p. 8


you belirt, disons mains Don Keep Your Money at Home and Itersily becomes distressing and nasty lito burde. Do not trica with it, Get rid of it now. Bush Nasal Catarrh with Nostroline Nasal Specite, Nontroline is the water, delightfully plenty edy that arow yering. They pak for itd widespread. ployment locatie, in it ample of we, there has never appeared anything social Str. Martin halal Catarrh for a year and tried everyth Shee Three weeks so started Noarole. In this short time has done me more good taga years of other treatment. can give Nosirolia. Dua but posie. Every rrethit the fallen Get Nostroline Naal Specific today and care your Noul Cath. Just little mer inside your nostrils that no troulde, or anything to start attention, in itt a you feel the benefit at once Melaling Chemists well ostroine.
Ask for it locally. Twist on the real thing.
Prie. fo. Sd.
or by put, from Mostroline Laboratorios, Clifton, Bristol Presse Cures Catarrh, Hest Colds Inta sa Hay Fever Protectes infections de reconhech Use Your Spare Cash To Buy ranged was kept WALK OVER SHOES back The most useful and safest investment American Bazaar Stores solide Salesua and also from India manship were ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY band represen ing to soul reopened he Cristobai The open PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922 Unveiling Of Charter Unfounded Rumour. NASAL CATARRH Dº not let Nessl Otarth poison (Continued from page 1)
And Installation the whola staff will have to work all day Sunday, to catch up with Of Officers Red Tank the great volume of work that was ahunted during the rush.
Paralso Division During the rush the bank was IT WILL BE STOLEN WHILE YOU ARE so thickly crowded that may of No. 534, A. the business men and merchants of the city experienced great AT WORK One of the most historical dificulty in making their daily events in the bistory of the Parsi deposits and buying drafts. The information bas reached this No Clabhouse, was the unique and auspicious function of San office that on that account no day, 16th. when the Red Tank more small deposits will be Paraiso Division, No 534 of the accepted and that no new soU. A CL unveiled its counts will be opened under the Charter and installed its oficars.
e amount of 200 00 This function, which was a times like the one under discus It must be understood that in to start at 2:30 sharp. the banks stand good for about an hour the later on acoount of a sudden chances of losing much business downpour of rair.
on account of the time and space The spacious auditorium, bow being occupied by the timid deNOSTROLINE and ever, was soon crowded with Dositors who were misled their members of this world to withdraw de deposits organization and others whose BRODERICK LLOYD Humber, the British bright faces and anxious looks Vice Consul in Panama, publish in the world.
Manufacturers Representative showed a deep spirit of competing ed an open statement expressing BOX 272 COLON, an wete marked such such a notable function one of attirming that the funds of the.
British Legation are safely platform there, at the same time WANTED of the Torinone Ves other warning hould be cautious in West Indian depositors of Panama, Colon, that Gatun, Gambon New Providence that ned that they Reliable other organizations The the maus India Committee of associated with these were the this FOR choir and the band of Division Adence in the bank and advised city also announced its conHANDLING TOILET No PREPARATIONS 17.
Panama front of this crowded In Colon platform was placed the Charter the people to use good judge Ho ro co Tonics which was beautifully enclosed ment in the scare and to avoid in a most exc llently designed indiscreet act which any etc. etc.
oase, which had the fine and the cause them to suffer in future. The West For paticulars apply to delicate touch of master work.
Committte felt that if the people ALEX. SANCHEZ Immediately as the audience bank they might be preyed upon withdrew their monies from the House No. 24 St. Guachapalli was seated Mr. Parchment in their homes by crooks and or mail to Box 879 President of the Division, made thugs and thereby be reduced Ancon, the opening remarks, which followed to a state of want and distress.
by the religious cerom ny performed by Mr. But the excitement among the Baugh Chaplain. Mr. Parch small depositors is all over and Prohibition in.
ment at this juncture Introduced the only difficulty experienced is Mr. Reid. Vice President among many of the depositors (Continued From Page 1)
of the Colon Division as Chair who are over anxious for the man for the evening. The Chair: safety of their money. Already time looking for possible violaman without a moment several have returned to the bank tors of the Prohibition Law.
called on the with meekness and shame seek.
for after this a few It has increased contempt of bave their accounts of the the Law a thousand times. No tativen gave some very one pays any attention to the stirring addresses, as also Mr.
Prohibition Law. The rich men Neely Secretary of bool Installation.
bave plenty of liquor and the Clubbouse, who kave a very poor man drinka what he can get tive Secretary, Mr. Myers, tioned date for the purpose of Installation inspiring address. The Execu At a meeting beld on the above min saloon may have then gave a nearly disappeared, but one orcise but full of the Royal Doric Lodge No 19, 10 would not think so if one lived in account of the history of Sacred Concert CRICKET New York. There are still a few Division. The choir at this SPU, the following brothers installed: Broa Johason, I G; left, but what is worse, the has been supa open saloon anthem, after which to La Boca C, Crippled planted by secret selling places.
join in singing Sec; Crasco, Trosed the Treme; Jackman, SD; Ethiopian National ID; Pardo, Tyler; Siru favourably owing to Clovelly laeli And probibition, among other wnton was lustily sung. This Holder the unchristian spirit of the things, has increased the coffers.
was followed by the unveiling of Prelate; Northern Baptist Session Methodist Episcopal Church of a law breaking class of people the Charter, which was ably and terly performed by Bro. Gib on.
The installation ceremony mar Is Told Nation Power oficials in Sunday last, on the La Boon Diamond and taken hundreds of millions refusing to grant uhe Clovelly CC, was badly defeated by 8P nicely performed by Miss out of the Treasurer, with the Robinson assisted by Miss G, of the Royal Shamrock is Growing Apace.
IG, of yal Dorie, GM; Rio, P Sald concert was held at the San The Lo Boom cc. The weather result that decent people have to. GD ME CurtapenAn intermission who sim peon, 16, of Loyalty, Miguel Bible Truth ruth Church. deel and the picob was perfect for both make up what the lawbreaker here given at which the Seo; Progress, Indianapolis, Ind, June 19. Seated on the platform were the batman and bowler. The visitors won takes.
representatives SMITH were refreshed Babb, lapa Rogol beric, Test: America today need control Rev. io. Barclay and Mr the toss and sent the home team to bat.
of yal DarioGSD; and the photograph of the Howard of as chair Durant and Egbert Holder were sent power ragais who presided as to meet the deadly onslaught of Nash Now York City.
of the Loyal Program, GJD system to match ber officers to be with the lastalled, along. Williams, PIG of the Royal Dari al system, Dr. Beaven, of wan, Bro Smith unfortunately od John, quite a few of the La. could not be At the resumption of the funeb. Sentinel; WW. eks. PIG of the the Lake Avenue Baptist Church Party An Cores Miss Ruby Bocaites Rot the Daureating Cipber but In Memorlam of a Friend the Charter was taken.
of Rochester New York, today Perr but the daugh the following reached doutle figures: tion the installation Buyal Duric, of Mr. and was performed by Mr. Williams Callender, pig of the Royal Dərio, o nust convention.
ceremony of the Loyal Progtoor, P; and Gembled here in fifteenth an erable toucbes, Bolos, Songa. wade 22 in the finest of style and play President of Gamboa Division Tyler. the Ga so nual Two days previous to his death, wa assisted by Messrs Taylor and After the installation ceremony Dr, that rezitations, duets. speeches and being bowled by one of Me Do (w were discussing tho ups and downs of Beaven declared America power system bad dialogues were very appropriate riste straight, bo Gittens of Chapter 14, and Miss declared closed the visiting brothers were been multiplied by ten in the for the occasion. Mr. Samson tall, total score compiled by Boos God son for he moves in.
WM the seventh wicket to life, and in parting be said, Trust to Eva Johnson Lady President of invited to our banqueting hall Division No 17.
Panama. The where last ten years popular violinst received a vote being 67.
The shy wars served with the nice delicacies of Today the world waits for thanks for his assistance. An After La Bses took tho field the ball way. Little did dream that, that Officers installed were as follows:prepared for the Desion; they all America not before it pro appeal for real church unity, and was entrusted to Durant sod Egbertsply form slive in this world again.
would be the last time would see his Mr. Parchment Presi departed with the singing of the doxology coeds, he said. But has the love was strongly commented on Clovelly not being able to compile more true ask, and was noured by dent Mr. Morrison Holder and these two bowlers wrought the manifestation of brothers have with the Clovelly batams When heard of his eudden and tragio President, Mr. Myers Exe body of ideals that controls the by the kev. Mr. Barclay, and ww dumfounded, Could it be cutive Secretary, Mr. Roden Installation.
average citizen risen to balance General Secretary, Mrs. or Increase power? It has not. Mr. Francis, The closing ebano total of 22 runs 18 of which were friend that it was all too true o how Se Wilcott Led Vice President made by Mears the balance of being reme Mrs and On contrary, it evident song Rose of the Isthmus Lodge that han er der passing through meeting was brought to a close. made up of ruas and extra, Durante scordar st. Haur base coal minden ole life remember those beautiful yot solemn bowling average being overs, of we are in death. refer to the death Mrs. Barnett Lady Secretary. No. 10, of S. period of lowered idealism. By GILKEE. which were muidens; runs; wiekets; of Walter Mr. Shan Treasurer, of the way of 42 balls bowled Georg) Stepnətt, late of Montego Bay, Jamsica, who departed Queely and Chair dess staggers our officials.
The installation of officers and The dishonor as to contracts, this life Saturday moraing 8th of July at See Muxt: Indigo, took place on bonday night. Hres, the bogus stock seb Booyce Mr. members of the Rose of the Isthmus the fradulent failures, the illegal League of Colleglans and Gardeners Installation. the Colon Hapital, from injuries receive liary. Mr, Baugh Chaplain The installing officers Brow JTM Wil have left the business world Prospective Collegians The installation of offers of the Lily led by falling from a maior sucks going of the Isthmus Lodge, British dor of was held in high esteem by all he came to his work at Gatua. The deceased After this ceremony the other son, PC assisted by Sis. Beatrice gasping. Supposedly good citi Ancient Free Gardeners took place at in contact with, and the large representatives were called upon Lewin, PPD K of K of the Eden Blume zens jeopardize the law of the On Sunday evening last, a very their Lodge room in Avenus on that followed him to bis Isot corteg to speak. They made some very Lodgo and Bro. A Brown, PC K land for personal gratification, important and interesting meet Wednesday night laut. The installing plac sa eloquent testimony of bť neplorations, which were much of the Excelsior Lodge. The ceremony If this continues it will under ing of the League of Collegians master vas Bro. Bookles assisted applauded. The President then was ably performed to the credit of the mind our credit, chake the and Prospective Collegians was by Bros. Butahor, w, Ellis, e. Mopopralsrity emon est a tot all classes of the arose and moved a vote of thanks Officers and members concerned, stability of the law and threaten held at the home of the Secretary Loan, C, A, Bowens, Groen, Those. Morconatuunity Hundreds of buinan hosrts to all, and the singing of the The following formed the adminisira. our civilization America needs Mr. Sidney McClean. At this was. F, Pilgrim, E, Rəsch, Kirton tienia mourning for tbalst Int of dess Doloxogy brought this interest tion:was elect Clarke, and friend and companion, He ww Boyce all of the ing and successful function to confess her sin and turn to meeting Mr. Macotem, until the lof Paosms Lodge, and they performed led member of the Sports and as to a Sistere Irene Barelay, AK PD; God to day.
ed Treasurer close.
Theresa George; K of Pont; Adriana has the Christian of the their duties in a most impressive maoner scheduled to be played oa the Atlantic tribute to his Ammatrading. K R; Rebecc: Wl. church faced graver responsibi Longue, the League was also The off oara installed aro Bros. King, Side was postponed. To the satrawing memory. all cuz fixtures lismo. LKDF: Ann Darien, LKD Tlities, Dr. Beaven said.
Genaral Notice.
addressed by two prominent M; Clarke. M;J Mayaard, Jestins Simpson; K DL; Mary Ann It is a time for the church to figures of the Community M; Rack, W;JP Griffith W; dovoted brother, tend my dow and his beloved mother Lindeny, LKD c; Wholemens Lindsay summon all Christ followers to in the person of Mr, Bourne Brebaor, G; Parrio o S; Conier, condolence, and muy Almighty God sincere All publications of Births Dept. Alice Lotman, DK; Albertha forget differences and address lately of Jolon, and Me Best, Chaplain; W Walrond, Deaths, give them strength to charged for according to the RS, to PD; Motebell Barclay, LS, to needs this is not done, every meeting.
to the tremendous of this city. An excellent time is Grabam Secretary. The coren ny com cient he need.
to at pleted, hange of greetings from amount of space taken up. No PD; Florrie Gayle, LKRS. to L 8, to of Pont citizen of the nation and to the various visiting brethren was in foreign lands his dying eys were exceptions will be made to this Fout; Henretta Lowe, must pay indulged in and then the bretar a retired closed notice.
Albertha Thomas PPD.
for to the banqueting hall and did justice to In foreign laods his mortal frame comAfter the installation twenty sumptous repast.
officers and member and the visiting educational interests in the his of this year over last year was. poned.
ROOMS TO LET officers and members from the sistere and tory of any nation is taking per cent in full time regular In forelga lands his silent grava adorns brothers Lodge repaired to the banquet place to day in the United States students and 17 per cent in the Birth.
By strangere bonoured, and by parents CALLE No ing room where ample justice was done the Rev Frank Padelford grand total enrollment. The gain Born to M, and Mrs. Barsmourned to the good things provide. The usual executive secretary of the Board in attendance over that of dive ford Banister, on the 20. inst. FRIEND.
APPLY ON PREMISES patriotio toaste were drunk and of education of the Nothern Bap years ago was 55 per cent, wbile baby bey weighing 97 lbs.
reponded to, the King, the Grand tist Convention, said.
the gain in the last ten yeaMo her and babe are cloing well Aduertise in The Worl. Puama and Amerion, the visiting oti cers made of thirty typical aniver students to 226, 421 students Ige, the President of the Republio of study recently has been was 139 per cent; from 98, 4! wble Birry is wearing a broad Ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books in amila man It pays.
and passing around and members and the President, sities, Dr, Padelford said. In Exchange)
cigare. Workman, Printery.
were Control Sys em Need Of en ore rendendo the bearbeiten er de. America, Pastor Declares The Moderas Conecart when was asked Anthem. Inner Carter.
Sec; Worrell, PI PIG.
WAS Vice endI crima and lawlessSkeete schemes. Rohe ed ww devote Never and Treas and Ovaroon tha the


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