
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922 OST PAGE TERBE International Banking Corporation public Opinion INDIA PHILLIPINES CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO foreign the than sources, price of Commercial Evening School The oonae lines in at Haut is Sater tot Cresso.
after Come out with me and roam?
Important DepuHughes Declares Attacks tation Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 On Allies Aims From British Producers Organization Walt on Secretary of State Ploads Secretary of State.
Now Sense of Responstbllity as Ponce Ald.
The International Sugar Journal for June reports that An impur Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK tant deputation of the sugar Ann Arbor, Mich. June 18 Interest of the British Empire ples for a new sense of avto Producers Organization waited responsibility in matters of inon Secretary ternational concern in the Colonies last month to ask for Depository of the PANAMA CANAL United States, the most certala sa increase in the preference basis of promoting peace in the accorded to Empire sugars in werla, was made bere to day by the very depressed state of the Secretary Hughes at the com Industry. Eise where we give Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of mencement exercises of the Unithe remarks of the deputatlog versity of Michigan, Sound and the sympathetic reply of THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Mr. Wood, the Uader Chick was most necer ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM sary to support the nation who represented Mr. aceful diplomatic aim. be CHINA absent through indisposition. JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Sald, The Government, we gather, are It must frown upon the con ARGENTINE BRAZIL alive to the import atant efforts to create suspicion, ance of maintaining the sugar URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA distrust and hatred bo coniadastry within the Empire and tinued. There can be no assur to the desirabllity of preventing ance of peace and few of the nec any monopoly the essary and just settlements that sugar supply to this country Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World make for peace in a world of hate such as largely existed before ENEMIES APPEAR War and andoubtedly It should be recogatzed that threatens again in the not diswhat is more necessary tant future from American formulas is a new sense of civic ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE They do not for the responsibility in matters of moment see their way to ta International concern, Obiel crease the prefernce; on the other hand the fears oft the proINTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM enemies of peace are those who duces that a reduction to the constantly indulged in the abuse of foreign peoples and their Govsugar duty would proportionatedy reduce the value of the ernments, who asperse their motives and visit them with ridipreference has been set at rest cule and losult.
for another year at least. The LONDON CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. Small Sales Intercommunication is so easy producers will bave ave to carry on that domestic discussions of to the best of their ability with the existing preference. It The STEWART forelgu atairs are not contined within the three mile limit bat would not be dificult it the British Finance And Creambath the money order on the left immediately published abroad sugar were not so low.
Cristobal sa tho Crocus Satur as indicative not of the sentiment But we think there are indica Economics.
day evening for New York, Mme ot particular individuals, who dions that prices will rise some Small of the Coronal Rond Baptist may Church. Mro. Small came on the Loth be what before very long.
of little relative case with which Cuba has got mus during the construction days and ments of our people, it is in quences but as indicating sentirid of her vast vurplus since (By Leonard Reid. lived on the Obispo for this way that peoples become the New Year suggests that CLASSES IN consumption developing London, June 1922. week DARY yeart. She removed to La Boos separated by mutual distrust Certainly at present prices, the BLATANT UTTERANCES.
ago the financial world was in the with the relatives with whom she lived, United States consumption is Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc, els trom the tailure of the lead role rationen de the Coronel Rood the time in our conductie grip of possimism. resulting when the lin! were abandoned. She married lived in Panama The principal dificulty at capable of an appreciable inBeakers in Paris, with and manifesting itself in feverish Church from Chorrillo, after it ww foreign affairs exchango movements and notable organized and for six years has been a methods or organization, or aime Ho! For Taboga!
weakness and quietude in invest Show very faithful, and and active member there. but with the untruthful preja.
51 16th STREET WEST ment markets. Today there is a senest Sunday School diced and inflamatory discussions rather more cheerful story to teacher at one time the recording Secro. In which some of our citizens and Hol ye who toil mid best and dust, PANAMA CITY tell, As regards the internatio teor be the Christian Endeavour Society; certain portions of the press In offise, field or home, Dal outlook sentiment has, per faithful member of the choir. Her the yeara President of indulge.
DAI It Dont soothe and welter, why not just there is to be less nape slightly improved orienteret influence for good in the Church and the reticence in diplomacy there ao visst of the French Premier community in which she lived wwe must be, if not a greater retienen The Glorious Fourth has made us free to London, But in the domestic For one day, if no more; sphere two events have taken strong one. Sbe ww respected by all at least a keener sense ot respon place which have assisted in who came in contact with her. and io sibility in the discussion of Let seek Taboga in the sodefinite fashion to dispel made many friends, all Lot all go for a tour.
week gloom. The first is the speed where ever obe may co.
join ia winting her success and God diplomacy and blatant and The Taboga and Aspiowall conclusion of the injudicious utterances will not go well together.
Are ready at their berthdispute in the engineering indu The corrective can only be Come, Captain! Parongers, como all!
try which has uin a voyage of worth!
quarter of a of a million workers idle is considerable room for a fure found in that state of public and for many weeks ther bamall round advance in mind which will unsparingly Wo ll glide across the rippling Wave condemo and But the phrase ostracize tboco With laughter, Joko and song: pered production, not only in the quotations engineering industry but in bave just used other factors who, by their base imputations, And every heart that stout and bravo ally being favourable covers a large imparil our friendly relations Will feel that joy for long.
many industries that THIS 600 TONS STEAMER depend upon it.
it. Last week the number of imponderable factors with other nations, Azchange. The verdaut isle of ancient famo by a large In some directions there is an Thank goodness is not dry.
is 255 ft. Sins. long and 27 ft. ins. for acceptance of the bounty inclination to suppose that the And welcomo us in freedom Dameare will have Compliments To Taboga let us bie!
now expected to resume beam. She has two decks. tween work big, effect in la reviving trade fairly too It generally and promptly. This is hopefal view The pleasures on that rocky shore Will far outweigh the pain; decks ft. high.
Iw very serious industrial depute; Course the some efect, and of To The Editor Of The Workman Thus ends a peculiarly tutile and the successive ive reductions Bathers many sooroo m sure Mr, Edi or. take this opportualand its conclusion should lead to of the past fifteen months bring ty to compliment you Would taste thone Joys again, on your good Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric a definite improvement in the very importante cumanla tice relief Editorial in last Saturday e inuo of the The radinat inlow and asure son to traders manufacturers. re of general trade situation.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: The Reoall those days of yore, other favourable event is Bute to stoppose that cheap Ignorance.
Until you wake, as it from sloop, erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed action of the directors of the money will of itselt produce a It is. As the launches whistles roar, water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. Bank oz Eagland in reducing the trade boom de ridiculous. All teady and united forta may ubow official rate of discount last one can say is that cheap money, good resulte.
Then in we step, say Au re voir.
We must Buy her for our Service Thursday from per cent to 8: coupled with the ending of a one of the monTo all we bave observed per cent. The new rate is just very serious industrial dispute. stors which have devoured our Face splendid trip without a flaw!
neofidence. whila comparative sta It sure was well enjoyed!
the early part of last year.
and enlarge economic tion is greatly to be desired.
J, R. WE NEED 60, 000. MORE April 1921 seven reductions Bank rate have been made, each bilisation of prices, of which in this task than the Clergy; and this help The above poem bu been written by be Mr Reynolds, who accompanied MONEY cent. Four of these watcmonths beres produced they can do by casting eside the croede reductions were made during evidence. will perhaps assist and dogmas of the Dark Ages and teseb the La Boca Women Life Problem Club 1921, and three have been made Huances. But in all predictions God character either of these in Fourth of July Party to Taboga Islands, the people 14 Tesproting You may subscribe some of this by purchasing this year.
The of M, Reynolds has had visions of beauti.
and plan Then the some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound and a half per cent is the lowest of the future courts of trade it God ful Tabogs since his return and has both great and small, they decided to write this poem each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound wat must knowledge approach in July 1914 sent up Great Britain is a great now, would also incroun in the know.
Literary Society.
each and become part owner.
from com three to four pers exporting country, whose natur and praction of all virtues, DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW ceat and ulumately for markets are to be found on is not merely inability to Installation of Officers and to ten percent, the continent of Europe. Last read and write bus Tarek of knowledge at week return of chaotic move nu any subject it is generally mid, regarded as a wee and may be Committee Convenors Write to the normal peace time rate for this ments in continential exchanges one is a fool to that which he doco no.
period of the year, Thursare once more a reminder of low know At the close of prayer meeting on West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd. day reduction put new heart the obstacle that blocks the way o real prosperity for the trade of People in general both learned and into. investment markets, and this country. The latest official unlearned, are more Monday night the newly elected officers ignorant of the and committee convenors of the Chorillo 37, ORANGE ST KINGSTON, JAMAICA enjoyed a sudden rise. Whether returns of overseas trade relat cur blessing than of any other matter, stocks Baptist C, E, Society were installed into cffices for the ensuing ball year, this will be maintained remains ing to the month of May show that export progress is slow, hence the Lord through his Propheta 16 was quite unfortunate that this could not be done week ago was dent and Convenor of the Social Notice to Correspondents the date for revival of strong couragement in so far as they the destruction of ignorance will be one to be seen. On the whole pro sbough it has not ceased. But said desire the knowlede of God more phets are inclined to postpone they certainly đo afford en than burnt offerings.
arranged on account of the heavy down How encouraging it is to note that Committee of rain from about p. on the and Contributors.
stock exchange activity, for the Mr. King, Prayer meeting Convenor, afternoon till adout 39 holiday season is near at hand reveal greater activity in mer of the first acts of the Messiah in his Tho Pastor Rev Witt, conducted the Mise Bouland, Missionary Miss Willocks, Lookout and markets are somewhat cantile shipping, while a notable noun to be established kingdom for which as very impressive manner. All Min Smith Temperance, choked with new securities, of increase in purchases from all true Christians have long prayed except three were present. The following Miss Walker, Information, The management of this paper which the latest is a loan for abroad of some of the principal Kingdom Come.
pero and are the officers and the com Mrs Bradensw, Siok and Reliel, desires that all communications 127 millions of five and a half Then he will continue until mittee convenors elected for the term, cent stock at 96 by the raw materials of British suggest knowledge of the Lord all the earth Mes Shepherd, Flower for publication be typewritten or Government of India. Never thst manufacturers postess con the waters cover the sea. Io, 11:9 Deacon H Linton, Peenident, Mr Lynch, Sunday School Mr. Williams, Vice President and Mrs E Linton. Juneor.
it hand written must be clear theless a comparison of yields fidence in the progressive growth Yours in the cause of true enlightenCorresponding Secretary, and legible to facilitate publica lon gilt edged steuri des not of den. ad for their finished pro meħt.
tion. This notice is occasioned obtainable with yields obtainable duus. Progress, is yery Biow, but THOMAS.
Mr. G Donniston Recording Seety.
Deacon Smith, Treasurer Rent Receipt Books In Span by several letters and other copy of three and a half per cant still progress, seems still to be in during Mro Meire. Astand Junior Supt, ish and English for sale at the band written not legible and Bank rates suggests that, other the most justifiable summary of Adaertise In The Work Organi and Music Convenor which often delay publication.
Miss E Gallimore, Junior Superinten Workman Printry.
factors being favourable, there, tae trade position.
man It Pays last men balloted will have in of ople the Bible tu on of the people for the cloud since the that the rate on ledge very short time OD Last Hold 0:6.
pour service Tube the


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