
annan HAVE YOU TRIED you want photographs of Santay QUALITY Edig tbe to the occasion.
choir we WAS ID mass were present in each package When you complete this to ollowing to meet their friend and carry has arrived who as for we give you an Album.
mm manner such celebrations paid respects to their tha CIGARETTES WWW Barmasin took charge of the chining who gram Society thep for the year.
LAW fation with the Receiver, inform of the Silver Chubbostern part over the four Agure mirk wand TAE WORKLAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922, PAGE MIVE St. Ann Catholic Sini ir werden wiring Canal Zone Notes Colon Love Chariot Society Benevolent Society To Organize Fire Fittingly Celebrates Fourth Celebrates Anniversary Of Brigade, etc. Anniversary.
Patron Saint.
The ab u named society for Friends You will find Lascascadas. the fourth tine demonstrated Surday July 31st will be long itself to the Rapublic of Panas, remembered as a bright day in meeting of some of the West that as a local organization, it has the bistory of the St. Ann if a series of Indian heads of families was come to stay. As it gathered Catbolic Friendly Society of St.
Joseph Church Cristobal called on Sunday evening the together a large number of its 30th of July Caral Zone. The occasion was to form a 1922. at 30 o clock members, friends and visitors in the Spacious hall of Court Brigade Corps Brock, AOFF. S, the celebration of the annivery Court for the settlement, on samme function began at 30 a. of their patron St. Ann.
120 MOVING PICTURE Green, one of the płoneers of celebrating its fourth AnniJaly 16th 1922, for the purpose to settling in the district was with High Mass in St Josephs toe chief mover in the said direc corated with the flags of the versary Tha hall was nicely Churcb. Fatber at STARS tion.
celebrant preached an elcquent and impressive sermon appro The following list of officers public the Union Jack, kad and men were temporarily elect the Stars and Stripes. The a ed to office, special Preacher for the after.
The or St Josepb one Messrs.
Morrisy, noon was Mr. Rogers, who ascended the Rostram at Ryfkogel At this Clarke and Taylor, were respec. 15 accompanied by Me all members and visiting Reasonable tively elected as Fire Chief, P, Lord the Wortby PG, of delegates about one hundred and Captain, Lieutenant and Secre the Society and delivered fifty persona marching in a pro Price ession to and from the church are the elects dis masterly and Instructive The members again assembled firemen: Boughman, course taking as his subject the in Jetbro Temple Broadway seven Candlesticks which tds Callender, Alleyne, Your chance out the social part of the pro Jackson, Bryan, M, Golden the embiom of the Society, and Ismay, Mr. Mercbant, Las a teacher, be pointed out the high McFarland, Mr. Grant, Ros teachingerations to which gram At pm the president tha Mr Chas, Underwood called the series vait, Manfreilse, Joseph, bodies at the conclusion of the of the Society em. Lynch, Maynard. Bol remarks introduced the tamby FIVE CENTS and acted service the members went on the evening chairman Secretary pro tem.
streets and were Cristobal properly DE Thompson of arranged by the leading The question of getting fire headed coloured school for apparatus and other musicpa! Band, they paraded the princt.
by the Intercaloniai The chairman in a sbort but property of the town in their pal able addres welcorred all visitors most in the Dame of the society, FIFTEEN CIGARETTES propar placas being discussed, pal streets of the city in a FREE And plans to form a City Councii vytul and orderly Referring to the event be said to see fter the general welfare returning to the Lodge wasn were quite at the second part of the function of the entlement having been appropriate; all loyal citizens or word to the considend, countriesis was decided to was to be carried out.
call a general meeting of all of A: 5:30 pm, Mr. Oliver Wil.
illustrious dead, and the church THREE FOR ONE CENT in like manner does not forget wise.
the representatives of families linus ex President of the Society in the town later in the week munted Rostrun and in a ber saints and mariyrs whom for the purpose and the perma most brilliant speech outlined she enroll on her roll of honour, Mr. Cadet here read: pent orgeorzation of the City the purpose of the assembly, and fire force.
introduced Mr. Grald report of the society covering The meeting was then ad chatrman for the Worthy SG of the Society as shree months ending July 30 jurned to the 2nd proximo.
during which it has been at work and This sbowed one hundred fifty Zone 5c.
members en rollea 313, 00. S. CHENALLOY, Agent GATUN making a fer appropriate re.
Republic 12.
marks, proceeded with the pro collected of wblet 8250 is lodged by calling on the choir for in the bank to the credit of Children Day was a Success: an anthom entitled the Manananananananampanan the Lord, which wa3 splendidiy The audience applauded to On Thursday Jaly 27, will be.
upon their satisfaction. The Do.
long remembered as read the Mr. called on the various aelo Record Initatory The Semi Defunct Canal Zone Bank. Les former chiu ten day that Secretary, who Rates to address the meeting.
district. The beautiful Tennis showing a collectioa which which went Ceremony The following Societies were leading to represented Knights of St. John, about To The Editor Of The Workman for expenditure.
Ladies Auxillary to Knights of Respected Sir. On behalf of ing him of some of the unenvita Secreta charmingly decorated by the Leaving the Society fund for St. Johns, St. Anthony Society A record initatory ceremony the Depositors of the late Semi ble conditions that prevail bere Brown Assisted by Messrs.
year in a very very healthy condi of Parama, French Society and was established on Friday July Smith. Clarke and the tion like the proverbial Johnie Jethro Temple, All these 28, wben the Lily of the Atlan Defunct CANAL ZONE BANK a pong many of the depositors school teacners of the Zoetha whole prucaedings cannot be Walker Going Strong although delegates gave encouraging tic Lodge. No. 493 of the British kindly oblige, by publishing to dour need of his aid. Alter addresses Order of Ancient Free Garden your widely read columns the wards the gentleman was called inan of the District Quarter stated on account of space, yet schools. forewere the following distinguished angurated in the polyants over honor Judge Valarino, and Dr. cluded Besides these speakers there ers the Friendly Society, was in following announcement:Through the crurtsey of his ing the matter they both con naster Department and toe par special mention must be mais visitors; St nor Julio Arz uz Alcal when over 50 applicants were pro nata best to entertain the little ones ed o cato eats and guardians who did thoit of Miss Risie Lord who captivato ed the audience with her recitade of Colun, for Fernandez. initiated in the mysteries of the Teran, who now stands in place distribution at that and make them happy tion All clear enite of Dr. James little Hmlet and Chub, and the Reds of the ceremony the Flower of Receive. Permission was given belp to the situation, and children in attendance as pre colon Prima Dono, excalled well known Jawyer. Doctora Order. Long before the openitę Cosgrove, be too insignificant as an efec There were over one hundred voice ringing through the ball.
Miss Father Burns, Hogan and Bart the Isthmus Lodge ball was como the following Report; advi be Green who bids fair to we depositors of St. Joseph Church fortably packed with Free Gar in response to the Petition pre: be asked to wait a little longers vous annoauicement for the in Ave Speeches were delivered in to himthree different languages English Edmund Mine, sented by us to his Honor on until the land be sold; then a loward to the great day which Cameron did to Maria Master March 24th last. wherein we inal Diu ribution be as self and the audigace Spanish and French requested that a pro rata dis as that would was His Honour the Alcalde who Lodge to order with the assist tribe tong bihe made from what amount of expenses a Clerical enjoyed by the 20 address befitting the occae spoke in and their parents and ston. Miss Allen received coildren auch nisu great pleasure to be present Bro Josh Bowing Ser Cash there was in hand, work So we had to agree guardians Several games were quite an ovation as she rendered the Burgess Actg also that the Javi lo Land He said he was highly pleased Bro. Alonza Bro Asset of the said Bank) bu 11 The Oash in hand on that date provided for their sold (March 24th. amusement, ber solo Eternal Lile Miss aboutPad and at the the games (Chirteen thousand refreshments were saw and that he was Charles Scott, Warden Bro at Auction, in Lots, or Blocks 13, 000. 00 ames Eulalie Lord gave a brilliant dis. Bro. The goc were served in interested in all that James display of Elocution in bar good Judge intimated his dollars USC)
Frederick Warden; bountiful manner, and at the rendition What is Society neures for the betterment of Bro. Mc Griffiths, Bro willingness to acquiesce to the July 18th, wo again call a close of the ways festivities four Master Leopold Barnham on Dr. Toran (The Rceiver)
and interesting reels vere torowa on soodets he and Mies Eva Heary mida W, Phillips, Actg. Inside Petition, at that time.
the amounity rendered Love Lawyer Edwards expressed Bro. Fred, Carmichael, Outer However, as was also necessary, he kindly favoured us with the the screne to complete the day the tbarks of the society for the Guard: little later on we had a consul following Report: Be program Prepared Miss Mavis Alcalde kind remarks The initiation Service was then Cabin band placed in the American Foreign Banking Corporation Hawking set the 6888 61 Father Burns and Hogan proceeded with, under the able Ceat placed in the International Bank in Colon ablaze as she rendered her reminded the society that the ruidance of Bro. Edmund One Smil Lot of Land told to China mua 6, 617. 40 Monthly Meetings Success Solo Waste Your Church would ren ain by them Aikens, M, who is promoter, Mr. Cecil Coleman as long as they showed that they and who was unanimously elected as Master of Ceremonies. He It is stated that the promoters gave the audience Social food, as Value or Cost Price of Land to be Sold.
of the monthly meetings are be ushered forth his level headed chairman paid the bigL est comProformed his duties in an able Lot 1, 149. 05 Dr Bamlett the In calling on Lot 926, 10 creditable mapper, and at Lot Lot 3, 944 60 6, 019 05 recy much satisfied in the man address. Mrs. Hamalia who 3, 044 50 Lot 8944 50 Lot 3. 438 57 as the Star Lady of pliments to him not only profes the 11, 327, 57 ner our residents are attending was as accorded a rising Lot 7, 318 78 Lot 6 071 10 Sessionally, but as a gentlemen vote of thanks. Without the Lot 6, 306 81 Lot 6, 083. 96 Lot 6, 195. 48 18, 686, 20 interest shown 19. 230. 84 the meetings, and the sincere the electrified the ball With coopara with ber Parlamentary, procehighest type The shadow of a doubt, Bro. Aikens Lotm 5, 354. 20 little all doctor 5, 354. 20 those concerned, gave, nest is dare 88 she gave her address on ittle knows the Order from to Z, be address exhoit mem ing a Gardener of 25 years standis an established certainty that behalf of the Society, and proved Collectable Amounts Due to the Bank.
vory much benefit will accrue to the audience that her title was bers to continue through his instrumento those atteading the instruc brought down the house well merited Miss Lum Meekle inalty planted the Ling tbe wo Dr, Chub spoke in 100 50 with tions.
Mrs. Cochen guaranteed by jewelry depositad same strain promising to give Atlantic Lodge in Chiod of the Dae by Francisco Calderon guarnstood by jewelry deposited 193 00 Solo Four rad hi best service when called by be met with the greatest amount Martha Beluont 440 00 was cheered to the echo.
William Owens guaranteed by Shares in Cement Co. 736 25 Song Service Was Woll Attended representatives of other kindred Rev, Father Hart then said the of opposition, which would have 10, 251. 00 discouraged any other man, but society did justice to closing prayer, after which he stuck to his guns, and was able Jabillo Realty Co. 500, 00. Jew) Lasted In Oolon The regular Songs Service Sion and honour to that noble left bigbly satisfied with the the reward of victory by 18, 000. 00 took pla va Sur way last, and body, as their addresses were day events.
his perserverance The members Mr Charles Ur der wrod must of the Orange Flower and RS Dr. Teran shows that he has behind was a great success Mr. Smith timely and belpfal. Miss sie of be highly complimentea on bus Panama lodges were in attend money from Abrams, as yet; by us that a Jew will never de lecture was tation from Psalm 1: carried the house with not been able to collect any However as it is understood speaker for the afternoon, bie tram followed by masters the colored teacher here was the Lord again ascended the abihis to organize such White assistance socle, les in the community, that was required. The beautiful fend forstokban all bee Abrams trauda, Christian, we will want and this well CADET.
del the the will come manner ad Instructive composed dialogue under. rted his bearers uitle of Juvenile Test the pleted, the lodge was closed and ton of rerunding the eighteon across in our hour of Deed, to price 21 retired to the banquet hall, to thousand dollars he borrowed or all the above amounts be re e Pelit de wala de estar chairman made tow brief te laid dowa Tne by!
Geket challenge, partake of a sumptuous and the people bard cash. It is andad; and all tae Lots be sold to with very much interadu, and called. at above close of rouader of congratulations were offered is the property of the small de price the Balance now sin du Wente away or expressing Society, who gwa the cineing and organizer of The Scottisb Mechanics Co to the new lodge.
positors; chiedy West Indians, bead positors by the Bank satisfaction in having enjoyed in address lo his usus could be guaranteed at 100 cts. Well spent evening.
of the Atlantic side challenge the sloquent usual the manner after Scottish Mechanics of Panama This then may be one of the to the dollar says Dr. Teran.
advancement of the Society in to a frier dly game of cricket te Panama Baptist C, So reasons why many of the said While thanking you in advance spite of the many set backs, le be played either at Gatunor ety to Palo Seco. West Indians seems hesitant Mr. Estor, we have the honor to Transportation Increasing thanked and congratulated the lon, on any open date ditable, Tois match bas been talked of returning to ther native remain most respectfully, general assembly taking sepaYours, Two new busses have put in nad played in the function. No the part whicly each group On Sunday August 18th the Islande. They are loathe to for many cnths past and the side boys are taking the Panama Baptist Christian En leave their hard earned savings RC CADOGAN.
their appearance in this town he and at present there is no certainly made his icitiative of sending the cbal deavour Society, will give the plein for easy Transportation anconiums showered on him.
mark and well deserves all the derge. The Atlantic alde la sen inmates of Palo Seco per Asy is the guipe of defeating the Panama lum, a sacred concert, according comers will meet with success, he good things that were pro vided were then served ard Pacific to show their colors ards Literary Chairman, this Address all cuormurications to meeting will go down in the Advertise in THE WORK Jenj yed, after which all left Linton. Box Gatun, lannual of that institution, MAN. It Pays Dressing satisfaction that they (tad spent an enjoyable day.
frat that the time would best to Hail her as be tive thor herselt At the he made a Chap WAS end of the with all be especially audience aby 972. 10 Love tical Catbolics were e practical close Lot 8, 841 01 of the tion of dare.
ting the their good inga he 10 ber The Calls The Arias 11 Abram. to reap the the Ros and reupon Mr. انه the gold com soubs Advertise in the Workman ex It pays


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