p. 8


PASE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 1922 end to the risk of catching and start, Irener och tills e or through infection in the softeron Everybody ROSTROLINE arly nicht and morning, be Gisterende en och Loss Is sy spend please lo Perfectly cafe for person of Nils Front and Orth. fold by Chemists overywhere, prie or US by fol, direct from tell you DO IT NOW (NOSTROLINE Buy a Package BOX 272 COLON, were LUCKY STRIKE from comprehendingar er helt the body; for Thulmahy kindness.
beartily children with took the SI Skipper Toe apat their well played could for any ed one library, which KING SOLOMON was not. repeat.
NOTHING IS FINISHED THAT (Continued from our last Issue)
WAS NEVER BEGUN Britannic Deteats Stand SHOULD USE ard Cricket club.
National Instituto Visited me to thank you for the warm At 30 visit was made and cordial reception you have to the National Institute the extended us this evening, and to Party was met at the entrance how The Strodard suffered Harold Matthews Co. Clifton, Bristol.
highly we appreciate defeat at the hands of the Britan by Dr. Octavio Mendez, Rector; the profound and sincere senti nic who received the able ments you entertain for our Honorable last Sunday, at the Standard Oval. Batting first gentlemen with very much Government, which hope will Britannic made 113 runs.
courtesy consideration belasting and reciprocal have The and fielding of the Standard was They were first taken to the read much of your administraoffice and the system of educa Triion and the great advancement poor and they gave away ma y BRODERICK LLOYD runs by overthrows and mis.
tion and administrative manage of your country. We have been fields. The wicket was in food Manufacturers Representative ment thoroughly explained.
very much impressed with the condition, and Connell and Beck From the otice the Kinder kind treatment and courtesy we les took full advantage of it.
garten section of the school deck your have received from the oficials Beckles 29 in good form, visited, sested on separate desk: with sufficient brestblog some of the cities of Panama and tary appearance and cleanliness Connell 23, Blackmuo 13and Alleged Discourteous.
between, there forty ton Maynard and Knights 12 each. Continued from page 1)
wee tots from the age of to is a After the usual recess Standyears. The system of instruc administration and tho Sanitary tion is that ard opened with Phillips and Monday and communicated to laid down by Pro. Authorities of the Panama Canal Wells, and so well did they bat. the Party at the Corco Hotel.
We have nor heard the Montesorio.
that at one stage it seemed as if In one instance Mr. Humber tem she children are instructed mosquitos, nor, are we bothered to train the hands, eyes, feet and by the flies. We thank you ag in at their hands. All the Britannic was in for a three called at the hotel personally. It was while visiting the Ancon all bealth of Great Britain tired ar yet the two me were Hospital that scientific message was recontinued batting. defying ving all celved the Legation that names and their usefulness in and Panama was proporsd and efforts of the laws of of motion. Objects of of drunk President of the bowlers to dislodge the Party could call on Governor IT TOASTED them. With the score at 45, Morrow at Balbox Heights: daily observations are brought Porras, presented Hon, Barclay to the knowledge Skipper Graham took There was nothing which took small portrait of himself of the himself, and to the surprise of all place in the Legation or during so as to train their ideas to res as a souveole of the first parts he started to trundle Skipper the the activities of the Charge son and to discriminate between of West Indians politicians to Coulthrust of Standard made Ataires, to warrant the im one thing or object from the visit this R9public.
Arts And Crafts Visited.
objections to Graham trundling pression there was any indiferother. They are taught the as it is known that Gra: ence of or discourtesy; or that Mr.
different shades of colours and After leaving the President ham is of the Kelley type, and Graham was lacking in his to select with closed eyes one Palace the Party visited the GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF uses his permit, but the Um official duties. If there was, cliss of woolen or linen from Arts and Crafts School and pires overruled him, and in Gra would have been the Arst to cotton or the texture of any were received by Mr, L1380, pam fourth ball of his first over state my solemn and unawed other fabric.
The system is an Principal. The reception was he had Wells caught, the score protest against any such conexcellent one, as after the child warm and cordial.
board reading 45 22. Phillips duct, as entertain for those is transferred to the firrt grade prentices were kept at soon followed for played Honourable gentlemen the same he or she will have an intelligent work and in the various classes 24. and from then on, it was bats. amount of respect and veneraunderstanding of the subjects to ia tho different departmeots.
man in and batsman out: None of tion which Englishmen entertain be Here Here were seen a miniature the other men it. semed for Mr. Lloyd George or The various grades were visit construction of the Panama Why did play Blackman, who had gone other British celebrity, the modern eq aldback on to bowl in the place of venture to express the interest! ng to the visitors were ments of electrical appliances Graham. Blackman came out wit opinion, that it Honourable and the gymnasium, the chemical The wood work pork department an analysis of for 17. None of Rev. Young did make the laboratory, the Whicos a marvel is a marvel. The brass and Iron the other Standard men reached reputed statements mentioned in has a large number of very founderies are as perfect as can double figures, and finally all were the independent it scientific and educative treatises be expected in the execution of out foc 89.
because of the museum and the manual the with all his wordly glory poed so many wives Ta, any indi erence or discourtesy at the Lagation, but many ingenious skilled the ed the contp ses nationalism sent out of the is the rasult of a semi official Wher sections. In one of grades where the Fourth ch Here true statement made to the Party and year are. is which would be usethical for me Professor was riving ab The Big Athletic to spirit of co operation and youngsters. Io justice to the British Legawere smart as well disciplined And Cycle Meet.
soldiers: as the Party entered tion 10 brough the institu tion permit me to state, that Lasso was querrled they were on their feet to welsince the taking over of Because he could not keep his household as to whether the government Legation by the Hon, Perey come them. They debe instructed in the school, permitted West Indian children satisfied without in the language, in the The final arrangements for Envoy Extraordinary and Minisnet, His Britannio Majesty manner, and in very correct He replied, certainly! Provid stagiog the biggest Athletic and ter Plenipotentiary and his staff, Cycle Meet in the history of English: We welcome the visi: ed they secure the necessary Panama are now Completed, West Indians have received we are being taught English in a tion Mr. Lagso was thanked for exceptional consideration and The Unique Cycle Association representations, considering the Spanish speaking country and the opportunity of seeing The Fuel Without a Fault e day, we expect to speak the the demonstrations of the variwhich is responsible for those el. intricate formalities of the laws aborate arrangements and urder in this country and which con. conlanguage Barclay addressed the students, gratulated for the high standard those guidance and they thundered out an ap of efficiency shown by the ap staged have not left aer wil be ditions the Legation is bound to left a stme un respect. Besides, being respörpreciative applause.
PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY turned in order to make it a suc sible to the Foreiga Otfice for des. never before has the Isth the conduct of their diplomatic Visit to President Porras Precisely at 30 a public Park tract been placed in relationsbip with the United PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: At p. according to ar meeting such perfect condition, this states Government, and that of rangements made by Hon. Con was held at the Univeral Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
has this stantine Graham, His Britannic Negro Improvement Association extensive repaire; much of this (hold no brlel for the Legation Majesty Charge Affaires, the Hall. Chapter No. 17, Dr. Ander Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 wanual labor the members of as feel it is the duty of a BritParty of politicians called on His son presiding. On the platform association undertook to do ish citizen to denounce unrightExc themselves with the result thaneous dealings and injustice. more Porras, bors of PE President of the Republic, Hon. ware seated, with a large nur.
the track now bears the resembl. so, in high places.
representative ance of a billiard board, Rev. Barclay, presoat bor of by influence or gain, ed the er dential of the Honor Indians residing in Mie this city.
Judging from the number of The people right will maintain.
erik able members of the were delivered by of the Legislative Speeches athletes you can meet every Indian Committee and having Council, and those constituting Hon. and Rv. Barclay, As a member of the West morning and evening anywhere LEE SANG BROTHERS intro Ron. Da Theo Weat. Home and duced, including the ladies. Young between Bella Vista and old served as Investigating Commit.
Dr. Porras, in addressing the Roache, BP. Wynter, and Panama and also on the Isthmian tae. Vigilance Committee and Beg to notify their patrons and the general Park visitors, said: Ladies and gen. Grant, Acting President of the it as every lastly. with tlemen. have the most extrame public that thay have removed their store to Cripple in Panama has gone all the strength of my manhood The alms and objects of the Athletic Crazy, we are sure that and far beyond sucessful contra pleasure, and appreciation in more commodious premises in the same condition is even more have been well represented here.
dictions that the West Indians extending both my personal wel Jamaic People Association come and that of the nation was fully explained, and at the Cyclone Cycle Atbletic Club has evident in Colon where the THE ST. HELENA BUILDING During the present adminisrepresent, to such a distinguish. close of the meeting wonderful organ West ed Party of representatives, of committee was formed consist organization work tration of affairs, the In.
ing day and night and whose 117 BOLIVAR STREET one of the most powerful nations ing of Dr. Anderson.
object is grievances and (Opposite The Imperial Hotel)
is to clean up Panam. 120 Committee has incugated and go back on the excursion and outside those which had entertain the sincerest and Secretary: Dr. Connell, train with the best trophies. borne most profound respect, friend. Treasurer; Finzi, Fuller, and unsupand admiration. must H Stewart and Paillips, Never before has there been so ported with facts, the British assure the Hon, Barclay and the Os Tuesday the Party left for Where there are on display wuch excitement and comment Legation has done its duty un Colon they and and of the possibilities of any y athlet: compromisingly on Thursday they an Excellent Assortment of other members of the Party, unflinching: that the courtesy of this Govern sailed for Jamalia.
Some have been rescaed ic event even those of the fairer ly.
They exment will be extended to you, sex are expressing anxiety and the pending trials of others were so as to make your stay here one bed themselves as CAMPHOR WOOD AND impressed with all they are quite undecided as colors and of pleasure and satisfaction: and had seen, and beg to extend SEA GRASS FURNITURE styles. whether they expedited stamp duties on parere will communicate to the Gov their high appreciation and should adapt the Purple and Gold ports of indigant person which are ernor of Jamaica my apprecia: gratitude to all the residents; the colors of the of service rendered the through the representations of of your visit.
Unique Cycle Association Panamanians, Americans, and Hon, and Rev, Barclay, in West Indians for all the kind whether there will be more at the West Indian Committee.
ALSO LARGE STOCK OF traction in donning the Green The police corps has been very responding said. Your Excels courtesies and considerations and Gold selected much by the improved and some hava them lency, on behalf of the ladies and extended during their CHINESE AND JAPANESE Cyclone Cycle Athlectic Club of been discharged through the gentlemen in this party, permit short stay on the isthmus.
Colon is the question at issus, prompt action of the Council of GOODS One remarkable feature at this common sight to see West Discipline. Today, it is an unMarcus Garvey.
Rose Garden Palace To Meet.
meet will be the number and Indian ander arrest, bleeding grades of bieycles brought into profusely from a battered bead WHOLESALE The pext meeting of the aboveaction, events are arranged for or mutilated limbs.
AND RETAIL (Continued from page 1)
both Heavy Service and Racing named Palace will be held at the Machines and riders of every foreign country, we have much In my opinion, as a people in Eureka Lodgeroom, on Friday calibre are to be seen training to be grateful for and let us be and Marcus Garvey, because September 1, at visit to our spacious and commodlous store daily for this Labor Day Meet. reminded lest we forget, that you may rue the day you took Parents and Guardians In will be worth your while order to lend up arms against these friends invited to attend along with the colour to an eventful day the unhappy feelings from those ingratitude brings disgust and of yours. The association has little ones.
Unique Cycle Association has who serve us best The opinions demonstrated its power, its engaged the best orchestra in of the Honourable members of town for the occasion. It is well the Ləgislative Council who visit majesty, and we who make up Ront Receipt Book In SpanANNOUNCEMENT its membership are satisfied, Ish and English for sale at The Game for Tomorrow.
to remember that the meet is ed us in reference to Honourablescheduled to start at 11 30 am With the assurance of the leader WORKIVIN Printerys Campbell of Santo Tomas Surrey vs. Clovelly at Stand and any contestant who comes speech made by Hon.
Constantine Graham, and the ship of our Blessed Master, we Hospital, begs to inform the ard Oyal.
80 at his risk.
Public that bis wife is not conThe following will represent Colon hletes have decided to given in Colon, their general The Young at the farewell banquet are determined to go forward GOOD JOB PRINTING nected in the Lottery ticket Sahranter Orhomblaces Sousa, Johor beroes die tweno. we trait ich will admission of satisfaction are all whole DONE AT for the principles of this organl. Blackman Archer rooibor themWe Pan, the said (Mrs. Campbell co Pinder.
Harding, Holder, Weather wa Boys wont haye any reason drawn from the publication in THE WORKMAN PRINETRY cerned)
bead, Moore Elcock.
to be The Independent GAS some this CE the West end loca on this ex earth, and frivolous very passand all kinds of persons waived; tion 30 are zation.


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