
PAGE TWO 103 WORDUAN BATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1928 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands WINNERS LUCKY STRIKE CONTEST corner persons who One of 99 to Ath 9)
7th they left No. 17 st.
91 876 Bt. Anns 99 within 91 at Deball 523 99 19th 91 21st. 9)
91 own JAMAICA oficer administering the Gov standard of purity for alty ernment water supply We may perhaps venture to express the hope that this The Proposed Change In TRAMWAY MISHAP.
scheme, as well as that for the Bursting Of Trolley Wire. storage reservolr at Cocorite construction of bigh level The Constitution.
Farm bills, which we believed Al about 10 o clock last Satur. formed part of the Cocorite OF THE Despatch From Secretary day night, just as the up and Farm scheme, will it so early of State on the Report do the Sta Anns cars bad crossed date be carried out; thereby, la at the siding near the Shamrock all likelihood, placing the city By Major Wood. Club, the trolley wire gave way in the happy position of having at the section between the its water problem solved at least of the Caté establishment for a number of years to come.
CALLS FOR OUR VIEWS. and the Guard Box. The by caused created a slight stir Fire At St. James.
of there Governor Glven Authority among the few No. EMPTY happened to be in the vicinity.
NAME OF WINNER ADDRESS PACKAGES To Take Any Steps Ho of these acting with raro Dry Goods Store And TURNED IN Docides On In Matter. presence of mind, advised the Parlour Gutted.
Electric Company employeee 1st Prize 250. 00 Rampenthal Fort Clayton, 17. 890 In charge of the Guard Box, of ORIGIN MYSTERY 2nd The Gleaner of recent date the mishap and promptly pro75. 00 Pryor Corozal, 862 3rd states that the Governor directe ceeded to the Bentry House 40. 00 Jerry Parris Cristobal, 2, 989 she publication for general in guarding the approach The Central Station of the 25. 00 Sgt. Lankester M. Corozal 2, 500 formation of the following Des Government House where he Port of Spain Fire Brigade re Bth 10. 00 Pat de Maio France Field, 1, 560 patch which has been received caused telephone message to ceived telephone message 6th 04 yesterday 00 Gordan by him from the Secretary of be despatched to the Company de Corporal Murray, OO.
Buena Vista Com Bocau 1, 175 00 Mrs. Clara Percy State for the Colonies, relating worke notifying them in Box 185 Balboa Hghts of 1, 137 8th to the section of Major Woodo mishapa Shoftis atverwards charge of the St James Consta 00 Marie Campbell Cecelia Cafe 1, 034 Report headed Constitutional traffic Inspector de Souzs arriv. bulary lo consequence of which 9th 00 Cote Box 196, Cristobal 980 Questions in Jamaica. which ed ed on the scene and the neces burriedly for 10th 00 Litebman Hospital, Amador were James Main Road, where fire 945 appears on page 11 of the report sary repairs to the wire 11th 00 Conzalo Campos Co. Camp Gaillard 900 (and reproduced in full in the subsequently carried out. Dur was reported to bave broken out.
The Buick detachment under 12th 00 Joba P, Byrne Gleaner)
ing the remaining perlod of the Box 303, Ancon 13th car service for the Sergt. John, along with the 00 Jasper Oct. Modelo The Despatch.
No Calle 16, Panama 814 night passengers to and from Boland and the Truck under chemical engine under Constable 14th 00 Hull Box 463, Ancon Downing Street, 747 St. Anns bad to alight in the 15th 00 Thompson Fort DeLesseps, 609 29th June, 1922. vicinity of the Shamrock Club Constable Joseph with breaking Implements were 16th 00 Ernesto Williamson Cio Duque Hdwa Co. 590 Sir, have the honour to and board the awaiting car raa minute got under what the port17th the curve higher up and vice versa 00 IC. Dicks Hotel Impl. Panama Gransmit to you the accompany.
ed Fire Bri 18th 00 Howell o Hospital, Corozal 516 Tag copy of Mr. Wood Repors Capt T. Carr, and 00 Vita Rotnan Bocas del Toro 460 Newtown the Asst. 20th 00 Evan Mundruk Co. Fort Clayton 391 FIRE PROTECTION AND THE. 00 Irving Box 1064, Ancon 388 and dealing more particularly SEWERAGE SYSTEM. Corporal Moe arrived on the 22nd 00 Lewis Tarte Lyons Hardware Co.
379 with the relorm of the Central with special reference to the WATER AT BELMON inter scene almost at the same time, 23rd 00 Aristedes Romero Government David, Chiriqui shall address 379 Questions By Councillor when the building owned by 24th 00 Francisco Maldonado Camp Gaillard you in a separate despatch with William Chin, who carried on a 369 rererance 25th Pujadas.
the Parochial to 00 Mrs. Hintman dry goods store on the premises Cristobal, 368 Boards. the eastern portion of which was Before forming my Councillor L, Pujadas, one used: a parlour. was noticed to We wish to thank our many, many friends and contestants who were unsuccessful views propose to await the of the members of the city be totally enveloped in fases. in winning one of the abovo prize for their loyalty to LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES expression of the public opinion Council representing the North All effort to subdue the flames and hope that they will continue to smoke them and STRIKE IT LUCKY next time we in Jamaica through the Legisla, Eastern (Belmont) Ward. has appeared fruitless and the have a contest.
tive Council on this question. given notice of the following Brigade were forced to content approve, however, of your taking questions for the next meeting themselves with confining the any steps that you may consider of the City Council which will fire to the main building. In YOU STRIKE IT RICH WHEN YOU SMOKE necessary to ensure that Mr. be held on Thursday 27th in the short space of thirty minutes Wood recommendations receive stant:roughly, the wooden structure LUCKY STRIKE full discustion throughout the (a) What is the number of was razed to the ground and the ITS TOASTED Colony, bydrants in the Belmont and Brigado left 2:04. praelacha While, no doubt, views will East Dry River Districts? boexpressed in Ill quarters for (6) Do the existing hydrants Corp. Murray, with a constables, kept the big Good To The Last Puff and against particular portions provide adequate protection crowd In control. The owner of of the recommendations, it is my against fire tho Mr.
desire to elicit an expression of (c) The Council haying ad ka promises and William on the propeenis wa mited the necessity of extend the licen. chin:did not arrive on whole.
the sewerage System in the after the news of the fire had 18 shortly Mr. Wood vuggestions for Districts, has any survey been whither be left on Monday o for Belmont and East Dry River reached him at Point Cumana, amending made with the view of ascertain.
of the Legislative Council having the probabile con are certime morning with his wife and baby to comble. the despatch No. 289 of the premises closed 13th have such survey executed busi0088 up The stock was insured with the Jane.
London and Liverpool Insurance (Sgd. Company for the sum of 150 which sum it is understood does WINSTON 9, CHURCHILL. Port of spain Water pot cover the loss sustained, lo furniture and other household Works. effects in the two back rooms TRINIDAD where Chin and his family resided. The surplus of loss Visited by the Governor In stock is further estimated at The Governors Company with the Mayor. 2250, coupled with the sum of 60 cost Salary. MARAVAL IMPROVEMEFT. into the matter which up to the Police are making investigations present remains a mystery.
On Tuesday afternoon last His Increased by 500 From Next Year.
Excellency the Governor, accompanied by His Worship the ST. LUCIA Mayor, the Hon ble Dr. McShine. From Port of Spain Ganette)
paid a visit to the various sections of the Port of Constitution of The We have received from the Spain Water Works.
ti Colonial Secretary office, the ing first to the Diego Martin draft copy of a Bill to regulate Pumping Station, where they Island of Saint the salary of the Governor, and were joined by the City En which will be clted as the Goy gineer, Mr. Scott, who Lucia the party ernor Ordinance 1922. The showed main provision of the Bill in. works, they went on to over the weils creases the Governor salary by in wisit Meeting Held at Castrles turn the St. Clair Pump 500, and fixes the same at ing Station and filters, the St. Under Auspices of Repre 5, 500 per annum. Other sec. Ann works, including the sentative Gov. Assoclation tions deal such matters as reservoir and the new filters: the commencement of the salary the newly opened Cocorite Farm WANTED full pay leave.
when visiting neighbouring val reservoir, amount of salary Pumping Station, and the Mara RESOLUTIONS PASSED.
colonies; amount to be paid dur who expressed himselt as very The Step in Advance Which His Excellancy ing period of incapacity or ball interested and pleased with all the Colony is About To Reliable Salesman pay leave, and the salary of an he saw, also went to the upper allowance to the Officer adminis parts of the Maraval river above Receive Discussed, FOR HANDLING TOILET SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR tering the Government in the the village, where it is prepared, absence of the Governor.
Infants, Invalids and the Aged PREPARATIONS According to The Voice of St accordance with a scheme Ordinance is not to come into prepared by the late City Lucia of the 15th alt public Ho ro co Tonics 1st. meeting was held Castries on Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the 1923.
and approved by the consulting the 12th under the Auspices of etc. etc.
marvellous use of this great Food.
The objects and reasons of the engineer, the Hon ble Beli, the Representative Government Bill are set out as follows:For paticulars apply to to erect a new high level intake, Association when enthusiastic This Bill is introduced in for above the possibility of con tion with the step in advance addresses were given in connec Purely ALEX SANCHEZ An English Preparation.
consequence of instructions re: tamination from the villagers which the colony is to receive.
House No. 24 St. Guachapalli ceived from the Secretary of then to bring the water down or mail to Box 879 MANUFACTURED BY State to the effect that the the present reservoir and and filters The following resolutions were emoluments of the Governor His Excellency highly commend Ancon, BENGER FOOD, LTD should be increased by an addi ed this scheme, and expressed That this public meeting com MANCHESTER, ENGLAND tion per carrying posed classes of the annum, such addition to be paid out of this work was born in as of St Lucia hereby expressenele ROOMS TO LET FOR SALE AT to the Governor while actually solutely ne zessary and very very great appreciation of the CALLE No discharging the duties of his urgent in the interests of the invaluable services rendered by The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN office, and in his absence to the the maintenance of a satisfactory (Continued on Page 3)
APPLY ON PREMISES ment of and stock, opinion DI ALBOA EST EER REWED with BENGER FOOD The in


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