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itabo spoke Was in bil home back at lor ber the At Laying of Corner Stone Attack Barracks at Oriente by Church Cuba.
Is Shot And Killed By Would Be Last Sunday quite a unique rowenta August 100 Nowe hos Improvement Association To Conout the reached Havana that about 300 Son in Law.
district of Jamaicans. cattacked the rural sider Crocery Chain Covering which a large and representative guard barracks at Guaro, Oriente gathering assisted. occasion provlucu, night before last and We learn from a St. Thomas Only the autopsy cleared up was the laying of the corner as a result one man was killa The love of several hundred (dent General thought Jim (Danish West Indies) contem those opposite views. The rev stone of a new church being and several were wounded thousand dollars in an unsucc:98. Crow cars would be abollsbed porary that James Chester. olver is a 32 calibre and an auto erected by the Seventh Day Ad. While the soldiers were greatly tal effort to operate the Black 11 the South where Negroes field Roberts of matic. It was ordered by its pos ventist in that part of the city.
beld not owned of stock in 50 years of age was recently sessor several weeks ago from The proceedings began with position and drove off the at enthusiasm of Marcus Garvey railroads. The referred to other shot and killed by James Mercer, Chicago.
with the singing of a hymn after tacking party.
and his followers for they yet racial groups in this country a youth of 18 which prayer was offered by the The trouble is sald to have have visions of buildiog up a with not one third the numerical For some time young Mercer Makes Clean Breast of Shooting Sider of the work in this city. occurred during or after amour greated set of merchant ships to Streneda pole the Negro, e that had been courting Miss Eugenie, being charge by Mr.
ang picture show in Guaro. tibo e active as made knowa yos. Fews could have Palestine why wielded great influence. It daughter o: Mr. and Mrs. James the police, James Mercer made Roberts, Her father, however, clean breast of the shooting, He were the Rev. Sype, pastor of the Oriente district, has been terday at the seventh day ses not the Negro 38 another PalesThe speakers on the platform Colonel Pujol, the commander The was very much against the stated that he had been strack of the Church; Professor o. notified to take charge of the son of the convention of the tine in Africa, he wanted to union of the young people and by Roberts with a stick and that Boyd, in charge of the 8, situation, Olin la Liberty Hall, No.
Negro Improvement know.
did his Calls for Love meetings but to no One Gred.
Industrial School at LAS CASCA evening the Trummer. delegate from Costa Rica people met again and it appears that the tained by Miss Roberts who ference, of DA; Major In his statement he was sus of the Westru monell bed resident Longio Secretary Well Again rehabilitating the Black Star wanted members of the conven girl father came across the stated that while going home Bocock, Superintendent of the Lige was rife.
tion to have African PatriotThe subject of the day dis ism. which he defined at French man Hill Long Steps. with hor lover sh» observed her Santo Tomas Hogp tal; and Mr. After brief illness which cussion was Establisbing Better Negroes loving one another, Four Shots Fired at Roberts resident of the district. so intor med Mercer. Wben they prietor of the Workman news Ancoo Hospital for three weeks, the stating the steam of two delegates from New tarber standing on the steps, and Wairond, Editor and Pro necessitated his detention at the Commercial Rslations Among irrespective of where they may heard three persoas going up got opposite her father he order paper.
These gentlemen were called of bod Prospective Col ship line, concurring with PreslOrleans, and from California, Mr. Bidney MeClean, Secre Every tary General of the committee of five, composed the steps and recogniz among ed ber bome and began to shove the League of lavor of the voices that of James Roberts her, for which she told him there upon in the respective order nying Take your hands of nocas bolets room om de opened above and en dreng empathy of the orde in Polestablish what there come Costa Rica was of was able to be dent General Garvey that is one from Bermuda and one from be had time to door he heard tour revolver shots she paused at the steps for with the good said her father when appreciation for andory on last. race work being Hred in quier succession. He breath James take up in detail lot better commercial relatione Mercer Adventists in this city and else bave him once Pushedi odle and found James Interfered enging. No. and land and ried on by the Seventh Day members were indeed pleased to investors online to have the more 1, 090 As a Starter Yesterday Marcus Garvey Roberts lying in a pool of blood his band on her arm Hands oft whare. Lick of space prevents them. Mr. McClean spoke in hit And evidentl aying fast. few said Roberts, and raising his us giving a detailed report of the glowing appreciative terms of Dşlegates from Panams and calling the Universal Negro William Pickens moments later Sergeant Appia stick strack her lover across the speakers but sutice it to say she kindness and courtesyen Cuba led in favoring the rehabi improvement Association last of the police force, came on the arm which he held as if weench that each did justice to the tanded to him by the medical litation plan, one doputy from Suoday the black kon Klas scene and felt his pulse; the ing it. They then closed and she occasion.
ated and attendants at the boa: Panama plodglog the first 000 Klan, in the following statewounded man was sure to the father fall. She then went hoard four shots and saw The stone was then pinosd into pierdurlog the time he spent from his division it the conven ment: to ing rapidly away and before the tlon reached a favorable declelon, William Pickens, the Field there ambulance position by Mrs Bype amid a reached James Rav. Christensen with Mercer The opinion prevailed that under Secretary of the National 389 Chesterfield Roberts had Although a thorough inyestiga shower of rain watch Lecture Meeting. strictly business managemene clation for the advancement of breathed his last.
tlon made no evidenco could be generally believed was a blessing and with efficient help found that Morcer was struck on the good work undertaken.
The collection Ured Antimatfc crystalisation of the Associa Colored People, and organization with a stick taken up All members are requested to On the removal of the body to, Mercer Appeared Unconcerned and forty dollarse hundred be present at the Flour of the son pat dream would come to has been forced to take the that is made up of whita leaders amounted to over the hospital a search was made Tathmus Lodgeroom on Tuesday, In opening the discussion York to see what he can do to stump on the streets of New Special mention must be made Beptember 7, when Loyal Per of the vicinity by several young men whheb resulted in the finde tion appeared calm and even the chole and of MissRuby q, 000 will hold its regular med sracial as roubo mine the ot the Universal Negro aprove James Mercer in his examina of the appreciative renditions by severance Lodge. No. 10105. Garvey called the Neeroes the countaract the growing power three or four shells of smiling. Many believed that the Parris who so creditably officiat degree cand inleckondange ting deplorable that the race was rest of those who have been of!
United the revolver, a 32 calibre auto murder was premeditated, and ed at the organ.
States and thought it ment Association.
matic. It was not known how indeed, everything points that Be punctual.
many bulleus took effect, Mr. way it even being asserted that practically, nonentity in the commercial world. He said his out of commission, as far as Roberts had two gaping in concerned by the Bisbereck, we are incoheto on go to best embed code. Alledged Discourteous Treatment to be plaas met de biselink naman eta aldizelation Nos en coure faith had not man had said in Udiversal Negro Improvement the windpipe and the other is a sad one in every respect case big Jamaica Politicians Refuted.
something like an iach away especially when the youthful age cial relations tween Negroes Pickens in anothst few months throughout the world.
On one side.
will be a back numbər among age of the murderer is remem.
Establishing a chain of grocery Negroes, woln Director of Police Nolan bered. The deceased was a mem (BY P, WYNTER. stores in New York and in every lievel it to be the result of two ber of the Colonial Council for community in the United States Pickens, it you will take the shots, but the doctor who ex many years, until ousted some In the publication of Saturday Personally, accompanied the where there is a division of the advice of a good friend, you will amined the body thought it was months ago by the President 19th instant, the Colon Independ Party to the British Legation, association was another sugges slow with the Universal more likely the result of the action on account of owing alle ent, reported that Hon, and Rev. and to all the places of impor tion he asked the delegates to Negro Improvement Association shots passing through the neck. giance to Denmark. Young, Member of the since and Interest they visited consider serlously. The Presf. Continued. On Page 8)
Legislative Council of Jamaica, in during their short stay in this Is It Suicide Or Puzzle.
addressing the audienceslao citei rad the operation between Social Evening. The Much Talked public meeting at the the received by Mr.
Methodist Church on Humber Murder?
Secretary 15th inst of. of Game Prospective Court Dawn Chancery: and Revd, Independent Order of Foresters received a Prize will be given they had been received by the duced Honour tering, intro most astounding and mys. by LEVY, There is much tiked about and Canal Zone Barclay of Lebanon, which has been to Honourable Constanterious case of what according to the chain of circumstances apAnswer to be mailad by 31st on Young) said the only introduced and Mr Barclay working for some time now on the game to be pulled off on officials, and one of them (the tine Grabam, the other members of bers of what is known as the social Monday next between the Bar pears to be suicide, was the Auztst, Box 745 Panama City. Hipple on the water was the the Legislative Council and those basis, will be entertaining its Tenders and the Chauffeurs report that the body of Hubert There is a certain Eaglish word Brittish Legation. Continalng constituting the entire party of triends and well wishers this But now comes the ques.
Seselbe Janitoba dintilor de auto of Six Latter which means some salida tebe speakers wees are not visitoran Grahan received stemning at No. 78 West, 14th same can be Betri Dandera de the was the at the satisfied with the manner in thing. am conin. Barclay the.
look of histeronte taldies and Sateral ladies of recognized fident that with such men as Weatherhead, near the hydro electric plant in then see how many words in the ed after by the Charge Affaires Jamaica, and addressed him a Gatun Lake.
English language you can make and that, when ned few words of welcome, to which ability are expected to attend Holder. Baytone (WicketClub to collect dues and fees ed word Both Singular and lay the case before the Sec adecting West Indian residents are sure that the untiring Bar Tenders will bave a poorly Sealey was employed by the from the six letters in the select to Jamaica, it was his intention he replied several questions the function, and with the Silver keeper) Brathwaite. PatCity Band furnishing the music terson and Ben. Trotman, The from the members. during the Plural words may be made from retary of State for the Colonies on the Isthmus were asked by afforts of the President Mr. chance t) win. Especially it time that Mr. R, Crum was the letters which must be only there, he will go to the throne of Council, and to all the and it satisfaction absent. In a recent checking up used as often as each letter King George. He asked those the Party expressed tbestions to be forgotten event of its kind at an is not given the members of the Legislative A. Conway, to to make this a never they give Brathwaite the ball early period. you will the accounts. it was discovered appears in the word you select.
that the deceased could not Thus, if the word can apoll DOG present to gather a few concrete satisfied with the replies given. on the Isthmus will receive la notice in the Star and Herald account for 35. 00 of the funds you cannot send GOOD or IT cases of failure by the King unstiated measure the congratu when Brathwaite got wickHon. Barclay then requested lations they deserve.
ets for runs, on Sunday last collected, and it was decided he don send TIT. Only the representative to look after bls the Charge Affaires to make against La Boos CO.
would be placed under arrest. letters must be used, and each. that he can arrangements for them to see Thanking you for your valuable Sealey told Mr, Euring that he letter only as often as it is used to be proper evidence on which the sanitary arrangements in space Mr. Editor beg to reAhad no money at the time on his Dictionary of English words in selected word. work this city and on the Canal Zone, SERIES OF SPECIAL LEC main yours respectfully.
person, but that he would re only.
It is the concensus of opinions the President of the Republic, TURES IN THE G, BRATHWAITE the Governor of the Canal Zone, fund the amount, On Sunday last, that such statement coming the Gover he was seen in a coach going to from Hon, and Rəv, Young, the Ancon and Santo Tomas Wesleyan Methodist Church on ais home, and the next elves a cause for the inferenco Hospitals. It was then Saturthe Book of Reyalation 27th inst, and on each successive time seen was when bis that the Honourable Constantine day afternoon, it was impossible nights.
body was found philosopee. In House 729 room number 11: be A aires, did not receive the but immediately arrangement: Grabam, Els Majesty Charge to arrange all the official visits: The Revd. Kissock Braham The Subject on Suaday night the Lake, by Boyce. The Rapture in the West Indian sub foreman of the most married man and his Party with the corresponding ments were made with the Sanl. Will DV. deliver in the will removal by Christ from the dams and backfills department family is at present living in courtesy and kindness as the tary authorities, the result of Wesleyan Methodist Church at Gatun. Sealey dead body Barbados where he was born. It representatives of the other two which has been already reported Series of Lectures on the mat earth of the remaining portion of His was taken out of the waters and was reported that deceased was governments did, and for this in this paper.
ters dealt with in the Book of forty years old, reason the Honourable members carried to the Mortuary.
Reverlation as oceuring at the All the other arrangements All who desire common senso This is a very sad occurence, in the visiting party had nothing first of at New Gatun and was living in was executed on the deceased, The deceased was a resident and is it hoped that no toul play to thank the charge ad Altaires were made. for the following endhet the present dispensation, and intelligent teaching on these tor. Continued on Page 8) be delivered on Sunday night invited to attend, be young on Tuesday to sent Petterson, we in


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