing distance and the President of Green School. All who can make Free Bible Lecture shall be suspended from all bene.
management we are now tol ito tho Life Problem Cub we not embaraso it possible are asked to attend.
fits of the Lodge, and shall reenjoying. Those who is Subject: Where is the abode packed their baskets and gripe and the Bible that this covenant known of the history of th.
ples urable day the party as the speaker will show from main suspended, until he beB. Ledge under roles.
comes reint. led as a member of McCARTHY EXPLAINS, DD Bt. it truth and hopoty rest in our dead relatives, friends. undles with flowers and fruita, oto. and made by Jehovab is a guarantee their breast, but feel grieved of the foas sad the wicked, also the to the human family that life and 21 Ibat in spite of my unmalioiu, upiteful and vindietive action millions die in the war? Can the was in time on the Taboga whart to no financial condition, was ap To the Editor of the Workman Panama, June, 27th, 1922, taken against its founder to satisfy living talks with tham! These embark at Jump order, All go back peace will bo their happy portion on the boat you came on, questions will be monal feeling. The met pointed in the very near future. The tanqueting steward answered in the course of y: THE RETURN TRIP Lecture is free, All are welcome Sir. In your inuo of the 17th June, tools of to ntiely an Abne.
wbep 18 months in arrears.
3rd. That the Secty. has read therein letter signed prostrated illos, the nearest Lectere at the Gatun Silver return a.
never notified never of referring to the theme Colon device was used tag vingers pertretly on Sunday, Jale, 46 pm. all. The waves decided to call the attention PEATH ROOM DRAMA me my indebt Member, ste edness to the lodge.
to attend, of the party to the fact that it wa not CoMBS actio, up to the time this present, Pire. Il Society, past and honest and innernt wind cery or state that intentions, to the great downfall and Als.
railway trip. Thin third series will be little excitement, lodge expelled me, it had was in Colon for few days and ruin of the said society The courts of no wa dow When Son Dies.
power over me, as bad to the specially went to 5th Street to see the the land were applied to for you to our med sivaa at Eule Student Hall bowever, did not help Doe Anderson Mother Fatal Fall From Win above cited law, ceased to be setivities of this institution which was after a leg fight for 19 months and two und Brandwag Bureats 30 reduced rate of one dollar per head for come member prior to the one wonderful as stated Men idays(2) appula gunst the judge Faas by the Inpossible did not really end when the party Ideath of her twenty year old pm s0. th the ma rok. Bat the pleasures of the Overcome at the moment of the expulsion. The onicome of this the best per inserire non potencial Salties of the sea public rendirmed 1:00 a bearing struggling shop. of lostned and Chief ance and treachery is based on vindictiveness ignor: There is when some writer Wanted to deceived judgement Cum, and hear and watch for left beau ciful Tabora.
We were in tim. son, Mrs. Elizabeth Bustock, of the other (2) judges. Such its tu. fiimuat neat at brad, to share, from from the so, the Fourth of Atty three, of Spalding road, great lack of fairplay and the public of the doings of the said maaboarted ma thy July Celebration at Balbon, thanks to Nottingham. collapsed and lan Straight forwardness; and one cooieny, that the truth payo. You can believed that might is right. but might who has a livit conscience, fol the people some time, but not all this selfsho. and cannot at all time and away from his wiated sono and doeth that those minner er stor bem o crackers. The through the window of the wedwhich is lawful and right, he shall save sure and allowed his Panamanian part Falling on the pavement, she operator believed in slow and room.
goes to the wall. respectfully time. Through envy, hatred and malice, stupid litigations have ruined call upon the general public. with converted desire for power and society. Nensible members have left bis soul alive, Der to make dock 18 about ten minutes fractured her skull. and was Ism, more a belief in knowledge which was not pos they are now asked to return. Are they fraternal organizations, abead of him, All landed safely, after removed to hospial in a critical especially Mechanicals Frater. newed and never will, for the vision Kaloop? When the wioked man turnoth EDGAR MOCARTHY having a fine time and without the pro condition, and died later.
course on USAIAN.
how, Dear Mon and receive to homel ruled Just.
which to win presented his and received a pretty Pana to Dital camp arrears, and was in under the crnable DOW Aftet biblically Saat: me.
41b. That and ber. chiags.
trip did the. th. cearned the


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