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due very much to a lack bor on all karton his two and Rsese internal Zone, De. Thursday at a doctor him show LORD NATIVE OF NORTHCLIFFE Prince of British Journal Fleeced of 1, 000 In City ism Dles In England.
of New York.
Valuable Information Gained Will. The week cablegram records Joshua Macdonald, a native When Motor Car Jumped 50 Foot the death of Lord Northeliffe of British Guiana, says The Doubtless Result in Much Good the world greatest newspaper Boston Chronicle (U. A) has reGrade On To Concrete Pavemagnate, popularly called the powed bis faith in our banking for Country. Prince of British Journalism. institutions. He admitted this The sad occurrence took place fact to police official in Central ment Below.
in London on Monday th14th quite recently.
Macdonald not four days was of the number of unemployed instant, and cause of death was long ago was treated to a ride One of Cemetery just how our real with the presence of a To these questio Mr. Grabam diagnosed as suppuration within from Bashabiki wa Stationen. Nevy and heart rendering catastro about the same time na said distinguished party made satisfactory blood York and. The trip from Jamaica. who had come replies. The party was also poisoning, Northelife cost him just 1, 000 in hard cash phies was recorded during the that Headley was reg sining conover to see the wonderful and informed that there are cases was an Irishman having been he had been saving to pay for week when it was reported on clousness. Herdly residesat Wednesday morning that sol Lirio with his wife and two sons magnificent construction of the in which there is a delay in the born in the county of Dublin. his schooling at Havard.
diers passing the Rio Grande and Mrs. Headley wh) it is Canal, the administration of justice, but for the past thirty odd years It happened that Macdonald reservoir between Enpire and stated is in a delicate condition, Bumph of the late corgas this was achieved on odncational advancement and the he expressed the Or Ranisation. We owned and conducted a large while on his way to town, was Las Cascadas discovered the bas been very much striciten the Isthmus; the of prompt judicial number of Newspapers in dif, approached opinion, that ferent parts of the United Street in Washington dead bodies of two boys and a over the terrible tragedy, the the End by made in various representations were Kingdom. And is on record Joha Reese George wash both sons at tha sime, branches on art and theilence, the made to the competent authoris hin hotele ascent do it become the intention Bothe and the senten Wand. upturned motor car on the con ime and the precarious coni.
about 50 feetition of her husband, in the bratorical buildings and places of ties there was always a willing titles of Baroneter and Peerage Buzete informed Macdonald that down an embankment near the hospital ruin; and finally, to inform Ja ness to do wbat is right.
result important his of Rio Enquiries at the hospital yesmaicans and other West Indians Mr. Graham, then made ar part played by his newspapers money which he was desirous of The matter was at once re terday stated that Headley of the aims and objects of the rangementsha for the parte ato in British politics. His vigor depositing with a sale bank in ported to the police and investi condition was slightly improved Jamalca People Association. Visit the Canal Zone and see the oas publications made and the city He is afraid of the gation disclosed that the un and the doctors believed that he marred said trio under the car will recover.
and Rev. A, Barclay JP. lished by the late Col.
Gorgas, is stated that bord Northelife The party, consisted of Hon. sanitary system which was estab: a British Cabinet Minister are the banks in town are sate my toeranto GolHeadley native cor retorted Macdonald. Barbados and At the post morten examinahas become of sons. tion at the hospital it was disL. Hon and Rev GL Young wide repute, throughout the press was very much like the end.
they are not, interrupted Barstein and Wilson, 14 and 10 closed that the two boys died LO; Hom. Theo Wint, world and especially in malarial States and has distinguished adays Hearst press in the United no bank is safe now years respectively who lived at from LC; Mesers Wilson, Well, bava 1, 000 in Liro on countries the injuries sustained Roach, P; and L, Robert.
itself for the frankness and a bank in New York city and No details relative to the acci; whether death was instantaneous when the motor ear fell on them; son, also Mrs. Barclay and Miss At p. the Health Depart pungency with which it hus know it is secured, replied dent and how it occurred could or not was not disclosed but it.
Boyd ment of the Canal Zone sent two tackled war and post war poli Macdonald, What you have ba cars for the conveyan se of ba ascertained immediately, must have been a terrible exFollowing up our last reports party to the Canal Zone, so as newspaper man was laid to rest the cies and personalities.
61, 000 in a bank in New as York. inquired Reese.
as the father Headley was un parience for the three unfortaOn Friday evening the The remains of the famous points on conscious having sustained a nate victims pinned beneath the visited several historic places in to get an educative explanation in Certainly, was the prompt fractured skull and a broken motor cur at a late hour of the Westminister the city and at Ancon and Balboa of the sanitary system Abbey on retort. Goodnight, that bank bip and jawbone. The police at night on a lonesome road and no Canal Zone. At 8:30 pu, Tolar a very affable and broad presence of an assemblage of dua to fail within the next fort scious man and the bodies of ordeal is too horrible to express; in the is about to fail. All banks are once took charge of the uncon. one to render assistance. The reception was held at Dr. An: minded American was deputed distinguished personalities as night said Washingtɔn. You bis two sons and rushed them derson residence nce, all of the sanitary authorities to seldom gathered to pay tribute to batter go to Nyw York and with. Ancon Hospital where physi the party were present. fair, take the gentlemen around and an Eoglishman whose position draw your money before it is better imagined.
Our sympathy goes out to the ly representative the cians discovered that the boys suffering father and the bareaved number West Indians attended to extend required.
The carried out (Continued On Page 8)
Continued on page had been dead about six hours mother in this their bour of right hearty welcome to the his mis before the upturned motor car deep sorrow, had been discovered.
distinguished visitors. Several mitoission unstintingly, and in a see apaddresses were made to which plause and appreciation of the THIRD ANNUAL CONVENTION Headley lay unconscious all Hon. and Rev. Young re visitors. There was very little plied on behalt of the party it anything let for British Consulate Notice.
day Wednesday and it was not to OF Refreshments were served and and explain, as to the wonderful and was abedal theticbaca me ty very after a very pleasant evening achievements of the sanitary feebly what really occurred, Hehe British Vice Consulate in function, the reception this city information system that has made the Isth.
stated that in company with his concerning the whereabouts of brought to a close with the sing mus of Panama reputed accongst son Berstein be had driven his Ing of the British National An. the countries of the world.
to Las Cascadas to take bis Ernest Haynes a native of Barhome from school.
bados who emigrated to Jolon in took the party to the 1908 On Saturday at 11 am. Padro Miguel Locks and they Leaving Las Cascadas visit was the were given an opportunity of he started for Pedro Miguel to take up a passenger, a Panama Baptist Sosiaty Boca Literary At The British Legation when the seeing two steamers passing in colored preacher but that received by Hon Constantine derground operation of the gates remembered chatbon meanings on Wednesday evening the La reached place, he Graham, His Britannic Majesty vere shown and the Charge Affairs in this city. returned to city grade he seemed to have lost con Boca Literary Society, will engentləmen presented their after enjoying some pleasurable trol of the car which swerved tertain, the members and Friends oredentials, and several inquir. experiences. Rev. Barclay on from one side of the road to the of the Panama Baptist Christiaa les were made as to the economi behalf of the Party, characterizother and on reaching a steep Eadeavour ociety, program cal condition of West Indians, ed the Americans, as a wonder.
grade it ran the road and will be a literary one and it and particularly Jamaicans on ful, magnanimous, and ingenious that is all he could remember. predicted that there will be an the Isthmus; also if it were pos. people.
The bodies of the two boys extremely large attendance.
sible to give any accurate datas (Continued On Paye 3)
were buried on Thursday morn meeting commences at 30 Clash Over Panama Malaria Lloyd George Warns of Perils of War which World Faces.
Extract from Brooklyn Daily Eagle NEW YORK, JULY 31, 1922, malaria epidemic is inevitable The news that Governor on the heels of neglect ad sanitaLondon, July 29. More terrible machines than Morrow bas discharged from tion.
in the late war are being constructed said Mr. Lloyd the service William Hushing, Tais was just nine days before the representative of the Canal Husbing stutement in the New MARCUS GARVEY IN PARADE, George at a luncheon given by 300 prominent Free the Wage and York Times. Hushing insists Board, for the The following graphic description of the opening of Church men yesterday, What for? To attack offense of exaggerating na ibat he misrepresented nothing, the Third Annual Convention of the Universal Negro Im cities, maim, destroy and burn helpless women and statement printed by the New amployees are protesting the provement Association in New York appears in the New children. Keep your eyes on what is happening. It York Times. July 23, the malaria discharge. On July the New York World of August 2nd: conditions in the. published a the Churches of Europe and America allow that to a head an issue which has been dispatch which some readers General of the Universal Negro Lenox and Seventh Marcus Garyey, President. Harlem was in gala attire, fructify they had better close their doors. We reduced pending ever Avenues may have regarded as inspired, published an article headed President of the and bunting were in evidence. ple there will be no serious menace to Peace. But it Other Steady Increase of Malaria and on the screpuls zosomis not regarde Republic of Africa, e ed as on Canal Zone. Some wearing the chapeau from which waved red black green and red. predomi others are pre paring for war.
colors of the association is difficult for a nation to remain defenceless while Alarms Oficials, and showing infested with types of the culex and white plumes, cladavin the crowding of hospitals with There is no marked increase in was gold lace splenty. and follow along the and other harmless mosquitos. military cloak of blue on which chandnei Police led the parade Mr. Lloyd George said that the next war if it malaria cases.
the malaria carrying mosquitos ed The Workman. weekly. on or in cases of malaria.
his march. This arrangement is said to have been came would be a war on civilization Itself: Speaking Potenia followed this up with Chaplain General Now made 24th, by mutual consent, a re of the suddeness with which wars came he said: harce broadside declaring, It wants nothing but the facts. In the Black House, Washington Garvey people that adequate know that you have it until it has got you: It is of public tive of the American people et quest having been made by the The war germ is like any other germ, you do not easy matter ofisials to say that the sanitary lying motives of official stats. the uniformed rank and a considering, however, the under. Black Cross nurses, members of protection be given work on the Zone has not been ments, some attention must be of followers riding in automobiles CHEERS FOR THEMSELVES. no use arguing with an epileptic when the fit is on weglected of late. bat it is given to the antacadenta ol the paraded the streets of fariem There was little choering as him: There is that atmosphere in the world now and another thing to explain satis present controversy.
factorily the presenca of malaria the recommendations of the yesterday afternoon while thous. Garvey passed in his high pow. material is scattered over the face of Europe, when a and its general outbreak all Economy Commission appolnted ands of Negroes wło do not ered car. Most of those who match Is dropped It is too late to waive the Covenant over the Zine. Everybody 10 by Secretary Weeks and headed agree with Garvey Resurrect witnessed the parade appeared (Continued on Page 8)
is able to think knows that a Africa movement looked on. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
was car con Wilson them.
Dr Tolar about 10 pm. a mado to La he. party this The is emplɔyees on largune of by High June an for some Among


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