
PAGE TWO TOE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1988. Interesting News from The West Indian Islands The General Hospital.
Pass recently Oltlon How Much Money Have You In Your Pocket?
10 New York Cigarettes sained students from Jamaica Lawthe year Will Buy Package Of ny and well as 88 without a take a young Surprisingly Good quick him abundant success in tho was then on a charge of felonious BARBADOS practice of his profession. wounding Cecilia James and Emin Brilliant West Indians. Brien neighbors of the deceased, testified to the friendship that existed between the deceased The 1921 22 Medical Class and the accused who spent their Lists of McGm Un Dental Surgeon For Staff sity Sundays more or less together.
issued last month include the Advocated. names of several West Indians acts of a similar nature to took part in vulgar the who have gained distinctions in the BAD TEETH LEAD TO OTHER various subjects. Amongst first one alleged to have been year students, Mr. A, This latter evidence was borne TROUBLES.
dard of this colony obtained his out after searching cross ex ter with distinction in Chemis amination by Mr.
Ata recent meeting of the try. Mr. Goddard is a son of Mr. Complainant (recalled) said that House Committee of the Barba. and Mrs, Goddard of Fonta King, the accused, lived at No. dos General Hospital, a letter belle and was until Road, about 150 yards signed by Dr. Phillips: Dr, student at Harrison College. away.
in the person of Mr.
The accused, who elected to Johnson, Dr. Manning and Dr. Nas second in the reserve bis defence, was Skeete Visiting Surgeons was tben read. They suggested that a Honors List in aggregate of all committed for trial at the CrimiDental Surgeon should be ap the subjects for first year men nal Assizes.
pointed for the benefit of the distinctions in poor people who came to the Chemistrza Peugenio Mach Fatal Car Accident General Hospital. They also stated that cases of Trinidad passed which operations have been distictions Three English.
In delayed owing to the condition were Tragic Death of Mr. Adolof the mouth.
Amongst Fifth students Speaking in support of the Mr. a.
phus Thomasos.
Lawrence was eleventh Jetter, Dr Philips said that in in the Honours List in aggregate many instances patients came of all subjects and obtain dis News reached the city yester to him with bad eyes which was tinctions in Chemistry, Zoology day to the effect that on Sunday sometimes caused by bad teeth, and Physics and Messrs afternoon last fatal motor Before the eyes could be treated Clarence Vaz and Stockbouse, accident occurred between Sans in it was necessary that the teeth distinctions Chemistry. Souel and Two resulting in the should be taken out, but the e poor people often said that they Mongst Second Year men was death of Mr. Adolphus Thomasos Kenneth Ivan Melville of better known as Jim Jim, were not in a position to have Jamaica who was second in the aged 20 years and the son of the teeth extracted. He was Honors List in aggregate of all Mr. and Mrs. James Thomasos satisfied that a good deal of the subjects, and obtained distinc of Guaico.
eye troubles was caused by bad tions in bistology and embryo. The information gathered is Eseth and the mouth should be logy, anatomy, bio chemistry that the deceased, accompanled looked after any organic chemistry. by a few friends journeyed that other part of the body, No morning to Sans Souci by car to Sold at all R. Commissaries, Clubhouses and Hospital of any standing was at attends Electricity Installed Bazaar being held there.
Dental Surgeon As All went well and in the afterRestaurants in the Zone.
to the terms of the appointment Queen Park.
noon he decided to the Visiting Surgeons bad not lady for a drive in his car toconsidered that, but they felt The Queen Park Committee wards very strongly on the point.
far have installed electricity The Board decided to put the Queen in when th: They had not gone the young lady antici: Park. To night pating da ger asked bim to put matter on the agenda of the Musical Entertainment will be her down as the car was contia: next meeting for discussion, held to celebrate the installation ually swersing. He did so and Water Department To intend to have a series of entor: deceased continued on his drive of the lights. The Committee she returned to the Bazaar. The tainments to detray the cost and as the car reached three hun.
Burn Oll. of the lighting dred yards from the spot where the lady alighted. It turned turThe Water Works Department tla covering the young man in its TRINIDAD fall. An East Indian carter who is busily engaged in converling was travelling in the same the engines at the various pump stations into oil burners, we direction saw the upturned car ing learn. contract has been Friends Quarrel and save the alarm. In entered into with the Trinidad time a large crowd gathered Leaseholds Comyany for the End Fatally and found the deceased equire the supply of oil. The change from UPBRAIDED FOR MISCON and cushions Dr. Jessie Grell, to death by the steering coal to oil will mean less labor, lower working costs with DUCT no of Toco performed the post mortem examination which decrease in efficiency. Mr.
Calea John Hutson is the local Accused Alleged to Have Killed revealed that death was due to representative of the Trinidad His Rebuker. strangulation. The body was conveyed by car at about 30 Leaseholds Company.
yesterday morning to Arima COMMITTED FOR TRIAL where the in terment took place BUSH HALL PLANTAthe same afternoon, The preliminary investigation TION of the capital charge by LanceCorporal Springer against Allan ACCIDENT AT LAVENTo Be Sold In Lots.
King was began yesterday at the TILLE RESERVOIR.
Assistant Magistrate Court.
Sub Inspector Ince prose Bush Hall Plantation. St, Mi cuted for the Police, and the Boy Killed When Engine Bolt chael has been purchased by accused was represented by Snapped.
syndicate for 8, 000 and will be Annisette.
sold out in lots, ranging from one The complainant stated that of an acre. The syndi while he was on mounted patrol year old son of a laboureremEric Humphrey, the thirteen cate is formed of the following on the night of the 15th Instant ployed at the Laventille Reser Messrs Aus he received a report in conse voir came to his death as the Norman Simpson. Simpson, 17 St. George Hili, Escallier works last Saturday morning. Simpson, quonce of which he went to No.
result of accident at the and Hawkins, Land, where he saw map My. Hawkins has secured named Albert Leacock lying in What we learn is that the boy for himself the old which was about one place whilst his plantations playing one was evidently about the house and a few acres of the foot below the level of the father was at land contiguous to the dwelling ground. He was greaning and work and in passing the door of complaining that his back and belt gave away and the iron fast a new running WANTED hands were broken. He sent forening ent red his abdomen. A: Dr. Willis Price, the Police ambulance and con veyed Leacock to the Colonial soon as a cab was available, he On the following Hospital where an operation was conveyed to the Reliable Salesman We have much pleasuro inmortal.
SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR mentioning that on June 15 last about 30 he saw the performed and the FOR fasteners HANDLING TOILET Mr. Willis Price, the youngest accused at the Belmont Police extra Infants, Invalids and the Aged PREPARATIONS son by the second wife of the Station whither he was brought extracted. The lad continued to late Mr. Jacob Price, of St. by Corporal Cambridge. Com a well after the operation and Lawrence, Christ Church, took plainant charged accused with next morning when he took a Goie was apparently improving until Ho ro co Tonics Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the his degree as a Doctor of marvellous use of this great Food.
wounding Albert turn for the worse and eventual.
Leacock and cautioned him ia ly succumbed a little before midetc. etc. Shortly after his father the usual cine in Symphony Hall, Boston Celoniously manner. The accused day.
For paticulars apply to Purely An English Preparation.
death in 1909 young Price left sald nothing at any time.
ALEX SANCHEZ Barbados for the United States Monday the 17th Leacock died and, after working for a couple at the Colonial Hospital and com.
NEW REGISTERED House No. 24 St. Guachapalli MANUFACTURED BY of years, he entered Lincoln plainant preferred a charge of COMPANY or mail to Box 879 BENGER FOOD, LTD University where he graduated murder against the accused; Ancon, with First Class Honours Trinidad Compounding Co. Ltd Cross examined: Leacock made MANCHESTER; ENGLAND his degree after four years no mention of a slight wound The necessary papers for the residence. Having spent a over the left eye which did not forming of the Trinidad Com ROOMS TO LET FOR SALE AT year at Harvard, where be look fresh.
be pounding Company into a private gained the degree of Ch. Dr. McLean, Assistant Sur Limited Liability Co. were filed CALLE No he entered Boston University to of Port of Spain, examined the Registrar General, through Mr. the APPLY ON PREMISES complete from wounded man on the night in Johnathan Ryan, Solicitor and which University persistated questions and testitied to the Conveyeriscare The Companieshof British Consulate Noitce.
above four mortem examination.
JUAN ILLUECA as an with capital 10, 000 pounds sterling being the only member of his Clerk of the Peace at the Port of shares of each, and its Attorney. at. Law The Acting British Consul at race who has graduated as a of Spain Police Court, testifled Memorandum and Articles of Colon would be glad of informaDoctor of Medicine from Boston to the No. 44 Central Avenue Mrs. Annie Lindsay, Train deposition of the dying Association will enable it to University. This is the renult man taken at the Colonial Hospi carry on the business of grocers, TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 abouts of Thomas Frases, for notify her Patrons that she has tion as to the present where ed Nurse and Midwife begs to of industry and hard work. tal on Monday the 17th before manufacturers, spirit and wine Practices in all Courts of We beg to congratulate the the Acting Magistrate, Mr. dealers, compounding, brewers, merly employed in the Freight left the Isthmus for a short young medico and his relatives Harris distillers. Ishipchandlers, licensed Panama.
Department of the Panama Rail period and on her return will here on his success, and wish Cross examined: The accused (Continued On Paye 5)
English Spoken Fluently road Company at Cristobal, make due notification ALBOA EST EER REWED eighth of gentlemen. De eada!
engine room, BENGER FOOD Colonial Og taking The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN Assistant made up


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