
International Banking Corporation works wide formed PHILLIPINES PORTO RICO charge that or other bave LADIES VIGOR TONIC Street, it for me The that they point carry out for two years.
the matter been JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
It has also Metal Trades Council West Indian News.
Must Retract Lester Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 (Continued from page 2)
victuallers, bar keepers, general Says Governor of Panama traders and commissiou merchants. Thus it in that the CowCanal Dec commodities as wicker is fully qualified to handle The following letter forwarded by Governor of the Panus and onione, five consigaCanal to tbMetal Trades Coua ments, of which it recently to cil on the Canal Zone, in reply Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ceived. Another instance of the to the letter from that organiscope of its operations zation to the Governor on July attorded by the fact that it has 28, will doubtless be read with accepted the local agency for great interest:phonographs and records of the Goernor Lotter, Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Becker Company, Germany. The Directors of the Balbo Heights.
newly Company are: Mesere Manuel August 14, 1922, Fernandes. Managing Director. Mr. McConaughey, PresiDirect Representations through our own Branches and those of Vincent, Manuel Marques, dan; Mr. Wynne, SecreManuel Almands with Mr.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in tary, Panama Metal Trades Herman Fernandes as Secretary.
Concil, Balboa Heights ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM CHINA Sirs: JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS JAMAICA hava delayed reply to your ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU letter of July 28th (in which you expressed determination to seek URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Proposal To Pave my removal as Governor unless promptly revoke my disCertain Roadways of an employ for misrepresenting health conditions Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Of Kingston.
on tbe Isthmus) in the hope that your organization having sent this letter while under the stress short time ago the Gleaner of excitement, would take the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE announced that an important pro necessary steps to withdraw it. posal had been made to the Gov.
It should be manifest to any one in any ernment by a syndicate with organizatioa in the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM regard to the paving of certain of world (governmental ther: the thoroughfares of Kingston, wise) any employee or group of To day we can give further de employees who should address tails. The proposal was made to the directing official of the orga the Director of Public Works by nization in terms similar to the Oil Trust Ltd. representa those employed in this letter Me tives of which concerns could expect nothing but instant The best Tonic in the World been in Jamaica discharge. did not take this action, as it The company, as we.
underwas appreciated that the mental attidude of stand It, made an offer to pave the entire many of the employees was such length of Port Royal Street, Barry Street from Duke as to make them unaccountable This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
for their action.
Street to the Railway, and Duke ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, from the While the letter has not been Sea front to It would be well North withdrawn, there are evidences Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Street; the material to be need in in paving being Cuban of a return to a mucb more for you to make a run down constitution.
asphalt of first quality, normal frame of mind, and an early selection ho It promotes digestion, improves the appecompany state becomes necessary to of some pretty would be prepared to take action. desire to material and have tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. the work provided they were out to all ein ployees a few facts us make you a for their future guidance.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or guaranteed minimum expen diture of say 80, 000 each year The Governor is responsinice little dress times a day.
It is learnt that ble to the United States Governfor the oecasion has submitted ment for his conduct of the ahead of time, to the municipal authorities but Canal, and to no other person or so far nothing has been done.
organization whatever, and in conducting the Canal it is neces The Woman Exchange been before the Government, but the question of sary 10 preserve proper amalgamation of the civic ser subordination the organization DRESSMAKERS vices pending it is understood The Governor does that the Executive are of the not desire impose any restrictions No. Tivoli Road, Panama opinion that the the consideration on the rights of any employee, of the scheme should be deferr and could not if he did, as there ANN THOMAS, Proprietress ed for the present are proper methods obtaining elinin The HOME STUDY COURSES of It is clear, however that some relief from eitt either real or fancied steps will have to be taken, in oppression, and such methods the Womans Institute, Interthe near future to improve the have frequently been invoked. letter referred to from our someone who has the proper TNT national Correspondence Schools thoroughfares of Kingston and 13. No organization can accom records.
qualifications, then the proposal of the Oil plish its mission without a disci Respectfully. Very respectfully, DRESSMAKING Trust Ltd. will be considered pline which this letter would WYNNS JAY MORROW, in common with other schemes show to be here if it were to be regarded as the sane Governor. Secretary, for street improvement.
MILLINERY and sober view of some of our Attest, The letter sent to Governor COOKING employees. No body of men can Morrow to which he objects HARVEY MCCONAUGHEY, DEMERARA give the proper cooperation to reads as Pollows. Pres.
are the Best in the World such views are to survive. Balboa Heights, July 28, 1922, Demerara Testa It should be evident to all LA BOCA LITERARY 125, 000 Women Students Already.
that it not within the right of Col. Morrow, tor Will Govornor Canal Zone.
the employee to circulate or to CATALOGS FREE assist in circulating false or mis Sir:Address: Ancon, administration of leading statements about the meeting of the Panama the Property Declared At Canal Metal Trades Council was held There is much speculation as to organization of which he himself last night at the Balboa Lodge who will be carrying off the is a part. Such action cannot be Hall. 116, 524. medals for the elocution contest tolerated, and no individual will to be held at the Clubhouse on There were more than 300 in Leaves 10 For Use Of The enjoy immunity from discipline the for such action because he acts attendance, made up of delegates the 26th instant, under Church!
of the Society. It is ex to the Council and employees.
for or hides behind any organi. All were aware of just what from the Atlantic side, who is the pected that at one applicant ATTENTION!
Zation Blames Excitoment.
a medal with the details, as all the offi Similar contest will be competing of desire that each of you with your arbitrary action in die on this occasion and indications connection Pleasant Sunday Afternoon The Demerara Argosy states accept as truth the above state.
are that the Red Tank folks are that the will of Mr. de Freiments, because they are true, charging Hushing were determined to carry off the first and am desirous that each of published in the Star Herald prize, while Atlantic side chal.
National Progress Lodge tas who died in England on the you receive my statements, with of July 27th, so that all facts in lengers seem to be confident de 9th inst. has been lodged at the an open mind Registrar Office and a need not say the case were known to all Hail, Chorillo provision in holding their own.
al declaration of his estate made.
that it was with extreme regrets attendance, that read this letter under reWe are hoping that some oc It was their unanimous opin am sure the coming elocu of ply, because cannot conceive of ion that these facts did not justision contest will be a grand casion will bring you to our success. President McKenzie store shortly. And when you the will is that the deceased, who any of men selected by fy your action.
said at the last meeting. there at p.
their fellow employees for their was a widower and had seven superior quality of good judg. sion of all phases of the situation care to attend singing contests, be a pleasure for us to serve After a full and free discus. are hundreds of folks who do not do come be assured that it will issues surviving, has made lega, ment and coolheadedness ad Under the auspices of the cies and bequests in a motion was passed by unani jazz dances, garden parties and you, and that our pleasure in dressing such a letter to an ex. moos vote of all present:directions except to his son; ecutive officer of any organizaMr. de Freitas jar.
the like, but who, am sure, will serving you will make your visit Antiguan Progressive Society. That the proper officers of dock to this Clubhouse to enjoy to our store even more enjoy tion such as this, unless they the Council be instructed The sum of 991 46 has been to of an oratorical contest.
Subject: The Individual and Society paid as estate duty, temporary swayed by able for yourself.
emotional irresponsibility.
write you. That your action in discharg is endeavouring to have at all The Society, as a matter of fact. take no issue with the man By Mr. EDGAR MCCARTHY LEGACIES AND BEQUESTS FULLER The deceased has left for the who holds, diderent opinions ing Husbing, which was times something on its Catholic Bishop for the use of programs JEWELLER from mine, nor do desire to without iust cause, is condemned that will tend to satisfy the desire the Catholic Church, Main deprive him, if he be a subordi That the meeting, not all who are anxious to develop 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Street, the sum of 10; the Govnate, of any right to thorough accord with Mr, Hush themselves along literary lines FOR SALE ernment of British Guiana for correct method of appeal from ing in all his actions as the reto help in the resuscitation of the Alms House 10; Elsa, Vibert torties that have become my decisions, but must insist, presentative of the employees.
Victor, Carmelita and Beatrice while responsible for Canal Rodriques (illigitimate children)
operation, on a whole hearted part is detrimental to the best encountered in these parts in co operation on the part of all interest of the Panama keeping pace with the reasonable CONTRACTOR BUILDER Marie Sardinha (neice) 3, employees, and on an an orderly Canal as well as the em demands of modern civilization. First Class Workmanship In Winnifred May de Freitas and correct procedure in the ployees, and is further indica Medals for winners of the sing Plans and Specifications Free No reasonable offer turned ful daughter) 9, 059 81 duo on presentation complaints. tion that you are not properly Ing contest held in May are ex. 7th Street West House No. 90 of insurance policies, Lionel Those who cannot agree to this qualified to fill the position aspected to the coming week and O, Box 411, Panama, arrive from the United down.
Marie Stephen Alexis and Win.
must, in fairness to themselves Governor.
States nifred May de Freitas (lawful and to the Canal, be separated That unless you rescind your the time for their presentation For particulars apply at children) 98. 444. 55, the residue from the service.
action and reinstate Mr. Hushing will probably be fixed for the of the estate.
He also desired WORKMAN PRINTERY have, therefore, to request in the immediate future, steps night of the elocution contest. GOOD JOB PRINTING that no division of his property that your organization take the are to be taken to endeavour to further announcements in this Central Ave Street should take place until the necessary action to efface the replace you, as Governor, with respect, will be made later. THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Panama City (Continued on Page 7)
YOUNG WOMEN: RYBARGANS ANTIGUANS auspieces at least op cial documents in Sunday, Angust 20, 1922 The cross total declared is 116, body 19 were use any One Stuvessant Piano Albert in DQNE AT


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