
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22 1922, Lawlessness Must Not Govern.
THE WORKMAN YOUNG WOMEN: Three ing order, CARTRS Be CARTERTO Tak Enneer TRACE NKS. PASTES MUCILAGES Always in stock at must of that it will were compelled on at an that מי are practically The HOME STUDY COURSES of During the past week, the Rates for Advertisement on applica strike of the miners and rall Published on Saturdays by the Womans Institute, InterALROND, tho otice Central Avetlon. Correspondence on all matters road men in the United States one and corner of Streal, Panama, of public interest invited.
national Correspondence Schools of America, has demonstrated do All copy for publication must be that the elements of lawlessness DRESSMAKING Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and and disorder bave threatened to RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX mun de nocompanied by the name of destroy the social and economic MILLINERY Obe Year. 40 S. Oy. the writer, not necessarily for publicat undation on which the pros.
CARTERS Six Months 20 Hon but as mark of good faith. perity and success of that coun COOKING 600. we do not undertake to returrry depends It has been reported are the that Eugene Debs is at it again, Best in the World 250.
Ono erejected orrespondence.
and that a new labor party has been formed and that all the The Laborty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS preliminary measures for the 125, 000 Women Students Already.
coming election, having in SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922.
CATALOGS FREE view the return bis new party to power, have been Address: Ancon, arranged and machinery SHOULD THE IGNORANT BE LET 10 bring about the anticipated success bas been placed in workALONE?
CICO Labour without a shadow of doubt is entitled to better con siderations than is at present conceded by the capitalista in In these days of modern science and pshycological their EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE or wealth, and any quert discoveries when magazine articles and catchy newspaper dem: nd reasonable made should comments show marked inflations of charitable tendencies, meet the support of 411 05e HEMSTITCHING when humane societies, Rotary Clubs and protective Simonious and eweating systems who are from par agencies energize themselves in matters of public interest, DRESSMAKING and when governmental executive bodies make effective in operation in various parts of the world. But there is. time pronouncements regarding undesirables and extremists of when labour may protume to HAND EMBROIDERY Carles every sort, it seems a natural question to ask, what is to become dictatorial, and in its be done with the ignorant classes of people who are found may leave out of its considerademand CRIMPING in large numbers in every community.
This is a significant question, and challenges the at world, who not belong as well tion, in parts of the BENEDETTI HERMANOS tention and thought of the leading characters everywhere. provided for as those who are Central Ave 3rd. St.
demand, Experience and painstaking care It is forcing itself into prominence as a subject of first making the PANAMA ensure perfection of our handiwork importance and must soon be decided one way or another. undoubtedly sutter th roagh the The economic, political and industrial tone of communities high cost of production in all commercial activities rises or falls according to the proportion of ignorance which they are the consumers. The Woman Exchange existent, and because practical metböds are being applied The European War disturbed in every department of public concern the question as pro and dislocated the machinery DRESSMAKERS PRODUCTS povrded finds its place in the forefront of public dis of production to such an extent it will take many yeats to No. Tivoli Road, Panama cussions, return to pre war conditions. In Notice.
Swindles, bubbles, and high banded trickeries have some parts of the world the ANN THOMAS, Proprietress reaped and are still reaping rollicking harvests in the labouring people, were unfortu The St. Antbory IU vast fields of ignorance among the unthinking masses who bately not given the benefit of No has changed its meeting are either too inapt to investigale or are too indifferent to prosperity which came to the series of Bible Lectures at manufacturing countries during CHURCH SERVICE place from No. 45 Calidonia their own interests to inquire into the real values and the war. but it is a well known to No. Carlos Icaz, Street San Chorillo Lodge Hall.
merits of dazzling schemes which are nothing more than fact that they Miguel this city. American Episcopal Church)
sand castles and cleverly constructed pitfalls concealed by to pay for the increase ocst of St. Paul Church, Panama, The St. Anthony No veneers of sweet mouthed promises and tempting proposals. production and distribution in all will hold general reting nm, Holy Communion, Sunday 23 diast, at Much of the distress and poverty among the ignorant they consumed; and up to the Mr. GL Harry will deliver 10. Matino No. Carlos to subject the Oathbonnd Coveclasses has been occasioned by ill designed and crooked present time. these conditions the third of the series of lectures Icaz3 St, San continue in some countries 10:30 a. m, Holy Eucharist and wor Miguel. All members are re.
schemes under the guise of sound business ventures, and such extent, the cant at the Chorillo Lodge Hall, quested to attend.
not infrequently allowed to operate with charters procured working men have been im. Sunday 28d at 7:30 The Holy Baptism, by unscrupulous means from places of easy accessibility; poverished to suchan alarm. lecture is free p Sunday School.
manner that they As announced the Internatio 30 pm. Even og and sermon.
Guiding Star Lodge Inand while more intelligent and well informed people are on the verge of nal Bible Students Association able to apply the test of mature discernment and see, starvation. The spirit of Bolshe will continue to conduct these NIGHTENGALE Vioar stalls Officers through the spangling tinsels and attractive veils of fasci viem seem to have struck the lectures as long 18 the interest St. Alban s, Paraiso.
paving intrigues, the ugly creations of crooked minds, the United States with a mighty of the people does not wane. Os 10 sm. Holy Baptism Oa Monday July 10 the ignorant masses with characteristic gullibility surrender force, and unless the present Sunday the 16:h, there officers and membrs of Guiding Person 11 am, Eucharist and Sermon Star Lodge N2322. Order of the meelves preys to the incustrial vultures ihat are so Administration strong measures, then the civil large audience, each came beni on kuowing where the pm Holy Confirmation Druid installed their prevalent in all busy centres.
that threat dead are. 30 m. Evensong and addrese.
officers to serve for the July It is the ignorant who suffer always from the sharpened with social disorder, and it Tomorrow, Comfirmation Service will The speaker Mr. Boyce be beld at St. Alban Church. Paraiso, December term. 1922, practice of refined crooke, The psychology of ignorance will be impossible to stem the an internal is fully known to low schemers who generally confine their tide and Coal Zine, Commencing at pm of an upheaval There was a large and The gave the answer straight repre Government and NIGACENGALE Priest in char.
It is face to face with plain from the scriptures, aentative gathering et visitors operations to the unfortunate and incapable in matters of serious crisis, and as to how ofteredo Giove dollar bill toy St. Peter Church La Boch.
from sister Lodges. The instalistion ceremonies were performbusiness. Schemers can always find respectable parties to the Washington administration one who could there, or any time ed by Sister Fletcher, PNG help them out in their ugly deals, and those form a cabi will find a way of escape out of sbow from the Bible such ex Litany and Hɔly Communion, 11 s, m, and M assisted by Bro. net of crooks who with silver tongued eloquence and this seething mass of enraged pressions as immortal soul. He Sunday School and Cofirmation Chat contends that such erroneous Roberts PDGM and overpowering personality capture the purses of the masses discontent without a resort to Eventong and sermon. 30 Quarless PNG of Perseveof people whose heads are only useful as bat racks and arms, is a very important prob idons are not sustained by the lem.
the scriptures, and are therefore MULCARE. Rootor.
verance Lodge No 2292. The anatomical ballast.
following forms the administraWhile it to right that some of the responsible for the superstitioa Over every thing that might be said on the subject in thing must be done to place the called dead respect to the St. Barnabas Church, Empiro tion: Morsing Prayer and address, 11 am.
discusrion it cught to stand ci prominently as an incon laboring people in a better con: Mr. Boyce showed to spirits living around Tappin G A;I Barker y GA; John cretary; Ander pm. Sunday Sobool trovertible observation that ignor: 23. cannot exist in any dition economically, it cannot be ton that man is a mortal soul, Evening Prayer and addrou, son Treas; Gritlith Cond actor; community without stamping its ie impress upon indus accepted that lawlessness is the and when a soul is dead, a soul MULCARE, Prioet in charge. Jacobsi Pilgrim, Johnson best method. this is the attaining St. Bartholomew Church, Smith, Bards to the NG V A; Scott Asst. Secty; question must naturally engage the attention of alirubinke post satisfactory resulter the dead and not living anywhere.
Russian revolution, Hoagul terenye spirit apparitione knowho Las Cascadas jumby and duppy. are decepMcWilliams G; Gordon G ing people who sbould try to wipe out the scourge. ed progress io civilization which tions framed by living fallen 11 m, Morning prayer and address Barclay PNG A, Barrett Ignorance is a disease, and should be treated as such. they have been unable to demons to perpetuate the old life 30 Sunday School.
Erening Prayer and address 30 At the close of the installation Very correctly, no small amount of attention is being replace, and so much to the suf of Satan Thou shalt not surely T, Muloare, Priest in charge the bre hren repaired to the made to the matier of sanitation and health. Public fering of Russia, that she cannot die. Reverting to the favo her former lecturee, free literature and official vigilance are the means without the aid of the other put it in a good bank, he will be prosperity dollar bill, if Mr. Boyce would Bible Truth Churches.
banqueting ball and bad the Inner man refreshed. the British by wbich public health officers are trying to combat physi nations. It le well known, that rich by the end of the Millenial San Miguel National Anthem broug.
cal diseases; departments of nublic safety are devising Hitat vonsciousness of the other celat interest compounded semt 10 an. Chi deen Service not for the humanita. reign of Christ. Figure per 5:30 am. Morning Prayer pleasant evening to a close.
every conceivable means and takin every possible precau: parts of the world, the suffer annually for 1000 years; for who tion for the protection of buman line and personal proper ings and starvation in that coun can win the money?
11 am, Preaching Announcement. 30 m. Sunday School ty, Social Service workers and moral reformers are try would have been infinite 30 Gospel Service laboring strenuously for the suppression of vice and crime The prelet arlat cannot govA cordial invitation is extende. Caildonla and for the establishment of sound moral standards, while orr In a mar ner to bring about Notice.
to all members in Colon and humane societies are seeing into the protection of dumb success and prosperity. Duino 6, 80 Morning Prayer Cristobal of the Ancient Herme 10. Children Service tlc Order. The Brotherhood of animals; but at the same time what is being done to belp cracy concedes the right to the masses out of the slougb cf worance in which they governed, but it cannot be con the whereabouts of Joseph. 20 Sunday Sehool Light; also to seekers of people to say how they should be We are requested to state that 11 am. Preaching Service Truth and spiritual ad die buried?
caded that each and every per Douglas is wanted at the Exe 30 Gospel Servion thoughts, in attending a. al The policy of lassiez aire cannot be successfully soa in the nation are competent cutive Once, Balboa Heights Barelay Pastor in charge, meeting to be held on Saturday adop ed in connection wito the predominating ignorance to administer the functions of Canal Zone, where there is a Seventh Day Adventist Churchevening w: 7:30 pm July 29th 1922, at Victory Hall, 165 Hudson among the lower elements of human society. An ignorant government. Ignorance requis letter awaiting him from bia blon all it Wante. It intimidates father Richard Douglas.
Lane man cannot but act igno ntly e y if he thinks that he those who condemn its method Babbath (Saturday) 45 cm. Sab soncern with many tbluks (tb Martha (the majority)
is not ignorant and tries to a mannerisms and pro and create such an unrest that ba Beisool; 11 16 a. m, General Worabis material) bat Mary (the few) has peasities of the man of an edu. anu enlightened mind. All the people become Imporer and orderben dort al come to the 30 Spanish Claw: 4:20p. mchosen the better Ignorance is a powerful Luisce, a ne hendi ished fanatics.
Clvillzation is rescue or the conditions in the Young People Meeting; 30 spiritua)
then, let us be part. the cap and an embarrassing status.
like tht atened, and the lovers of law Volt States will be appalling. vesporo.
Sunday evening at a Reading Mary, nationality an ir dividual might happen to ce, vidual is ignorant, life is bound to be awfully hard and Here in Panama evidences of eternal ignorance are old. 30 m, Preaching Service.
Clau All are weloome both young and Baptist Church tremendously unpleasant.
met with at every turn and with each tick of the clock.
Calon 11 am. Deacon Spenocr Wesleyan Methodist great fight must be made all over the world to put it is listing men and women in the catagory of apes, it is 7;15 Mro, Thrift.
Pansma, 11 a. m, Supplied Chorrillo 11 am, and 7:15 Pastor Thrift down ignorance. If people are interested in exterminat robbing the gullible of their earnings and time, it is en7. 30. JK. Besham D. ta Special Anniversary Service ing the White Slave Trade, if they are solicitous about slaving thousands in free countries, it is reducing its Colon 11 Mt Waltera. Corossl Rond 11 am, and 7; 15 Pastor public safety, if they are serious in their efforts to sweep victims to poverty and distress and it is hampering society. 29. Mr, Llewelyn Kerr society clean of its many evils and if they undertake to in its every phase. Ignorance is criminal in civilized coun in Bea 11. Mr Louis Lindo Empire u sm. and 7;15 Mr, A, Brons defend the brute creation, why should they not also seek tries and the leaders of thought and progress will always Mr. Alfred Harris Pueblo Nuevo il sm. Desca Smith to help human beings out of the state of ignorance and be responsible for the plight of their more unfortunate New Providence 11 o. Me. Laynes 7, 30 Mr Galtimore. Rev. New Providence Des son Broom, teach them how to combat the forces of life against which brethren if they stand still in the presence of the ignorance Cativa Descon Foster thumanity in common must struggle everywhere.
which prevails Empire 11. Rov. Surgeon. Now Gatun Thunday 7:30 Pastor Thrift WAS of continent any pem.
a people in SO Hostess if werd Oseola Of LovendiWitt Brabam

    ExtremistRussian RevolutionWorkers Party

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