
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBIR Idee PAGE THREE vilistele Piotin og sammen International Banking Corporation Three annama HAVE YOU TRIED Legislature Swi Wibitiw T photographs of QUALITY DEVELRY BARGAINS ary next West Indian Nors.
Oklahoma Mexia (Continued from page Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Oil Gas Co. Ltd.
unconscios and bad to be taken to hospital where he was de Now paying monthly diviBained for observation.
donds. Has paid Are COnSOU tive months. 170 proven acres OR CRIOKET TEAM.
with 21 vellssveraging about 35 barrela dally from sanda Selection Committe.
462, 885 and 762 feet deop.
Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New Yone Owned by TH NATIONAL Coty BANK or Nsw York rigs drilling gas well Appointed.
of 22 million and 18 million cuble feet waiting pipeline. Also on. meeting of the Queen Ras well of million cubic feet Park was held yesterday which supplies our power, and Depository of the PANAMA CANAL afternoon. when in the quadalso power to other rigs at 10 voidable absence of Major per day. oder a limited num Ha igen, 8. Me, Nelson ber of shares at 15 per hundred Beta ou was selected to Cap Act quickly if you want stock.
tain la Island Cricket Team Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of WILSON, which is to proceed early next mortito Demerara to battle in THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Wichita Falls, Texas, the Intercolonial Triangular (Cable Addrass Wilbow. ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM contest The Selection Committee was CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES also appointed and comprises:ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO Notice.
Messrs. Nelson Betancourt Kel sholl, CA. Wiles, URUGUAT AND VENEZUELA Hargreaves, Constantine. snr) EW, Lack, and Andre Mrs. Annie Lindsay, Traia Cipriani.
ed Nurse and Midwife begs to Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World notify her Patrons that she has In connection with the fortheft the Isthmus for a short coming Intercolonial Cricket period and on her return wil Tournament, Mr. J, Money make due notification.
penny, who is wellknown in the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE West Indies and merara has offered a Cup for the best batting average among the Dem. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Notice.
enars tea The Cup will be kept in the custody of Messrs.
Booker Bros.
The General public is hereby notified that at a Special Meeting of the West India ComDEMERARA mittee of Panama held recently Wetary of State.
the undersigned was duly elected The matter then dropped. Secretary for this Organzation.
Vacancies in Demerara All communications, ior any CIVIL SERVANTS SALA other matter or thing pertaining RIES.
theret. should therefore be addressed to him at Box No. 156 GOVERNOR ADHERES TO Balboa Heights or, in care of the Rey. Nigbtengale, Ancon Friends BONUS REMOVAL.
You will find Post Office.
GOVERNOR UNINSTRUCTED Clerks Not Worse Off Than WILLIAMS His Excellency Asked Not to if a series of Others.
Secretary. Split Hairs His Excellency the Governor Countersigned you want of Demerara has issued a circuA, NIGHTENGLE.
Ata recent meeting of the lar to Heads of Departments in Chairman Demerara Combined Court, Mr.
120 MOVING PICTURE reply to the petition by the Civil Brassington inquiried wbat Servants of that colony against effct will be given to the rehis decision to withdraw the commendation of the Secretary at STARS temporary increases to all Goy of State with regard to filling ernment employees from Januthe vacancies created by Elective Members being absent.
a one stood that He: It is under Excellency states His Excellency: am not that in his opinion Civil Servants way aware of any such recomenda Reasonable are no worse of than other employees and inview of the Mr: Brassington: It is outrevenue and the lined in Major Wood report.
Price general financial situation in the colony, His Excellency: Oh, the Unhe is not prepared to continue to Lurden the already der Secretary of State.
Your chance over bu dened taxpayers by Mr. Brassington: Yes, Your maintaing any temporary inExcellency.
creases to Government employ casion will bring you to on We are hoping that some of His Excellency: But you said series ees.
the Secretary of State.
It is undere tood that the store shortly. And when you Mr. Brassingtor; We won petitioners are not satisfied with do come be assured that it will aplit haire, Your Excellency, FIVE CENTS His Excellency reply and are be a pleasure for us to serve His Excellency: have receivcontemplating a further step.
you, and that our pleasure in ed no com manication from the for DEMERARA TWO MIL. serving you will make your visit Secretary of State on the sub.
LION LOAN to our store even more enjoy Me, Brassington: Then you FIFTEEN CIGARETTES able for yourself.
are going to use the full force Colony, The Biggest Subscriber.
of the Government majority. FULLER His Excellency: Suggestions or 106, 508, 72 REMAINING JEWELLER by the Under Secretary of State are not instructions to me from 12 CENTRAL AVENUE THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
British Guiana subscribed 1, the Secretary of State, and if 315, 750 towards the the Secretary of State approves Govern ment two million dollar loan of that. suggestion, have that he will which was closed last week. Of FOR SALE or the remaining due course 684. 250, the British West Iodies subsuribed me to 644, 200, Canada 35, 900, suppose you know that site: ations to the Constitution may 2, 500, the 050 and One Stuvessant Piano not be carried out by the GovZone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12. British Honduras total sum paid up towards the ernment without the permission In 1. Condition loan to date is of the Secretary of State. 1, 893, 491. 23, think that it is in the Governor ARMADONANMAMMA MAMA MAANANAMAN Leaving a balance of 108, 508. 72 No reasonable offer turned instructions. If ever shall down.
bave such instructions don For particulars apɔly at Mr. Brassington: am Important to Lodges. Teachers Team bot thinking of this change; am WORKMAN PRINTERY thinking of the Combined Court For Trinidad Central Ave Street hope there will be some All notices for publication Ad.
Panama City machinery whereby we can vertising dates of meeting nights The Daily, Argosy states that have an acting man just the are charged for at the rate 00 same as the Government has.
per month payable in advance.
the Teachers cricket team will His Excellency: Well, Dental Notice the Publications notifying suspen leave the colony to day (ThursUnder der Secretary of State has Why throw away your old, but no sion or expulsion of members day) by the Oaraqnet not recommended. It seems to are charged for per inch of for Trinidad to return the visit of Trinidad team to the colony Having received a large corme that if you allow the Finanspace taken.
cial Representatives who August. The Colonye team signment of dental supplies from are elected to fill vacancies in the Lodges and other local Friend will be captained by Mr. the United States during the Court of Policy, that is a differ can have them neatly bound at 15 Societies are hereby requested Jackson and eleven of the thir week, at a greatly reduced price.
ent kind of thing from patting to be governed accordiogls.
selected played for desire my patients and the people from outside who the colons against the Trinidad public to know that my fees for are The MANAGEMENT lans inst year.
mot Electives in the Court of Patterson and dental service will also be reduced Policy. Whom do you propose the two new while these supplies last.
These comers, interchanges Dr. G, JOHNSON these people the Governor?
JUAN ILLUECA between the teachers of the two District Dentist colonies are of inestimable La Boca, Mr. Brassington: The convalue in promoting friendly instituencies to which the Vaca QAttorney. at. Law tercourse between the teaching 179 Central Avenue cies belong, No. 44 Central Avenue fraternity, and it is hoped Opposite P, Station His Excellency: If the people that the visits will be made an Panama.
don want vacancies they would TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 annual feature. The team to re not create them.
present the Colony teachers is and No. G Street Practices in all Courts of His Excellency: That has not, the strongest available and with Ront Receipt Books In SpanPanama.
skiltal handling should give sh and English for sale at the so far as am aware, even been suggested pý the Under SecreEnglish Spoken Fluently (Continued on Page Workman Printry.
OELOGLU in each package When you decreased complete this has arrived we give you an Album FREE word to the CIGARETTES time instruct that effect.
England know Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you 1994 teen players Worrell are to appoint THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE


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