
se TAB WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 1922 PAGE THREE International Banking Corporation Lucis Negro Street. he claims ary 1921 Colontes to confirm LADIES VIGOR TONIC class and the St and American Pharmacy West Indian Kows.
Dues Short 20 Continued from page Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Garvian Ousted Sir Joseph Hood. Perey Hurd EqM. The Hon.
Adrian Johnson 3. 500 Gideon Murray James Job Just Isn Under Daniel Kley, Sir Richard Wintrev, toth in and out Hlm Any More of Parliament in the furtheranca of the cause of represen alive Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York Core Government in the Colony of Owned by The NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK AND HE WEEPS SADLY; St. uels and request the St.
Representative GoverDismissal from otice of ment Association to convey to the Adrian Johnson as Speaker in above named Honourable MemConvention and passage of bers their very grateful thanks Depository of the PANAMA CANAL motion bearing on the eligibility for such services.
of all members of the Supreme Executive Council in Second Resolution, arrears of dues were features yesterday of That this meetipg hereby em Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of the sixth business session of the pbatically express their opinion convention of the Universal that any reformed Legislative THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Improvement Association Council whereon less than three in Liberty Hall, No. 120 West eleted members sit, would be ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM 188th very unsatisfactory body, and CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES There are fifteen members of urge any Commission which may the Supreme be appointed to consider the ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA upreme Executive Council PERU PORTO RICO bigh official of the association question to use all legitimate URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA told reporter in The World means to secure at least three thit at least half the members in elected members on any such the council will be made defendCouncil.
ants in impeachment proceedThird Resolution Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World logs Johnson was put out of his job That this meeting dnem it which carries a salary of 500 their pleasant duty to be reby year, by large vote, only record their full confidence in His Honour Laborde, 0.
thirteen delegates tavoring his Acting Administrator of the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE retention, He was absolved of Colony, and their appreciation the charge of conspirey. The of the able manner be bas been defendant case bioged largely INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM on the question of 20 which administering the Government be paid in dues Februat this extremely dificult juncture in the fortunes of the This was denied by the SocreYou Colony, and respectfully request tbe Right Honourable tary General, and the Speaker in the Convention was unable to proSecretary of State for the bimin his duce a receipt. All he could son The best Tonic in the World show was a financial card which in had him paid up the November, the history of the colony time the presence, at the head of stairs 1920, nearly a year after he was Focally red with every elected.
of an officer thoroughly This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
Jobpson said he received an phase of lite in the Colony, more WHAT ABOUT LABOR DAY, SEPT 4, 1922?
anonymous letter shortly before needed than at present and in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, his case was called saying the the near future, when certain It would be well Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up proceedings against him was constitutional changes are likely for you to make mere frame up. He told how a run down constitution.
to come up for consideration.
he shed tears when he heard the an early selection This meeting fur her request It promotes digestion, improves the appe Present General had said he wa Lucia representative of some pretty tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
not worth anything to the UntGovernment Association to take material and have versal Negro Improvement Assothe necessary steps to bring us make you a DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or ciation, which scene was enacted this resclution to the notice of nice little dress times a day.
before W. Esson, Leader the Secretary of State for the for the occasion of the American Negroes.
ahead of time.
JAVER MORAN Ndolph Smith, Leader of the of the Eastern Province Fourth Resolution of ihe West Indies. That in commemoration of the Arst stage of the Elective The Woman Exchange Marcus Garvey in the witness stand was emphatic in his claims principle in the administration DRESSMAKERS of this island, a people Scholarthat Johnson was not capablo oficial.
ship be established. That the Scholarships two or No. Tivoli Road, Panama delegate from Philadelpha three in number will after a ANN THOMAS, Proprietress occasioned excitement by appealing General that only high trom competitive examination open to decision of the all Elementary Schools of the The HOME STUDY COURSES of officials and not delegates could island, be tenable to St. Mary ba College during a period of five hundred and one resolutions argument not yet used in favour the Womans Institute, Interimpeached in convention for national Correspondence Schools non payment of duer, Garvey years. That the funds for the and formed numberless deputa of Electric Lighting of one of the ruling was that the question of maintenance of such scholar tions to the Government within most interesting towns in the delegate financial standing was shians becoman tad nu folo elibus teko past 10 og 12 years of our West Indies has been the targeo collected as follows: DRESSMAKING a matter for his local division to experience, but apart from ment violence. settle. New York World tion from the Friendly Secieties pious promises, the Government representative of this paper re MILLINERY seem determined to do nothing. members that in every district. b) Voluntary subscriptions There in England great is the ever old and ever jokes were made in his hearing COOKING Jamaica Peoples Association from the Public That Trustees be appointed of the colony permit.
reply: finance at Grenada expense due to the are the Best in the World Commit eo Named.
West India During rank for the administration of the the in note 0:11 by its. funds and for the well being of were told to wait until after the Grenada Correspondent Mr.
The following persons bave war; to day we are expected to Horne, 125, 000 Women Students Already.
been appointed to represent the The Chairman of the Town wait on the prosperous days of Coloniai Bank Muker of the Horne wrote Jamaica People Association, by Board officio CATALOGS FREE to be one of the the next war. strong is the that in a prominent section of Trustees. Reprepentatives of feeling on the matter that the the town there was only poor, the Hon. and Rev. A, Barclay.
Address: Ancon, the Representative Government lighing of the town formed one of small lantern dolng duty at the President, and Hon. Theo.
Wint Secretary, Association and representatives the objects which were brought end of a pole. Things like these All information respecting from Friendly Societies to be to the hotice of Mr. Wood during gave rise to our movement for membership and shares in the the other trustees.
his visit to the colony. His Representative Government: reply was what should have been We are still hoping for the best Notice.
expected, for be said that was a GRENADA Dr. Anderson, Chairman and Grenadians ought to make a matter which should be arrang united effort to ba rid of the disS. LABeach, Secretary; Dr.
ed locally, Connell, Treasurer; Commit Town In Darkness. an Electric Light bystem during through St, George at nights We came very near to having grace. We usually hang dowa our The General public is hereby tees Mr. Stewart, Mr. heads in shame as we walk notitied that at a Special Meet Phillips, Mr. Fuller and the war, matter was with to Colony ing of the West India Com Mr. Fidzi.
allowed to drop through the mittee of Panama held recently (From The West Indian of er ulto) influence of Mr. DeFreitas The greatest dificulty we have the undersigned was duly elected who to contend with, is that most Under the above head, the thought that Grenada Secretary for this Organzation. Oklahoma Mexia following appears in the Barba should wait until prices for members of the Legislateve All communications, ior any dos Globe of the 16th instant. machinery and supplies go down Council reside in the colony dieIt comes with a thud of sur. Prices are going down but the oppose Electric Lighting for St.
tricts and are selfish enough to other matter or thing pertaining Oil Gas Co. Ltd.
prise to readers of inter colonial means of purchase is said to be George which will not benefit casion will bring you to our Balboa Heights or, in care of the We are hoping that some oC addressed to him at Box No. 156 therets, should therefore be news in this island to learn that very absent to day, then personally.
Now paying monthly divi the towa of St. George Grenada, one of the most important of outbreak of incendiariem in the their ten fingers for any crazy, Sometime ago there was an They are prepared to vote with do come be assured that it will Post Office.
store shortly. And when you Roy Nigbengale, Ancon dends. Has paid five consecutive months. 170 proved acres the small group of islands with 21 wells averaging about West Indies, is a town in dark home to the officials who trem risky scheme, involving a large be a pleasure for us to serve. it brought WILLIAMS 35 barrels daily from sands, ness, with no light of any sort bled like aspen leaves in sum of money, If that acheme is you, and that our pleasure in Secretary, 462, 685 and 762 feet deep.
on its streets at nightfall except their fright, that the dark calculated to beneft them in a serving you will make your visit Thro rigs the moon in its seasons, The ness of the town was arst particular way.
to our store even more enjoyCountersigned: of 22 million and 18 million cubic surprise is all the greater when aid to crime. The need for Elec We regret to say that the reable for yourself. A, NIGHTENGLE feet waiting pipeline. Also ono to dateness of the Grenada West Government by that unwelcome pride in one island as a whole, we think of the journalistic up tric Lighting was forced on the quired sense of decency and of Chairman gas well of million cubic feet FULLER which tapplies our power, and Indian, and how a shortcoming event, but the matter was soon and in its chief town wbich rep.
30 much need for the safety allowed to drop.
also power to other rigs at 10 JEWELLER resents the island to visitors, is per day. oder limited num and guldance of a ratepaying not to be found in members of 122 CENTRAL AVENUE ber of shares at 15 per hundred community could have been Although it is not quite cor the Council who had long been in OR SALE Act quickly if you want stock.
allowed to Elide 20 easily. Worect to say that there is, in Bt.
position to use effective presC. WILSON, anderstand, however, that efforts George ero no light batanny. cort sure on the Government of the Wichita Falls, Texas, this disgrace by installing some the moon in its seasons we (Cable Address Wilbow. modern system, All praise to must say that the one or two The St. George District CONTRACTOR BUILDER the Town Board that bestows utterly consumptive kerosene Board should take up the matter. First Cla. Workmanship In 1 Condition. it the blessing of light on its town lamps which feebly cough out with the Government, and, un Notice.
and colony We bould assure our estou seeentaste the prevailing dark Otactory, with the Colonial Plans and Specifications From No reasonable offer turned little efforts at light, rather and with the Crown 7th Street West House No. 90 that we have done everything ness. Our cotem, wonders how Agents, because Mr.
Wood ex: Box 411, Panama, Mrs. Annie Lindsay, Train within human power to arouse shortcoming so much needed pects the Board to make the first For particulars apply at Failing this, ed Nurse and Midwife begs to the Government to the great for the safety and guidance of a proper move need for proper lighting of the rato paying community could Mass Meeting shquld past. WORKMAN PRINTERY notify her Patrons that she has town of St. George s, but with have been allowed to slide to strong resolution to be forward. GOOD JOB PRINTING eft the Isthmus for a short no effect. The St. George easy. Matters have never been ed to the Secretary of State for Central Ave Street period CQNE AT and on her return wil District Board has passed a allowed to slide, and the only the Colonies.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Panama City make due notification.
YOUNG WOMEN: be in new When the ex eiveperation will be reading FELRY BARGANS WILKINSON One Stuvessant Piano down.


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