
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922, PAGE FIVE eroidalgo Atlantic Side News 90 50G THE QUEEN OF SHEBA Bro then then was Zone.
edid well Baptiste tives Governor who came to Lodge. Toe Saturday night July 22nd, the stand by the teak worden niet the church in the of Southern School The bear The Pastor. RUJA IS. LENG COS Installation and Un. Bro Murray, and Bro continuing during the week. Canal Zone Notes Roach. Guardian for the children Besides the Rev. Jos. Thrift the veiling of Banner Let them feel that their time were Pastor, other prominent Christian got much praise, ministers will take part including not wasted on the little ones GATUN the Rev. Kissock Braham, B, D, Refreshments were served, Bro and the Rev. Surgeon, The General Secretantot For St. Martha Juvenile W, Grant, Chairman gave his Had everything that a woman heart desires All are cordially invited.
address in a most suitable way Clubs and Playgrounds paid us a short visit last Saturday the Lodge No. thanking all who were present 22nd inot, and expressed his and those who helped to make Miss Winifred Surgeon satisfaction at the work tre EXCEPT the meeting a success. God save are Sick In Jamaica endeavouring to accomplish at On Sunday the 23rd of July the King was sung, and the meet the Clubhouse. He also spoke the Installation of officers and ing long to be remembered came highly of the front entragice uaveling of banner for the St to a close.
News has been received of the which is beautiful decorated Martha Juvenile Lodge. No, GAS. The Fuel Without Fault severe illoess of Miss Winifred with flowers given us by Mr.
MO of took place Surgeon, eldest daughter of the Morgan Acting District Quarter Officers installed. Rev. Surgeon of Colon. The master.
Curleu Chairlady. Broc mic. Dedication Cereyoung lady together with her Carthy. RW VC Sis Brath But today every woman can enjoy gas as mother are on vacation in the waite Treas Sis Prentice, island of Jamaica mony, Sunday July 23rd will be long Secty; Sis Scott, Asst Secty: Sis remembered as a day set apart We are still furnishing stoves FREE provided Miss Surgeon has been very for children of this town, CAS active in Church work since she Carter, Cond; Sis Bradshaw, asst. Cond: Sis Watson, 1G; Bro most pleasant function took the gas pipes are already installed came to reside in Colon, besides never before in the history of Douglas, OG; Sis Watson place on Sunday last at the conducting a school for juniors parents guardians and friends Prelate. The solemn ceremony Flower of the Isthmus Lodge We are still furnishing installations FREE with whom she has been brought colors of children and witness and had endeared herself to all bas there been such a large rath.
to to the was ably performed by Bro. room in Broadway, Colon, when provided you purchase a gas stove in touch, Roach, Guardian for the children the Lily of the Atlantic, No. 193 them go through well prepared It is hoped that she will soon exercises. The entire wort Murray then declared of the Britieb Order of Ancient Otficers installed Bro. Murray Free Gardeners dedicated their be on the road to recovery to re was in the trands of our genial then handed the meeting over to hold on toor: she is the Brother Edmund turn to her seyeral activities.
Bro W, Grant made a PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Secretary and this wife and the teachers assisted by seteral of short address, Sis Curleu and Sis pro PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: our leading young men Colon Wesleyan Church Prentice were then called to promoter was master of ceremo was ably assisted by ODCE unveil the banner, same was Bros. Joshua Burgess. Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
done in a Chaplain, way that gave cheers Alonza Young.
Chairman Oar, regulas Sunday, ovenlag The offer Fredericks. W; Chas. Scott, Tel. 798 On Sunday last, 23rd inst. the services will take place tomorrow SERVICE Tel. 364 Palpit of the Wesleyan Methodist commencing at the usual hpur ed prayer, after prayer the W; Jos McLeap. Seoty. Wm.
chairman declared thet Smith Treas; Fred, Church in Colon was occupied by 6:45. These services are intended Cartwo able Laymen. In the morning to be the medium through which banner unveiled and dedicated michael S, Mr. Walters of Panama o pe to make tudtam uolty for the use of the St. Martha After the ceremony, toasts Juvenile Ledge, No. 1, O of were drunk and greetings ex nal organizations namely the visitors from the sister lodges were in City: City, preached an able sermon qe or the best sad hopal de enactwhico very much ap comunities on the Capet through the Bro D, Brown, Givea bim by Itended to and from the various British Order of Ancient Free attendance, The usual formalities having been preciated.
of the St. Hele. Grand Master fraternal organizations represent Gardeners.
Dead 24 29 District, At night, Mr. Llewelyn Kerr of No ed. Quite a number of friendo observed, the initiation was entered given Lecture was then by the and wishers Street the Seventh were present uponwhen four new Charch, preached his farewell chairman Eph, Eph. 6: 1, Much Loyal Perseverance Lodge to the chain of this Graad and Noble sermon top pe crowded communica surnered over to colon and were given to the little the praise among them being His Excel ones. also lency J, Arosemena Order.
Juvenile representatives of the Province of Initiates and instalis.
tion. Mr. Kerr intends at an crossed this in a first class gagne This being raded the duty of in early date to enter a Theological of cricket in the St. Clair Cho represent their Colon, and bis talling the officero elect for the ensuins fastitution in the United States, compartido Secretary. His representative from Excellency in the course of his with Bro. and took the occasion big erm ww prosed Excelsior Mouna be oral the NI did really carried as remarks made some very appre.
did Master McKenzie all before ciative references to West Flower of the Isthmus Lodgeroom Allm, DG. which was performed where he was trained as Sunday of the con among the Top them, the meeting was well Indians. Mr. Aikens and bis his the scene of a double function which in in aereditable attended, many parents came to colleagues must be congratulated will be long remembered. The Loya! following brotbere comprise the he was connected dat ziceat core who better that and put Scholar, randa Dotach of the their little ones recite, and on having brought to success. Perseverance doo, No. 10105, Grand administration.
Abrams, G: date, sing, Bro. Brown, Grand ful and ful issue the Lily of the Atlantic United Order of Oddfellowes working Robers, VG; A. Belton, c. Sur: against the bowlingeot Meters.
gave a very nice of the DrysdalePNG 1244 spoke!
Mussoll who bowled to the little ones? Much praise opposition they met with in their District, boid ini intion wand installation Slundero De beds, Pne gone was prepare should be given the Band master Jefforts to establish in Colon Caroughout the inLic Oberry, we Winon, w words to encouragement and panchanprede.
LE, and no less Sis Curline, who branch of what may be consider. The doutoras. tastefully decorated for Granco, Es CC. Thornbil 1G perous tales congtudent a pros para ter she usual intereses the grandest of frater. ocasion and good number of Lassalle, S G; Hughes, career nuat cintermission played at the organ, Sis Elliott, fed one ead of 1268 Excelstar entered on their tek task Elliott, RSVG; 1290 biokahey absoldac was an easy Pesson, LSVG.
Mrs. Millicent Wood Dles walk over, but soon found out it The brothers then marebed to the banquet ball to the tune of Onward was not as Marshall and Quo On Wednesday evening the and sent their best batamen Ball proved too much for them Chriotain Soldiers, and did justice to the excellent Menu prepared, 26th, of this month in Mount one The usual congratularly remarks vero Hope Cemetery, was laid away to by one;back to the pavilion with doxology a very enjoyable time tormi soldier of Iesus Christ: Mrs Gillicent, Yoad, vile of Mr. Jethro Trundle the leather that opp Wood. both of whom are fall of the 10 wicket of Barbados. after baving board read all for 16 runs with Notice To The Publlc. birth to a lovely baby girl some they didid before became on Satur fedding top scorer their bowling averages by His Excellency the Governor day the 22nd, and was rushed to und runs respectively, Bellbar captaring wickets each for 10 of Colon accompanyine, the breathed her last on Tuesday vers maidens bruns wickets, Ancon hospital where she has the lead av he bowlad 5 Alcalde the Inspector of Police the Pot Police and her morning the 25th Oficials, will be visiting the Church of which the Rev. ER 10 runa and wicketa; dor Córn member of. 3rd Street, Mission, three seconds overs no maidens whilst Marshall a bowled Colon Boys League Institution Wilkins is the 29th July. The Pastor, and she was an all, all credit must be given for Governor has expressed his fearing woman, she held suo Apd worker, da most God their beillisov fielding willingness of Excelsior helping comm. day School at her home won Cornwall at mander Watson (to Tue the.
Institution to a success. The children loved heräs, it the way so its for Bowling for Expublic are invited to their mother. Her remains was to wickets for 29 fans and Pearwas celsfor Optain Mascoll captured attend taken to Silver City from the at 7:30 sbarp. The instit Tuesday, and on Meeting will be called to oder Thospital by the copy vening train on out for 19 runt tion is situated at 150 Broadway sing at three o clock, just before Between 12 and 13 Streets.
SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, leaving home for the cemetery as Boy Scouts To Be Formed.
the Church was was away in Colon, a Parente, guardians and friends SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
British Consulate Noitop.
most sevice, as con AL you round this bbed Mere Aa Ficam eminded of the bariat service was the part The Acting Cons1 read by Wolsley ron foot which Messrs.
bara Rogers START washing day well with Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes Colon would be glad of Informe Clerk or the one to the Browse Pal Woodman, Cit.
Several of our leading tion as to present where. Rev Odle from Panama just young men along with the land on the line early, and the meals ready to time. The afternoon is abouts of Thomae Frasen, for gaverei abortCaddress said the help of ont Socropars is trying merly employed in the Freight words (Therefore be ye also to bring on, our boys so as to then yours to spend at your own Department of the Panama Rail ready. bogaan was then to see their sinds employed. Cristobal.
on troop orsweet will.
269 194 de protection, when camery Kanlaod. or that that the boys wards Invitation.
Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient solemn and touching address, will got into good training, work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife The Searchligbt of Science Abich war frning Exercises are given every Tues.
Ogle day and Thursday eveninga at does her work most efficiently, most easily.
to by vast we Clubhouse from p ma te There is no mystery. You get out of soap and philosophycsapidly pene.
Dumber of friends and anu sympa just what the makers put into it. The cream radnik u bitherto obscuro thuzers, who paid great attention, fields of invee tigation, and pres at the close of which the body of the Wesleyan Church The name Laver on Soap of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
is a Guarantee of Purit Lentip8 eKnow then thyself, ifround com eitted to be The Sunlight environment is in keeping Elder with its mission of cleanliness and regume to Scan: The resurrection, which shall efficiency no comp is better fitted to poper study of mankind is man. both soul and body again Christian Mission and the Rev, tender serve the British drawife than Sunlight husband our. Bring gone Bibles and all ye who are interested in the God will give him grace enough to lovite yon triends, This is your Therefore, remember brethren sincereloopathy hoping broupes 13arly and Soap. Prove this to day.
unfoldment and development of your talent and dormant powers, stand the severe trial into which opportunity to hear sane Biblical in order to become more proo 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on perous and bappy. the meeting Fools and fanatics have victore vening, 629th inst, Baptist Church activities this sesjaot to the confusion of Hall, 165 HudsonLane and for their own lfish 80 sbarp.
purposes. This conterence has The conference on the Lord jast one sim and that is to Secono coming of Christ second coming bestos tomorrow present the Biblical teaching at the Colon Baptist Church and to the coming of the Lord Jesus will continue each night until Christ. Seriee of lectures on this Wednesday. In addition to Rev Baptismal Service will tak important subject will be held in and Mrs: Thritt the following place at Chorillo Church on Sud.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGH. TN 109 historia Street Baptist Churco, ministers have promised to take day next August 6th when pas Cristobal, commencing on Sanday part in some it not all of the tor Whitt expects to baptize a afternoon 30th inst at p, mi and meetings: Rev. Kissock Brabam number of candidates.
did these two boy ang Dated, the sete Chief and on Saturday The ardent To kong YO hereby as this meeting to a alguien herg the as orello to the die han superintendent de les Kaley come, not God IGHT mangled every bar.


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