
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 1922, THE WORKMAN Don Keep Your Money at Home IT WILL BE YOU ARE STOLEN WHILE AT WORK CARIER Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, the omice Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Nad porner of Strool, Panama, ot publie interest invited. Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and LATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Ode Year. 40 8. the writer, not necessarily for publice Six Months 20 son but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return Doe 260. erejected orrespondence. The Lberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY AUGUST 26, 1922 Three 60.
13 Use Your Spare Cash To Buy WALK OVER SHOES CARTERT CARTERE Boh Ernser American Bazaar Stores Panama Always in stock at BENEDETTI HERMANOS WANTED MEN. JUST THREE AT TIME New York Cigarettes MORE BUBBLES IN HARLEM.
CICO The most useful and safest investment The New York World of August 9th published a somewhat satirical report of the seventh day session of in the world.
the Universal Negro Convention at Harlem which, during this month, is being attended by representatives of the African stock from all over the world. This report is reproduced in another column of this iesue.
It is astonishing to note that the tremendous loss of thousands of dollars in the abortive Black Star Line Steamship Company has not, in the least, taken the corCARTER poration gab out of the mouths of the members and supINKS. PASTES MUCILAGES porters of an organization which has failed sigoally to justify the absurd claims and pretentions which have been Colon announced with sonorous speech and thunderous reverberCentral Ave a 3rd. St.
ation all over the United States, in Central America and in the West Indies.
SONGS PANAMA Most of the money sunk in the wreckage of the Black Star Line Steamship Company has been the hard earned CHURCH SERVICE and slowly accumulated dollars of day laborers of both sexes of the race whose faith in the Negro Zionism with its PRODUCTS (American Episoopal Church)
objective, not in Palestine but in some unknown spot south of the Sudan, deluded them into heavy investments. Eleventh Sundny After Trinity)
St. Paul Church, Panama In the face of the whole world the venture has proved Baptist Church itself to be an economic farce, and many of the share63. m, Holy Communion, Colon 11 am. Mrs. Tarift holders who commenced to think too late, bave given up 10 a. m, Matins 7, 15 Pastor Thrift WHO CAN SAVE PENNIES 10 a. in Holy Eucharist and sermon, Chorrillo 11 am Deacon oton their money for loss. Poor people have been ruined by Holy Baptism, C. Aivarsary throwing their all into a scheme which they were made to p Sunday School.
7:15 Thrift believe was destined to succeed because some supernatural To present them at any Com 730 pm Evensong and sermon. Corozal Rond 11 am 7:15 Pas or Witt agent shook Marcus Garvy in bis sleep and told him so, Daily Services in the church at am. Pueblo Nuovo 11 am. Den Saith in the same way that Moses was appointed to contest with missary, Clubhouse, or Restau NIGHTENGALE Vicar 7;15 Me Galimore Empire 11 am Me. Capm ngs the Pharoahs the right to liberate the downtrodden and rant on the Canal Zone.
St. Alban s, Paraiso.
enslaved segment of an ancient civilization, 15 Mr A. Brown 11 Am, Matins and address, Cativa 11 a. Pastor Th ift It is not a small matter for hard working people to New Providence Dacon Broom p. Sunday School, throw away their labor in profitless bargains, and yet it is 17. 30 pm Evensong and addrese: New Gatun Thursday 7:30 Pastor Thritt not an easy matter to convince them of their blunder, TAP. NIGH PENGALE Priest in charge especially when the virulent types of economic fever beand receivé a package of Las Sabanas Mission Wesleyan Methodist come epidemic. Two years ago it would have been an Chureb Sobool pm Panams, 11 a. ro. Mr. Reid absolute impossibility to have mentioned that the Black 80 Rev. Kimook Brabant 16 pm Evening and address Star Line Corporation would not have succeeded. Such Coloa 11. Mr Airall NIGHTENGALE Pricat in sharge 7:30 pm Rw. Surgeon a pronouncement would bave incurred treatment secondSt. George Church Gatun. La Boca 11. Rev. Kinrook Braham cousin to lynching; but time has exposed the emptiness of 11 Matine and addres, BD 10 for cents the scheme and exploded the fallacy of the venture.
BD a Church Sohool, 30, pm, Mr. K, Waltere Now, in the face of all that bas bappened comes Mr.
7, 39 P, m, Evening and addrere New Providence 11. Me. Brathwate Marcus Garvey again trumpeting his merchant fleet pro7. 30 Evensong and Addrese Paraiso 11. Mr. Moodia paganda. Have not his voluntary confessions in open SURPRISINGLY GOOD Empire 11 a. Roy Surgeon St. Peter Church La Boca.
court eoupled with the depleted treasury of the Black Star Line Corporation given to the world sufficient information 11 m, Morning prayer and address Church Of God 1 St Colon as to cause bim to hesitate in advertising his impossible P, m, Sunday School Gospel Sermon 11. 30 am 30 30 pm. Evensong and sermoa Sunday School pm scheme? Does he think that he will find the people so MULCARE Rector Sis Brewster, Pastor, Evang fool bardy as to subscribe to his bloated vision in the sum Activities of The are going to celebrate the clouing of the Convention by a St. Barnabas Church, Empire Gatun z.
of dollars and cents after such a flat and rediculous failure of the past two years?
Grand Rally and Dance at the Recreation all, Calidonia.
Morning Prayer and addreso, 11. Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 The vanished subscriptions came from people, many Sunday School and Cofirmation Clase Sunday School pm On September 9th and 11th, p, Georga Griffith of whom are paupers today, Speakiog for Panama, it is Even ing Prayer and address, New Proaldence no exaggeration to state that ninety per cent of the share. Guachapall Chapter No. 14 we are going to entertain the Isthmian public to a monster JT MULOARE, Price in charge holders are now reduced to the state of abject impe uniosiGarden Party at the Standard 10, 15 sem Baptiem la the river Pebeoks ty; and those who still cling to the organization do so on St. Bartholomew Church, 11. 30 m, 7;20 Holy Communion and The readers of the Workman Oval. There will be a variety of account of the benevolent feature which characterises one will be glad to know that the scenes and amusements to at Las Cascadas feet washing Bailey Pastor of its subsidary departments.
Guachapall Chapter No. 14, ottract the most fastidious perMorning Prayer and Holy Confirmation Panama St Building 18 San 11 am.
What the poor people have already lost in the scheme the UN:I. CL. is doing sonage.
is alarming when serious thought is exercised. They have its bit for the uplift of the On the 17th. will be the Chila 30 pm Sunday Sebool and Con Gompel Serməno 11, 30 a. 7;30 RACE at home and abroad.
rens Day. The Silver Lillies firmation. their.
Bunday School p. 8 30 ovning Prayer and address Bro. Groen toil. The poor woman at the wash tub and scrubbing) at Onbeproeidunt. Nem credebey Juvenile Choir will occupy the Now Ror JT Muloare, Priest in charge world Rostrum and give you an insight board, the huckster with her tray of vegetables from the demonstrating to the field, the hourly worker and the day laborer these are much of the good work done by into the Artistic Future of our we are taking care of Organists Elocutionists.
best. Pianoists No STREET CALIDONIA who, if not. will be again. more sick and distressed people ROAD, PANAMA, WHEREAS, it has pleared Almighty There were several individuals who were caught in the than any other organimation on making day in the history of the Tomorrow will be an epochSabbath (Saturday) 45 am, Sab God the preservar and Creator of the lost venture by his dazzling pledges and alluring promises the Isthmus And don forget it. From an Chapter but who have been enabled to see further than they saw bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Vaiverze, to call from ou midst by educational and recreational view 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm. death, our belovad Brothor. Benjamin Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Young People Meeting; 30 Payne, and at first Such people will not be deceived again, because point, we cannot be beaten. Just will be the order of the day. Verpers.
WHEREAS, by his demire the Lodge their judgment and discretion have been awakened and see what happening within the Four of the best Choirs of the Sunday evening at p. Reading and the Onler in general has lost one of their economio insight quickened. These have had enough next three weeks of the scheme and are through with it.
Last night we started a Chapter will function, Also some Clow. All are welcome both young and is devoted members, of the best talent from Division old. 30 m, Preaching Service.
BE IT RESOLVED, Tast this Lodge CLASS in What is preposterous is the fact that one of the LITERARY sesions now assembled mourn their On Thursday next the return No. 17 will help to make the Bible Truth Churches, Panama delegates (it has not been said, which one) in Cricket match between the afair a success.
lous by standing with bowed heads for endorsing Garvey plan for the resuscitation of the Black teams of the Chapter and the San Miguel one minute, and that the lodge be The readers of this Journal diaped in black for a period of 21 days, Star Line Corporation pledged one thousand dollars from Division No 17 will be play at the and the publlc in general are an. Children Service 5:a. mMorning AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV.
his division on the Isthmus, as a start. Here is a man Isthmian Park.
talking about ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS of poor peo: 31st the Negroe holiday we participate in our activities.
On Thursday night August therefore cordially invited to 11 am Preaching Service ED that a copy of this resolution be 30 pm Sunday School seat to the bereaved fanily of the ple money as if he were talking about a package of 30 pm Gospel Service deceased, copy bą spread on the minutes of this evening and peanuts, or a couple of crackers.
sent to the Workman Printery for оору bе It is noticeable that the reported advocates of the delegates of the Universal Negro Improvemǝnt Association calidonia publication, scheme are those from Central America where West get their inspiration from when they pledge unbounded 5m. Morning Prayer By direction of ih) Worthy Master.
Indians support the movement. Panama, Costa Rica and support and financial backing to the impossible Black Star 10 am Children Service Cuba are the chief places that are backing up the plan Line business. 30 pm Sunday School BRIDGEMAN COOKB through their delegates. What does this mean? It it that Individuals have a right to spend their money as, they 30 m Gospel Service charge, ROWE the only fools remaining are those who are residing in please, but when large numbers of people find it necessary Barclay Pastor Salvation Army Committee.
these countries? Or, are they more prosperous here than to seek aid from the Red Cross Society or depend on the Approved elsewhere? What a travesty!
generosity of their friends, a social problem involving 5am Prayer Meeting The Panama Canal is repatriating hundreds of West public attention arises. Good natured persons must re 10 a Sunday School WILLIAMS, M.
Il; 15 sm Holiness Meeting Indian paupers every month. Reports from Costa Rica gard it as an imposition when people throw their money Rent Receipt Books In Spinstate that work is scarce, and suffering rife, Cuba has away and then appeal to charity for relief, and the time is Sunday School pm been telling her tale of woe for the past two years and her fast coming when liberal hands will be closed against 7:30. m, Salvation Meeting GEORGE MORRIS.
Ish and English for sale at the sighs are still heard across the waters. Where do the such a practice.
Commandant, Workman Printery.
is the people with more wearindered most aude chese are the very lineap online ordentligen handelt es seventh or her late Church RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY


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