
THE WORRMAN SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922 PAGE TERRE International Banking Corporation. a relief at It really pays ho of this ITALY ago, a CHINA ENGLAND INDIA BRAZIL PHILLIPINES CHILE of Breat standing Owing with bis Commercial Evening School of mercy, having quantiof the Trinidad proper shares West Indian News. WILKINSON (Continued From Page Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 1, 000, 000 CONTRACTOR BUILDER mother Lewis and the two sur First Class Workmanship viving children are showing Plans and Specifications Fr.
signs of improvement in their condition and the there are good 5th Street Was House bopes of saving their lives. O, Box 41, Panama, TRINIDAD Head Office: 60 WALL STRET, New YORK CITY Oumed by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK tion of any limb has as yet been thought necessary. Hopes are Furt 1er Detalls of Death that the bones will set all right.
We are quite sure that the of Young Pollard, good news of whatever kind, Depository of the PANAMA CANAL which adds to the bopes of In a very recept issue of this thousands of persons in Grenada paper we published a sparse whose thoughts surround the report the death in England bedside of Mr. Wells, will come of Mr. Scipio Pollard. In this Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of AB this time.
issue we are able to give a fuller be detail of the untimely death good, kiod.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in sincere, and to be a man in the roning Trinidadian. Oa SPAIN FRANCE BELGIUM best sense of the word. On May 20th, a few days.
Saturday after the accident to tel Bruw was received in Trini JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. shadow dad announcing the death in ARGENTINE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO over people of all classes in the London of Mr Dannis Scipio community. It being market Pollard, second son of the late URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA day the of St. David Scipio Pollard. In 1914 Mr.
in the Pollard. baritone, went to Square were deeply Marked, and some of From London where he took up the them, who rushed to the scene study of vocal music, and on his Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World wept bitterly.
return to Trinidad in 1916 he One heard the women crying gave evidence of much training and skill. In 1920 he proceeded to thele distress, when they to New York and entered the imagined the worst possibility: studio of Senor Edward Ma ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE St David is no more. He was an Italian composer so good to us during the storm.
Who is to 11l health going to stand up for us he returned to the West Indies INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM again!
about a year afterwards. ActAdded to the great medical 12 care and skilful nursing, wbich ing on medical advice be left Mr. Bain Wells is sure to get Trinidad, in company at the Colony Hospital is the sister, on the 13th of April last for London with the object of the Caroni Reclamation Scheme December 31st, 1921 which says: whispered and unwhispered entering St. Bartholomew Hogwas subscribed in fourteen days No fixing of prices for the prayers of a people regardless pitalwith the sad result as The STEWART the whole amonnt having been London market took place dur of colour, class or creed, for his Cabled, received by May 23rd. The pro ing the year as that market recovery.
gress of the work of reclamation still continued in a state of That he is alive today, after the The Naparima Oilfields.
has been excellent, and in the stagnation, owing to economical terrible accident, we have to near future the Colony, will be con be conditions The price fixed for point to Providence in a mircale rid of a pestilential swamp Canada did not result in any (From which has been the breed material business being done in The directors of the Naparima ground of mosquitoes and a consequence of shippers from a Town Hall And Public Oilfields of Trioidid have entered side back to anti malarial work neighbouring island into a provisional agreement with ACLASSES IN in the county of St. George, The purchased large quantities durTheatre: the Whitehall Petroleum Cor scheme when completed willing the time prices was inflated; poration. who associat render a large area within easy their effort to sell these gentleman has told us that ed with Messrs. pl. Pearson Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. reach of the town available for limited on the rised telt inte helt it is the intention of the Gover market th Son, Ltd.)com Lar: Woereos pany wil be formed in England ofering St. Vincent arrowroot nor, even one day before his deor Trinidad, with a nominal at a price far below cost of pro demolish the building now used Fof prot parture from the Colouy, to capital of 450 000, which will DEMERARA duction. Shipments during 1919 as the Government Garage. He take over 51 16th STREET WEST 1920 and 1921 ties (16, 000 acres) as from April were 11, 112, our informaat. could not swear 12. 702 and 10021 barrels respec in the matter of the Fish House, 1st last, 200, 000 of its Rent Restriction in Brit. tively. No advertising was at Much as we have been opposed being allotted as fully paid to PANAMA CITY ish Gulana.
tempted during the year.
the Naparina Company as pur proposal to amalgamate the bave got so far now that we to the Esplanade scheme, things chase consideration, and 50, 000 In moving the adoption of the Growers and Agricultural and should make the best of a stera Association with the St. Vincent thousand share being subReport of the Baby Saving Commercial Society was dropp Garage Building and the Fish circumstance. The Government scribed for it at par by the Whitehall Corporation (who will League at its annual meeting on ed on the formation of a local House, as they stand, and for the May 15th, the Governor pre. Chamber of Agriculture and uses to which they are put, do thus obtain the control of the siding, the Bishop of Guiana said new company. to provide work and Commerce.
that whilst the It the corporation Government capital not go very well with the Escontributed something Jike planade idea. The suggestion will work, donations 7, 600 to the be has been thrown out, by GRENADA an receive 100, 000 fully paid shares received only amounted to 202.
esteemed residentin St. George both to the of the In some ways the Report was a of new company as editor Toe sion will also have the very sad one particularly when It was Judge Raps they considered that there was Federalist and to ourselves. to Jury. until March 31st, 1926) of sub hardly any improvement in the that we can do better than break an additional 50, 000 shares in the new company at THIS 600 TONS STEAMER infantile mortality, the rate of ing dowa the Garage Building, We gather from our St. Vin. It has been suggested to us which WOL was 197 per thousand in par, and a further option of buy in 1921 it was 195. recherche etered that an dich ar with little cost, the building can ing whilst in at par from the Naparima Company 50. 000 of the 19; Richards secured verdict of ba improved and turned into a 200. 000 is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
Report was seconded carried The on a fully paid shares to be allotted Rent Restriction cable which charge of falsifying the book of Town Hall and Public Theatre.
beam. She has two decks. tween which as the purchase consideration bich the Agricultural Credit Society will cut a dash at when properly ligated up aim at protecting tenants by with intent to defraud. After When the scheme, which has the sea been approved by sharebolders decks ft. high.
Bailies at stand med treat (obic being considerable efort by the prose seatie bose in the winter visible to taken at the rent at which the cation and defence the jury The band from the root garden harbour.
controlling approximately 125, 000 house or land was let reta shares, is carried out, the Napa rima Company will become a Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric on the 1st January, 1819. and returned unanimous verdict of of the Town Hall, he says, should. The holding company.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
only allowing certain defined who summed up strongly againse plody dlhere, and shelin a popularise increase thereto, was assented erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed of April. It is expected to give the result, and in discharging The he sea, we think, is to by the Governor on the 29th the prisoner, appeared suprised Bed digalbiy promenading on the the Town Hall or Trinidad: Victoria Insti water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. the tute to be Rebuilt.
be idea. We must Buy her for our Service resented by many of the land be more careful in the future as the premises of the Fish House ba so fortunate should be made to serve some It is good news to learn that appear inclined to take unfair One of the newspapers of st. not press this suggestion.
lords, whilst some of the tenants be might not again to meet with such jury. Other good purpose, but we do the Board of Management of the advantage of it.
Royal Victoria Institute bave. WE NEED 60, 000MORE the Times, has criticised decided to commence rebuilding what it calls the Judge uncalled that valuable institution. The New Surgeon. General. and quoted Mr MONEY attitude of the Govern ANTIGUA present Vincent Pryor, an Englishman and late Attorney General of St.
ment, says the Trinidad Guardian, is that there can be no contribu You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Daily Argosy. said Court tion this year, but it some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound that the Secretary of State bad that juries in St. Vincent were no Death of a Well than Jikely that a grant in aid as, oven better than will be included in the estimates each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound Kelly, the Registrar of the juries in England. The Times Known Citizen.
each and become part owner.
At present the Board Ceylon Medical College, to be feels that Mr. Thomas has of have in hand a sum of 4, 000 surgeon General British wounded the feelings of the DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW Guiana in the place of Dr. Con jurors without suficient cause. announces the death of William Latest advice from Antigua which was received as insurance yers who has resigned on the few days later, in replying to an Smith, familie and well money, for starting operations.
ground of ill health.
Mr. Byron Cox who wished him Write to the pleasant holiday the Judge politan life of St. Johns al respected figure in the MetroDock Near Completion was going on leave Mr.
his West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd. ST. VINCENT that it he failed home No. 66 North Street, on The work on the Government 37, ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, satisfy all parties from his posi May 19th, at the age of 79 years, JAMAICA tion on the Bench, whatever in Sea View Farm in the year 1843, Born on his father estate at docks recommended by Mr.
jured feelings he has Staples, at the end of last year, St. Vincent Arrowroot. bave been without evil motive. he expressed an early desire is almost completed, and it is The Times thinks that this was for acquiring a trade and tailorexpected by the Owing to the present state of said in a way, which must atone accordingly apprenticed to ihe being his choice he was et prene year te will be possible Musical Art Associ atlon Notice to Correspondents the arrowroot, market the plan for the wounded feelings of the to use at its and Contributors. ters in have mentioned.
then recognized best tailor in city. As the result of the report splendid opportunity otx Committee of the Legislative Sight Singing. Voice Production for ed cultivation. Some shippers the city of St. Jobns, and adhas as many as three years crops vancing rapidly soon became Council the Dock Administra lying either in the island or in Son Of The People.
Pronounciation for Singers and partner in his tutor business, has now been into Piano. has been and with the death of the latter the hublic Works Department formulated to made plano verybody desires that all communications for the comedinte future cobala sorgon och inte Clothing Boude the bead of the dodrishing The management of this paper London unsold and the outlook is in no On enquiry of Resident a few years blmselt under the immediate aupervision of the Director of that depart a musical knowledge at a very it hand written must be clear mintee of Mahagement bethest that the condition of Mr. Bain city of Shlokas eta predvsemely enabling all interested to acquire for publication be typewritten or way encouraging.
sion is reaches. by the Com yesterday, we were informed tailoring, establishment in the small cost For further information apply and legible to facilitate publica Vincent Arrow root Growers Wells has shown signs of some ase Though very prosperous 10. This notice is occasioned and Exporters Associatton, of improvement and that he is la his business he always cher.
Caroni To Be Reclaimed to D, LEACOCK; av seteral letters and other con succeeded the Hon. Elloit bis case is being watched which Mr. Egerton Ellis has cheerful, We understand that ished a desire to attain to the General Director; hand written not legible and Sprot as Secretary, very acme of perfection in his line The 200, 000 required by the high and with the help of his father in their closely and that there are o. Box 946, Ancon, OZ, which often delay publication.
Government to meet the cost of report for the year ended hopes for the best: No amputa. Continued On Page 7)
u shares, it entitled to commisoption us scribing for an us that Thy a welling Vincent: for remarks, and it is more for 1923 Thomas said caused tion at ment.


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