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VIIMANERICAN pos country Pierre oals cull exte, tha Wils, shall nent a SAVE THE CASH COUPONS Iterestinng Lecture to the League of Colleglans of Prevents and Cures COLDS CATARRH Thousands have cured themselves with (By NOVILLE, President. NOSTROLINK and now keep quite tree from Nose and throut disorders The Law is God mode of It occasionally, you should do Try NOSTR LINE and tell your friends motion; it portravs God wisdom INSTANT RELIEF OR MONEY BACK it pervades all time and space It Sold by Chemists everywhere.
Price by is every where at every instant Harold Matthews Co. Chemists, Clifton, Gios It bas as many phases or aspects God. It unites and BRODERICK LLOYD separates, and explains uaity in Manufacturers Representative diversity. Its expressions may BOX 272 COLON, be tormulated as the Law of Balance Equilibrium or Sequence of cause and effec of giving and Dead Body.
receiving The Law is the ex.
pression of Infinite justice, of Continued from Page which there can be nothing more to accomplish what he had decided never The bɔay of the deceased was to operate, it never compromises or lowers its exalted standard, it to the 300 Tomas spital where an autopsy was pever permits escape from its performed and on Tuesday with exceeding finess and tenders roing he was entered at the ness every factor, circumstance cemetery. The funeral was and condition; and it balances followed by his shipmates as the principal mouriers.
and proportions these with ab.
solute precision. It deals primari ly with soul, and no acknow Full Details of.
edged son of God desires more or expects less than the dictates (Continued From Page 1)
of Infinite wisdom and love narrative of the crim. Heira The Law is a finality. It is in ous and vile ware words fallible and exorable. But on which he used to describe the may oppose and fight it and suffer murder described Sir.
or he may harmonize with it and Henry Wilson brilliant contri love it and erjoy it. Eternally, butions to the military foringas the Law offers any and every Extra Mild of this.
Taare possible opportunity Nothing came a remarkable pasag comes or goes or keeps away CIGARETTES those, said Lord Birkenhead.
sald except through operatio of the who were at that law. The law is the Universal of one or other of sime members of one ore Provider. While the law is be Governments respɔnsible for is change less to a certain extent, one rela fortunes of the war know the tion to it changes as be develops, extent of the debt wh ca hid thin and one decerns the law only country owes to in relation to himself. In this sense cenuity the one should obey the law accordLive capacity, And soldi ing to the dictates of his con science of Sir Henry science. With each new phase of and most sincerely hope that his unfoldment, one decerns the the fact that the gallunt field the law from a different apgle.
narsh didered even profoundly He ma tom always determines how it may not alter the law, but the some views and recommen effect him; for its reaction on bim ENTIRELY DIFFERENTS a stions for which the Govern.
lors have made themselves is over the counterpart of his responsible will not be held a action on it. Truth is eternal su tficient cause makes free those who only for repelling and them or me from an ex oression, makes free with it. Seek knowhowever inadequate, of the heart ledge, with knowledge get telt grief we feel at his loss and understanding Knowledge comes sympathy we every one of us first, and wisdom and understand must feel with the unhappy ing are extracted from experience Lady who mourns his loss toWhat one lives feels, thiaks day.
represents under WORTH 00 GOLD FOR 100 COUPONS Last Words In Public.
standing or foundation or realiza tion of life 10.
what be really knows, or kuows of reality, Tae tumult and the shouting One is called upon forever to lies: The Captaias and the ngs depart; Still stans knows into realization and under wum Caine Ancient Sacriffce, landing, to make actual his numble and a contrite heart dream, and popportunity he could rise to the give reality to its it successfully o lower planes. dispelle. Lord God of dosts, ba with us vision, To believe what is true. One may deceive hinselt but he Uafor unnte and was uspe :ttag standard of other races, intellectCRICKET yet. Lest we forget lest we or to know the truth, it is neces cannot deceive the law. Nature day by day tha pople ara en ually and otherwise.
sary not merely to think but is conquered by obedience. It trapped by those who e end These lines from Much has been done, and toKippling think straight. No one the last think straight with may one would think clearly, live har to their friends. Firsib day it it is considerad that we Yorkshire Defeats Clovelly Recessional crooked moniously and live in peace be are made to believe that all ought to assist ourselves, then words uttered in public by Sir mind, False ideas and faulty must be true to his understanding persons who do not let Oval last Sunday, Henry Wilson, He spoke them 105. One avenues the of the law, irrespective of what themselves with the impossible strong in doing that which is the the Yorkshire defeated the at Liverpool. street railway may be loyal to bim others may say or do Wnen one schenes which are foisted on doa duty of all progressive people of Clovelly io a Sports on so when he unveiled a memorial to shortly before his death, self his conceptions of an advance attitude he calls then ara their enemies. Tae th: human family, in securing League Cup Match tratta only to the extent that he to himself all the tests necessary best leaders of the raca havet ir present and future bapirain on Saturday made the employees of the Great Estern law, thereby to establish in this new position, boeide the displeasure of the and it is truly an admission of bowler, so when the skipper of tö nuss, Hatred broeds contempground slightly favourable to the in realizes clearly the relation be The law comes to his assistance. We soidiers, he said count tween cause and result. It is be and sustains him to the extent people, and to lose the sup interiority when it is considered Yorkshire won the toss, he atas our cains our losses. This cause of false ideas.
it. It port which they get profes: that all our advancement should once sent his opponents in, fell in doing their duty. In do tablet thoughts and faulty logic, that recognizes and and otherwise. All be brought about through the Paillips of Yorkshire bowled the solutions of life with the ventures which have been assistance of other people.
every advance, Harmoracatessionally of the law or the obedience splendidly and succeeded in ing what they thought was right are difficult With that sum a of Industry will make a people capturing wickets for 13 runs they paid the penalty.
the law, problems are ment, have more or less been a independent and reliant. In the while Wiltshire The buglers of the Grenadier got for with this discernment, the niment and result of integrity to colossal failure.
are dissipated; conquers nature is the accompa Propounded for their advance soil, the wɔrkshop, and the Clovelly battine 12 showed Guards sounded the List Post light of truth shines through the one ideals. and faithfulness to Some persons argue, let the cus involves being people alone because they have those who will exert them Lamuel mirror of his straight when the che to one self, being tree from no thanks to give for anything for are plenty of opportunities the only two exceptions being last music that sounded in his soul shines efulgent prejudices. superstitions, hatred, honestly done on their behall, but selves.
who made 26 and Mason ears, will and has who got 12. The entire side tew Sir Henry Wilson words left it becomes evident to him that and the other destructive it is wise to consider, that like a waye raaman for his mada 64 dry eyes among the cach within own solution, and is truewent to bat, and the audience said Sir Henry Thor.
explanation lies Surely in its and leads one to destruction It crush all and put them out of the baan be an unfavourable fald for of the gave an exhibition ton, general manager the care. When calls for self control and a fine a stand in truth he will balancing of life a activities. Great losity, of advancement and development, but there are in ot fine bowling and fielding In Great Eustern Company, to one takes a stand in islands from which the dead so well did they bowl that Now be has taken bis representatiye.
mu called upon to justify, to be results follow great causes only: There are but two majority come all the true to his beliet, to embody his and one may receive bountiful for the great problem con lich travels abroad give to the had a chance of winning Sheri just when he solutions in up to the fall of the place of the eight wicket ties awaiting experieace it was still thought that Clovelly among those to whom he had ideals.
Unless he does this, his only after giving greatly. The professions of of spiritual truth will law is simplicity itseli so simple in this fapublic and in all parts real ambitious man, Tae money dan fought bravely for his side When said goodbye to him.
related to the law as to be a profound mystery. It of the world whera they paveihat is being wasted here with but he could not stave od the he made some little joke and we in a manner to induce some Kar is clear and plain, both in concep taken ap temporary residence, out any possible chance of suc inevitable defeat and finally. mic boomerang. Unless one tion and formulation, and that is they must turn Toess can be used in things more Brathwaite betting, desires to to Incorporate in his life (To Be Continued) the schoolhouses and holds beneficial than some of the mai Yorkshire reached eller ans: 198 s Council To Meet.
the truth he bears, it were better industry. They must secure a man dream on which we are principal scorers were Bratba 20, fos priescomfort. For the listen to Education and In real practical and useful education piered to invest. Verbum sal sa waite 25 presentation, law will pienti and Tudor 12, Sheridan bowled The ragular moathly meeting work, whether or not be does.
dustry tition with the advanced peoples nearly all through the innings of the Past Grand Masters The law is to each exactly that of the world. To imagine that Real Juvenile Entertain and captured wickets for 11 Council of the Grand Uaited which he is to it It represents all races are the enemies ment, TUD.
Order of Oddfellows Friendly to each the exact degree of his Will Make Us People.
of the colored people Games for To mɔrrow.
Society under the jurisdiction of unfoldment. It holds each to his dangerously misleading, when the Committee of Management belief in it to what be thinks he we come to take There will be a real Juvenile La Bocs vs. Britannic at La in England will be held at Eureka knows of it. It has spiritual, in (Communiested. the large number of charitable entertainment pulled of on Boca, Lodge room on Saturday night.
tellectual and the St.
Time is the righteous arbiter bequests made in the West In August 12th, 1922, at Yorkshire Jamaica August 5, at o clock Memand in every department of at of one in the destiny ot individuals and dies for the founding of schools Charles Lodge Hall, 162 Street Standard Oval.
bers are requested to ba punctual in attendance. The Byelaws opone activity, each one operates olin pitiable condition, because of of colored people can be addost of the Standard Catholic Mission the nations. The West Indians are and colleges where the children Colon. upstairs) by the children On Sunday, 18th inst. a team will be read for the last time, of operate the law successfully on the fact that too much time is ed without distinction of Streets.
of the best players on the PaciSome of fic side will cross the Isthmus to named the thing you and dialogass will be the Racitelo! 5sh and Cash songs, solos, duets mont WS Song Service Tomorrow energy into its interpretation. He imaginative prospective, brill chiet do battle with a similar selecti in mnat back it up. For example, schemes without any foundation bave been oducated at schools on the Atlantic side. We WILL Bools features of the Tomorrow wul bi song service the law will operate on the spiri and so menacing nas ignorance Landed wita espital bequeathed eats, guardians and friends. publish the team in our next day, and as this is isaue.
lockad for plane to the exact measure become to the welfare of the by people of the white and do wall to put in thale anera ward to it is the wish of tha one faith, and in devotion to people, that irrespective of the it is a libel on the memory of css, to note the smrtness officers that a large attendance it No more intellectual activity displeasure of those who are those white man who admie shộir little ass, as well as to will produce spacitual results. nor exploiting the innocent children able fought to bring about the enjoy a pleasant evening: Ad Ish and English for sale at ther and hebat stad Ront Rocelpt Books in Spane will be out. Mr. pris foreman of the garage will to the speak may one who bas faith in he of the race; the truth must be em Anctpation, demonstrating mission Adults 250 children 15e.
that his spiritual aspect of the law work told and the gloom of ignorance that if the Negro is given a fair JOAN 30N, Manager. Workuman Printery.
subject will be very, interesting.
aa forgat.
were us are to and the takes an in the war. realisation problems vari one ideas. It there one can think runs.
problem carries Express sh possibilito its other is falsa and into account vs.
at physical of elags or ot


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