
Book Binding! like em!
Co. of Hel Book Binding Department They satisfy Chesterfield greater to SAVES THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922 PAGES VEN Interesting West Indian Nows (Continued from page 2)
says the Daily Argosy. The Chair.
man of the Farmers Conference, who has taken very keen interest in the matter, has written Messrs Sandbach Why throw away your old, but no Parker Co. in connection with this proj. ct. The firm has in turn communicated th air branch doubt interesting, books when you office at Montreal, also the Canadian Pacific Railway can have them neatly bound at whom they are agents, to see whether they would interest themselves in the development THE WORKMAN Only the choicest of bapana industry in the Turkish and finest colony. It is hoped tnat by the next P steamer the American tobaccos brook trial shipment of about are used in Chester25 bunches will be made to field cigarettes.
Montreal Oa this shipment will depend largely what action will be taken by Canadians in this CENTRAL AVENUE matter, It is felt that what is required and No. G Street is quick communication with the consuming market. It com munication could be reduced to ten or twelve days, there would be ment of the trait industry. It is hope for the establish also felt that if the Government CIGARETTES is keen on fostering the Indus The best Tonic in the World try, it should advance inoney of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended the farmers through the Depart. VIGOR TONIC Aided that turs that proper stes mship communication could This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend be offered. Should the Canadian Pacitic railway become Interest ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ed in the trade, it is thought that Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a man from Jamaica should be a run down constitution, appointed to come over and port as to the prospects of the It promotes digestion, improves the appeLIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Industry and that etorts should tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
be made to get Mr Macau lay, President of the Sun Life DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or Assurance Company interested times a day.
ia the matter.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Important to Lodges. To Borrow One Million Link up with LIFEBUOY Pounds, All notices for publication Adfor Health Sake. vertising dates of meeting nights member of the Board of ments which have been carried has filed a action aganist the result of the extensive improve Land Surveyor of this Colony, are charged for at the rate 00 Agriculture in Demerara bas out there to, and will in fature Evernment claiming the sum of per month payable in advance.
given notice of the following ba occupied as a branca of the one thousand pounds, for breach Publications notifying suspen resolution which he intends to Canadian Bank of Commerce of contract.
sion or expalsion of move the next are charged for per inch of that in view of the widespread Over 1, 000 has been spent on An application by the Attorney economic austrecke meidespread the im improvements and the General on behalf of the Govern premises have been leased from ment was made in Chambers Lodges and other local Friend classes througbout the Mr.
Laurence Boodoosing, the for the dismissal of the action as to be governed accordiogly. ment and the bitter cry of all option of a renewal. The Bank Mr. Richards, instructed of will be formally opened for busi by Mr. Bruce McLeod, repre.
The MANAGEMENT in viate distre dage schemes pess from tomorrow.
and sented the plaintiff, The date of monete this Board med rnesity hearing in court is not yet fixed.
There is the likelihood that appeal to His Excellency the Success of Another Trinidadian this matter will be settled out Governor to approach the Comof Court as correspondence re bloed Court for power to borrow We have much pleasure in recompromise is being carried one million pounds to be allocat announcing the receipt of news, on. Eight hundred pounds and ed for assisting such schemes as that Mr. Emmet Conner of costs is the likely compromise.
shall received the approval of Sangre Grande, has successfully Governor in Council.
got through his semi final YOUTH and happiness are linked examination in petroleum engiup with health. Link up with TRINIDAD neering at Birmingham UniverGRENADA Lifebuoy for health and for the sity.
children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proA correspondent from S: LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; Agricultural Show.
Patrick writes that some dis.
it protects the children from the ST. VINCENT We are hoping that some ocappointment was expressed that dangers of contagious diseases.
At the June meeting of the Grenadian was not recomcasion will bring you to our Trinidad Agricultural Society The Government Majesty the King for someday mended by the Governor to His Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where store shortly. And when you the following resolution Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap adopted. That do come be assured that it will unanimously list of Birthday will safeguard the children keep them while Honours, and mentions that it is healthy as well as clean, Insist upon them be a pleasure for us to serve a bad great preci atinka edhe timely is Open To Series of help afforded plantera since the title of using it before school, after play, before meals.
throughout the colony through you, and that our pleasure In Actions Againts It. OMG was cɔnferred on the USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE late the Hon. Comissiong.
HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH serving you will make your visit the operation of the GuvernAgricultural Relief IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT. From The Times. Our Ordicorrespondent mentions the to our store even more enjoy Dance which came into being in names of three Grenadians, two Taxpayers will soon be called of them officials, and able for yourself.
December last as a temporary upon to assist the local govern Unofficial Member of Council one an IS. FULLER measure, this Society in view of ment by way of taxes to pay among whom such an the continued depressed condi damages to a number of people should have been bestowed, honour MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER tion of the Agricultural Indus. who have entered into contracts tries of the colony, desires with the Government for the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE respectfully to urge Government the absolute neces: ed at the Gregga, purchase of certain lands situat We are of opinion that Grenada sity for the establishment of a formed that after these lands islands for a general introduction We ars in will have to wait on the other Government Agricultural Bank. were surveyed the Government into the West Indies tre damer for sale by Success Of Trinidadlan. advertiserenin of the tenants Parliament to give effect to 10 oby sure of Representative Govern per. as the necessary som Says the Por ot Spain Gazette tuted wted the offer which consti Colonial Office recommendat ons Toronto Mail and Empire, by session as per their contract Islands which will be placed on Horomecente de monancement in the being tenants remained in pod liceulad not alone passed to ров Grenada. but all of This will Toronto, with respect to the receiving tha grant they save the trouble of going to astead the same footing.
of Veterinary examine we tions, among the candidates who were cancelled and they must for the same subject.
were informed that the contract Parlaimer a repeated occasions DONE WITH NEATNESS AND have successfully qualified for ent the degree of Doctor of Vetort for the purchase of the said bor enter into new Arrangements Daly Lumsden, ot Trinidad. Dr. and other day happenings nary Sciezce, is Mr. Matthew at the price of pat WANTED Lumsden who is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lumsden of Port to certainly be called Spain: was formerly clerk in words maladministration.
official bungling or in other the employ of Messrs Canning suppose that St. Vincent will Reliable Salesman Co. and left the colony about HANDLING TOILET three years ago for a wider field soon have to follow the start FOR held made by Jamaica which is to PREPARATIONS Birthday Cards and Ball Cards of activity. He resolved to ask the Colonial Office pursue studies in Veterinary to remove certain officials trom Ho ro co Tonics science, and by dint of deter the island. It mind effort and application, ate that all these unhappy things most unfos un etc. etc.
reached the goal of his ambition, should crop up during the role on which we are sure his many of ou: Acting Adminitrator.
For paticulars apply to Good Assortment friends will offer him their These however proverbim ALEX. SANCHEZ hearty congratulations.
the truth of the old ad Un House No. 24 St. Guachapall happy lies the head that wears a or mail to Box 979 TO SELECT FROM AT THE NEW BANK Alcon, One Thousand Pounds The building in Hight Street recently vacated by the Royal Against Local Government Rent Receipt Books In SpanBank of Canada has undergone ish and English for sale at tha a thorough transformation as a Mr. Charles Richardson, Workman Printery, and unem LIFE RY BARGAINS Remember SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable germicide and. sure disia fectant a long time LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND 10 on the offered them sad JOB PRINTING of every description Instead the Senate results of DESPA Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, No Crowa, WORKMAN PRINTERY


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