
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 29 1923. Togel THE WORKMAN Don Keep Your Money at Home IT WILL BE STOLEN WHILE AT WORK YOU ARE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ALBOND, AS the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters 24 and Border of Street, Panama, of publio interest invited. de Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 S. Oysho writer, not necessarily for publicaSir Months Hon but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return One 250. erejected orrespondence.
CARTERS 20 Three Use Your Spare Cash To Buy The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922.
WALK OVER SHOES CARTER CARTER Ink Ernser AYRICA American Bazaar Stores NKS. PASTES MUCILAGES Always in stock ot ser8. 12; 30 said iu our wo THE CANAL ZONE LABOR SCICO QUESTION The most useful and safest investment in the world.
Although a government institution, and somewhat removed from the seat of industrial strife and economic battle the Canal Zone has not, during the last four years, escaped the contagion of labor quarrels which ara so freguent in the United States and so general in Europe.
Three years ago, seventeen thousand so called Silver Employees. inspired by a labor organizer from che United Cits Staies who, at the time, professed official interest in their welfare but afterwards deserted them at the crucial moment, spoke in a body to the Chief Executive of the Panama Colon Canal Zone without results. The concerted action of these 3ENEDETTI HERMANOS workmen did not win the support or sympathy of the other Central Ave 3rd. St.
labor element on the Zone and, mainly on that account, PANAMA the movement perished.
It is strange that history should repeat itself so soon, impartially done much to im CHURCH SERVICE Three days ago, the Governor of the Canal Zone termina: Dr. Ricardo Alfaro, prove the unfavourable condited the services of the labor leader of the Gold Employes DI tions in the public service, and it is a fact that all the measures (American Episoopal Church)
and a general earthquake is in rumbling. The circumSt. Paul Church, Panama.
PRODUCTS stances which have occasioned the action of the Chief Secretary Of Government of the administration recommended to the National AssemExecutive of the Canal Zone in fring Hushing of And Justice Accredited am, Holy Communion, bly during his regime, have been 10 am Micias the Metal Trades Council of the Canal Zone may form the To Washington.
progressive thoughtful, and 10:30 a. cn Holy Euharist sai Mr. Fred Bratiwaite subject of a particular discussion, but the effect the action equitiable.
mon, will produce is rather critical.
The Police Corps of the Repub. Holy Baptiem, Old Timer Returns To the Metal Trades Council, through its labor leader, Union Club in this city, fare and today they are being respecOn Thursday night last at the lic received his special attention p Sunday School His Home.
has been waging a ceaseless war against the tight fisted well dinner was tendered to Dr. ted and learning to have a high 30 pm Erensng satur non.
policy of the present administration by which the Gold Ricardo Alfaro, at present sense of moral consciousnuss in Daily Services throughou: the Week a Among the passer gars who Employees of the Canal Zone bave lost their privileges of holding the portfolio of Secre the execution of their various sailed fo Ba bolos recently by free rent, free fuel, free light and other emoluments which tary of Government and Justice, and focumbent duties.
by Office hours in the Vestry from am to the Bologna of the alian attracted Americans in leaving their salubrious clime in the midt ochen been beppointed At the dinner, Dr. Mendez, Steamsbp Lawas Feder North to risk their health and comfort in the tropics. Porras, President of this Repub. Professor at the National Insti NIGETENGALE Vicar ick Adolphus Brathwaite, dean St. Alban s, Paraiso.
of old timers on Isthmu This continuous agitation on the part of the laborites lic, to proceed to the United tuto, paid a very complimentary of the Zone, has apparently been the cause of unusual perates of America in the capacity and satisfactory services render: p. Suaday School, tribute to the high qualifications Mr. Brathwaite first arrived 11 km, Matins and address. here in the year 1889 having of Minister.
plexity to the administration, but the last straw was the hailed from Hastings, Christ Dr Alfaro, is very popular and ed by Dr. Alfaro in the Office of 30 pm Evensong and addrese.
famous interview of Mr. Husbing with a representative of Church, Barbados e tirst a brillant diplomat and jurist. wbich he is the chief. Honest the New York Times in woich he gave out certain infor gentlemaa who has endeared and Arm, unrelenting on right AF. NIGA TENGALE Priest in charge ecured the position as Painter Foreman with the French Canal mation anent the health conditions of the Canal Zone. himself into the high estimation principles, he will be regrettand kindly For doing this, according to communications which passed nalities in the community. Ex. Present of all able loss to this community at Company and continued in Baptist Church departinent until 1901 Followbetween the Governor and himself, he was discharged Calon 11 am Pastor and Mrs Thrift ceptionally respected ing the outbreak of the Spanishand well Dr. Alfaro leaves for Washing p. Conference on the Lo:ds second American War he left for the from the service of the Panama Canal.
There are many points to be taken notice of in the the best wishes of the citizens of this paper on behalf of thought of ho carries with him ton today and the management osming, Kissook Brabam, and Pastorsland of Cabe returning here and Mrs. Thrift in 1907 at which time he went to regrettable occurrence. recognized fight is on between and foreign colonies represented selves and the West Indian com7; Pastor and Mrs Thrift work for the munity wish bim bon voyage and Chorrillo 11 am Mr Yearwood labor and the Canal Government Before, and since the here for his future success.
Mechanical Division Dr. Allaro, has studiously and God speed.
at Gorgona and was later trans7; 15 Pastor Witt Special Investigating Commission came here, labor bodies terred to Balboa when the so Corosal Road 11 am Don Stewart De have been sending representatives to Washington for the partment Organization went into 715 Mr Gallimore force in the purpose of placing the grievances and interests of Ameri the Isthmus; contrarily, it is believed that it would have Empire 11 sat hud 7;16 Diamond Liatan year 1914, a which he satisfactorily position yfilled can emplayees before Congress. tremendous effort was been only too glad to have had a contradiction for publi Pueblo Nuovo II Pawor Willem until his departure.
made for the restoration of free rent and other privileges cation. But the governor chose another course, and, right 7:15 Doacja Scewart Mr. Brathwaite held gaveral in which Attorney McIntyre and Judge Jackson, coun or wrong, he has acted within his power as chief execu cativa Daucun Poster position in this Now Providence Danjoa B:003 sels for laboi, figured promiuently but unsuccessfuly in the tive of the Panama Canal.
country that During his spurn Appelate Court of New Orleans, in an lujunction case But it is very doubtful whether organized labor on the Now Gatun Taureday 7:30 Pastor Thrilt on the Isthmus he made a legion and lasting against the Governor of the Canal Zone.
Canal Zone would be acting wisely by being blind and by his cheerfulness and buoyThat game was lost by the employees, but the struggle furious in the fray. The tenor of the correspondence which Wesleyan Methodist nce of spirit. To know him was is still on. The Metal Trades Council is leaving no stune passed from the Governor office to Mr. Hughings and Panama. 11 a, Rov. Surgeon, wo love him. Truly, it can be unturned in its determination to force on the attention of back is something that enters into a discussion of the 30 R M. Surgova said of him that bo he was the the lawmaking body of the United States the conditions woole subject. The governor real intention in starting Colon 11. Rovs J, Kimook Braban Intend of all, the enemy of none. 30J. under which Åmericans are employed here. There can the correspondence seems to have been the hushing of In Buch 11. Mr. Johnson is and Oddfellow and. Forester be no sane criticism against this, as it is an inalienable Mr. Hushings with regard to the malaria scandal. but 8. K, Walters right of any man or body of men to stem the tide which the latter felt that he had said nothing that he was New Providenco 11. 02. Mi, Moodio. distinction and honours in each of them flows contrary to their welfare. And in doing this every obliged to take back. If Mr. Hushings had entered into Paraiso 11a, Mr. Rhoden by ble ladefatigable la bours and unswerving atten.
available and legitimate instrument which can be effective the discussion in a conciliatory mood there might have Empire 11 a. a, Me, Foadley tion ly used may be correctly employed.
been a different result, but labor voted Mr. Hushings right 10 Braibwait takes with Mr, The general opinion prevalent on the Isthmus is that and he couid not recede from his bold position.
Seventh Day Adventist Church and genuine coterlo of friends the best wishes from a largə the work of sanitation has been neglected to the extent If the action of the Governor has been self directed it 88 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
that malarial fever has made its appearance with alarm must be looked on as being hasty and unfortunate, but it for a life of happiness, peace and Sabbath (Saturday) 945 am, Sab plenty in the land of Flying ing severity. This opinion may be right or it may be it has been the local feature of a foreign manoeuver it wrong, but it must be respected as being general from the must be seen that the Governor could not help himself. bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Fish.
Spanish. layman viewpoint, at least, and the layman mouth is The Governor has served here in the administration of his Young People Meeting; 30 pm. CHALLENGE not bridled.
predecessor who experienced a labor turbulence of another Vepsza, Whether the labor delegate who gave out the state complexion andjalthough labor, at that time, lost, the Gov Sunday evening at p. Reading The Pioneer CC after a long ment consonant with the popular opinion that malaria ernor did not always take his coffee with uomixed gusto. old. 80 Pranching Service. com Olom. 11 are welcome both young and holiday is clamoring for an en.
bas resulted from the discontinuance of grass cutting and The present labor trouble is uglier than the one Govgagement on August 20th witte spraying went beyond the bounds of propriety, is not a ecaor Tiarding met and it is likely to end a different way.
aoy Cricket Club on the Atlantic Bible Truth Churches.
end. This is an open challenge, question for us to decide. Labor is fighting its own batt. Yet it must be remembered that this is a war with two San Miguel and if an engagement can be in its own way; and labor claims that the retrenchment theatres, The Canal Zone and Washington, and while the arranged for on the above date, policy of the administration has made grass cutting and Governor may appear as an autocrat and mighty, power. Morning Prayer please communicate with FitzOil spraying impossible. Labor also claims that these bere he may, in fact and virture, only be a faithful expo 10 am Chi dren Service patrick, Red Tank Clabb, use, or 11 through the columns of the Slar two measures are indispensable to the preservation of aan of the mind of the higher administration whose head 00 pm Sunday Someone Herals or The Wurkman news hea th conditions on the Isthmus and it must therefore, torters are in Washington.
1, 30 pm Gospel Service Papers.
bu cunoeded tuat labor bas pot erred in giviog utterance Perhaps the present laborites who find themselves Calldonla N, Wanderers OC preferred to what it believes to be a well founded conclusion. thrown into consen over the action of Governor MorThe only lògical position which the public thinks row will remember 36 the silver emplɔyees got in 1919 Morsins Prayer Chuldren FOR SALE should have been taken by the governor is that of scientific from Governor Harding, and probably they will recall Praseting Service retutation. Connected with the administration is the de their own attitude when that section of local labor smart 330 pm Sunday School partment of rublic health, and while this department has ed under the whip of the ex chief and failed for lack of 730 pm Gopal Service One Stuvessant Piano not been accused as being responsible for the conditions support by other labor parties, Barclay. Piator in charge which now prevail and wbich have resulted in the mos It was wrong to kick against the government then. In A1 Condition quito plague, it is felt that a well studied, impartial and If the firing of Mr. Hushings has caused such a rumpus Ront hecelpt Boos In Span No reasonable offer turned honest rebuttal, officially authorized and perhaps, will it be right for the Gold Employees to quit or strike Ish and Engilsh for sale at the down.
scientifically authenticated could have presented to the or do anything like that? In 1919 HUNDREDS of fami. Workman Printry.
For particulars apoly at public the government side of the argument.
lies from La Boca to Cristobal were thrown out of doors WORKMAN PRIN CERY The Times would not have retused to publish the and nothing was done; what can be done, now, because Advertise le THE WORKgovernor authorized report on the health conditions on ONE man has been thrown out of a job?
MAN. It Pays Central Aye Street Panama City responsible of friends him


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