p. 8


Catarth Victims on the DO IT NOW NOSTROLINE Buy a Package also the three As the to catch th: omtrsin.
closed at 10 rigs 33 million cubic gas wells ence to the Ras well rigs at SAN BLAS INDIAN the Ecglish Charged maloutrition infancy Lord Back PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922 Clash Over.
CRICKET Jamaica Legislators Be (Continued from page 1) All Star Gricket Game NOTHING IS FINISHED THAT (Continued From Page 1)
persuaded to try by Brigadier General William Ends In Draw.
A: p. m, puhlie meeting Nostroline Connor was the following: WAS NEVER BEGUN was held at the Wesleyan Nasal Specific.
Gradually reduce sanitation Thousands have used it with An All Star team from the Pacific oud Methodist schorl room, when until the salarial rats complete se. Never mind if you have tried addresses were given by Honor be cured and we do Canal Zone exceeds the malarial crowed the Toshmus last Sunday to ables Barclay, Young, Wint also gladly curate that everything else caroline will de ile your case for failures are extremely rare All rate in twenty large cities of the battle with an All Star team from the by Messrs. Ryaca and Harris, chemists Jyor by post1333, from Matthewala. lu. Citeste of the United States. Discharge Atlantio end. The game scheduled all civilian physicians and sur inclement weather it ww 12 noon before to begin at 10a. but owing to the Dr. Anderson presided. The audienca were orderly and apgeons and replace them with beginning could be made. Burton, Army medical oficars. Turn the Atlantic Skipper, won the toss and mensels vers preciative and they enjyyed in the oratory of the vari Nasal Specific over all hospitals to the United decided to bat and those who criticised ous BRODERICK LLOYD States Army and abolish all him for so doing, bad in the end to box dispensaries On Sunday at 11 am. Hon and Manufacturers Representative This policy may not have in. To add to the fact that the ground was to his superior judgement as cricket Rav. Barclay preached as the Wesleyan Methodist Church, BOX 272 COLON, volved a complete abandonment heavy, the rain continued to drizzle, and at 30 of the work that General bence the bowlers of the Pacific end not to Santo Tomas Hospital Gorgas did. Bat to say that it only found it hard to get a foothold, but where the visitors were obite Oklahoma Mexia was not a partial abandonment ously received by Major Bocock, Oil Gas Co. Ltd.
or that it was not a risky experi alan to get good grip on the ball.
ment would be almost absurb. Lyaton and Porter who opened up for side batted excellently and The and having tried such a risky deserved overy rus they made, Layne always Sho wana kiloa and Wadable genial Major who has experiment, it is not natural that she officialdo. in the Zone and Now paying monthly divi.
despite a so batted wall the fact that consideration to West Indians, dends. Has paid five consecaat.
chances Washington should seek to mini be give two or conducted the Party himself and tive months. 170 proven acres match miza the bad results so far as mste had to be stopped at 3:30 showed them through all the with 21 wells averaging about possible? Isn that humað to enable the Pacific uide to departments. explaining at the 35 barrels daily from sands, Colon declared their inning same time, the professional and administrative at 2:30 m, wi the score at 106 work of the 462685 800 762 feet deep On the other hand, one cannot hospital Tiro help seeing that the protest for wickets, Lyaton 24. Layne 40 22 million and 18 about malaria of 22 out, Porter 12 and Spencer 15. Af er are strongly The most interesting expert feet waiting pipeline. Also one actrated by irritatation over to the ba: Thomas and Knights opened lunch had been served, the visitors IT TOASTED visitors was the of million cubic feet other phase of Weeks economy: up for Panama, with the attack in the Child Saving League better which supplies our power.
and It was also recommended that hands of Spencer and knowa at Santo Tomas Hospital also power to other 10 fewer Americans should be em hands of as the pre natal and post natal per day. oưer a limited num ployed; that wages should be Thomas had 12 not out and the clinic. Major Bacock, explained ber of shares at 15 par bundred reduced; that employees should score board read 29 9, Barnett being that four years ago fully 200 Act quickly if you want stock.
tbe last man out. Thomas sbow b) compelled to pay for rent, excellent for a exhibiting a decided relich per 1000 of the children born in WILSON, liht. fuel, water, garbage col for Spencer leg turns Sponcar capo the institution died from one GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF we Wichita Falls, Texas, Istion, etc. and that they tured three of the four wickets that fell, cause or the other, but that the should be compelled also to cut the ober being captured by Lynton.
professional skill of the institu (Cable Address Wilbow. their own grass, which is a big Lion has reduced it to 172 per job in the tropics, Irritation is Games for To morrow.
1000, and still thəy were a little natural also Standard vs Britannic at Standard Oval ashamed of the bigh ratio of LORD NORTHCLIFFE Th fact is America does not mortality and were determined Wint int risk the lives of the men. Continued from page 1)
to reduce it to a normal condi nerally picked young men, NATIVE OF DEMERARA tion of 100 per thousand which was wholly unoficial. The mourwbo are work on the Isthmus, is the number of children born nere included the United States nor does it wish to be unreason Continued from Page annualls or mention also the big Serbian Minister, the Romanian in the maternity ward, and French Ambassadors, the able in its treatment of ther The In the tropics G3 crash comes. urged Reese, rate of mortality from tub ernment and all other Visiting here was asked what impressed him most. sis which was due largely to pre Churchill, Secretary of State for ments controlling On Where upon all three rushed to the Back Bay Station and board existing causes of over crowd. the Colonies and other prominent have found it utterly impossible ed a train for New York.
ing, officials of the British Colonies, to enforce conditions analogous At New York the next morning HE REPLIED to and very poor ventilation of the Sir John Kaill acting those of home employment ment. Mac Donald, despite the assuran The convenience and speed with which tenement houses. But with the Mayor of London, the Director In view of all the facts shown ces from bank officials that the increased science of sanitatio of the Times and other Northabove it may be concluded by a institution was perfectly safe, at GAS enables you to cook your meals.
theve conditlons were being cliffe publications, representa money. He Rood many thinkers that Secre once withdrew his gradually removed and there tives of the Londoa bews tary Weeks has made mistakes showed a roll of bills to Reese was bopeful view for the agencies and printing trades, due to academic consideration and Washington and invited future, Sir Thomas Lipton and Rudyard of practical problems, mistakes them to return to Boston.
such as bureaucracy is particuThe party left with their high. Kipling.
est appreciation and thankfulness webic inclined to make mistakes Reesekaia towanna few hours later and When it comes to cooking Washington persuadto Major Bocock for his kindness Truthlats should rectified ed the medical student to join and the very useful informatioa promptly If our repu ation on them in a game of billiards. He given.
the Isthmus is to be maintained. did so and when he woke the GAS has the INDIAN SIGN If mea ad the gift of Second Sight.
next morning he found his At 7:30 pm Hon, and Rev. There would b) very litile LOVB AT Young, conducted Divine money gone. glance at the What is the True Church? newspapers however showed the FIRST SIGHT SIIN service at the Wesleyan Metho.
bank st 11 dist Church. The Sacred edifice Advice is like CASTOR OIL. Ewy to on all other fuels business.
was crowded and a very interes GIVE, but VERY HARD TO Continuing the series of Bible Judge Dowd in Central Court ting sermon was listened to with TAKE lectures at Chorrillo Lode Hall beard charges of larency preferrapt attention Mary bad a little lamb. Its feet were to morrow night, Boyce red against the two men and short and slender.
will deliver an address on ibu after finding them guilty sen On Monday morning a vist subject: What Is The True ter ced both to two years each in BUT OH was fond of SWEETS PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY was paid to Governor Estripeaut of this Church?
and JAM, In view of the fact the Home of Convict on.
city, and at 10:30 am. the that there are more than two Court Officials then cautioned PANAMA OFFICE. Ancon Hospital was visited. Dr. was of the FEMININE GENDER, AT COLON OFFICE: hundred MecDorsld to be more careful Anderson resident physician For the Kiddis to Learn churches existing, each one of in the future with bis money. Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
was deputed. ch the received that which claims to be the Church. You bet will. replied Mac: Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 the question at first glance may Donald The banks are the safest official sauvity characteristic of Peter Piper pioked posk of plokled United States Officials. The peppers, administrative and skilled work pick of pickled by a Peppers, Peter ings Piper picked and explained and the party was Il Peter pipo: picked a peek of Piekted to present Bible definition of the matter. The question is Palo Seco turned over to a very intelligent picked poppers.
not Which is the true Church colored attendant to show the but. What is the true Church (Continued from page 1)
Where the peck of pickled peppers wards and other departThese lectures which Last Sunday the Peter Piper picked.
ments of interest. The visitors Panama of the League of Nations: It is the new spirit that is are being conducted under Baptist E. Society gave the were very much pleased and the Inmates of the Palo Seco, a canted: Lock up explosives and especially lock up impressed with the International the Robert Roley rolled a ball, round BB auspices of great Robart Roley rolled.
Bible Students Associatian of Sacred Concert, the trip was those given to dropping matches: The Churches achievements of American skill If Robart Roley really rolled round this city has proved very suc namenjoyablete comes Mr. Os must promote the new spirit which is necessary. and thoughtfulness Ball.
cessful judging the large the chapel, and at the close of He added that he attached high hopes to the League menti At 11 a. by special arrange Where the round bull Robert Roley and attentive audience which by the British the entartainment, he made of Nations: He said that civilization would be safe if Legation. Governor really rolled round. present every Sunday night, interesting remarks thanking Morrow office way visited Interest in these meetings is the Society on behalf of the in the League succeeded. If it failed, civilization was in Compts of enbarced by giving an oppor metes. The program rendered doomed.
his usual unostentatious manner tunity at the close for any the visito were received. Hon. Literary And School individual who desires to ask was as follows: have seen the horrors of war and they made and Rev. Birclay presented the Club questions on the subject, Ad. Anthem, by the choir ditionally, the lectures are free, Prayer, Mr. Richards me vow to concentrate my remaining energy to make cdentials and after an informal cversation. Governor Morrow and no collection is ever taken. Opening Romsiks Mr. Dennist yn it impossible for humanity to pass through the fire, discussed with the legislators The Three Links Club an adjunts Solo, Mt. Brow he torments, the cruelty, the horror and the squal the unemployed problems of of the Loyal Excelsio: Lodzo No 9395, Sporting Fans Writes, the West Indians on the Isth. 10, held its initial moating Daet, Spanish Mr. Brown lor of war. Regarding the drink question, he said, mus. The Governor informed on Tuesday night August 8th, 1922) at Blackbura We would suggest to the there had been more legislation put through Parlia the Honorable gentle men, that the hall of th) Lyal Exslsior, L) o, Cricket Council that at the conRecitation, Miss Brown clusion of the competiton that Quartette, Mixed Mr, 0, King ment the last few years than during the previous halt the Canal Zone authorities were Canal Zon.
to part in Bro, Dr. Johnson offisiated as they arrange a match between others century.
alleviating the distress by reebsicman with Bro. De. R301 married men vs Bachelors, and Vocal Solo, Balacted Mrs. Irving to.
another between Brown men vs Vocal Solo, Selected Mro Olg: King Boy Scouts Evening.
homes, if the West Indian GovBlack men, and a third between Tenor 93b, Haavenly Song Mt.
The papr Society and its valop.
would co operate and eroments Notice.
menta assist. At the close of the con the central Gigurs of the mosting, the players over feet and those rand by Bro. H. Wayta was Richarda under. Trusting that something ference Mr. Gilkey the paper was well prepared bsing uaiqi, should be done to bring interest Addrowe, Mr, Oscar Denniston The Boys of the Panama Boy The General public is bereby information very useful official Full of imformation, etc. and beaco very visitors some in this game during the interval. Vocal Solo. The Golden pathway Mr Scout Troops are planning to Irene Williams instruative. tho program consised of In our next we will report the other interesting and wall randersd itom.
give their parents, as well as otitied that at a Special Meet Loyal Succes: Lodge, No. 10, 135 Anthem, ing of the West India Com visit to the National Institute, their friends and admirers mittee of Panama held recently Elis Excellency Dr. Belisarin Program Ben ediction.
The installation of Oficers to serve real treat on Tuesday coming, at the ur dersigned was dulyelected Porras, President of the Repub Hymn, Opening Ode No. the term July Deo of the Loyal Suonen Galileans Election the Baptist School room at 7:30 Secretary for this Organzation. lic and the Poor House. Iavoostion, Lodge 10, 135, Com. of All communications, ior any Chairman. Opaning Ramarks, Management. took place on July 28 at The bi annual ole otion of officers to The object of this meeting is other matter or thing pertaining In Memoriam Balo (vocal) Caroline Lullaby. by the Flower of the Isthmus Lodge hall serve for the ensuing term Sept. 1922 for the purpose of further en thereto, should therefore be Bro. Riley The Officere installed as follows: D, Feb. 1923 of the Guiding Star TaberOur home has lost ta dear wife Martio, Piet, ;0. Winth. nacle No. 14, F. Colon, lightening the parents of the addressed to him at Box No. 156 Bro. Bukma Treas; Aarons, Advo. Carlisle State Grand Lodgo No. 4, will tako general as to the merits ct scout Rev. Nigbtengale, Ancon Aug, 14, 1920. We thłok TO IN A, Bowen, Hall, under the Jurisdiction of the District the boys, as well as the public in Balboa Heights or, in care of the and mother who passed away Recit. a mile and a halpiaz handia hear her sweet volce singing her Paper: 8ciety and is dsvalope munt Stewart, Brath place place on Wednesday, Aug 23 at the craft. The program seen below Post Ogico.
favourite bymn: Jesus Saviour by Bro. Whyte waite, L8; Cummings, G; Massie Lodgeball, 108 Broadway, Iers selected to address the the is an excellent one and the speak WILLIAMS pilot me o er Life tempestuous Recit. am monarch of all surrey Samu, Best, Lis. Ostan P. Members are requested to audience are well known and will Secretary, sea. We miss ber dearly, bat by Roed Pinher. L8. Bros. Jamch att nd this meeting, there is impor interest you.
the memory of her earthly deeds Short Addresses Visitors and 8smuels were installed Senior and tant business on the agends to discuss Countersigned: will ever be with us. Good and Welfara Junior s. ceremony was Visitors from the Sister lodges are An open invitation is tendered A, NIGHTENGLE. BT. AUBYN YEARWOOD, Husband. 10. Chairmans closing remarks performed by Bro. Wilson, cordially welcomed.
to all interested in the movement!
Chairman MRS, E, B, NILES, Daughter, Benediction. visitors difficult to be a hatedicans, il not places in the woria.
adms of the hospital wera shown nyumas, bet e Bas e promotions Successful Concert At LLOYD GEORGE WARNS.
the from and gave we


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