
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News. Continued from page 3)
youngest of his children attains the age of twenty one years.
Book Binding! La La Book Binding Department Satisfy They Chesterfield way, the 20 on ODE the 10 applying for facts by 90 SAVES from to LIFE is stili the DEMERARA TAILORS ON Why throw away your old, but no STRIKE.
doubt interesting, books when you Object To 10 Reduction.
The tailors employed by Messrs can have them neatly bound at Booker Bros. McConnell Co. Ltd. Demerara, have been on strike for the past two weeks THE WORKMAN The wonderful taste owing to a reduction of 10 in of fine Turkish tobacco the prices paid by the firm for woollen work.
expertly blended with Seen by a the mellow smoothness ba press represents Mr. Roberts, Manager of tive, of choice American tothe Gentlemen baccos.
explained that the firm was out to make their lines cheaper and CENTRAL AVENUE in consequence had informed their tailor of the decision to cut and No. G Street the prices paid by 20. The men refused to work at the reduced rates and were met half to make the reduction 10 management offering is not theirs. Perhaps many Judge Denounces Prestead of woolleos, and to persons who, unlike Mr. Otway.
pay the usual prices for cotton paid Income Tax, will now claim work. The the woollen workers repayment at the hands of CIGARETTES declined this also and in Government.
In bis annual address as presithy 180 walked sympa the cotton men dent of the Georgia Bar A880of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended bave also Graduates of American Colleges clation, Judge Arthur Powell The manager pointed out that declared in regard t) prohibiShould be Admitted reduction in the prices tion that in bis calm, deliberate they pay their tailors for wool judgment, no enactment of such In another column we. w: lens bringe prices on a with those paid by other firms, ting medical sons of the soil, who the enforcement of it has ever armas, touched on the question admit despread vicions, universally e which work out at 40 on pre: have fought for their profession been imposed on our people.
war prices. As mentioned that to practice among their people. The Judge said he spoke freely LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
in the mean time they were They are indeed, certain Ameri: because his words were in the getting through with what works can diplomas which may be hela nature of a confession by one means.
in doubt, but the world vorld knows who huº repentd.
Inse oward he proceeded, one of the Howard stamp and Howard DE MERARA OFFCIAL is recognised in Great Britain who helped to draw up and SALARIES.
law in as standing very high. All that pass the prohibition seems necessary is that Ameri Georgia. thought it ww right.
Bottomley To Make Last can trained doctors, Cold Samice hwe convinced me to PROPOSED PRE WAR BASIS.
Link admission to practice in this the with LIFEBUOY Appeal For His Freedom.
contrary ир colony should be made to sit an of the Medical sage of the ſtate prohibition Immediately aft or the pasfor Health Sake.
London, July 26. Horatio Bot Abolition of Temporary In examination Board, just as they sit Siate law in 1907, long before the war tomley solicitor has written to creases.
the Speaker of the House of States as often as they apply for in tho Board Examination in the United the Supreme Court increased felony docket Commons, asking for the post. The Daily Argosy understands the right to practice in any suc in startling ratio, condition ponement of the motion to expel that in view of the decreased ceeding state, that the passage of time has Bottomley membership in revenue of the colony, His Excel never relieved. The waye of the House pending the hearing lency the Governor of Demerara Movies For St. Georges homicide that swept over Georof an appeal. Bottomley is taking proposes, t) reduce all Civil gia on the passage of its Stateto the House of Lords against Servants salaries to a pre war Sia wide probibition law found its bis conviction and sentence basis thus abolishing the temWe are very glad to hear that counterpart in the wave that Loven years penal servitude.
increase which were official permission has been swept the nation on the pascurtained and read to.
ed expulsion of of Botttomley, who circular to this effect has been tions for the improvement of the change.
South Hackney in the House of deved to beads of Government premises once used as the ola: departments and has thus af fellows Lodge 80 as to provide a Dutch Secret Service Commons in the House by Sir Cected the Government ma new Moving Picture Theatre St. George was moved Watching Ex Kalser.
sure to consolidate Civil Ser in Work has John Baird, Under Secretary for vants salaries, The Matter was atarted already, and the promothe Home Office on July 17th, expected to be discussed on tere will soon have an announce The Hague, July. Agents of the Dutch Secret Service are was carried calling the borded me. Monday last at a special con ment to make, watching closely the ex Kaiser Bottom. of Electives.
tion YOUTH and happiness are linked ley conviction and sentence and Agricultural Credit Societies and Crown Prince of Germany in up with health. Link up with the dismissal of bis appeal, also Needed their places of exile. The Crown for a certificate that he is in Fruit Industry, Lifebuoy for health and for the Priace according to reliable in children sake. Lifebuoy Soap procustody. in Wormwood Scrubbs formation, visited his father at Prison.
LIFEBUOY We shall be plad to receive Doorn three days before Walter further step towards the contributions from readers on Rathenau was assassinated. The motes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the the advisabilty of establishing dangers of contagious diseases.
Important to Lodges. in Demerara was made on Wed Agricultural credite societies. Diale ha police says the Prince bas no nesday last when Messrs.
Sand Something along that line seems and they declared a Monarchist political significance Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects back, Parker Co. despatched to be among the first require. uprising, headed by the Crown as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap All notices for publication Ad by the s, Holbrook a small ship ments of Grenada. Prince, will safeguard the children keep them vertising dates of meeting nights ment of bananas and mangoes to interest, Government included, the Dutch Secret Service is tak healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them see charged for at the rate 00 Canada. The shipment compris: stands to benefit. it peasants are ing every precaution to check using it before school, after play, before meals. per month payable in advance. ed 25 bunches of bananas and on legs. According such a move.
USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE Publications notifying suspen two crates of mangoes: This is to the summary of his report HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH sion or expulsion of members a trial shipment which, it is hopalready publish.
Wood are charged for inch of ed. will result in Canadians be deals with the question of Agri New Gold Belt Said To Be coming interested in the develop cultural Banks in ment of the industry.
his recom Found In The Transvaal.
mendations. The Lodges and other local Friend Governor Serbi should invite the District Boards ly Societies are hereby requested and the Agricultural Commer patch, from Londoa dated Aug. A direct West Indis cable desMORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
to be governed accordingls.
GRENADA cial Society to recommend aatates a sensation has been causThe MANAGEMENT Scheme for the formation of Agricultu ral Credit Societies. Jed by the reported discovery of a new gold belt in the Transvaal.
Grenada Governstretching from the border of When the question of Electric Bechuanaland to Nyleetroom. ment In Court. Lighting was brought before storekeeper in a lonely part Mr. Wood. the Governor ad near Bechuanaland saw indicathat Colonial Office tions Assay Ofice, Something is meeting with a series of re our of the matter. The ost like a rush is proceeding. The posi. in Profits Tax proved a fiasco, for ed is in favour, but there is some dark, but it is stated that gold er the number of persons assess mysterious obstacle in the way, blacboom options have already been found number ed who took their cases to the All that seems to be necessary Supreme Court almost all were is for the Board to say now bow been secured on several big successful Now comes news the money should be be raised and groups.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND that Mr. R, Otway, Solicitor, repaid. We look Electric efused to pay Income Tax Lighting and improvement to Banquet Loyal Excelsior on the grounds that the the island the island good DESPATCH Lodge sions ofthe Ordinance had been nane is at stake and think faulty, and who was proceeded grant or some help from general against in Court by the Govern revenue should be forthcoming. banquet in honor of Bro Whyte ment, has won bands down In The Government should give a was given by the members of the series of Excess Profits subsidy towards Electrie Light Loyal Excelsior Lodge No. 9309, 0, 00 and in this case, Mr. ing. S. on Tuesday, Aug Sth, 1921 Benwidk appeared against the Government. There is Brs. Lane officiated as toast.
recent case master Bro. Dr. Johason prowbere ISLE OF SPRING LODGE Mr.
Hudson pored the toast in honor of the guest. Th9 was successful against brother in a few well chosen wirds testi the Government in claiming a re. No. 8150 fied to the virtues and sterling qualities fund of Export Duty paid by him on the The meeting nights of this of the guest, grounds that the OrdiGood Assortment mance supported his claim. Mr. lodge are the 1st and 3rd The other members in turn spoke Hudson was was represented by Ma Mondays and the 3rd Thursday briefly on the subitot to which the Henry. We syt pathise of each month, in the Loyal Pro guest ruitably replied: Bro. Su Wbyə TO SELECT FROM AT THE with the Government need of gress Hall Parama The next siled for Jamaica Thursday 10:h on Revenue even be only meeting takes place on Monday well earned vasstisn. We wish for him to pay unnecessarily high saia night August 21st.
bon voyage All officers and members are ries to certain officers, but then they must not palm off careless requested to be on time. Rent Receipt Book in Spanly prepared Ordinances on the WM, MAYNARD, ish and English for sale at The public or attempt to claina what Per, Secretary. WORKMN Printery: Remember SOAP is mere than soap, it is a reputable germicide and sure disia fectant put on their ledo LIFEBUOY SOAP space taken.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND The Government of Grenada Budited relay color of two told and sent sa nples tavour JOB PRINTING of every description on who refused provi: cases, Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards also a though it WORKMAN PRINTERY


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