
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 1922 PAGB SEVEN wwwmas The Sugar Boom Is Putting Cuba Back on Feet.
Book Binding!
Sald to be on Her Way to a Greater And Moro Stable Prosperity like ew!
CENTRAL DELICIAS Great Factory May Grind Fully 1, 000, 000 Bags of Sugar This Season Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE You can match Chesterfield quality in any other Turkish Blend cigarette selling at the price.
And remember LABOURERS WORK They satisfy Chesterfield SAVES work manipulation or LIFE lost the but nonth of which, Havana, Jaly 50 Harana Posl That Cuba is not cnly emlag back to ber owo, but is voll on and No. G Street ber way to greater, more ptable prosperity than ever lear ing out of consideration the wild. the opinion of Lees, liquidation Jamaica Taste In JUAN ILLUECA the American For eign Banking Corporation, who bas just returned from a trip Tobacco. Attorney. at. Law CIGARETTES through Orlente province, Central Delicias, the grea No. 44 Central Avenue of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Cuban American mill is still TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 grinding, and indications point Jackass rope the locally proPractices in all Courts of to the probability of million pared rope tobacco, is, according Panams bag crop. This will be the outsioner. MFL. Casserly, preto the Canadian Trade Coumise est amount of engar turned English Spoken Fluently by one mill in the world his ferred by out Jamaicans, to tory, not even including the imported pipe tobacco, which is tarif bacame effective. as the dance of the millions period. Cavoured by the upper and middle prices of imported clgarette, Even Delicias itself never turned classes.
LIGGIT MYRS TOBACC. Co. local pipe tobacco, although at first advanced, has out more than 800, 000 bags Not many months ago Oriente however, gaining ground.
sold as Machados Mixture, is been reduced of late.
WAS faced with serious prob lem of shipping away many thousands of workers from Ja by the upper and middle classes, Cigars are extensively smoked Flag Contest Rally.
maica for whom it could not and are all save the wrappers, of Review Of New Prayer tind employment, and the sight ocal manufacture and mostly of Which is the Most Popular presented by the destitute meno: high grade. Their pale blue Flag of th Day, Link up with LIFEBUOY Book Arouses Indignation in the sections of the country was smoke, firm grey asb and delicat give thebouquet bave for Health Sake. Flag Contest Raliy t) decide Canada Press Oable.
beart feeling to the most op. itbroughout the world, and earnmistic enthusiast.
for them a reputation scarcely held at the Li Bica Clubbɔu se vedle this important qreation will be London. June 25 The Bishop of That page has been written inferior to that of Havana cigars Ontario Right Rev. Dr. and filed in the archives of the No imported cigars are consum Ion Saturday Septamber 16th. day. view under of the organ, characterizes as an insult factories are again looking for at the local product, together Times, the leading High Anglican and our new plantations and cheapness and excellent quality female members of the La Boca ing insinuation the passage in labour to carry on the work of with the lower cost of labor in The following are the names the recent review of the Canadian the crop Sugar is up and every Jamaica and a in tariff of 108. of the Bags and their Cham.
foe 18 timorous and ap Nor is this a case of market id. per pound general on im promacyparently produced in torror of Protestant lay men with money. ancial operation. Mr Lees dec graduated excise tax ranging or artificial finport ported cigars, as against The Union Jack Mrs. FlorThe Bisbop says it passed his lared yesterday. It is purely from 6d. per 100 on the cheapest Stars and Stripes Amerience Smith, comprehension how so dis and simply the inexorable law to 2s, per hundred on the most graceful charge should have of supply and demand which is expensive locally manufactured can Mrs. Adeline Dixon.
relates that it display insular The Great world surplas business do not exist.
been allowed to appear, and true basis of all value. cigars, opportunities for import. The Td Colour French Mrs. Louls. Carr.
ignorance similar to that which which for a time had Cuba down, The Panamaalan Flag Mrs.
to Great Britian not out. has now been con In the case of cigarettes the Terella Jenkins American colonies, sumed, and there is an actual position is rather diferent. The Judging from the enthusiasm shortago. The best crop has fail Jamaican consumption of cigar of the leaders and their supporYOUTH and happiness are linked ed to fill the gap. Cuba crop attes is about 15, 000, 000 per bors a grand time awaits the up with health. Link up with Important to Lodges. never fails.
roughly Lifebuoy for health and for the The handling of the mills by 12, 000, 000 are imported. Four general public.
children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prothe banking corporations has years ago the percentage were flag which is above all dags. Eery person has an ideal Ang, motes health happy, smiling health; All notices for publication ad been success. And the buge nearly reversed. The chief flag for which he will give hla it protects the children from the. for is un ire.
dangers of contagious diseases.
are charged for at the rate 00 ed like a millstone around the doubtedly the superior quality, Come on the 16th of Septemper month payable in advance. neck of the industry will be paid more attractive packing, better Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Publications notifying suspen These institution have no desire imported cigarettes. second. overy other flag. Bo patriotic.
off at a no great distant date. value and competitive prices of ber and raise your flag Above Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap National Anthems in connection will safeguard the children keep them are charged for per inch of to contro the industry, they are any clause is the acquirement of with all these flags will be used healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them space taken.
in the banking, not to sugar bus e, taste for English cigarettes using it before school, after play, before meals.
iness, and the Lodges and other local Friend mills will rebem basement of the by thousands of Jamaican sols on the occasion. Quit you like will rever revert back to the orig: diers when on active service ly Societies are hereby requested inal owners as soon as all obliga abroad during the war.
HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH Lat Britishers, Americans, to be governed accordingls. tions are settled. Many owners French and Panamanians come are pleased with the With the exception of one or and defend the honour of their The MANAGEMENT have been handled and propose two brands, the locally made Asg by at least one vots. Jast to continue with the system now cigarettes is a distinctly inferior one cent will add a vote for your Rent Receipt Books In Span implanted as soon as they retake article.
When smoked it lasts flagIl you can come please MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE only about half as long as the send your vote.
Ish and English for sale at the possession.
ing ported cigarette. Then the musical program, a Band Workmen Printer tobacco is bone dry, harsh in and free entrance; BOTTOMLEY AS dsvour, in the form of small chlps instead of the case of its imported com. Jazz Band to Visit Jamaica as in Will He Speak on the Expul illis petitors; consequently it easily slon Motion. falls out of the wrapper. The Jamaican cigarette is really a It has beom proposed that by product of cigar. In during November of the present London des patch states that in in considerable que ting drepare parlen or the Band wil there is quantity vielt Jamaica of much speculation duced, and these are not whether Indian popularising Horatio Bottomley able for the manufacture of in P, will avail himself of his clge of achievements Hitherto the practice the musical art.
right to address the House of has been to use these leaves This famous band which has Commons on the motion of bis making cigarettes. The local country among those who like to for popularised itself in this DONE WITH NEATNESS AND expulsion tobacco firms have therefore trip the light Mr. Short as House Secre for some time past viewed with should certainly make its mark fantastic toe. notify DESPATCH the House of the present situa alarm the decrease in the con on the visit to Jamaica. It is tion of Bottomley, and on and in sumption of Jamaican cigarettes, hoped that the venturo of this the early part of 1921 plucky West Indian band will be Wednesday or Thursday Mr. when Chamberlain as Leader of the Bill was in course of preparation with an overwhelming amount of the Preferential Tarid appreciated and that it will meet House will give notice to move. That this House do expel Mr. of the Legislative Councll that they pointed out to members success.
Several entertainments will be Bottomley from membership. unless the duties on imported given locally so as to raise funds The Speaker will then inform cigar cigarettes were the for the proposed visit, which Bottomley, through the Governor Jamaican of Wormwood Scrubs, that it would be destroyed, cigarette industry should be given all financial sup.
and the port to ensure the possibility of to address the House price of Jamaican cigars, both making the trip.
on the question of his expulsion in Jamaica and elsewhere, would the House will hear him. Bottom. necessarily increase. These Good Assortment Ley has not yet decided whether representations resulted in in British Consulate Noitce.
he will accept the invitation, but creased duties upon imported bis most intimate friends expect cigarettes: thes that he will do so. While in the were raised The Anting British Consul et TO SELECT FROM AT THE House he would have all the pound to 5s. Bd. preferential Colon would be glad of informafrom a flat rate of 33. 61. per privileges attaching to member and 78. general tariff. tion as to the present where The Dally Express under It might be mentioned how abouts of Thomas Frases, for.
stands that investors in ihe Vic ever, that the sales of Jamaican merly employed in the Freight tory Bond Club will receive less cigarettes show but slight im Department of the Panama Railthan 6d, in the pound, provement since the preferential road Company fat Cristobal.
Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is mere than roap, it is a reputable permicide and. ure disia fectant USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND 100 ana of strands of the JOB PRINTING of every description suit: West cigars SO Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards raised, orted he wishes WORKMAN PRINTERY ship


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