p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 19:2 NOSTROLIN NOSTROLINE KING BEE MAGNUMS UN FROM The he was Øs start, pronounced the patienthe slight hope of tis rigs drilling Ras well of million KINGBEE MAGNUMS But, asean POSTO and the Box was Death Of Rev.
BESTA SAFEST FOR NOSE REMEDY a THROAT (From the Agricultural Reporter)
FOR DISORDERS NASAL CATARRH We regret to record the death COLD IN THE HEAD of the Rev. Oscar Hay ses, Pastor SORE THROATINFLUENZA of the Reobuck Moravian Church which took place on Saturday Chemist: 136 night last at the Moravian Manse Or by Post s Country Road, after a very brief MATTHEWS C, Chemists, CLIFTON Glee illness deceased was Stricken with a fit of apoplexy BRODERICK LLOYD while addressing a Missionary Meeting of the Salvation Army Manufacturers Representative in Reed Street on Monday eveBOX 272 COLON, ning, 10th instant. He was con veyed to the residence of Dr. Williams, St. Michael Row Oklahoma Mexia and afterwards to his residense where was atte ded by Dr.
Oil Gas Co. Ltd.
Lionel Hu n, who from the Now paying ronthly divi.
be seriously ill and entertained dends Has paid 45 five consecarecuery.
tive months. 170 proveo acres be rallied sufficiently to allay the e lying under medical care with 21 wells averaging about 35 barrels daily from sands, worst fears which had been en.
462, 685 and 762 feet deep.
tertained of his condition. His TI re) rigs wells speech which had only tempora of 22 million and 18 million cubic. rily been lost was restored with: feet waiting pipeline. Also one in a short time after the aitack, cubic feet and it was hoped that he would which supplies our power, and soon regain his normal health.
also power to other riga at sib a few days later there was per day. oder a limited num a noticeable change in the paber of shares at 15 per bundred tient condition which gave rise Act quickly if you want stock.
to apprehensions, and fears that the inevitable end was approach WILSON ing and eventually Wichita Falle, Texas, he breathed his last on Saturday night, sur. Cable Address Wilbow. rounded by the members of his Extra Mild bousehold.
The deceased gentleman startCIGARETTES Classical Opera ed life as a Primary School Teacher rin the service of the Look? To be staged at the Moravians, and was recognized to be one of the most capable Liberty Hall corner, Eght and eficient teachers of his day.
Street and Hudson Line, Colon, Having leaning on this Saturday eve the 12th 18 towards the inst, a Play Ministry, he resigned bis pcsientitled Pandora Lion as a teacher and left the by the Etude cysles. This play is si Island many years ago for St Thomas, where he attended the the first of its kind to appear on Moravian Theological Seminary any stage on on the Isthmus, and at Nisky, and became a student will, therefore, we are sure, be for the Ministry. After a suc quita interesting to the general cessful public to to lift the lid and gee. duly ordained and placed in career, be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.
play within a play, full of up toa Moravian Station at charge of date action and clan fun. Play Antigua. Shortly after the death starts at p. sharp of the late Rev. Carrington, Admission: 50c, and 25: res at Sharon, in this island, Mr, pectively.
Haynes was transferred to Barbados, and took charge of the Roebuck Moravian Station to Governor Arosemena succession to Rev. T Oshler, wao at the same time re. 20ved (Cont ued from page 1)
to Sbaron.
the hundreds and without any Mr. Haynes was a gentleman care or protection.
There are of very refined manners. He was very few amor get them who have courteous, obliging and possessDet been before the courts for measure ot symsome act of lawlessness; and if some ad generouslyx PICE men and women of better knowtended whenever the need for emme. ct a bra som barn ledge do not try to assist them before him. As a Pastor ara step forward to improve was greatly buloved by his Political Solonscongregation, condition, ten and tha CRICKET years from respect and estee large able to walk the streets on section of this.(Continued from page 1)
Jamaica Defeats Yorkshire account of the large number of will for a long time after regret and the meeting was brough to bis demise. He leaves widow At Statdard Oval las Sunday, th SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR juvenile criminals. To the Govana ernor, said Commander Watsap.
a ose with we singing of the Jazzikie CC. comple ely 01. slassed th and five children, the issue bis second marriage, and as the father of this Preto British National Anthem.
Yorkshire CC Infants, Invalids and the Aged The day wis a sp endil these and his other relatives we After the meeting, an orches nne fər e icket, the widest was in exer e vince bumbly beg that you will do tender our sy lati vethet e tra serenaded the party un test e ndi in, and who all in your power to remedy Every tin contalns an Interesting teaflet of the sad bereavement til after this state of affairs. hope that marvellous use of this great Food.
the ladies and gentlemen of the The funeral took place on Sun. men constituting the party ex won the toss, she do ided t) but. The Homine Society pressed their satisfaction for the towling and healing of the Tomia CC will ally around day afternoon.
Learing kind consideration and bowled before Yorkshire e ud ako 10 Wo Roithat elev a ov two His Excellency, as the ladies can, Mission House at 3:30 in the appreciation demonstrated by humre Purely An English Preparation. and bave accomplished corpse was conveyed to the Ros their fellow countrymen, and for wars bowled by Jamnion and Yorkabire runs. For the entir. inaing. 43 ove. luck Street Church, where an the kindness of the Panama old only mike 43 runs for all of th great things.
Commander Watson, requested exceedingly large congregation Government and the Canal Zore total Clarke was top scorer with 15 not MANUFACTURED BY that the vernor will securo aesembled to witness the funeral authorities.
BENGER FOOD, LTD some land for farming for the obsequies. The Church Overout to his credit. lit any credit in dus)
MANCHESTER; ENGLAND institution, and he was sure that with sorrowing faces. On The Party came over to Pana as be played oxaotly tw) bours and ten he would also take the boys of the platform the following Minis on the p. train from Colon minutes for the smell oun. After the FOR SALE AT Panama. The Governor replied ters were noticed Rev under the special guide of Mr. usual reeses Jamaies want to but and in and promised to do all in his up and Rey. Cambridge, the popular quick time put 63 Oshler, for the lom of The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN to forward the success of the good work started by Com The They were met at the Railroad fold. Miler mada 20 nat but in good mander Watson.
Richards, Rev. Gibson, Rex. station by a delegation of nent West Indians, consistomi. torm, Sargeant 17, and Van Hr 19.
of Bwling for Jamsios Van Horn captured Mrs. Stephens and Mr. Bynoe (Wesleyans. Mr. addressed the meeting stating AG Cummins. Moravian. Among Connell. Attorney s. Carring La Buca Wins From Bri the fathmus to do bel, with Spreman League at this end, will cross similar towards the institution. The others near the Rostrum were: ton, Rev. A, Nightengale, tannic.
lection from the Atlantio Sid» Tis is Mr. Pacheco as using Harrison, Mr. Thorpe. Mr. rond. Editor his spokesman, stated his symthe Workman Oval. to first time we think that a team bas Batting first on the La Bocs Washington Harper, and Mr. Messrs. A. Finzi, Wynter last Sunday the Britanis cc tasted think the members of the League tried there will be stagad the Biggest could to assist the Governor been selected by such a. com ni t»
To night at the Standard Oval. promised that he would do all pathy with the good work and Teylor. Walker, Russell Phillips defeat at the hands of the La BC. in An impressive service was and others, after an informal Murrell who asp ured wickets for 19 to get the best combination paniple Dance in history, by the Gracha whatever measures he may pro they are conducted by Rev. Osbler, Mr. reception at the notation they cane was responsible in a front measur: think that one or tw barter nale: uno pali Chapter, No. 14 WNIA pose to assist the boys. Mr, to Hotel Corco for thisBlackman who 16 All the fans of Jazz World will Neverson, the Chairman gave a Pilgrim delivered a brief address where the visitors will be the only man to reach double spurca. o galben dem Worth the team and be there to pirticipate in the brilliant closieived address which and the service closed with pray quartered during their stay in the entire nid lo far, ok beter they will retura to our end as vietor Terpsiehorean Art The latest was well Rev. Godson.
La Boca in to have knock it did seem on ons oodation, that despite (Cupt) Taom 8, Challenr, will be drama Lically produced in the collection was then taken up The team selected is. Block, creation from the realm of Blues The corpse was replaced in the Governor contributing 500 formed the low hearse, and a proorod, St. ing room beyond the entrances. Ware on the nooro made by Britannio. they Hardiaz, Knighn, Blackm. the most artistic style by the and the total of the proceeds and moved but Daraat roso Thomas, where the Burnett, Sargount, slato36, D: immortat Silver City Band. amounted to 10. 75 The casket was borne into the che and skilful Mler, Brathwaite, and Daraat.
Comel Seel Hear! Feell and took place. The procession ex Churcb, and another deeply im batting, be stored bio nido to vietory: realine that you are being trans League Secretary At Antended to a great length, and la pressive service was conducted One can easily imagine how exciting ported to a sublimer world.
con Hospital: this game was, when it is learnt that cluded representatives ot, ali by Ror. Osborne. The im mense this Challenge Accepted Dance cant done, from p.
classes of the community. The congregation listened also to la Boei only won by rua, to 8am alatt and were numerous the very pathetic address by Rov. wade 25 rum not out, and was topenucles The many friends of Mr. Sid Admission Genta 250. Dey MeLean will regretto 10 Nichols, and afterwards the res reorer for big side, apd Hoyto mado 12.
moying at procession, The Scottish Mechanics of Ladies 15c, brſøk pace, took about ten mains of the deceased were Durant has not only the satisfaction of Panama accept the challenge of minutes to pass Sot know that he at present occupies the journey any given point borne to the Godson ouer where Rex playing a not out insinge against weltbe Scottish Mechanics of Colon bed in ward 11 of the Ancon pryer, and Rev. bowling de Britannie s, but also of know and will meet them lo Colon Birth Notice, Hospital where he yoder went sa At Sharon there was assembl Poshlastconting place be care am out of heale, and placed show sa particulars will be sent in the Osbler committed the body to ing that hia brilliant batting, pulled be sometime next month. Full Song ed at an early hour another large moay throughout was of e operation on Friday last. He is gathering, representing the con the top a viqtornei hangar future.
Born to Mr. hnd Mrs. James de los hide and expect soon to a teet gregation of Sharon itself. malt solemn characters Pacific All Stars vs. AtlanHolder on the 6th finst. at their is the Recretary General of the Mount Tabor and Clifton Hill, The Rev. Haynes was the residence at Red Tank Capal League of Colleglans and Pros and so densly packed was the brother in law of Attorney tic All Stars. 18.
Rent Receipt Rooks In Spar Zone, lovely baby boy. Mother pective Collegians of and sacred building that very few of Carrington, of this city who was Ish and English for sale at the father is receleing many congrats fraternal Societies by whom and son, are doing well, while also a devoted worker in other those who journeyed from the advised by cablegram some days To morrow, tom composed of ulations trom Irlends. org City could find more than stard ago of the sad focurence in baletion of Alatan from the Paciwie Workman.
Printry, od he is greatly missing.
Osnodo di Costa a les 2030208 SAVE THE CASH COUPONS WORTH 00 GOLD FOR 100 COUPONS ch ed. nf a larga pathy which which was came he their presesday, no one will be BENGER FOOD of Sir, ás Venpathy Yorkshire comidnight.
always flowed power Per everyone, modern kita. desain competing The People Big Alcalde th vertheless, ar still who luck 59 internment Occasion by Durant od doing


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