
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 1922, THE WORKMAN Don Keep Your Money at Home IT WILL BE Published on Saturdays by Rstos for Advertisement on applies ALROND, as the office Central Ave. ton. Correspondence on all matters the and corner of Street, Panams of public interest invited. do Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION muss to accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good talih.
We do not undertake to our One 250. erejected orrespondence STOLEN WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK CARTERS Three Use Your Spare Cash To Buy WRITIN FLUID BLUE BLACK The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY AUGUST 19, 1922 WALK OVER SHOES SSC 68 RENEW ROUE SCICO re CARTERS CARTER Ink Eraser INK TRACER American Bazaar Stores INKS PASTES MUCILAGES Always in stock et Central Ave 3rd. St.
The most useful and safest investment in the world.
An old military saw says: safe retreat is as good as a victory. This is no less true in political combats and economic fights than in martial engagements. great economic war is on in the Canal Zone, with the Governor and Washington officials on one side, and the Metal Trades Council and William Hushing on the other.
The circumstances which have led up to the crisis are CARTER fresh and faniliar to the minds of the public. The gold em loyees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company generalled by Mr. Hushing and a few other Panama Colon BENEDETTI HERMANOS prominent labor leaders here have evinced chagrin at the recommendations of the Investigating Commission whose economic policy is retrenchment, and whose suggestions COLEXOSKENOx PANAMA bave been executed by the Secretary of War.
No little amount of labor agitation followed the prac. and unenviable position. There is no room for retreat.
Rent Receipt Book in SpanCENTER, tical execution of this policy which switched out of the They must either quit or surrender.
ish and English for sale at The hands of the employees many perquisites and privileges, PRODUCTS to say nothing of luxuries, which made the Isthmus of their leader, but it is problematical if a whole force of If they quit they would be following the example of WORKMN Printery: Panama an El Dorado for the American employees and laboring men could find employment in the United States comfort and inconvenience; wher is, if the car service which carried so much fascination as to make hundreds of witb, such poor clearances as they would receive in the were available much of the physical difficilty attendant them decide upon making the Canal Zone their permanent event of such action. Jobs don go a begging in these upon the industrial efforts of these people would be obdomicile.
But very little, if any, force could be seen in their con days; and besides, economic conditions in the States are not viated. The car lines might not necessarily be extended they Yet, to many, quitting is the only honorable into Juan Dios, yet this extension would add to the busiand free grocery transportation. These things were taken thing they can do in the face of their fierce ultimatum and ness of the company in terms of cash while it would add away by the same power which gave them on the ground wide mouthed braggadocia.
to the comfort of the residents in the matter of convethat the conditions which had hitherto made them necessary bad ceased to exist. It is the same principle as put their speech silenced and their integrity disgraced. Yet, If they surrender, their wings will be forever broken, nience.
Another view of the question lies in the fact, that ting away rain coats and umbrellas in the dry season. The if they wish to earn the bread that perisheth and provide Metal Trades Council knew that they could hope for very for their wives and children, as men who are alive and people other than residents of these districts are to be considered little pounding away Residents of the city usually take car rides and, for that reason, they took up a question which would sensible to their responsibilities should do they would in the early morning or in the afternoon and late claim the attention of the public in the United States and swallow their own vomit and shut their ears to the ridicule evening in order to catch lungfulis of the salubrious and which would arouse favorable public sentiment.
invigorating air of the country such as they may be able The present labor situation cannot be compared, in to get along the lines to the La Boca and to the present The rainy season brought back a plague of mosquitoes the slightest degree, with that of the United Las Sabanas terminals. While many motor merely for from the swamps and from among the loog grass all over malarial fever appeared and reports stated that the Ancon Railway eshop Laborers; pół thwhich ehersilver employees dents who cannot afford the luxury of a motor car spin the Zone, according to popular opinion. At the same time Brotherhood of Maintainance hiih Way Employees and the sake of doing so, there are thousands of our citely resin Hospital wards were overcrowded. This furnished a poten: pitted their energies against the goverament with Govern. and must, of necessity, patronize the tram caro tial and strategical vantage for the Metal Trades Counci glorious fight. The colored people stood by their gons rides it must be reckoned that such trips are double fares, or Harding in command. That was an unsuccessful, but In calculating the business that comes from pleasure who attributed the sanitary (or unsanitary) condition to and fought to the last.
the unwise policy of reducing the sanitary efficiency, for little the Governor; they only made him see that they present, the Las Sabanas line, according to all appearThey did not try to bully or be registering out going as well as incoming collections At the sake of cutting dowa and leader, wetu. tushing, made issue of it and associated were in dead earnest and they acquitted themselves like ances, is doing good business, and yet there are not puree it with many other measures which were catalogued as ex. trojans; and had they not been tossed and jammed be dozen houses within visible distance from the terminal, tween Scylla and Charybdis there might have been a Whence comes this business and patronage.
ecutive blunders. statement in the New York World, attributed to Metal Trades Council scabbed for good heart, and now places and things whenever opportunities present themdifferent finish. While the silver employees fought the There is an uncontrollable curiosity in people to see Mr. Hushing, denounced the sanitary conditions conse: they are getting in full measure, what they deserve, selves. The Chinaman Seems to know this instinct of quent on applying the principle of retrenchment.
statement was unfavorable to the prestige of the adminis. Trades Council vote to act, the doom of their leaders is enough space regardless of how many other shops might The fight is near its end, and, however the Metal human nature and so he puts a shop wherever he can get tration, and it is believed, public sentiment in the United sealed. It is a poor fight in which their forces are badly have been established already.
States had commenced to side up with labor. It was a People don buy candy clever stroke, opportunely made, but not by a master hand. generalled. Their leader, Hushing, has been hushed after when there is no candy store, but as soon as there is Governor Morrow move was the next, and he made baving wasted his sweetness in the desert. air. Wynne opened a store, not only children but even grown up will soon lose his wind and throw in the sponge and people give unstinted patronage, It is the same about a counter stroke. He called on Mr. Hushing to retract bis then the whole fabric of the vaunting organization with theatres, and the same with regard to street car patronage.
published utterance which the latter refused to do. The its executive committee and high sounding resolutions People finding the car line offering the convenience of Governor followed up with an alternative to Mr. Hushing, will pass off into history as another of those institutions ready travel to the city and back would not hesitate to resignation or discharge. The latter was the result as Mr, for which fate bad decreed a violent death.
embrace such an opportunity to come into the city.
Husbing would not resign. Then the battle became heated Then there are picnic parties which must either meet and fierce and the tongue got away with the mind. The the high expense of jitney fare or shank it over two or Metal Trades Council sent in an absurd ultimatum to the in tram car runs into. and. they told the silver employees was treason, when they scabbed, TRAM CAR SERVICE NEED OF the districts mentioned the company would gain anhando some revenue without adding much to the cost of operausing their wives and children to break up the strike SUBURBS.
tion which it now bears, This is business with a biz in of 1920.
it and the suggestion ought to appeal to the forensie Governor Morrow is an intrepid fighter with a cool vision of the authorities of the car company.
head and an iron set face. He works like a steam roller and it doesn seem a safe proposition to run up against It can hardly fail to impress the minds of the authori The general public endorses the opinion and stands The Electric him. He gave the laborites rope enough and time enough ties of the Panama Electric Car Company that their ready to give generous support to the plad.
to bang themselves and when they thought he was fenc business is not meeting the full needs of the public when Car Company is confronted by an opportunity of tremending for position, their leader in an impassioned sreech the Pueblo Nuevo and the Juan Dios districts which lie ous magnitude. What will be the result? if the suggeslion should meet a frosty reception now, the loss to the added fuel to fire by making personal suggestions pre beyond Las Sabanas are taken into consideration.
judicial to the office of the Chief Executive of the Panama When the company initiated its operation it was company will be tremendous, but if it is taken up with Canal as appointed by the Washington Government. stated that with the improvements of the highways along warm interest it will not be long before there will be a Meanwhile, Governor Morrow was drafting the death the districts referred to, the car service would be extended roving mass of patrons moving to and fro between the warrant of the Metal Trades Council which appears in for the convenience of people residing in those parts. Has congested precincts of the dusty city and the balmy outanother. column in this issue. It reads like a weapon of the Company forgotten its promise or is it oblivious to its skirts where nature fans her softening breezes and refreshes mind and body with the quietude of the surroundings destruction instead of the olive branch whicḥ the laborites opportunities?
were expecting him to throw into their camp. Consterna Perhaps, it might be replied that the number of resi and the wild fragrance that sweeps over hill and pla tion now reigns among the gold employees most of whose dents in these districts does not warrant the extending minds are vascilating between Canal Zone pay checks and of the car lines thus far, as there might not be sufficient bench warming in the parks up North, business to compensate for the outlay. But such a reply Chaufleurs Elects Officers. Stone Laying Ceremony at the The Governor demands the Metal Trades Council to would be the result of a one sided glance at the situation.
Panama Church We are asked to state that the remove from their records their absurd ultimatum. Will There is relatively more involved in the question than the they do it? He notifies them that they will have twenty mere number of settlers in the suburban districts, and Chauffeurs Cricket club held a four hours to vacate their quarters and sufficient steam even, this number is by far more considerable than might very interesting meeting yester All roads will lead to the spot ship reservations for their return to the in case be thought at first sight. There are over three hundred day evening when the odicers for controlling future of the New Seventh Day Adventhey quit work in a body, or strike. Will they strike? families scattered over these two districts with an ap destinies of the club were elect tist Church on Street Calied. It is stated that the mem donia Road (behird the Isthmirn Governor Morrow position is strong and impregnable proximate total of twelve hundred.
and he is reinforced by Secretary Weeks, et al. He is These people engage in agricultural farming and bers of this new club seem very Park) To morrow (Sunday) Aug energetic and are determined to 20th at p. the occasion de determined to carry out his words to the last. The Metal stock raising, and their markets are in Panama. They give a good account of them. ing the Corner Stone laying of a Trades Council haye placed themselves in an unhappy are compelled to walk long distances at a tremendous dis selves in the near future. the new churcb.


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