
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922, PAGE FIVJ Atlantic Side News was spent o in MORAL Pacific read the Report be ers must read.
went bieht solos QUALITY COUNTS MOST not be served meeting Me Mr.
QUALITY saw the light of day Provident to any few words, made the LB.
It is create that members of the in the MAGNUMS in Panama tivities.
Wanderers Defeat of music turned up and swelled the orchestra, while Panama was Canal Zone Notes paper in which a Literary Society can be good to both ed Brittannic about to rally, and rendered fine melody, after which they retired bers the community and the race SHE SACRIFICED GATUN At the meeting bold on the 18th inst, and thus an enjoyable evening extensive plans were laid to further the Ina Well Contested Game One Sundy Disposition Dance at Clubhouse.
ne ivities of the the society.
One Sound Constitution Replying to a request from the ChrioANNIVERSARY Colon, Rep, One Clear Complexion tion Rodeavour Literary Society of the Oa saturday night lost the Panama Baptist Church the President Clubhouse was beautifully deco selected Committee to arrange for July 17, 1922 On Sunday evening the first And the Sparkle of a pair of Eyes rated for a surprise ball which program to be delivered before that To The Editor Of The Workman Anniversary of the Victory Hall was quite a succ89. The guests society on August 23rd.
Dear Sir. One of the finest UNI. was held. Rationally Cooking on an ancient coal and expressed themselves highly Medals for Winners of Singing and most keeply contested game speaking it was the first of the satisfied in the manner they of Cricket yet seen on Atlan real kind ever beld in Colon. The wood stove in the tropics enjoyed well spent evening.
tic Side, was played at Mount meeting was opened by the PresiA Committee appointed to arrange which Home Whico for suitable tedals for winner of the Children Entertainment Binging Contest which July between the Britannic the Chaplain did the necessay was held Champion team of the formal rites, while the Chairman Postponed.
May, bave reported that side, and Wanderers of the Trustee Board the medals bave been orderC. the champion team of the financial of the year Atlantic Side. It is a game that work ending June Dont permit any woman you care The entertainment which was ed from the States. The delay in will live in the memory of those report was so well got up read for to cook for your family on to have been given on behalf of sitting these medal wa due to the fact who saw it, the large crowd that and handled, that it displayed the Seventh Day Adventist that the committee was unable to get School children was postponed that carried appropriate medale and in touch with any firms in the States anything but rappresent was thrilled with the contente de intelligence on the part display of both The children, parents and friends therefore the designs both teamsThe best St. Rose, Chairman of all team have won and the Wander Trustee Board as well as on MODERN GAS STOVE and suitable were very much disappointad must be congratulated for the Officers, that dissatisfaction when they were informed that nedale had to be moured bel ono the entertainment was post medals are due order ould be placed. The their wonderful achievement, found no way for any discussion poned.
here couple One not judge the game letter from the Parent Body of weeks and acknowledging from the small score that was was special program PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY will be arranged for the purpose of put up by Hall Recognition, and PANAMA OFFICE. the victors, for it took Victoring certain mean acts of AT COLON OFFICE: Champlon Whist Playsrs. prosenting them to the winnera, them two hours to make; so dead Elocution Contest, ly was the Britannic Bowling publication levelled against it by Cathedral Plaza YOUR Iding certain Samballats and Tobiases 93 Bolivar St.
and so keen was their The date of the Elocution Contest Mr. Spooner and his Whist Tol. 798 Barnett was the only batsman in the Negro World SERVICE TeL 364 Party came over to this city on which was announoed to be Augnet 12th that could withstand the Britan Many speakers addressed the Saturday night last, and in has been advanced to August 28 :h. It 11 nic attack. be in first and meeting among whom were championsbip match with Mr, expected that some of the best elocuCarried his bat for a well played Messrs Ricketts, Second Springer Club, a very inter cutionist on the Lothmust will be com twenty Graham the skipper of Vice President, Bro. Fruce, esting competition was played peting on this occasion. Several ap.
the Britannic won the toss and Johnson. Teacher) Mr. Kerr and off. At the end of the game rom Red Tank Clubhoum and Indios plications has already been received the Gatun Barnett the Wanderers first pair programme should not be over sent in his opponents. Wint and others. The musical part of the pions were the winners having tions are that double that number will a majority of three points.
be ejming across from Cristobal.
faced the bowling of Knignt and looked It suffices to say that the Blackman, the second ball Knight of Kneely Visits Society.
Mrs. Applewhite which delivered Wint drove it into his carried the bali by storm was B, Neely, Secretary Cristabil hands, Thomas filled the vacancy such that an encore Holy Baptism of Infants Clubhouse and member of the Literary was and made off the next ball and sbould be for called When speaking in terms of Cigarettes Society of that place ww vis lors over. In Barnett played out the over. Refreshments were On Sunday last, there were last Tuesdays night Blackman first six infants presented for Holy Roely, being first delivery Thomas during the proceedings more man of exe ptional was sent back. Aubrey followed than once. This meeting came to Baptism at Colon the various ability as a spzaker, the kind thit de and made one Barnett made a close at 12 30 ti protestant churches.
30 a. all went away All these pand the attention of his bearers and single, the sixth ball Aubrey was feeling quite satisfied and that an is of greatest importance children convince them, after being asked by the given out bathree, one The score enjoyable evening was spent, at Gatun. Quite an increase to the population here, wade three great impression on the members in an On it went like when Backless Boneless to realize that desired to make sp slal mention extemporaneous addres, the theme of the sixth wicket had fallen the the Impossible has turned out a We are placed in a position to give you of baby Linda MeNolin, the in which www exhortation to work for score was only 12 runs. The hope Reality, and therefore say will QUALITY, together with an attractive fant daughter of Mrs. Rankin he uplifting of the race, of the Wanderers supporters sank throw in my lot.
Her residence on the top of the As is customsty, lady below zero as batsman after batsprice in view of manufacturing bill was beautifully decorated and society will take charge and render a man came and quite a number of friends along program at the next meeting, this matwent without mak Ing any appreciable stand against Among the Private Schools with the Sponsors assembled in ing being the last ona nga:b, formidable opponents Educational the home, doing honour to the When the eight wicket had fallen parents who were immensely Girl Friendly society La the score was only 28. McDonald At the Inter Schools Examina happy over the memorable fosjoined Barnett and the score was tion recently held at the Colon taken to 35 before a separation Teachers Association Hall. 109 number of toast and con Thursday alturuonn Iss was was made. Welsh the last man Broadway, on Friday April 28th. Equal to any imported graulations were tendered, and used by in did not trouble the score and 1922, 89 pupils representing after an happy event refresh Society of St. Peter Church the Girls Friendly the Innings closed for the above schools participated in ments were served to the guests mentioned amount. Every one Cigarette Superior to most grades of IV, V, VI, and VII of Buca, in electing new odicers bringing 25 to a conclusion a most Balloting was followed in pleasant social gathering.
each thought that Britannic would of this number who sat for the On Monday night another func who was amount save that of the President, Wipe loss re elected tion was held in honour of th via voce of about wickets. But the Ena the Ena Harris, Hubert Brown of The following are the officers was determined that Immacun ined that Immaculate Conception School event. Songs, Recitations and elected for the ensuing year;SAVE THE CASH COUPONS their opponets must tall for less. com Cash Streets) took the other pastimes were indulged They know that there is Mrs. Mulcare President, is no team 4th. and 8th in, and places, while for the second time the 00 Goid Per Hundred Isthmus that can Miss Edna put them Sidney Johnson, of the said guests showered meed of Eoa Wood, Secretary, Vice Pres back for fielding, for Reid and praise on the hostess for the eid and school took sixth place in the 6th. Spencer are equal to any bowler Std. There are also other nj vyable evening to which they.
were entertained.
Lydia Holder, Organist.
that can be found on the the Isthmus of which the writer is 18 not At the close of the election to day. So they went out with acquainted; As parents of the 20 Cigarettes Made of Imported Tobacco for 15c.
Miss Gladys Prince, the retiring that determined spirit, that is first two mentioned above, we Vice Prosident, delivered short characteristic of them. Britannic take sincere pleasure in congratu Song Service.
first wicket fell for ten, and the lating Mr. Graham Johnson, that she tok in serving the expressing the pleasure Second for thirteen.
looks tben (Teacher) on bis marked success, The Song Service was well society during the year just that it visitors. bour Relations web bitbit method of limparto Colon Wesleyan Cristobal Waton Church, Rex. entered was a Sunday long time. The endede efter dading up to for the despite continuous odds. of the address delivered by Mr. extended hearty weland Spencer found their led and anyone wishing to send their Methodist Church Salvation ArmyaR Claud shall it profit a man, if he gains other New officers, who were at Church, Staft Captain Bax of the Robinson, on the words What come to her SUCCassor and the and when the seventh wicket the score was still thirteen, Gra children to school, may give him Cousins and the Rev. the whole world, and lost his this juncture duly installed.
ham the Captain of the visitors a fair and impartial trial.
Surgeon Pastor of the lown soul.
buggled mapfully, but the backAnnual Missionary Service Church.
Mr. Robinson was at home Public Lecture At Goldon of the team was gone and An Appeal to the Publlc In The aanual report presented with bls theme and gave a very Green.
the formidable Britannic combination, fell for the insignificient General by Mr. Surgeon discinged the interesting exhortation to his score of twenty four runs, Too The annual missionary service lateresting lasts that the Circuit hearers, in connection with the Church had appreciable increased Mrs. darris and Mr. Brown, district will again be treated The solos by Mrs. Laurie The people of Golden Green much praise cannot be the Wanderers Combination The Commander of the first came off on Sunday 18th lost, membership and in Mis orar every man did bis Colon Boys Institute League here and were conducted by the Rev funds collected had risen tescher of the day school were with another Biple Lecture, subwould be futile to specialize, but by appeal to the general public Claudo Cousine Superintendent the 21st position ject Man Redeemed. Mr. among 81 Oircaite of the Jamaica Auxiliary to will be the speaker mention must be made of Reid for their final support in helping of the Bocas del Toro Circuit, and Spencer the two bowlers het sopru were this deserving cause It might be Mr. Vousins preached to large position No. during 1921 Sunday, July 23rd, 3:30 It e willing to help and sympathetic Congregations aggregate The Mr. Egleston Pald Visit am vaat was 1001. 00 is certainly gratifying to note Clark the Wil and Marcos Bent this wonderful cause but cannot three times during the day.
keep, and Wint and Auber Who on account of his financial stand The addres :98 were inspiring the response that these rallglor. His subject at the morning and Mr. Egleston now act people are giving towers 80 their wad. Britannia has been de ing. beg to say that food and and afternoon services Teave baing the great Love of Godºfing Secretary of the La Bockitally connected with exceptionally, teated but not conquered. They dothing also sent for the boys directly on the introduction, pro hamunity and the nec snivyabhas no was a visitor bere on future weltare, and a loną have taken their defeat in a be now giving gress and development of the Gd people to emulated last. He was very much the interest is kept burning priged to see the all around speaker will be prepared to sports manlike manner and we twenty three boys three meal. Wesleyan Missionary Society illustrate that love by would be glad to see them back per day Reat twenty five dollars to the large Missio filds of otforts to bring the upwaved improvements made by Mr. deliver the gospel message of at no distant date to revenge per month, Clothes washing from China, India, Atrion, and thenese foteresting to the feet of the Saviour. Waller, and expressed his satis. peace every Sunday at the hearty welcome is in one to two dollars per week, re faction thereto.
services Iud es, and at night be their defeat member store for all. Almacion free.
when was paying with the passed into history at 10. 30 seven dollard. 700) per month, triumphs of the Church universal feeling that new life ad LA BOCA LITERARY Quarterly Moeding OBSERVER but to day have a ball that can cal basing his remarks upon that infased into the Colon Braila SOCIETY.
house 250 boys. also invite the public to vien Biod old text Thou art Peter the Wesleyan Methodist Churo.
The quarterly, meeting of the upon this rock build my Panama Colon Circuit of the A Successful Rally be convinced of the wonderful shall not prevail against it. Rover Claud Cousins Return to the next.
our ball of Hades The ade nea. of weivis for Wesleyan Methodist Church will. Will be in hands of work am doing, Oar Hall is Mr. Cousins certainly devoted his Circuit There was pulled off on Satur situated at No. 150 Broadway, great aiponnt of thought and at the Bunday afternoon Song Service be presided over by Rev. Ko the following olti who were installed ho held at the Colon Church at p. on day night 15th inst. at Victory Colon, study to his subjects and enbeld at the Clubhouse on the 2ad inst. sock Braham Hall 165 Hudson Lane, a Rally of The commander has now plan riched his hearers with After spending the past week Claa Makowe, President; Mr no mean order. The different ned to pull off a monster Crown of interesting Church history. on the Isthmus in connection Florence Smit, Vice President; Geo Notice to the Public countries representing the twelve Bread meeting at the above The annual Missionary meet with the Missionary Services Roberto, Secretary; Jump, Anet fribets were as follows: Liberia, mentioned Hall on August 12th ing was held on Wednesday Mr. Cousins Superintendent of Secretary: Snitt, Chaplain; Grenada Trinidad, Barbados, 1922 inst. and was the Gara! herein beg to notify the pub.
Panama, Bermuda.
Jamaica Cuba, Come and see Dr. Papsey Wap le uver by the Rev. Kissock returned to that Town on Thurs. dine Roberts has been app vinted Pinnist. lic that the First Colon Boys Haiti. Nigeria, Abysimnia and sey. Dr. Wildman, and also Cap Bu ham. D, Superintendent day on the Linda.
The installing officer, Mr. B. Hun Iastitate does not confiae itself to St. Vincent. The bighest indivi tair Japa and his Spanish Troop of the Panama Colon Circuit, Mr.
Casins certainly made a ter noting Seoty.
Cristobal Clubb use the bad brys of Colon only, but dual score gave Panama the credit Comedy shoe and recitation, The platform was a strong good impression on those who and Me, Waller, Secretary; Gatun throughout the Repablic of Pana while the total for all went for Admission 25c and 15c and representative one including were so fortunate as to hear his si ver Clubh e, delivered very for se ma, so the parents have no 55, 75 Cy. Additional band Doors open at p. sharp; the Rev. Fisher of the three discourses on Sunday last, ful address and laid stron on the lexcuse.
Wanderers por less. 5th and on the 3rd passes address, endo the to Thomas wicket88 will be elr School dealt exhaustively am.
a and fouat.


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