
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1922 PAGE TÖRRE THE FINAL ACT courts of to tout tew charge, to Bosce who bad the the vessel esiver see be balance, control Real Juicy LUCKY STRIKE Cash Prizes whlak of wisdom obscure the ponible wid and comment Noeker.
Approached به وتلامسة 44 Contest Closes August 15th At Our Office and when one OT, 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold (1) Bome mon International Banking Corporation plane of DOMINICA Ex Inspector Syme Law! What Is lt?
Wreck of Schooner WII Entall Litigation. Would Have Smashed Interesting Lecture to the THE STAGE IS ALL SET FOR The King Carrlage League of Colleglans of Window.
says tho Dominios Guardian of June 29th: The loss of the Mont serrat schooner Three Bells (By NOVILLE. Pro which got wrecked at she was Ex Inspector Symo appeared leaving the careenage, at Barbain the dock at Bow street u (Continued from our les looma dos, a few weeks ago, will be the sequel to speech in Trafalgar The device of all enlightened aquare, when he used the words: men should be to alwaye mpire to subject of of litigation in the law of that loland: Mestre. have been fighting now for dom o plane. It is unwine and me John Blackwook, Ltd. who had about eleven years and am for anyone esploring to wiadom plano about sick of it, and if get ek the moslled higher leppen the just completed certain repairs to the vessel, and wboso faulty chance next week the King and consciousnes in which wart Queon are Are You Playing Part In Winning One Of Those through it so it and contact in made with the video those replacement of the steering gear was the immediate cause of the the King gets hurt next week be of the supporteneous rolos, without aceldent, having denied liability.
has only himself to blame be long preparation and faithful pretio Mr, half owner cause of his cowardly refusal to of the will to wisdom. Only the ben of Bar do his duty coming balanood is wisdom plome bados on the the schoonerepe days ago, as well na Capt. am being alowly murdered with the form of mind and by the Home omice, said Sym: ot truth conscious and mobile joined in a very high vibration under In in court. want sa Inquiry. remember what is leaned there. La may interest of ber um very pleased they have degree of advancemeal lose the unere Mr. Ruece, Soli arrested mo, It has saved me poires control sed quilibrio oltor General, has been retained the trouble of interforing with wisdom plane the mpiran would have done wiadom werely as leading counsel, Assisted by anyone.
Mr. Clyde Williams Happily so though all would have done receive confused impression durante would bave been to have smash the season in for the owners of the vessel the lower vibration that vibration ad the King carriage window.
steering gekr had been saved and remains intact, as proof of Syme was ordered to find two and freely made by those who will be povelation sough the alleged reckless negligence sureties of 100 pounds sterling extend overy of the dockers who had the reeach and to provide a personal ment to to the pairs of the schooner in hand ba surety of 200 pounds sterllog to reverent manner, la be of good behaviour, for twelve obedience to the Law of Qud Wesleyan Centenary.
months; or in default to serve will of God, whieb that all saplanle three months Imprison ment. may inherit any amount of understad On Bunday lant, and inst, the Very good, sir; will take as of the law. The de called me Wesleyado a Rovena, Dominica, three months, be said.
lo la nuobauerior, commenoud programme of cele Mr. Shortt, answering, quase must notarily be la tard or smoland la tbe service of the Law, what he braion of the contenary of their tions on the case in Parliament, priest, king, diplomat, Judgo, govore Oburob in RogeRU. Tbo Cburob referred to Syme threatening doctor or lawyer with prone torponol Ww completed in the year 1822.
letters to the King, bility and corresponding Nward. The With regard to Syme. fre aw ho harmony. When all the power GRENADA quent releases, under the Oat of being are eonjoined in understanding, and Mouse Act, the Home in mutual services to the law, there is Recording Unique Events.
Secretary admitted that the man harmony on all planoo. When the was very dangerous when out of higher planer of being one sought with correspondent of the West prison, The alternative was let out the foundation of the will do Indian of Grenada writes: There ting him die in prison. Wo are wisdom irmly laid, there is a lack of are many unique events taking doing our best to guard him, balance, and control is impossible in my place in Grenada which you added Mr. Shortt.
satisfactory degree should put on record viz.
With due preparation by develsmont months ago, during of the spiritual will, of the will to vie the abnonce of the Governor, the dom the higher, or government of Grenade was ruperthe hands of the Ron. Patplane may be entered at will, the worlo terson, Grenadian Rod a colour Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 tial guide being at all timo procent, ed man. The Patterson and the truthe imparted those plan tho Attorney General, is now may be remembered and retained and acting Colonial Secretary while put into practice. In the establishment performing the duties of bis own of the divine barmony upon carta otice. He recently acted as through good understanding in video Governor and, as such, presided consciousnes universally over a meeting of the Legislativo the bosvenly state mar Council expressed, is Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York Care wned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK talition present goal. solution po(2) As the present timo all the Mcial Members of the Legioseeds, the process of unfoldment revuole Dev accomplishmento, pronter seine lative Counell with the exception mente and higher rewarde. The foude of the Governor, are Grenadians, and all the unofcial Members Depository of the PANAMA CANAL stone of spirituality integrity, bukan true to one self and to end up with the exception of the Hon.
ideas. This is the interior meet; the Lewis native of St. Vinexterior in ite counterpart of honesty cent, bus who is a real Grenadlan being true to to the obligations that Justin in spirit, are also Grenadians.
at the present Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of and impones, paying one debtie time.
ing bie crediu withoz exactly equal THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in deletethe hands of Government Defulness, Giving and receiving with partments, with the exception of identiel freedom; That is the poster Chief Justice and ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN BELGIUM the son of life. That is way the who who are CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES works; how many to there who work Barbadians are sons of the soil.
ARGENTINE BRAZIL persons not CHILE it with út The law gives and CUBA taken PORTO RICO are PERU pomival Grenadians but 16 operates only at biddias URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA so that no one gives but the wall bred in tbe bome Grenadians. and don think another West Indian one taken away but the poll One thoughts and note speak that Island barring Barbados can the Law understande fully whother bo make such a showing: though we Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World beat Barbados where there ho does or not. Resulte ste always emboclied in causos; in producing car some discrimination as regards one determines results. In this malo colour, Not so in Grenada tion lies the consciousnou of Individual freedom.
RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE WHEREAS it has pleased the great INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Jubllee Concert, Creator of the Universe in His infinite wisdom to remove from our midat our Don forget the Grand Jubilee booted Sister Ruth Licorish, and, Concert to be staged at the WHEREAS, by ber death the Lodge Mount Carmel Lodge Ball, Ban bat lost one of its foundatioa nambert WILKINSON (Newfoundland To Miguel, on August 17th, 1922.
and ardent worker.
The Calidonia Singing Class BE IT RESOLVED that we the CONTRACTOR BUILT Run Company will render an exoel.
members of Mispah lodge, No. 20, in first Clas, Workmanship lent program, which is mesin sembled do sincerely extend Plans and Specifications Frer 11 to be one of the best of its our heartfelt sympathy and condolen er ch Strest West House No. no The HOME STUDY COURSES of by draping the Sarance and othe All Year Service To The ever rendered in Panams, the musical director is leaving Paraphernalia of thio Lodge for thirts. Box 411, Panso, R, the Womans Institute, InterWest Indies. stone unturned to make the day and at given time while in na onal Correspondence Schools evening most enjoyable one ressione silence be maintained for threr for those who may attend.
minutes, of three consecutive meeting St. John s, July 28th. The concert will com menos and a space be left blank on the face of DRESSMAKING The Government of Newfound. at p. so be on time and our minutes in memory of the departed MILLINERY land will open an all your freight bring your friends.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVand limited passenger steamer Don forget the date ThursED that a copy of said resolation be COOKING service between St. John and day August 17, and the time rent to the Workman, copy to 1bthe West Indies in October. It sp. sharp.
Star of Eden and a copy the bereaved are the Best in the World steamers can be procured at a family extending on home felt sympathy reasonable figure, it is announcThe docenia native of Grenada ed here. One boat would leave the result, it is stated, that there 125, 000 and we forty eight years old, she Women Students Already.
St. Johns every six weeks under is often a glat on the market and the plan, and should conditions seldom a continuous supply Mah arrived on the Lotbmus in 1907, and breathed her last on July 18th 1922 CATALOGS FREE warrant another would be added shipped by stormers goes via, At p. laving children and mole We are hoping that some ocin October 1928, and three Nova Scotia. Last year Nowa casion will bring you to our Address: Ancon, tives to moura ber loet.
week service maintained. The foundland exports to the West Southern ports of all include Indies totalled 1, 878, 212 dollaro, Her romains were taken from the sa store shortly. And when you Havana. San Juan, Jamaica, and the Government balleros Joseph Lodge room to the Mt. Hope do como be assured that it will Cemetery the following afternoon by boa pleasure for us to serve British Consulate Noltce.
Porto Rico, Martinique Barbe this figure could be doubled, and Notice.
dos, Trinidad and other West that last year large number of the Fraternal Societies 1001 Porte. Tenders aro beat 796, 698 dolaports could be and friends, where the last rite vero you, and that our pleasure in performed by Brother Jan. Small, serving you will make your visit The Acting British Consul at ing asked for two suitable increased Thoy anticipate under steamers of about two thousand instaflegt te our store sven more enjoy. Colon would be glad of informa Mro, Annie Lindaay, Train ona dadweight capacity and direct importations of banana (Grenada papers please copy)
able for yourself.
tion as to the present where ed Nurse and Midwife begs to with first class accommodations and other fruits as well as mo.
abouts of Thomas Frases, FULLER for notify ber Patrons that she has for twenty passengers, their Imanes, with great saving lo Rent Recolet Book In Spanmerly employed in the Freight left the Isthmus. for a short speed to be about twelve knots. transport costs and intermedi.
Ish and English for sale at The JEWELLER Department of the Panama Rail period and on her return will New Foundland fsb experts to ary profita. Importation of raw the West Indies are carried sugar came with a view to ro.
WORKMN Printery: 122 CENTRAL AVENUE road Company at Cristobal. make due notification: chiefly in wooden bottoms with finish it here is also suggested all the Also a the ITALY Pho Inspector of Schoolel, the Acting omall these bus it real langang he is YOUNG WOMEN: expected Ite kind EWELRY BARGAINS Indian place


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