
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922, PAGE FIVS Canal Zone Notes Dental Notice being tar 0manner 15 bigbiiiiiie Third Annual Convention HAVE YOU TRIED if a series of you want photographs of QUALITY 120 MOVING PICTURE at STARS a Reasonable in each package Price Your chance complete this has arrived series FIVE CENTS we give for you an Album FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE word to the THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
There we QERODULO When you Garvey contended were invited as there children up ones advice and these two unapapananananana police.
World CIGARETTES was the fight way Order does headed our to ing of then.
ruleg GATUN Having received a large con(Continued from page 1)
sigament of dental supplies from to be looking out of cu sosity, Birthday Celet rations, the United States during the but great enthusiasm was ds.
week, at a greatly reduced price.
played by the marchers themThe residence of Mr and Mrs. desire my patients and the Friends selves.
the public to know that my fees for Joseph Lynch situated in You will find During the procession there lower quarters of the district was ware several animated discusthe scene of an enjoyable and dental service will also be reduced sions between marchers and pleasant Sunday evening birth while these supplies last.
bystanders, but none resulted day celebration. The occasion Dr. JOHNSON seriously. At Lenox Avenue and the 11th year of their District Dentist 135:h Street, a Garveyite took daughter, Ertha. Mr. JE Ma exception to a remark of La Boca, aa Joney, one of the oldest livers of looker this town but now residing at 179 Central Avenue ker charging Garvey with being a black member of the Silver City was the chairman for Ku Klux Klan. This is an unthe evening, and it is without Opposite Station popular subject in Harlem and doubt he gave one of the most Panama.
the crowd was with the anti Gar.
interesting address on the duties veyman. Pompy intorference of parents, also congratulating by the police quelled the arguthe mother of Miss Ertha for the along nicely whilst Ernest the one ment.
trained her father who is an employee of she has Oa Seventh Avenue, near 133rd dauehter since his absence from the Quartermaster pt.
were carrying some broad stiles, Street, two Nagroes of opposite the lock city views took issue over Garvey several addresses, songs, recitaonfortanate transactions with tions and jokes given but Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon the Black Star Line in which the mention of have to make the Butler, on Monday 7th inst, a thousands of dollars were lost.
little ones which Miss Eriha nine pound baby boy, Mr. Ver champion over 30 cda who is employed in the the miney lost to members of present Amor gst the bon Quartermaster Department the Universal Negro Improve.
grown two of cur Zone Ofice as clerk, is feeling very mbut Association was due to bad School teachers in the persons of proud and is handing around unfair busines3 Brown and Smith were present cigars to his many friends and methods adopted by those bo trusted. He asserted the Presi.
making are surely co workers, mother and baby is acquainted getting along nicely.
dent General of the Association with the parents and guardians of could get thousands of dollars the little ones wbich are under more if he desired their care during school hours.
EPOLICE ARE REINFORCED, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch begs to The Salvation Army.
ten der their many thanks and con When Garvey and other dignthose who tarios aligotid from automobiles gratulations to all and took seats in the reviewThe visit of Colonel Hiprey of the attended and enjoyed the pleas ant function which came to an International Headquarters, London, to ing, stand in front of No.
or end at a late hour.
the city on Thursday 10th instant, was 2305 Seventh Avenue, a score or grand rucoes meeting was beld more of uniformed men ottaa in the ball at o clock, when the SalvaAssociation surrounded their Division, Reception. tionists from La Boca, Paraiso and Red hief. reinforcing the cordon of Tack united with the city comrades, and save the laternationa) visitor When representatives of The The Gatun Division No. 16. grand welcome. Staff Captain Bax the walked toward the stand AC League pulled off Divisi dal Officer, who accompanied to before Garvey in the third carone of the most successful events Colonel, presided. The hall was packed in the annals of said Division on to its fullst capacity. On the patform riage, bad returned to Seventh Avenue for review, he was Thursday night 10th inst. when a were: the Colcnel. Suff Captain Box, given Commandant and Mr. Morris, Ensign Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12 2c.
stopped by several Negroes who said they had been hired by.
under the direction of Bro. and Mro. Bennett, Captain Floyd, Garvey as privats detectives to Ayre. Execntive Sect president and Lieut, Barnes, Seeretary Garrick, Serge human mamamayanamammammammamummmmmmmmmmmmm see that no disturbanca was Liorel London Mejor Wright, ad inembers of the raised upon his arrival, Precisely at 8:20 20 a proces Songsters Brigade. In the In to show white people u CHURCH SERVICE siou was formed under Baptist Church the Universal Negro Improveleadership of the UNIA. band delete your heart ferow weary Lily of the Atlantic Inment Asscciation is on the first En gol prayer by stallation.
Colon 11 am. Mrs. Thrift by the officers and mem Bennett, tho Songaters the parade, after leaving Liberty (American Episoopal Church)
7, 15 Pastor Thrift bers both of the Juveniles and of their favourite neleoti. ne Hall, No, 120 West 138th Street, Chorrillo 11 am Descon Linton adults division. After the sing Our Choice. Sto ft. Captain Bar said marcbed down Seventh Avenue. be St. Paul Church, Panama.
The installation of officers of the ke such a Anniversary be wat very pleased as far as 110th Street. It was wered their opening oldiero Bro le ore people perhapoli e larte of a. m, Holy Communion, 7:15 Mrs. Thrift 16 was that bangers reading called London the President Coronal Road 11 am 7;16 Postor Witt White man on surprising to to them to to know that he had British Order of Ancient Free Gardan10 sm, Litany.
America, Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Doseon Smith Bro William Morris 10 sun Holy Eucharist and sermon, 7;15 Mr Galimore for the been in India for ten years, but it was er, for the term ending December 1922. black man shall rule Africa.
address of welcome Holy Baptism. We want black civilization delivered Empire 11 am Mt. Cummings emphasis and much more pleneurable to introduce took place on Priday evening, Aug. 11 with ef thirty At the Flower of the Isthmus lodge ball p Sunday School.
Colonel Hiprey, an Officer and God and the Negro 15 Mr A. Brown shall interest. The next speaker was seven years experience in the cause, Street, Colon, and was 30 pm Evensong and sermon.
Triumph were raised.
teacher Browh who was intro with thirty four of these yeare apent brilliant affair while it lasted. Daily Services in the church at a.
Cativa 11. m, Pastor Thrift New Providence Deacon Broom the leading in India. The Colonel who was received The elected was installed by NIGHTENGALE Vicar Negroes of New York accepted The chairman occupied said Now Gatun Thursday 7:30 Pastor Thrift he had a great Bro. Joshus Burges, after that he invitations extended to take part fear position people St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Salvatlou Army in the parade. The majority and gave a tasteful address by Aye mbled and. surprised will be which the remaining part of the beautiful the installation ceremony was ably per orm m, Holy Communion 5;30 am Prayer Meeting respectfully declined.
wishing the enthusiasm manifested, the speaker said ed by Bro. Edmund Aikens, 45 Hly Biption 10 am Sunday Sobool of the above all success in their that he never expected to have visited and who ww unani noumly cleated. the Was the parade as large as on 11am, Matias and address, II; 18 am Holiness Meeting two preceding years undertakings. There were seve the Panama Conal, although, experien. for the present term, and credit p. Sunday Sehool, 30. Mother Day Service This was the question of the ral other speakers for the evening eng frequent trips through the given 7:30. m. Salvation Meeting him for bringing 30 m Evensong and address: bour and it has divided Harlem.
amongst whose names are the Canal over fourteen years ago he bad the function to Mine Commandent Morris will conduct into rival can camps. Those opposed Bro, White. Vice at over the Car The Bros. were in ta led:A NIGA TENGALE Priest in charge the evening Service, when a special ad to the Garvey movement declara President: Godfrey Ayre, bean Sea when he bad to visit Jamaica Aikens, M: Phillipe, DM; Samue! Jones Assistant an opportunity to e dress will be given to Mothers.
disciples in Las Sabanas Mission Secretary after the terrible atribquake. the GEORGE MORRIS.
Sister Caro Young, Seely. Med. Griffb, while Garveyites many trying ex Burgess, The Colonel related Wil Church School pm Commandant, assert there were more. Executive te General Secretary:periences of the Salvation Army during Pred Carmichsel, Chileött, p, Evensong and address line Butcher The true significance of the who with her elcquence engaged the eart! quake, and although at the Chapi McClain, 08. W, Odwin and NIGHTENGALE Pciast in charge, question is obvious. It yesterthe attention of the andience, time ho had gone to England on fur Robinson, Stowards; Boutt, Trea; Boy Scouts At St. Peter prove that Marcus Garvey day parade were smaller it then schcol teacher Smith lough from India, he was commanded Beet and Fita Headley Auditore; St. Peter Church La Boca.
with his inexpressable in effort to assist Aikean, Church La Boca.
He spoke of six Christian, Trusteepurite and P, Holy Communion, 630a.
popularity is on the wave; it it captivated charms beld spell the unfortunate ones Dr. Will sm, Holy Baptism larger the bound the audience. Bro. I, mont months oscurn in Jamaica, helping to inme, Lodgo Surgeon After the 11 a. Matius and serm 30, deduction would be that the Crawford chairman of the Ad ro organise the Army work ever there. Poremony several addrerses were made in The beautiful and irresistible Provisional President of Africa pm, Sunday Sobool visory an address also taking care of the Editorial part of the the banqueting hall, by the officers an power of association manifested and President General of 30 Evensong and sermon tbe aister Eliza Hapkin, and Ella War Cry, and having to do other members, withing the Lily of the Atitself very markedly last Monday Universal Negro Improvement MULCARE. Rootor Ward, President and vice presi official work after the duties during the lantio Lodge. nuocowful career in the night, when 11 boys met in sé. Association continues to exert.
nent of the ladies division, each day had been doneluded. The Colonel fraternal field, and all expressed that St. Barnabas Church, Empire Peter Church, Lá Boca, for the a potent influence.
of purpose rendered a very attracting solo mentioned that the Isthmus of Panama o operatien is the keystone for a the Morsing Prayer and address, 11 Baden Powell Boy Scouts Society. yesterday parade did not suffer linking To an impartial observer The intermission then announced bad many useful things, and among the brilliant future, and impressed on the Sunday School 3p. Annie White Ved many, the Baivation Army was cze that members to stand by the Lodge.
Evening Prayer and address, Rev. Mulcare on opening by comparison with that of 1921.
Inby JT MULCARE, Price in charge the meeting, pointed out the There were about 5, 000 persons Credit must be given to Bro. Eder who was Headquartero rent them mund Aikens, the promoter, for ternational object for which they had met in line.
Eva Brown, Bro. Hassocks their mert appreciation.
St. Bartholomew Church, He stressed it that as promoter warmest of the and John Simms played the band. Colonel at this stage wid he had the planting this Lodge in Colon, and it new branch about to be Las Cascadas was through his instrumentality and Professor Smith with his started, he was sure that the boys IN LOVING MEMORY Morris bis Lang Bervice valour that success attended its standard 11s, m, Morning prayer and address who joined it would in if cornet, Bros. Butcher The Commandant if one have to remember that the baving 30 pm. Sunday School ways be largely benefitted, and 30 evaing Prayer and address that on the whole the Silver City Of our beloved brother CYRIL Ayre, violins and cymbals with served faithfully in the Army n dispensation was granted from 1915, and Rev JT Mulesre, Priest in charge files and drums are to be. con officer over twenty six years, and during the treat deal of opposition that he would be all the better for it. He who departed this life August He gratulated for the excellent music that time he has been stationed io no Isthmus until Dec. 1921. We wish en countered that it never arrived in the Seventh Day Adventist Church Scout Master Williams tben introduced to the rendered.
less than twenty five to Corps. The his Tis hard to break the under cords and his No. Q STREET CALIDONIA Assistant Mr. Batcher whom he Where love has sound the heart colours of the badge represented three congratulato Bro Aikens and the mem things: The red signifying the Blood of bers, and also success and prosperity for ROAD, PANAMA had invited to organize the new Tie hard, yes hard to say the worde the many years to come.
Saturday night was another Jesus Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab Mr. William branch. Ia a bomely manner We must forever part again we hope to meet thee Rood time for the A. the Baptiem ofte, and yellow for bath Scbool; 11. 15 am General Worship obiect vam spoke on the aim and when the streams of life are fled of the Holy Guoat In and L, as Professor Shire speaking of the faithful services which NOTICE 30 Spanish Class; 30 10 Laws from the Windy City and his the Commandent has rendered, the pm. its explaining Laws and its three promi And in hosven again to greet thee Young People Meeting: 30 e. ses. Mr. Putcher was the next Where no favorite tears are sbed; great Comedian rulled off one of Colonel spoke of having met him in Vespers. their popular shows at the lodge Kingston, Jamaica, and he was very The public is hereby informed speaker, In easy ball. although it was moderately pleased to meet him here again, and it that have resigned from my class. All are welcome both young and derived from becoming members Sunday evening at 5p. Reading dwelt on on the LENA MILDRED TAIT easy language be benefits to be attended, each and everyone en was a plensure to find that after they office as Secretary of Court old. 30 m, Preaching Service.
joyed themselves.
have parted for over fourteen years, he Pacific, No. 9751 a of this progressive Society. The Gobourne In New posi found the Commandant enthusiastic tion which held for the past Bible Truth Churches.
next thing was enrollment, after which the meeting was brought York, tive years.
Its all well for Cristobal in. as he was when he first met bim.
San Miguel door baseball players ar basket the Commandapt who gave salute, The Colonel then pinned the to a close, and the boys was taken LEWIS REID, 5:a. to. Morning Prayer Secretary 10 am Children Service outside for their first instruction ballers to get ard talk about after the Colonel cailed Word has been received from and drill, Before dismissal nine congre La Boca, defeating the Gatun boy but if 11 am Preaching Service more boys were enrolled for the Mr. Charles Gobourne lately they want a good whipping let gation to stand, and under the flags he 30 pm Sunday School evening which made the num the of Colon, that he is now settled them bring all their powers offered a prayer that God may help the ber twenty, Another in the Big City and will when Oscar Brooks is all settled Commandant to continue his work for success is bound to follow. The address 30 m Gospel Service meeting was held on not return. Mr. Gobourne left with his little wife in this town many years to come. The Commandan was very interesting, and in concluding Calidonia then they whl see basket ball. then addressed the congregation telling he asked the Colon»l to convey warmest added night last when more boys were here in October of last year for have them of the certainty of his calling, and greeting of the West Indian Salvation. a. Morbing Prayer organiz 2 Jilean Fisherme of his determination to continue doing 1sts in Pansms to the General, the 10 am Children Service Lodges and on Samaritan Lodge una Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest what he feels is right so that the namo Chief of the Saff, and the Interestional am Preaching Service Rent Receipt Books in Span He begs to be remembered to all Anderson on Monday morning of God through Jesus Christ may be Sesretary. After an interesting bible 80 m Sanday School Ish and English for sale at the his friends and wall wishers.
14th inst. a baby girl, both glorified, God first in all things is his talk by the Colonel, the meeting was 30 m Goepel Service His address is 239 141st St. Workman Printery.
mother and baby are getting sim, and with this spirit in all things brought to a close, E, Barclay Pastor in charge, Apartment 53.
Pew. iewer If any of duced as chairman for the without doubt or night bath cheers his with pleasure to many e dont quocumeful conclusion following Boom to come following Temple, and to go to to Jamaica an were as As large or Board ve up with sister dee pined.
The ably assisted by sis that could not be many cornet and Morris, Prince bonour of being appointed to Medal boys 18, 1919.
Jesus, blue, badge on upon the to down


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