
Book Binding! like én!
journeyman and Was few 国网 Book Binding Department few years des the barracks was zpiration of a Satisfy They being times business the Chesterfield vas soon baving by VIGOR TONIC tatil. com of his death.
of in 1880 JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Second founded in and member of sala: and of the SAVES by was THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922 PAGES VEN Interesting Wast Indian News ள (Continut from page 5)
oroceeded to Paris via Barbados and the French West Indies and latter to London where he familiaria himself with E1zlish and Parisian military and Why throw away your old, but no Ivilian fashions. Rsturoing to Antigua he again assumed the asnagement of bis business doubt interesting, books when you left lustrious friend, his foremaa a the care of an honest and In can have them neatly bound at months later officially shilor with the appointed the Orown ank THE WORKMAN Sergeant Major in the of City Police Barracks tailor shop, ds private business again falling o the care of his forem.
It the way the good journeyman until when at the the the Turkish and American todea of maintaining a work 00p CENTRAL AVENUE baccos are blended in Chesterigua and the military tallad fields that makes them so given out in contract, he again different. That whyand No. G Street look control of his at various uccessful contractor stor for the military works At the age of 88 jis father died leaving him his entire estate, but this and other sacrificed to 60 The best Tonic in the World CIGARETTES sport of Kings he his time developed slavish of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended liking for the tart which he was sever able to overcome antil bis pelled to do so through radical This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
of ciroumstances which continuance, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Fomale Weakness, his life Impo verishment of the Blood, and to build up itom one of to that of a run down constitution.
trophy to the day Deceased was a gentleman of It promotes digestion, improves the appeLIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
refined manners of Freach tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
superfluity and was beloved by all who knew him. He wass DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or foundation member the times a day.
Antigua Lodge No. 1958, O.
22 most Venerable Im portant to Lodges.
Patriarch of that Link with LIFEBUOY order. He was also a up All notices for publication Ad. the 10. of Mechanics, the for Health Sake. vertising dates of meeting nights a good templar, crossed the above mentioned McDonald Conductor, are charged for at the rate 00 a Western Star bridge in perfect order, but on the tree was on the track at a per month payable in advance. member of Court Barbados the returning down from 21 mile curve at the approach to the Hamane Publications notifying suspen: remains followed His station, suddenly ran up against bridge and both of us conductors sion or expulsion of members friends and a of the the track. Every host of a tree which had fallen across (Mesa and myseif) tried our best are charged for per inch etort was to avert the accident by putting epace taken.
and Volunteer forces and made to prevent disaster by on the brakes. I thought of borne the Grand Masters and putting on brakes when it was jumping but remembered my Lodges and other local Friend Patriarchs of the U. O, of F. seen the train was heading for a my duty to the people on the ly Societies are hereby requested under ins mahogany casket two cars in front in the presence lady that was with me in the whose suspices be crash, but without avail; and the train and especially the young to be governed accordingly.
The MANAGEMENT bandles and fancifully decorated with silver of eye witnesses plunged into front car.
bedecked with the river bed about thirty. five The Acting Superintendent of numerous wreaths of natural feet below.
Railway after seeing the position lowers was conveyed to St. As luck would have it the two up the line telephoned asking pealing of the bell, and there the other cars which were loaded Railway station with wagon. So Riven a full choral service and with fruit, otherwise it all on arrival of train the and finally laid to rest in the of St. Johns loaded, the weight of the fallen tock charge of the men at 800 have certainly preci: recio and after examination sent them pitated the whole train and the off to hospital.
of rain of one regelt would have been much bay downpour or following a YOUTH and happiness are linked the accident was report apHIB up with health. Link up with Excellency sent pear that even nature shed a tear more serious. So far it stands ed to Belise, out apart from loss loss life the Lifebuoy for health and for the at the loss of a life so generally greatest mishap since the con Commissioner his condolence to the District to be conveyed to Remember children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prolamented. Bis second wife and Struction of the of the sufferers and motes health happy, smiling health; son William Smith. Jr. in were Rail enquired of their condition.
it protects the children from the Antigua, a daughter Mrs, Sarah way Carp The Director of Public Works in a reputable Wo are hoping that some oc Haughton in Trinidad. David Carpenter Carter, Conduc dangers of contagious diseases.
tors Mens and who and Acting O, along with Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects casion will bring you to our Smith in Cuba and Alfred o were all pinned down under the Nurse Cadle arrived beraame as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where store shortly. And when you Smith in Panama survive him. wrecked were day to necessary in Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them do come be assured that it will ipportunity Structions and assistance. The Cirl High School To Bo Messrs, and Mc prompt action of His Excellency healthy as clean. Insist upon them be a pleasure for us to serve Nab resolved to make a Erected SUB good was bighly appreciate by using it berre school, after play, before meals.
you, and that our pleasure in jump for their lives and found classes.
USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE themselves rolling down the bed HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH serving you will make your visit (Prem of the river not IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
many yards Royal Mall To Call At to our store even more enjoy. endeavour is being made to away.
able for yourself.
raise Building Fund of 5, 000 Mr. Price man had a most Meyis.
for the Girl High School in miraculous escape: He is a FULLER Antigua. That institution pro Oarib, and said that he did not The West India Committee MORE THAN SOAR, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER vides for the education of child. jamp with Price and others some years ago took up with the ren of Government officials not because he wanted to give them Canadian Government and the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE only in Antigua, but in other first chance and he took the Royal Mail Searn Packet Com Presidencies of the Leeward live with the cars and although pany the question of call by Islands. The school has never every thing reduced to the Canadian direct pamers in 1886, and its did not seek to save his life eameed representations on ne is too small out without a scratch. cratch. subject, and havo learat from for its pupils, who now number Another passenger (Miss Davle) the Deputy Minister of Trade 174 By various ate the sum of 335 has was fortunate. McDonald might and Commerce at Ottawa that raised and sa appeal to ing out of the car but he decided made for the Royal Mail steam has bave saved his injuries by jump arrangements have now been locally, beling made to Ona Gorlsonbroad to remain with the oaly temple orelitoral boat. Charlestown on Bagland who are interested in opraloed log, persons on. suffered bound education and in the welfare of suficient inducament de aufi the colonies. Donations may Mr. Francis Superintendent of space is available.
be sent to His Gerce the Arch the Railway, it no time in gt indocoment necassørv is a winiDONE WITH NEATNESS AND bishpthe West Indies, uing his wrecked party together mun of 100 tons of sugar, or Bishop Lodge Antigua and after warning the District 150 puncheous of molasses, and and Assistant it will be interesting DESPATCH Medical Officer of the Accident whether this inti HONDURAS bastened to the scene with first available. The Roy Mom aid necessaries. It pery paay point out that piercing to hear tha groanings of of their steamars cons to Stan Creek Railway she suferere under the great their powers to the utmont, Agong. All are now in the hospi and that an extra call, especially Accident.
south bound, would be liable to endanger the regularity of MIRACULOUS ESCAPES arrival and departure which is Greatest Mishap Since Mr Carter, Railway Carpenter so essential to a mail service.
Construction of Line.
said: was in the p18senger car in front when the accident Good Assortment occa red did not jump although JUAN ILLUECA Stagn Creek, June h. felt an inclination to. left it Stan Creek was stan aed day to God to take care of me and did Attorney at Law TO SELECT FROM AT THE at noon with the new tra the not feel afraid. found myself passenger cars had jumped the at the bottom of the wrecked car No. 44 Central Avenue rail at 18 mile bridge on the Ruil looking in the opposite direction way and several passengers were up to to the heavens. While TELEPHONE No. 64. BIX No. 76 injured.
was pinned uador the wreckage Practicus in all Courts of It would appear that the fruit saw the van that was behind Panama.
was picking fruit as usual me coming as if to finish me be on Tharsday 8th inst, and had low and thought it was all over, English Spoken Fluently. LIFE LEVELRYBARGANS were Doctor cemetery north cars would op After it relatives LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it railway Among bong the and McDonald injured germicide and asure disia.
Was been Norte.
ed present building JOB PRINTING of every description ابه Weddirg Cards, Chytening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards a WORKMAN PRINTERY train


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