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days through tru tbe stone Lik. fush tha news succag.
use Mr. again: of the House who VOL. No 52 PANAMA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1922, PRICE Cts. Cy.
BIG BOOST FOR FAREWELL DEAD BODY SEND OFF OF SAILOR FULL DETAILS OF SPORT AND BUSINESS To Dr. Ricardo Alfaro As Found Hanging On Tree THE ASSASINATION OF Minister To Washington Suspended By Leather Belt Improvements At Juan Franco. Sota el nuclrat atTA Paro. this community was thrown in On Saturday 10 At about 10:20 a. on Monday Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Park Causing Great Attraction Minister Extraordinary and to a of excitement it Murdered On His Door Steps.
Envoy Plenipoteniary of Panama vas rumoured that a to the United States left this city Sarlmento was found dead bang the Training Ship Presidente Turfites and lovers of out door amusements are ex: duties to which he has been in any known as a partie de tiner for of (Continued from our last Issue)
pressing lavish praise for the extension and improvement of the Juan Frano Rice Track situated in the suburban Accredited by the President of moulding the Amador Cemetery. Istunned whin the news of the ing event.
The use of Commons was the circumstances of this apallthis public district of Panama, where thousands of tsen go in At the railroad Station a large the spot saw the body of a sailor the question hour, it is stated that a boy pasi murder baca ne known ducing Mr. Chamberlain ros9.
qucst of a good time whenever there is a race meet. number of government officials My Info instion, he salt From the inception of the King of Sports or, as Canal administration, the mem Une of the traes, life was extinct rollicking mood of Repablic, the Panana suspended on the branches of Members had been in rather quiet, but uncertain tonas, is some call it, the Sport of Kings on the Isthmus, mes bars of the diplo natic and con The body was later identitied of those days when the favourite in custody It was one imperfect, but two men are now whose vision penetrate beyond the limits of the present sular corps residents in this as that cay standiMarquezia parliamentary pastime of Minis He was interrupted by the looked forward to the time when horse racing would be city: private citizens and the cader of the Apatine warship ter baiting was baing indulged first sound that had es raped conke an attractive and profitable pastime. Those whose foraixao con nitelis para fish san Balbos. Tas deceased young suddenly, there was a change was a hoarse, also savage cheer now at anchor of in with snap and hilarity. Toen from the strained House. There of country. Polica Ball it signs of disgust at the primitiveness of the old track in the corp, and the National Band by Themeare very Rood family. doors came the tipure of Mr. beon captured old and Tarough the great swing at the news that two men had Exposition Grounds where the game started.
their presence lent supreme The concerta have stated that they Roland MacNeil. Sir Heary Wilson continued on business dignity to. are ignoran burly ignorant of was shot well as on the orders of animate nature. and even such as a parte beter the occasion de cada uno de naran tore del canego which chainpion of Ulster. with deals Me. Cambrils Margaex to face thing as the turf must pass through its evolution from the man which was opened to an end to his life.
Sir William Sutherland dead, and several constables u more popnlar send of this rasa conclusion, in putting bustled in from behind the have been shot.
dash along straight run to the circle course where the distinguished didb. cat and law Marquez left the ship for three Speaker chair. Both of them MR. ASQUITH EMOTION animals can be seen from start to finish.
without leave and burried to the Treasury bench has witha The improved track at Juan Franco, is a credit to the Allaro was surrounded ently fearing the consequenca of and where be laidoyd George emotion of the Tos Spokane vile Mr. Chamberlain.
Racing Commission of Panama. People going backward by a large nu nber of distinguish punishment ne did not recurn, loos of shook and startled country has sustained observe the magnitude of the improvement and to admire token of their high esteem and with his and forward in the Las Sabanas tram car cannot fail to ed ladies who brought several and seem to have decided to end horror passed over the faces of the death of one of the men who his life.
was found the Prime Minister and the our success in the late war, and contributed most powerfully to fest touching the the genius with which the work has been planned and is appreciation for her kindness ground. took a leather belt Churchill havior answered his the thanks of this House a comleader of the House. Nr. who, for his services, received be ng executed. The site is decidedly the very best that and geniality as one of the resad placad it around his neck, questions, had let the house. pacatively short time ago. Since could have been selected for a race track, and the fact that presentative ladies of this counthen fastaned it wita a bit of a moment or two be cane it is capable of improvement malop it increasingly valuone by one they salabgoodbyes wice to the beach Afyonkheche agitated.
It sken. be had. bacaune duowa zna?
able and desirable selt possessed of first class par.
Bon voyage to Dr. Allaro was th: ba then jun, from The new grand stand and pad Jock under erection are general wish of this community di chichere was standing in their rouad the beaches. Memmbers honoured by his friends aip for ran liamentary qualities have been well placed and tastefully arranged. The fact that they to the distinguished party with ditch where he would have a fair waispered it to each other iamany years are being constructed out of concrete lends an air of up to the anticipation for their future chance of being suspendad so as credulously. Some walked over Onamberlain voice broke. Continued On Page 6)
Mr. the Ulsterman for confirma: He stopped and leaned over the dateness which commends the committee as being commation.
Oibers Went to the posed of men with brains and grit The building is Treasury bench. Tag despatch box, silent and unable airy, roomy and classy looking, commanding a comprehen. PANAMA BANKING COMPANY alled. There were litile consulto continue. After a murmur of sive view of the whole track and a panoramic vista of the cations among Ministers, encouraging cbaers he spoke eity of Panama with the waters of the still but Asqu shanu Sir Donald Mac think, he said, that every treacherous Pacific ebbing and flowing in unerring regular BY order of the Judge of the Third Circuit Court Leoa came over from the Oppo member sitio bench to sit hereby summon the creditors of the Panama Banking Lloyd Gorgo, sit with Mr.
Me. Chamber great career, who had welcomed remember Sir Henry Wilson Panama could receive no greater boost than that Company to be present at a General Meeting of Creditors lain and Me. Churchill.
which is promised in the Juan Franco Race Teack when to be held at the National Theatre on the 15th instant, at The Home Secretary came in. to him, will feel with me that him here, and wbo had listened completed. straight drive from the city without transfer 10 a. for the purpose of considering a proposed ar. Apparently, he had nothing to this is not only a national, but of cars or any other inconvenience will make it easy for rangement submitted by the representatives of the Bank. tell Mr. Chamberlain talked to for us in the House of Commons In view of the importance of the matter to be consid went out again. Taen Sir John that it wil ba tre general him and gesticulated and he tourists to hit the trail to the races whenever they are a personal tragdey. believe scheduled. The recently completed road way from the ered at the meeting, this Court earnestly recommends Baird, the Under Secretary of of the House, precedent wish casino and the soon to be completed stretch from Cen: that all creditors be present promptly at the appointed to lounge optice are some withstanding, that in the spacia Chamber.
nh tral Avenue through the Exposition grounds will afford hour, so as to avoid the necessity of having to postpone penciled report.
luxurious automobiling, while pedestrians cannot become the meeting for lack of quorum.
lain, Mr Asquith, Me Lloyd circumstaaces of this case, and of profound respect foot sore over the short distance from Panama to the Creditors are advised that from the 7th instant they George Mit Crouchil cerowded for our colleagues and to lose read it. Members with his widow, that pleasure grounds.
may obtain printed copies of the draft of the proposed of the bench rose in their seats the House should adjourn. The tourist season will soon be opened and by that arrangement by applying at this office from to 11 a. and craned over the sboulders beg to move, sir that this House of Ministers to read time the track will have been completed. This will mean and to pm.
do EDWIN CHANDECK, themselves what news there was a rushing time for Panama, according to the prediction of The Speaker rose.
HUM OF VOICES. calm voice Albated through the the business experts who can see a couple of miles ahead.
Secretary, 3rd Circuit Court.
It has been stated that this coming tourist season promises Panama, August 2, 1922 All this time questions on all sorrowing Chamber as he put sorts of subjects were being the the motion. That this House to be a large and profitable one, and with the racing business placed on a substantial basis things are likely to Royal King David Temple Victoria Whips West End.
There was a asked and answered. No one do now adjourn.
took the slightest notice. There whisper of Ayes, rustle as move on with a go.
was continual movement and members gathered up their The more than two score thorough breds No. of voices, Sometimes the papers to file out quietly and stiil The Victoria runner up in Speaker had to shout two from Jamaica will enhance the fun of racing to an inincredulous.
describable extent. As soon as these animals disperse the Sinclair At a general meeting of the Cup competition, three times before the member Mrı Asquith, as he walked his away behind speaker themselves into the hands of different owners there will Royal King David Temple No. 2, met the great West End in concerned realised that chair, wept openly and unbesiimmediately commence a rivalry and competition worthy British United Order of Mosaic a cup fixture on Sunday last at question had to be asked.
Sussex Ovaland defeated Then at last Mr. Asquith rose, tatingly.
of the game. It will turn into a question of training and Templars held on Thursday, July them by se comfortable margin, grave and perturbed There Hair an hour later the krim of Lord Carsou rose to the horsemanship. Each owner and his friends will back their 27th, at Eureka Lodgeroom. for West End won the toss and sent was a sudden dead silence.
and curse of Lords to ask whether a Mr, Asquith first words were favorites; jockeys of class and distinction will be in de election of officers for the ensuing wicket, and were all out for 99 almost inaudible. Some it was true that Sir mand for skilful riding.
term People will spend any amount of money to see good loving were elected: Bros. Bent purw. In their turn at the wic broke the strained stillners with Wilson had been shot and Lord Birkenhead briefly anhorse races and will travel any reasonable distance. Per WM. MR, Gardner, ket West End could only muster shout of Speak up! The dangerously wounded.
Roachford. SisAens 82 runs due to the masterls silver balred ex Prime Minister haps, with the opening of our new track sportsmen Worth Bro: Lovels. Steps bowling of Allan Coolridge, who turned slowly to look at the inter nounced the death of the field from the neighboring shores of Cuba may be inclined to hallow of. Brown, we. Paul well bad quem in ters Lord Carson leaned forward bring over the animals for contest with the the Panama w, King. w; Bros, hand at all stages of the games. It is very difficult to speak his seat, covered his face with Credit to Capt. up, he said simply and the his hands and a few moments horses. This will lead to tremendous business out of all Prescod. Gand Berun. Alleyne for the victory, as it was silence.
possible computation. Bros. AllmanL Francis and Mitchell; Hostess Rood judgement and experience paused for a few seconds like later left the chamber while the peers proceeded with Sister Quinland.
on bis part in starring his team man palling himself together, postin business.
to victory. With a little more and then spoke Later Lord Salisbury moved: Lett for the Isle of Spring. Quintuplets.
again with next general meeting of fielding combination, the Victoria obvious difficulty. That this House places on the above named Temple, will be will be one of the hardest teams Since came down to the record its detestation of the held on Friday, August 11 at to beat, and expectations good attendance is entertained to see them chop thoudings of a most terrible nature committed this siternoon, name be p. said. have heard horrible crime which had been Among the passengers who left cable despatch from New ancicipated.
cup at the close of the season.
for Jamaica, on board the United the death, the murder of a iy ly the murder of Field marsbal Fruit Company steamer Mela Orleans, dated July 8, states gallant soldior, one of the great Sir Henry Wilson, by last Thursday were Mrs, that five children have just beon British Consulate Noitco. Notico.
igures the war, wbu though which the coumry has been Aunie Lindsay, mined Nurse Nr.
recently elected member of deprived of a most distinguished and Midwife, and her little Vard born on the same day to The Acting British Consul at already posueased to public servant and expresses Madeline who goes to school. William Prestige, wife of a far Colon would be glad of informa Mrs. Annis Lindeny, Frais bigb degree the esteemi, indeed lite profound sympathy with Mrs. Ann Thomas, well mer, residing sixty miles north tion as to the present whered Nurse and Midwile beku to the adection, of his colleagues Lady Wilson in her sorrow, Na Asqalib emotion over known Dressmaker of Paname east of Monroe, Louisania. Mrs abouts of Thomas Fraser, for notify her Patrons that she has LORD BIRKENSTAD and her daughter Flossle, both merly employed in the Freight left the Isthmus for a short came him for a moment. Then Lard Birkecond ronds grin of whom goes on an extensive Piestage dve year ago bedamo Department of the Panama Rail. period and on her robern will be seked Mr. Obamberlain to the mother of triplete: oad Company at Cristobal.
make due notification.
give any exact Information as to (Centindo os Page By him to for now adjourn.
His grave new bum of houd or almost the House one The fol. in their The are House, shie Ho House


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