
Thre. More Started On Monday But Wore Soon Put Out.
HALT. 500. 00 REWARD LUCKY STRIKE EMPTY PACKAGE CONTEST IS ON a repetition of last around Four Paths, Monday. After the passing of the passenger train today, from Kingston, shortly after noon, threo fres sprung up. The most dangerous was that in the immediate vicini.
ty of the station yard. Fanned by a slight wind, it soon spread but owing to the promptness of the Station Agent and a willing band of workers 16 was exun gulshed before doing any dam.
ave: only spreadiog a little way iuto an adjoining property.
Much praine must be given to those who helped or else wo would bave op Week disastrous conflagration.
This town has bo out of water for the lust two days and the inhabitants are hard put to get tho precious liquid. Quite a.
crowd have been borering the Railway Station since morning to get some water from the passing trains but tbelr bopes were doomed to disappointment. The relief tank is empty at the Rallway Station since Saturday and there is talk of the supply being dis continued. What will the people do under the circumstances, lo the question being asked?
People came from the Mocho Mountains, seven miles away, co the Railway Station for water but had to return home empty.
some bad to content themselves by getting water from the borde ponds to carry home to boil.
From some of the ponds even the very animals refuse to drink the water, case of typhoid fever has broken out in the town and has caused a mild flutter of excitement owing to the impure water tho inbabitants are compelled to drink.
It is hoped immediate action will be taken in the matter of the Four Paths water supply as this and last week disastrous fire shows the need of samo.
3rd 39 book. Darling you Falmouth May In Custody In InBecome Port For Ocean valid Chair.
Injured Prisoner Alle London despatch dated July quoat On Girl states that American travellers to Europe may in after years DEATH PACT.
have the opportunity of selecting Falmouth as their landing place. Oh that wretch! Let mere Negotiations are in progress in near him. Do let me god nour reference to the establishment bim! shouted a woman of HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE 250, 00 GOLD HANDED TO YOU?
for transatlantic liners Hersham (Surrey) Inquest on port at St. Just, on the side of Car. Gladyo Wall aged iftorn, ber Your CHANCE is at hand ricks Ronds, opposite Falmouth, daughter, when Lionel Mward and it is expected that announc Symons, a young married man ment of their successful issue entered the court.
will be made next week. The Inquest revealed a polySir Henry Japp, an eminent sant trag dy. It belng sugrooted angineer, has pointed out in that the man and the girl made London paper that British compact to die together. In the ships have outgrown British result the jury con droed als sarbours. Ho referred to the view, and returned a verdict act that a ship like the Majestic Murder agalost Symone, who of could only enter and leave Cher was sent for trial at the Ardizoo.
bourg and Southampton at cer The girl mutilated body was The Prizes listed below will be awarded on the basis of the persons turning in stages of the tide and that tound on the Land R, and the greatest number of LUCKY STRIKE empty packages onsequently she loses some the ghteen hours in the journey railway carriage on wlding he police also found Symono, In to or from America, close by, He was buddled on Contost Cloco. At Our Office On Tuesday August 15th For many years past the port seat and one of his feet bed Falmouth, or rather Just, on been cut off. It was found in the the opposite side of the Road boot on the line.
HERE IS LIST OF THE LUCKY STRIKES FOR THE WINNERS which has enormous facilities He was employed by the girl the accommodation of deep ather, a baker, at Harabam. 1st LUCKY STRIKE Greatest Number of Lucky Strike empties 250. 00 draught sbipe has been spoken fresh complexion man, bo wa 2nd 2nd Lucky Strike likely field of develop carried into the church hell 75. 00 those firms interested where the inquest was beld, 3rd Lucky Strike y transatlantic passengers and and remained situang in me 40. 00 4th 4th reight trade. Things has now avalia chalr during the proLucky Strike 25. 00 come to a head.
5th 5th Lucky Strike 10. 00 The Inlut known as St. Just. Moun Iti 6th to 25th 20 prizes at 00 each 100. 00 dords channel ninety feet leep low water, and there round the following letter writt Inspector Tamolin suld be 500 00 And fall of the tide is not mor: ven by Symonds. In his pockerthan The vessel ever dreamed of his dream Winners To Be Announced Through All News Columns, August 25th would berth in safety, especiall My Darling. What do you two knot tide is the maximum understand, dear, Do you mean mam nean about Friday! don quite Parliamentary powers wert If you send your LUCKY STRIKE empty packages by mail be sure that they btained three years ago to debout going down to Anish overy.
velop the port of st, Just, anahing. or what?
are properly addressed and plainly marked to: 50 far only finance has been the know best dificulty. This dificulty has or not. Darling you know whether anything bas bappened British American Tobacco Company, Ltd. now been overcome, or you and no one else, daar, the verge of being overcome. Drawer 2025, Ancon, or Box 1118, Panama City, Panama It is understood that the rail but w. miserable of you be ways most nearly concerned an ing in the shop serving. LUCKY STRIKE FOR THE WINNERS a whole hearted agreement with Symonds, said the Inspector, the scheme to make St. Just at had made the following state Atlantic port of call. Feeder nent: On Friday, April 21, was Cigarette smoked by people in all walks of life WHY. Because lines have been surveyed, and there would be no necessity Gladys inside the railings. She passing the village ball, SAW ITS TOASTED convoy freight or passengers by called to me and asked me 15 any roundabout routes, so that freights from America could true was leaving her transferred rapidly to all part. Yes. and. sha mald 21 told her not to be silly, and she said mean it. It Must be the Train The best Tonic in the World Symonds also said that he then went towards the post ffice and saw Gladys running across the green. He ran after The HOME STUDY COURSES of ber, and she suggested walking This elegant onic preparation is highly recommend along and talking things over.
the Womans Institute, Intered in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Gladys left him and he walled national Correspondence Schools Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up on for a few yards. heard bor running maid Sy monda, na DRESSMAKING a run down constitution.
after her, saw her maling for It promotes digestion, improves the appe for the train lines. She got on MILLINERY on the lines and ran Aerose, tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, ran after her.
COOKING DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or saw the train coming, and do not remember any more 4 times a day.
Best in the World until mas found me in the carriage. don know how got into the carriage, cannot say 125, 000 Women Students Already.
whether the train bit Gladys or CATALOGS FREE Another note in the handwrit ing of Symons saldAddress: Ancon, Dear. Slip out when to pass about 80, it must be the train. cannot do it mysell.
There we can go together, 1 Letters ro by myselt.
Cound in a pocket on the railway Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000. Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 ba being word in Anat them was signed Alwaye yours before God and another com tained paseago If we go down there do not go to the train llnes, because do not wish to die that way, would rather Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK you killed me some other way.
ou love you News From Retreat YOUNG WOMEN: VIGOR TONIC Retreat, July On Monday the 5th Instant terrible acci.
dent occurred to a lad, caused by one of the trucks of the United Frult Company. The truck was carrying bananas to the whart and the lad, who was employed to work on it, was sitting on the rear part of it.
When it reached Epping about two miles from this villagelad fell oft and got both legs something went wrong and the fractured by the wheel. He was hurried off to the hospital at Port Maria, where he is now Lying in a dangerous condition, Both legs bave been subsequently amputated.
are the JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Advertise in the, Workman. Pays.
het ook Another accident took place on Thursday the 6th, at Windsor, in tois, district. Two men were out shooting bawks when, it is allegea, accidentally gun went LI8 18. The wound is somew at serius. Toe wouuded man was lurred of the doctor at Gayle aod tubs quently to the hospital. The utger man bas been arrested.
Indentified in the Strain. One of International Banking Corporation Very severe drought is pass ing over this district at present No planting can be done. The paces of bananas have fallen considerably within the past few The most that was ob ain:d was 12 pounds sterling 10. vr 100 conta, Chronous are fetching only 4s. per 100, and there is very little demand for them.
TELRYRARGAN Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Death Of Newspaper Reporter.
Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE OUBA PERU PORTO RICO URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Sunday, Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World The Barbados Standard reports the death of Mr. Fred Peters reporter who had done gnod service on the Port of Spain Garette Trinidad, which took place on the 8th July at the Barbados General Hospital. His Pemains were interred at the Westbury Cometery on goodly number of local journal and other persone employed op newspapers. The news of the sad event was not generally known, or the attendance at the fr nanral would have been larger Il na it was Wo tener our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives in Trialdad, We are hoping that some de casion will bring you to out store shortly. And when you do como be assured that it will be a pleasure for us to sorta you, and that our pleasure the serving you will make your whole to our store even more onjoy.
able for yourselt. FULLER JEWELLER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE.


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