
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 1922, SexS THE WORKMAN Don Keep Your Money at Home IT WILL BE STOLEN WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK CARTERS Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applies WALBOND, at the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters ble and corner of Street, Panama of publie interest invited. do Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 9. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publiesSix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
do not undertake to return One 25e. arejected orrespondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922.
Three WO 13 Use Your Spare Cash To Buy WRITING FLUID BLUE BLACK WALK OVER SHOES NA LOUEL TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WORKMAN STOR The most useful and safest investment in the world.
CARTERS CARTER Ink Eraser RKY RACER American Bazaar Stores INKS PASTES MUCILAGES Always in stock at CONSER BECAUSE are GAS The Fuel Without Fault pm.
To day, ten years ago, the WORKMAN embarked on the sea of journalism in this city in response to the popu.
lar clamor for a newspaper in which the opinions and interests of the people might be voiced, and through which discontinued.
That was a time of whizzing business for everybody.
CARTER The canal diggers were sucking rock and slush from the canal prism by the bucketfuls, while dirt trains rushed wildly along the railroad track with their mud freight Panama Colon BENEDETTI HERMANOS towards the dumps to discharge and return for more.
Riveters and iron workers made sledges and hammers Central Ave 3rd. St.
clang on the lock gates; pencil pushers and time checkers, PANAMA worked overtime to catch up with the rush of work which the hustling desire for premature completion imposed on every employee of the then Iathmian Canal Commis: Where Shall Conte Be.
sion; Colonel Geothals and his staff of engineers skipped PRODUCTS up and down the line driving their subordinates like a Why are s and s.
machine, and all the time the Mira Flores dam and the In a recent issue of the Star and Gamboa dike kept back the impatient waters of the Paci Herald there appeared a letter St. Peter Church La Boca.
fic and the Atlantic at the extreme ends of the ditch.
in reference to the general wish GOULASH AND SANCOCHO 7:30 am, Ho y Baptiem The WORKMAN was hailed and welcomed amidst an in Colon that Captain Conte be 11 ano. Mahids and Holy Comunion, uprosr of enthusiasm that predicted its success. It came at anpointed as the head of the P, m, Sunday School National Police Force in that the most relished columns in 730 Choral Evensong and sera time when in the din and confusion of business, people mon and morial Sarvice of the late were too busy making money to give heed or attention to city. The writer in advarcing desire, no doubt of the Colon the daily Star and Herald. Benjamin Th mp on such social impediments as international misunderstand community, very wisely stated MULCARE. Rector ing, racial prejudice, and insular narrow mindedness which that the missive was not intend.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire were subtly excoriating their interests and debilitating ed to be dictatorial to the local their influence.
government, but merely express.
Moring Prayer and address, 11 am The WORKMAN at once became the mouthpiece of the people in the Windy City.
ing the general wish of the Sandy School p Evening Prayer and address, weak and the unfortunate and, exemplifying the political We are certainly in accord the type with which they JT MULCARE, Priest in charge dogma Vox Populi, Vox Dei, commenced to wield the pen with the writer as to the capa in defence of right and justice, with love towards all and Captain ancone and qualifications of set up is heated by St Bartholomew Church, do not Las Cascadas malice towards none. We chose as our motto the immortal 11am, Morning prayer and address axiom of Journalism, THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS hesitate to state that such limb of the law with Conte 2. 30 m. Sundiy School IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS, and from the knowledge and experience of 30 evning Prayer and address day of our advent to the present moment we bave not fear police work should be retained Rey JT Mulose, Priest in charge ed nor failed to stand unflinchingly under such security in one of the terminal citiesand protection.
Panama prefered Seventh Day Adventist Church There is no doubt about it that No. Q STREET CALIDONIA The WORKMAN has always stood for equity and fair. Captain Contes long experience PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY play even at the risk of pecuniary loss and sporadic un of, and his mingling with the ROAD, PANAMA popularity. During the ten years of its existence the people of Colon, certainly give PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: Sibbath (s. turday) 15 a. Sabbath Sehool; 11 15 am Gnoral Worebi WORKMAN has been the target of unjust criticism and our friends on the Atlantic side greater claim to his services Cathedral Plaza YOUR pblegmatic abuse. No journal is ever above deserved 93 Bolivar St. 30 pm. 8th Class: 30 But the little we Young People Meeting: 530 pm criticism, but that which has always been directed against and know of Captain Conte Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Vespara.
this paper has generally come from quarters where pre in the city of Panama dur Sunday evening at p. m: Reading Clues Al are welcome both young and judice and insularity allied with envy and grudge have ing his short sojourn here as combined to do their worst, without ayail.
Chief of the Detective Bureau old. 730 pm. Poaching Servies opponents papers inspires the desire that such whose lease of life has, in each case, been ephemeral. Not en droit and deple se dedica a PANAMA BANKING COMPANY. Bible Truth Churches.
the law should be retajged at San Miguel less than three ostentatious Weeklies have attempted this end.
to challenge the existence of the WORKMAN, but in their However, to impartial 5: a. Morning Prayer and unselfish in 10 am Children Sorvies efforts they all committed suicide, of such BY order of the Judge of the Third Circutt Court 11 am Preaching Service importance, At the same time the WORKMAN has gathered around think it is fair to urge bereby summon the Creditors of the Panama Banking 30 pm Sunday School itself a host of friends and patrons whose support has been that inasmuch as Captain Contes Company to be present at a General Meeting of Crediters 30 pm Gospel Service its mainstay and sustenance. This support is highly arpre knowledge of over 90 per cent of to be held at the National Theatre on the 15th instant, at Calidonia ciated, and it is desired to express thanks for the faithful the people of Colon and his famill. 10 a. for the purpose of considering a proposed ar a, m, Morning Prayer ness and confidence of our advertisers, subscribers and arity with the various languages rangement submitted by the representatives of the Bank. 10am Children Sevize readers.
spoken in that city, if he is to be transferred at all, let Colon have The WORKMAN has never claimed infallibility and is the preference, with the full ered at the meeting, this Court earnestly recommends 30 pm Gərpal Service In view of the importanee of the matter to be consid am Preaching Service 30 pm Sunday School always willing and ready to record corrections whenever understanding that her gain will that all creditors be present promptly at the appointed Barclay. Pastor in charge, mistakes are made. The success which we have gained in be Panama lost.
the past inspires us to continue and launch out in a new We, shall have more to say on hour, so as to avoid the necessity of having to postpone the meeting for lack of quorum.
Baptist Church year with faith in ourselves and confidence in our friends this matter in a later issue.
that the future will be as successful as the past has been.
Creditors are advised that from the 7th instant they colon 11 am Dancon Elmin Edwards 7, 15 Mrs.
To our advertisers we wish to say that no medium for Results of Singing Contest may obtain, priuted copies of the draft of the proposed Chorinto com More Christenit making their business known can be found greater or arrangement by applying at this office from to 11 a. 7; 15 Mr Yea wood and to p.
Corozal Road 11 am Descon Linton more resultive than the WORKMAN, and the attention On Tuesday 1st inst, the EDWIN CHANDECK, given their advertisements in the past will continue to be Singing Contest which shown with increased satisfaction. To our readers we wish scheduled to take place at the Secretary, 3rd Circuit Court Empire 11 am Poster Witt 15 Mr CA: Brown Theatro to express our determination to make our news items yet Excelsior came of Panama, August 2, 1922.
New Providence Pastor Thrift Cativa Deacon Foster more attractive and more fascinating; and to our subscrib with moderate audience. It ers we would say that our mutual sympathies and interests of the month was unpropitious, ANTIGUANS Pueblo Nuevo Il a. Mr Yearwood CHURCH SERVICE 7:15 Dacɔn Linton will be deepened as we enter upon another year of our and many of the entertainments Now Gatua Thursday 7:30 Pastor Thrift journalistic career. Good Luck, To All. fixed on that date suffered from ATTENTION!
lack of patronage and some fell (American Episoopal Church)
Salvatiou Army through altogether.
St. Paul Church, Panama.
5;30 a Prayer Meeting Goes On Vacation. Grand Patriotic Tree Rally. The Contest was interesting.
10 Sunday School bat the decision of the judges Pleasant Sunday Afternoon am, Holy Communion, Il; 15 sm Holiness Meeting proved un popular. Professor 10 at Holy Eucharist and sermon, p. Sunday School grand Patriotic Tree Rally: Galimany was unad voidably ab Holy Baptism, 7;30 m Preashing Sarvise Among the passengers who will be held at the Silver Clubsailed on the United Fruit Co house, Paraiso, Canal Zone, on and the following were National Progress Lodge 3p Sunday School.
George Morris. Commandant appointed Judges: Miss Wilsteamer Sixaola, on Thursday Wednesday, 16th inst, at 7:30 kins, Messrs. Leacock, Gooding, 730 pm Evensong and sermon.
last. was Martin Douglas, the Great interest in this rally Martin, Adamson and Brown Hall, Chorillo NIGHTENGALE Vicar Church Of God 1 St Colon popular military tailor, who left is being manifested and it is an. The contestants were Miss Sunday, Angust 20, 1922 Gospel Sarmon i1abato 7;30 four week ticipated that it will be a brilliant Seales, Miss Amy St. Alban s, Paraiso. Suuday School pm vacation. Douglas is a promin affair.
10 a. Meties and address, Messrs. King. Colly more, Sis Brewster, Pastor, Evang.
ent member of the Isle of The price of admission is plac Daniels and Beckles.
at p. p. tn. Suaday School, Gatun Springs Lodge. IO. and his led at a low figure so that every The results according to the 30 m Evensong and address: Gospel Sermon 11, 303, 7, 30 absence will be much regretted body might have an opportunity decision of the Judges were: Under the auspices of the AP. NIGHIENGALE Priest in charge Sunday School pm by his fellow members, who wish attend, Mr. Daniels, first; Miss Seales. Antiguan Progressive Society.
Georga Griffith Come forth, Thou Red Tank! second; and Mr. King, third.
Las Sabanas Mission him a pleasant trip across the come forth, Thou Panama! Come Mr. Bretherson won the prize New Proxidence Subject: The Individual and Society Church Sobool pm briny Atlantic and safe return forth, ye big guns of Paraiso! for the best piano accompaniGowpel Sermon 11. 30 sm 30 30 pm Evengong and address to the Isthmus.
Bunday School pm Come forth and shine.
Sis, Elliott be matter we 7; 15 Pastor Witt WAS sent, Phillips to


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