
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1922 Interasting West Indian Mows (Continued from page 3)
wa residents in the neighbourhood of King and Charlotte Street rushed out of their houses to find the policeman on Seatry duty as fearful of results as they were. La Burda nearly all the residents were awakened and some of them renained on the watch until day break.
No damage to persons or pro.
perty falls to be recordad EXPERIENCE IN BERBICE There were two shocks of You can match Chesearthquake at about three o clock terfield quality in any on Tuesday morning. The first other Turkish Blend cigaone, whose und alatory motion was from north to south, lasted rette selling at the price, about a minute After a pause And remember of about half a miuute there was another shock or thump, lasting about two seconds or there.
abouts. The seismic movement heralded by a slight rumbling and acco. npanied by a drizzling rain YOUNG MAN CONFUSION An arousing incident is told of a well known young man He was awake with his litila family and as the house began to sway and the rafters to crack he CIGARETTES invited his family to join him in of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended prayer, so great was his fear, however, that all be could remember wasHow doth the busy little bee Improve each morning hour.
INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehice for administering Icdides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowel Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best FOR SALE BX ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
Satisfy They was WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Chesterfield Book Binding!
Sud Riot In Demerar a Prison.
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Exchange of Shots.
Book Binding Department SAVES LIE EWELRY BARGAINS Es launch acting County Remember SOAP is more than soap. it germicide and when the fectant men led attacked HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH where letter Important to Lodges.
Says the merara Argosy of Link up with LIFEBUOY the 24th instant. The prisoners All notices for publication Ad. Willie Doares, Seales, Johnny for Health Sake. vertising dates of meeting nights Watts. Hunte, Edwards, CENTRAL AVENUE are charged for at the rate 00 Alleyne. Leonard Gaskin. Allirer month payable in advance.
cock. Gilbert Amman, and Martin, alias Publications potifying suspen Made theirds Martin Luther who and No. G Street sion or expulsion of members made their escape after creating at the Penal Settle are charged for per inch of dist ment on Wednesday last are now Space taken safely lodged at the Georgetown Lodges and other local Friend Prison with the exception of Alli Societies are hereby requested cock who returned to the Settle ing near Banasica creek whence think that the price asked for they Bel Air Park is higher than to be governed accordingly. ment on Friday, THE CABLE CUT should be paid and would also The MANAGEMENT It is stated that the cause of the trouble was due to dissatis occurred it was discovered that rental than if possible should Soon after the disturbance ponderence of houses of a lower recommend that a great presupplied the men who worked at Bartica had been cut, but news be built Camaria Doanes the notorious The price set up upon his procharacter seemed to have been launch used at the Prison ous was conveyed to Bartica by the the instigator of the troable in forwarded to Georgetown. The and perty by Mr. Caonon is 65, 000, which the other ten prisoners took part and which tended took back to the Settleexcite greatly the remaining unent Mr. King. Magis Attorney General to Reat Bartica, sume Office YOUTH and happiness are linked prisoners at the Settlement al trate at though they did not join in the Inspector Matthey and three policeinen, and order was even Dr. Nanan Attorneydisturbance.
Lifebuoy for health and for the tually restored at the Settlement General of Demerara, is expect children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proIt appears that a gang which the prisoners will probably be ed to resume duty on the 1st.
LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; included the prisoners in ques. charged at the June session of September, relieving the don tion was at work on the provi. the Supreme Court it protects the children from the Hector Josephs, Ko. who was is a reputable We are hoping that some oc sion fart of the Settlement seconded from Jamaica to act in dangers of contagious diseases.
asure disin his absence. It is understood Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects casion will bring you to our Everything went well until the breakfast hour came Sewerage System. that Mr. Josephs contemplates as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where store shortly. And when you men had to be taken back to the Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap going to Eagland on leave before The do come be assured that it will prison.
will saleguard the children. keep them At the last meeting led by Danes of the resuming duty as Assistant to healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them be a pleasure for us to serve they looted a large the Canteen from which om which Georgetown Town Council it the Attorney General of Jamaica using it before school, after play, before meals.
number was decided to instal a sewerage the you, and that our pleasure in articles then proceeded down USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE serving you will make your visit waterside towards the stelling theme and rebuild the roads of IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
city at a Grenada to our store even more enjoy. Emanuels whom they severely dressed Warder The Corparation has since adthey met able for yourself.
trounced while Dnes took from ment requesting the introduc George Grenada, is organising to the Govern The Turt Committee at St. FULLER him a revolver which he had in tion of the necessary legislation a Windward Island Race meet his possession. The police baye to enable them to raise a loan ing to take place at St. George MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER recovered the weapon.
for carrying out the works, in August. St. Vincent has 122 CENTRAL AVENUE SHOTS EXCHANGED.
already been oficially requested By this time Mr. Pork who is Lateroolonial Tournament to take part and has agreed to in charge of the Sett was apprised of the matter, he rushed down the bill to see what At Committee meeting of happening when Doanes it is said the Georgetown Cricket Club Calidonia Bible Truth discharged a shot at him. Mr. held in the Club Church, Pook chasedDoabes with a week, the first definition last step Doanes it is said came upon Mr. iatercolonial tournament The expected rally at the Calidonis Viureher der and fired acting Chiet War: made by the appointment of Mr Chu ch came off on the 19th. The a shot at him buto Hunter as captain of meeting began at pm. The evening did not strike bin. rara XT, in September. The cool und pleasant, the church being Veurcher had in his session, a committee also entrusted to Mr. located at sub a healthy spt rifle which he discharged Hunter the selection of the fresh air is plenty. Many friends and Doanes. These prisoners bolted players to practice for the tour well wishers were present to assist into the thick woods where they nament. This it is understood this this great rally with the ex sectation hid themselves. The other will be done during the week, competing with the rally at San Miguel hade DESPATCH uch after which the clubs will be the previous weel week An soners had become ver An enjoyable excited and attention ha communicated with as to the programme was drawn up, directed in getting them the names of the members selected. sɔlos, dueto, recitations and addresses, Prison. When this was acem Among the soloists were the Misses plished the chase of the escaped Wileon, Lynch, Pilgrim, Mrs. Brown, prisoners was continued but Sale of sel Air Park Race Harris, and Roberts. Too much can not Seales, Watts and Edwards who be said of the solos of Mrs. Roberts and Track.
has once before escaped from Miss as they excelled in such a the Settlement showed the way on so that an encore was asked for, to the others and therefore In connection with Mr. Nelson but the ngthy, the trace of them could be found. Cannon proposal to sell Bel Air chsirman asked that the other items be night Bennett lost his Park Race Course to the Deme taken instead. The addresses of Bros Good Assortment way and on the following morn rara Authorities with a view of Elwards, Richards, Patterson and ing be e got a woman to row him extending the city of George were inspiring. The rally was to Bartica where he surrendered tow town for housing accommoda tooked forward to by all the the following resolution was especially as they had something TO SELECT FROM AT THE day he was taken back to to the police. On the following tioimously adopted at a recent their sleeves for San guel and yointed Settlement by Dr. Ewing Chow, public meeting in that city to abow them that they were a strong the Sprgeon at at the Settlement. That this meeting of citizens of a themselves financially. Thoce repreThe other prisoners went to Mr. Georgetown in meeting as senting the apostles gave short addresses Matthew quarry at Wolga sembled, hereby beg to ex. about the apostles they were represent where they stole two boats and press our approval of a housing ing and made their addressee short and continued on their journey, land. scheme in Georgetown, but pointed, LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND.
do so.
wa wa JOB PRINTING was Dem. where of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND at in of consistior of Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Wilson as being no program During the Prancis members up WORKMAN PRINTERY


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