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Legislative held school of poor and Rev.
will to violate Wilson contractor; 1988rs new the real De Colon Panama VOL. 10 No. PANAMA, R, P, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 1922, PRICE Cts. Cy.
WHOLESALE (BRITISH MURDER SUBJECTS of Chinese Claim to be said to be Outraged In Bound for America Land of Egypt те Ано Requesting Slice of Land In Havana, July 27, Havana Post Direct West India Cable Party Includes Members of the The Havana police have received despatch from Cairo dated July South African Territory for confidential Information that a 24 states that the British Gov Legislative Council and Other gang of bandits is enticing ernment through Lord Allenby, Chioamen to sail for the United His Commissioner to Egypt, bas Prominent Jamaicans.
States and be smuggled into addressed a strong note to the that country, and that once on Exyptian Govern ment stal DR. ALBERT THOMAS ON MISSION IN CITY OF the open seas, they murder that the British Government RECEPTION AND PUBLIC MEETING GIVEN IN NEW YORK them, the gruesome operation most alarmed at the frequent THEIR HONOUR AT COLON having been repeated several outrages against British OL times.
ficials officers and soldiers.
New York. August promulgation The gang profits are said to They note with dismay that the gation from the Universal Negro eno slogan of the Colonial Eater ba enormous. Before sailing. Egyptian Government has falled take this opportunity of extend. rence the veteran leader of the It Atlantic Improvement Association of prise.
they are declared to extract a to punish the perpetrators, and ing unstinted welcome to the people in Colon although suffer.
which Marcus Garvey is Prest. The main objects of the Thorne substantial amount of money it also warns the Baypoian Gov distinguished party of Jamaica Ing from ill health bora the deal splendidly dent General, will plan are the of the Chinamen, and that politicians with mendable pride and interest aja 15, to present a memorial to the the natiye. This will be done remaining money with them, the aent will be compelled to re Carrillo on Wednesday nood the party comfortable and happy.
that to consider its attitude towards make League of Nations, asking for a by assisting members of the haul is both big and easy.
slice of Souh Afries.
party consists of Hon aad African race, now resident in The band has worked several Hypt.
Rev Barelay, nominated At p. a publie the Western Hemisphere to re of the principal ports of the There is no mistaking what member of the CounThe Thorne Movement.
at Obrist Churerlog was the note means. It is a warning cil; Hon Theo New York, July 29th. Theth, and settle down in their republic it is stated, and it has that if Egypt is unable to pro and a member of the Board the party an C, room for the Wint, The purpose of giving agricultural. agents in the important World. Within the year, ac commercial and other available towns, who offer every manner tect the subjects of Foreign Education. Me Wint represente meeting the people. On the cording to the expectations of Dr. Albert Thorne now at No. developed by pioneers who been of facilities to Chinaman wishing powers, Great Britain will iater. the Parish of St. Ann common platform were Hon.
resources will first have sole Sam immigra vone to ensure that protection at ly known as the Garden Parish A, Barclay, nominated member 117 West 131st Street, there will be the first settlers with Dr.
begin an exodus of Negroes to Thorne before the influx tlon laws. After a haul bas been the cost to Egypt of disappoint. Hon and Rev Young, M, L, Cl of the Legislative Council; Bond In the is made, the ship whic which the Africa, which will be the begin expected, or even welcome in only otoer pors, ostensibly for trading Special Preachers At Wesleyan beautiful the gang od political ambitions. representative for St. Catherine, Theo Wint, c; Hon. and has chartered, appears in an.
the parish of fruits and flowers. Rəv. G, Young, LO, ning of a repatriation of the race The tirst unit will with a never ending flow of the Mr.
from the continent. This 100 Negro families. These will purposes, it is declared, Rio Cobre. Mr. Roache will be the fruitiou of more than receive 90 acres of land but as cargo always being ready, a Revi and Methodis, Roache, J, for St. Mary and Thrift Rav. Surgeon, Mr. or one of the largest individual Cambridge, and education of Negroes of ihe those chosen as pioneers will be shirty sons of the Celestial EmMr. RicWest Indian Islands and the handicrafts men in other lines. pira are thrown with stones tied Barclayo nominated member of Wilson, an arebitect and Me P. Wynter. The chair Tomorrow the Hon. Rav. A, a banana planters in that parish; kets, Mr. Robertson, and United States, backed by such. The allocation of 90 acres to their necks into the Caribbean the Legislative Council of Jamai and C. Robertsen who has ac rence, who la his usual Atlable contractor of no mean repute. was taken by Mr. LAWwhite people as Lord Bryce, is so that of the 10, 000 of the waters, while agents of the band ca will proach in the Wesleyan bishops of Canterbury and York enough common land for a town ment somewhere else, Stanley and the Arch British concession there will be are preparing a fresa consign Methodist Church 18th Street companiad, the deputation of and modest way Introduced the east and the Hon. L. Young.
to this Republic first spaaker of the evening.
Due to the nature of the pro elected member from the Parish brought oredentials from the said he was oned and both Dr. Thorne is a native of Bar site whare the scboola, churches The Honorable gentlemen have Hon, and Barclay, bados, but got his degrees both and hospitals, the latter of which ceedings, the fatnilies of those of st.
St. Catherine will preacbat Governor of Jamaica, to His with the large much pleased in medicine and surgery, from has been promised as a University at Edinburgh. He from wealthy Canadian Negrees that disappear never suspect the 7:30 p, m, for This may be the only opportu Excellency Do Ballsario Porras, y reception given the party to their silence. ba is a Negro. In opening Nyassa can be located.
ing told they must keep quiet nity for residents in this isties Morrow, Governor of the He was very much impressed President of the Republic; Col. West Indias 09 residents at la concession of 10, 000 acres on Bermudians have expressed their stay is not yet a tenowa to what embrace thə opportunity of doing Already several Jamaicans and during the first period of their to bear in the sons of Jamaica and they should Logation, and the only with the attention Canal; His Cam.
the Zambesi River on terms willingness to go with De at bridg a who although he was not Cola.
the cooperation of the British Foreigne antice. Thorns and subdue the jungle. proportions tha sinister opara 20.
paring a stay of the party was a man with a tba At present American tions of the bandits may have and responsive heart in 00 Every thirty acres in each bun Negroes are among the volunbut an officer of the Stone Laying Ceremony of the the opportunity of seeing al Ho was very much struck with on we take the party dred is given gratis by the Goy. teers but many has ernment and the remaining their financial support.
promised Cuban army is said to have received a communication on the anamyš. Church the sanitary improvements of the sanitary appearaace of severity are priced at 60 cents an It is osloglated that 10, 000 matter from Santiago and a conColon and Panama; the education city and wonderful work accom.
will be required to put the plan gressman also is reported to The General Public are asked system of the Public Instruc. plished by the Americana, as he buvo been informed about the to bear in mind that next Sun trial condition of the West In molested by the dress Enter into operation.
tions, social and indus was the The African Colonial was able to sleep without being In a few weeks Dr. Thorne matter.
prise is the legal titla of tbe a ifal dy, August 20ch will be the dians.
There will be much for quitos, he had his meals organization. He told a reporter will go to Barbados de unaking an The authorities have tohtiated Searches bone marine if the new bese gentlemen to see audio sonorable without bijving to.
Marcus Garvey got the scheme until spring when the exodus is the alleged activities of the situated Day Adventist Church body of. They are well brush the flies away.
of The World Bridgetown energetic Seventhat Calidonia (Road, and make Street (behind the Isth olormed men who will go abos but on account of the proximity true It is he is fathering from the first expected to begin.
were trained British srs, mian Park) at o clock. All are condi open and Japanese Naval Band At cordially invited.
conditions tor shemselyes. There of that great neighboring re is no fear that on their return to public and the commercial inter GOVERNOR AROSEMENA AND Cathedral Plaza.
Jamaica they will give a fair course with the Island of JamaiDISTINGUISHED PARTY Commission Visited Wo honest and impartial statement ca, some of the go aboadtiveOn Sunday evening last the man Industrial School, and it is our opinion very many in the American character was of the conditions they bave seen, ness commonly demonstrated Japanese Naval Band of the Visited Boy Institution kindly manner spoke to the Flagship visiting these waters Expressed themselves Pleased from this country on their re American and half English.
useful examples will be taken copied; and really we are At Colon.
boys and said her sympathy kindly rendered a concert at the With Progress Made.
turn, was with the work and that she Cathedral Park. The program Wiat was the next speaks To would do all in her power to was was classical rendition of some the party thore are two er, and in commencing said, that According to a previcus an assist its advancement. We of the best masters, and com Friday last, a Commission ladies Mrs. Barclay wife of Hon. be endorse the remarks made by nouncement, Liss Hon. Barclay In regards to the On Thursday the 3rd instant manded the rapt attention of the consisting of General Manvel and Ray Barclay and Miss para semena of the Province His Excellenen Governo Aroses were present of persons who got kerana secretapi hal Pabulic Jamaie sa social lite. Daring the Is appreciated Agnes Boyd a prominent lady in sanitary and other conditions.
Works, Mr. Dan Istas of Colon was to a visit to mena visited the institution. He.
much the feelings of the the Boy Institution on the 29th was accompanied by the Alcalde There were ten items on the can, Secretary of Pablic Instruc tas info the party several public Kindls disposed ulto, unfortunately the Govern. Mrs. Stevens, Miss Grace program, among the list were tions; visited the Women Inwill be held, and the West Iudian residents on the unor or. or having been pressed with Cooper. Dr. Bieberach, Mr. two grand operas three opere des trial school recently inagura all the West Indian residents on pained when his mind turned business of his office was un Prieto, and Mr. Pacheco of the tures and two Oriental pleces ted in this the.
avoidably absent on the day Mr. composed in Japan. It was stat Jamaica, one of the The Commission inspected the Colon Humano previously arranged.
It is anticipated that the repremost beautiful countries in the Bynoe of the dependent stated on Sunday night. by those scholars in the various instruccommonly Mrs.
with Mrs. e. Stevens, arrival of the Governor, the pat be that the bone foreigaral band end read, elty in the West Indies, hata Conklin sentatives of the West Indian world, yet it colony will join in extending to spoken that Trinidad was the visited the Institution. band yet heard the Cathedral Parke thoit satisfaction at the rapid certain amount of pride most striking meeting was called to order. who were in the building stand. created was the excellpression progress shown, and promised West Indies hearty and warm 10 dignity for his country, it Thrift was present also. The National Anthem with all those gave pleasant time during the few was their determination that aning, Mr. Neverson was asked pline shown by the men and the National Government that the days they be as the Kingston should explanation of the absence of to to take the chait, a position great attention to duty. They dobioodiebe recommended for guests of this country. The finest city. The flies and mase be made the the Governor, but that the which he filled with dignity, and played with a musical soul, and financial assistance.
private school teachers should quitos must be got rid of and the it can be said that the Japanese visitors there were all welcomed satisfaction.
arrange an opportunity for dust and alth shall be cleaned In addressing the visitors, Days on without same das Public Meeting, at Wes these gentlemen to music meet Institution, Rev Thrilo was commander Wation said. Your war.
the and in the next few years Jamal.
children. ast the will be able to to speak. Kad be willingly Excelleney, Indiet ond gentlemen, war. It was indeed a well spent løyan School Roomashogares precially interested ha carn to their country oleo which.
indeed what percentage om he wore of public inatruction, they will feel prouder am proud to tender you evening present expressed their satisfac.
to this home.
69 of bis address be care some hearty welcostore your Exeel who Adorded the citizans the School Room Pablic Meeting BING AT COLON370 nextapes ker, and he outlined the To night, at the Interesting instructions to the desire tion and appreciation to those Wesleyan RÉCEPTION AND PUBLIC MEET Rev. IG Young was the to boys on what was expected from thesta and the manner they myself hoe por tiong maidols opportunity de heating art will be held at plm, when the Dárlög the day on Thursday Principal objects of the mission, members of the Jirl last, a themselves. but on behalf of the poor, an for class band from the Orient.
These are the days of co opera reception was held in tibby individuals cannot aceom.
maicae Legislative Council will Ms. CORwd promised her streets in this city. have open addressed the the tunate boys boys elsg.
who wander on the St. Agnes Guild address the coltizons und West honour of the distinguished pol. plich much. His any was to support to the good work com eighteen years in this country Indian residenus, sudare sicians and other gentlemen who preneh looking to Heaven, but the had arrived was of opinion people in remember St. must enjoy the things bebis way of improving the boys, at first came heres very few boys Guild will be observed Sunday invited to bear the plans of the committee formed in Colon were world Colon. At the close of her were to be found on the streets (tomorrow) night, when Arch. Jamaica Co operative speech, the distributed a large but to day they can be seen by deacon Carson will preach the Ltd 100 holation very enthusiastic and did all la Rev. Thrift, and Rev.
their power to impress the visi Surgeon, gave short addresses number of tracts among the sermon. solemn procession Don miss the opportunity of tors with the importance of the boys. Mrs. Stevens, in a very (Continued on Page 6) will be a feature of the seryioe. being present, West Indian residents on the Continued on page few grown, teel bippy; acre mos that we gang.
In Vary its rep towards re called to do During the course the not for nor any


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