p. 1


ALLEGED OUTRAGE ON SMALL SETTLERS WEEK DOINGS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ia with four The bet be kot the Reigartirateurs olher contente in chiefly to market.
the years, WAS alto, separation.
was no was to in vided at end Tuesday nate to effect from one sias. Dess Banana wife remy DASTARD GARVEY MURDER ARMY In Calidonia District Man Marches With Fixed BayoStabs Wife.
nets at Bocas del Toro At Bocas Del Toro, 12 Men Fined on Tuesday at about pm. The Bocas del Toro correspon Political Differences Between the Calidonia dent to the Jamaica Gleaner And Imprisoned.
was alarmed and shocked at the writing to that paper under date Deputies Amicably Settled announcement that Simeon Scott Aug. 14 states as follows:a Barbadlas had stabbed and Thursday, 10th instant, was the (By WYNTER) taken by the Government Carmelo day set apart by I. Saturday, Sept. thought the gallery would fale The Central American Express of bring about the necessary facili murdered his wife ties for transportation Scott, a Jamaican.
matbars this vicinity for a The National Assembly was to the ground Becas del Toro, in a issue dated It would appears that it gala demonstration in honour of called to order at 30 82 Deputy Arias then epoke on August 12th last, reports. That on the removal of the bridge for some months Scott and learenz Gevar third annual members answered the roll call his own behall, and it is superat two farms owned by the by the Company, a portion of his wife were not enjiving convention said to be in with General Quinzada the fluous to reiterate the applauses, United Fruit Company at Bocas the old wooden materials was the happiness and known commonly as Dury abandoned on the spot without bliss, as he had partly aban Almirante was the place chosen the chair. After the calling of Panch.
of conjugal progress at Harlem, New York. President of the Assembly in cheers, and and shouts of Vivas and Jose, situated in the districe ased.
warning it was not to be doned bor small for the great show and eighteen the roll and the reading of the Deputy Alyarado, addressed of San San, there are on the themselves together and settlers banded children to care foAs the mixed passenger banana, and official minutes of the opening the House and he got his share west bank of with result of this constant abandon merchandized cars, packed to General Quinzsda made of applause and no puede bɔsmelum olubove tour in the nearby woodlands, they instituted divorce mordere dies lindred to the UF, Coy shio Francisco Arias p, retire from the ballot was taken and resulte Jamaicans; of men women and Deputies Victor Alvarado and the At the close of the speeches ing the prosperous days of the made use of the atandoned against him. Oa Monday Scott company operations at those materials on the spot and con was called to the Court to ping port from all distances as the Assembly as they were ed in a 16 farms there was constructed by structed a temporary bridge to answer certain interrogations far as seventy miles inland. under judicial suspension on a Opposition and 16 for the Admin.
the company a wooded bridge transport their things to to the proceedings.
relative connecting the two banks of the This was indeed a commendable admitted his willingness to face number of Garvey fall uniform read the judicial documents of results 33 balls were counted Не Among the large crowd was a charge of calumny, istration. second ballot was pan African General Quinzada started to taken and on the announcement river.
It is said, that for over and energetic action among them the proceedings and that!
be Legionaries in their fitteen small no obstacles in bis place guns carrying For this action twelve of their way in securing an indeti Dayonets, made of wood but suspended Daputies, but was present, the third ballot with fixed relating to the cases of the and there were only 32 Deputies were arrested and unmolested rights, silently before Senor Antoni Santos, nita painted to look the real thing interrupted Os arrival at Almiraate, these Vidal, who in Oa by Hon. Deputy taken and while the balls were conceded by company of dor. charged Monday night Scott was powerful sorting the bridge in getting their for having stolen tan company reception et ea piciously to remedies by promptly address, defended the rights of asked in beputies as and being counted produce and other commodities tomber the correjador inflicted Notecile at he dies pa big arestado co pangeran dan policial mits accused for leagues pec Alvarado were entitled to a vote to market, a fine of 3000 on osch time, but as men conveyed on There is apparently no other or to be imprisoned for thirty there During the speech the General Quinzada opportunity launch across the Bight to this spaaker several mes negative. The spectators in the means of transportation pro days. The men refused to the crime town. Before Senor Felix Ican bg the Government of the the fine and were kept in jail was uppar ungst in his mind. In the Alcalde Court on fer sonlayd ed tem tathione spectators gallery broke loose in disorder Republic and the only means of for nine days, After taking his seat he of disapproval and Deputy Arjoleft.
at about day morning, 11th instant, the latte npted to speak again, but na spilled the balls on the floor.
transportation by these unfortu which, ten of ie number were 50 hertid to twenty six men were charged ruled out of order, by the Presi From then on order settlers would be to cross sent to the city of Bocas. the bis wife residence, ascend with wearing a certain probibit dent.
was not regained and the session broke the river in sinall boats, which is others agreed to pay and reed the stairo390 and found him ed uniform and flaed dollars Deputy Arjona rose amidst a up.
very dangerous to life, consider mained at Guabito; and in addi. selt in her room, and made to 50 cents each or 15 days a very Monday Sept. ing the swiftness of the on rush tion to the fine they men were embrace her; at the same time imprisonment.
ing current, and that when the commanded to take down the drawing a concealed knife from Oa nearly every farm along eloquent address spoke on the bali of Deputies Alvarado and Precisely at 2:15 the Assembly river floods, it would be impossi bridge built by them, his person he plunged it into the the Changuinola Railway blet crossing This is wanton regions of of her heart. The un company of Garvey Legion is Arias. His speech was forcible, was called to order. When the logical and to the point. The roll was called the names of In view of the calamitous dis outrage and hardship on the horietan ate taman in rən down the organizind hand it is a regular Cheers from the gallery were Deputies: Alvarado and Arias of stairs into a complaint that nocturnal Vidal above mentioned aster which has overtaken the unfortunate sufferers who are nian woman roon and there boura. parties of these men sally continuous and prolonged and were left out. Deputy farms, in taxpayers and were placed in a ha names of the two House went wild with entha paties were not called, Gene farm to.
another the Holy their complete non productive most unenviable position. It was abe fell aced under arrest making caused by the Panama an ove sham attacks, marching an overt and hostile act of the and the dead body of this unfor: sometimes as far as from itteen ral disease the Voited compa Deputy Patino rose and called fol Quldzıda, replied that they company. It showed no Fruit Company brought about pathy for were for the poor people weh tunata Santo to twenty miles under cover of through which the country was in the gallery became hostile and removed to covereer attention sentiments came supreme. The the dire hardships of transpor: are trying to be industrious; and woman Hospital. The deceased darkness.
tation on the settlers as the an active Church While writing the report, passing and that the Assembly in it was impossible for any busibridge which had done them such actions must retard the worker at the Panama Baptist comes of the cays in this speech the public showed mark Deputies crowded the centre of e development of the to hand that the Bele was working in the best interest hinter church, and she demonstrated of the nation be transacted. Tha services for so many years was lands of the Republic, If Temoved much to their chagrin an offenca has been committed Very much interest and activi. archipelago, a factional confusion ed approval with continuous Throughout his ness to View, one the Chamber and it was then and disappointment, and noth ties in all the Churches func bas occurred among (Continued On Paye Continued On Page 8)
dog was done; nor was any steps members, and that applausa, and at one time it was!
in the affray Oa Wednesday ber remains was the secretary there gave them committed at the Herrera Cem president a nasty stab.
RUMOUR ABOUT SALE OF WEST tery by Rev. Mr. Thorburne, bunch has been brought across, The WILL THE CUBAN REPUBLIC EVER She leaves four children to and while the wounded are in INDIAN ISLANDS TO mourn her irreparable loss. hospital the accused are in jail.
BOOM AGAIN. OF. Session American Papers Says possessions.
Even the Horse Racing Next Month.
Washington Officials Be Department showed thorough Virgin Islanders, formerly of satisfaction with the trend of That Uncle Sam Does the Danish West Indies On Monday last, the lieves That Countrys Fis affairs and predicted that We learn grumbling and surely because that the Panama Jockey Club Sub Committee Net Need Tropic Isles.
on good authority Lodge, No. 20. of cal Affairs Is Nearing proper execution of the plans Sam has not inaugurated under tho agreed upon would go far Completion.
a reign of milk and honey, with intends to pull of a race meeting auspices of the Star of the Isth toward normalization and the a ARE NO GOOD TO HER. every body rich and no work on or about the first of October mua Logde No. 2166 held their betterment of business condiacross the channel This if everything goes well The Eleventh Antual Session tions generally.
comprise Porto Rico, with its decidedly program will WORK OF CROWDER.
The following brethren were Races Editor Says People Would Not mixed population, ninety General Crowder Work.
per of substantial purses to be com elected to serve the ensuing Welcome Any More Troubles cent of whom hatı us heartilly peted for. This event will not term.
Numerous In No mention of General CrowChanges Wih Possessions.
be and the majority aspiring to the efficial inauguration meet Bros. Isaac, der was made in the statements The Birmingham News of absolute independence from us. ing but a scratch meeting which Bowen, M, 8. Chilcott System of Govt. to Oust but officials of the Washington Porto Rico is of no is intended to try out the new DG. Clarke, T; Reactionary Officials. Government have not concealed America, of August 1, publishes good to us, and is a liability in track and equipment being. com Jennings, their admiration for the work he. stead of an asset, has done in Cuba since he leted by the Club at Juan precisely as Whether inspired or not, in the Virgin Islands are.
Why late Washington despatch sent there to give advice as the order to see how the suggestion should we take on more of those 100 The Jockey Club has just Appointments Made dated August 22 states that after personal representative of Presiis received in Washington, and islands where every boy Allan of Jamaica who will take secured the services of Mr.
many months of confusion and dent Harding, in the midst of people, and only man On Sunday evening last at the uncertainty, the reconstruction bitter factional strife.
teat rumours continue to come ome Under arms limitation over the management of the meeting held by the League of of Cuba political and fiscal Though the statement did not from London that the British agreement the necessity for the business of the club, and it Collegians affairs is nearing completion on mention from what source the and Government would like very more naval bases is gone. There is stated that with Mr. Allan Collegians of the Presi: a Prospective a basis whịch State Department proposed loan is to be knowledge of racing that the dent, Mr. Noville, tylocal square accounts with is no reason for acquiring any losl public can rest assured that virtue of the authority vested in era of restored confidence officials regard as promising an It is known that negotiations the United States, but of course more island territory. It would cannot do too with cash and is be a good thing if we could be in de bestiarin Programes to interest figuring upon otoring an as a rid of what we have. The popu ted on the most modern and up ed Mr. Thomas, as Chair The international bankers New York, in such a nclal payment for the considerable lation of most of these islands to date system as obtained in man of the Board of Directors. the drafting of which Cuban amount due some islands of the is negro or negroid, preponder any other part of the habitable and Mr. th. Bestros secondectare: oficials had been the constant cameras would again igive to Lloyd antly, and there is sufficient of a globe.
Cuba recognized standing in President of the League.
aid of Major General Enoch international fiscal relationships.
George is a natural trader, and negro problem here at home Crowder, it is said in advices be figures it would be vanity without going overseas to take Rəmoval Of The Variety here to have reached cation of the Civil Service LAW The program includes modiftickling deal, to such extent, on more.
Grand Parcel Party, stage where re establishment Store.
of others of Government and financial and the suspension perbanya be gudgeon enough to The conviction is growing in swallow the bait but pay a hand many quarters now that, instead On the evening of the 21st, stability appears to be assured. which will enable the Executive Mrs. B. Forbeg begs to inst the Girl Friendly. Sobiecy Government machinery, making a bill providing for a Numerous changes in the to organise rapidly and effectiveof embarking upon a wider executive departments some sum or so to boot.
Because we paid an outragouscourse of imperialism, it might be hag removed her place of will give a grand Parcel Party to possible the retirement of her many patrons. better sum to the Danish Government ben rood idea for this govern: business from for three almost worthles Titlement to concentrate upon at Santo Tomas Hospital to No. 78 Clubhouse. Come and get the the Auditorium of the La Boca and judiciai oficiais who siand system of accounting: bill in the commission for the to standing onderste by mongrel people blacks problems at home and build up more commodious premises her ulce things in them. Come and plan, with a sweeping rehabilita hu indebtedness; a the country for the citizens we rendering more effective predominating in order to keep those islands out of the hands of bave within our borders, Lloyd Patrons and the general public enjoy the many sports that are vion of the entire tax collecting certain portions of the judical will be better facilitated An in store for you Fine music all and disbursting system off the procedure and facilitating the Germany, it does not follow that George shrewd scheme inspection to the new variety the time public Treasury.
We would welcome any more dump some of Britain West store at Chorillo is cordially removal of members of the in Admission adults, 25c. Child In a statement detailing the Judiciary, and a bill providing troubles in the way of colonial (Continued on Page 8) vited.
ren 15c.
programme to night the State for a foreign loan, woman was tions are00000 now are Uncle Rights was The Franco, is the derived, much to and proreceived fiscal creating a your Govern to


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