
Doc or Lowe Again Feted The American Foreign Banking Corporation More Population is the Crying Nood of Caneda And Australla.
Presentation of a Magnlficent Silver Cigar Case Presented By Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Vancouver, Dr. their in a feebl honest DEPOSITORY OF The United States Treasury Panama Railroad. The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional to their of three CRISTOBAL.
PANAMA JUAN ILLUECA THE WEST INDIAN COMMITTEE It was an occasion never to be forgotten last Wednesday evening when the officers and mem.
bers WEST INDIAN COM MITTEE gathered at the residence of Carringlon.
to bid farewell and thus show appreciation ini way to Dr Lowe, an comrade and indefatigable coworker ind first Chairman of the West lidian Committee who plans to leave these shores shortly for his native land, Jamaica.
At 30 the Chairman Rev. A, Nigbtengale, called the meetIng to order and proceeded to explain the cause for the extra session of the Committee. He left no stone unturned in this direction and eulogised the work of the doctor in his professional social and civic life on the Isth mus, he concluded by wishing toe genial doctor God speed and a pleasant voyage to his home.
At this juncture beautifal silver Cigar Box becomingly engraved with the inscription PRESENTED TO DR. LOWE BY THE WEST INDIAN COM Attorney. at. Law MITTEE was handed him.
Following this the toast of the No. 44 Central Avenue Guest of the evening Was TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 enthusiastically drunk. Each member in turn expressed Practices in all Courts of regret at having to part with Panama such a man whose place he felt sure Was hard to be filled. Each English Spoken Fluently member spoke in glowing terms of the doctor public activities.
Fach member having contri. ROOMS TO LET buted his forensic quota, the doctor rose mid an air of pleas.
CALLE No ure mingled with visible regret and returned thanks for the very APPLY ON PREMISES handsome souvenir donated him, that he cherisbed it not for its pleasure to have worked.
Stating amongst other things, intrinsic value, but because it The hearty singing of Auld represented the individual ap Lang Syne was a kitting finale to preciation of the members of the to this auspicious occasion Committee and descanted upon followed by three cheers for the s association with the members amiable doctor and an equal num eparately. He thought that he ber for the West Indian Commit: was undeserving of such tee. The doctor expects to sail bigh tribute and ended by wish within the next fortnight as ing the members the best of matters of pressing importance have caused him to alter his luck and hope for a re union at original sailing date.
no distant date, even though be in the nature of thelr visiting The members wbo were preshim in Jamaica. He further more ent and participated in the even.
said that he could not find words ing as entertainment were: adequate enough to convey to his REV, A, NIGHTENGALE (Chair. friends in Panama how much he lumeated having t) leave this DR. FE LOWE Guest of the Evening)
this dear old country, and DR. CONNEL, thi anything that he might DR. FAIRWEATHER. ve atle to do for them in his MR HARRIS, ov scene of activity be would MR, FAIRWEATHER, Ilahirrself always at their MR. WILKINSON, dietosal, be vil take away the fondest and pleasanti st recollec MR. R, PHILLIPS, ons of his confreres amongst MR. HEADLEY, whom it gave him aq enviable MR. T. WILLIAMS (Secretary)
part of in ALBOA EST EER REWED correspondent writing from montreal under date Juno 19 states that The crying need of more population. Premier of both Canada and Australia is stated Sir Henry NE South Australia, in an address before the Canadian Club at Australia. like Canada is 25 times the size of the United Kingdom, yet the population of either country is as the single city of DIWA was because ot this, he said, that he has just completed the arrangements la England for the emigration of 6000 boys aged from 15 to 18 to South Australia, where they are to be trained as practical farmers It will cost the State of South Australia 300 for each individual, but the cost is worth while, he sald. The boys are to be established on training farms for three which time years. during will be paid and posited Jaredit years it would be given them with Interest, so that they might establish themselves on farms of their own Ontario, he said, was likely to adopt the same scheme, according to information which had reached him since he has been in Canada.
Premier Barwell referred to the white Australia policy and stated that circumstances were rapidly reaching the point where some departure from this policy would have to be adopted.
Australia is a rast country, it well south in tempo rate clime, part of it decidedly. cal parts of the country, white mea can live, but they cannot bring up families. If this country to be opened a up and Australia is to prosper, provision of coloured labour from the tropios will have to be made and the white Australia policy departed from to that extent, Premisr Barwell. who is promineet figure in the Nationa list party and spoken of in political circles as the possible succes.
sor to the Right Hon. William Hughes, as Premier of the Commonwealth, spoke against political opponents, the Labour Party. Australian labour is not maintaining the volume of production that it did before the war. he said, This is in measure due to a deliberate go slow policy to which the workers have been openly incited by extremists agitators among the leaders of their party.
Perhaps should not say this, regret have to do it, but do say so and shall always say so while the facts continue, Premier Barwell deplored the undue publicity given to occasional disloyal utterances ema nating from Australia. These remarks are cabled to other parts of the Empire and throw out of prospective the true and essential loyalty of Australia as a whole, he declared. Australia believes in the bounds of good will, affection and friendship which bind the Empire together them, I trust that the same sentiment predominates in Canada.
Sir Henry left for home on the Canadian Australian liner Makura accompanied by Lady Bar.
well and his Secretary, He came from England recently on the Empress of Scotland, DE large Varied Assortment of STATIONERY CALLE No. Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD and wishes AT THE PRIVATE ACADEMY English Classes For Young Ladies 6 AND FOR BOYS 7 Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays. BARTON, Musical Art Association Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. WORKMAN PRINTERY When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Stock of Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards. splendid opportunity for Sight Singing. Voice Production Pronounciation for Singers and Piano Lessons. plan has been formulated to meet everybody enabling all interested to acquire musical knowledge at a very small cost For further information apply to D, LEACOCK, General Director, o. Box 946, Ancon, z, GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE Do When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Notice.
Address. MULLER BUILDING We are requested to siate that the whereabouts of Joseph Douglas is wanted at the Exe.
cutive Office, Balboa Heights Canal Zone, where there is a letter awaiting him from his father Richard Doug as CALIDONIA An Assortment that will meet your Taste


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