
PAGE FOUR WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1922, THE WORKMAN LOMBARDO CARTERS Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, as the ofice Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters hao and corner of Strool, Panama, of publie interest invited.
do Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATBB OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be nocompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 S. Oy the writer, not necessarily for publionBlx Months 20 ton but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return Ooo 350. erejected orrespondence Tree Llberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 Three CIGARETTES 30 Will soon be on sale in every establishment throughout the Republic INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF WEST INDIAN POLITICIANS IN PANAMA.
SCICO CARTERT 20 CIGARETTES: 74c. Bel CARTERS Tuk Ener filways in stock at PRODUCTS service to you.
aro West Indians bere who study the present social conditions of their own people in this country due, no doubt, to the economic depression existing all around, do not MANUFACTURED BY conceal their surprise that the various island governments have not tried to do something to help to relieve the situa The Pan American Tobacco Co tion by sending representatives from their own governCARTER ments to investigate and ascertain facts as they exist, and INKS, FASTES MUCILAGES not depend only upon official dispatches, which, however pregnant with information, could never be as impressive as verbal reports and comments tendered in the LegislaCHURCH SERVICES BENEDETTI HERMANOS Central fiva 3rd. St.
tive Chambers of the islands by those who had seen for (American Episoopal Church)
themselves and who could express their information with PANAMA compelling vividness and vivacious emphasis.
CO CO2 CnH2n CH4 H2 O2 He (Thirteenth Sunday Aibor Trinity)
When a little more than a month ago several memSt. Paul Church, Panama bers of the Jamaica Legislature visited the isthmus, they am, Holy Communion, gathered a collection of facts and information relative to These signs may mean nothing to you 10 sm, The Litany the real conditions and circumstances of West Indians 10. tn Holy Eucharist and sermon, here which, it is believed, they will use to advantage in but to us they are the symbols of the Holy Baplin, the interests of their own people. They inquired into pm. Sunday School.
various gases which properly propor730 pm Evensong and sermon.
every possible department of experience and peered into WILKINSON every possible crevice of information so as to insure to NIGHTENGALE Vicar tioned make up what we know as GAS themselves a thorough knowledge all that West lodians St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Contractor out of employment or otherwise are undergoing. a. Holy Communion.
But the voice of a legislator from Jamaica will scarce11 am. stins and address, and Builder ly be heard in Trinidad or in Bai bados. It is expected that p. Bunday School, legislators from Jamaica will leave no stone unturned in constant uniform mixture of 30 pm Evensong and addrese. 15th STREET, WEST their efforts to ameliorate the conditions of their people P. NIGH TENGALE Priest in chargo House No. 90 at home and rescue those of their countrymen stranded these gases constitute our Las Sabanas Mission Box 411, Panama, P.
abroad; and, however good their intentions might be as Church School pm to the other islands, it cannot be expected that they would 415 pm Evensong and address do much for the reason that they would not be delivering NIGHTENG ALE Priset in charge Plans and Specifications Free their message to these other islands in person. While St. Peter Church La Boca.
their reports would be first hand in Jamaica they would 6, 30. Holy Communion be second hand elsewhere.
First Class Workmanship Despite what has been told by persons returnPANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY 11m, Matins and addres Sperial Song Service. m, Guaranteed.
ing to the various islands from Panama and from PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: 720p. Evening and sermon Cuba, and regardless of official dispatches and newsJ. T, MULCARE. Restor Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
paper reports which bave been republished in their periodi.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire Dr. HOFFMANN cals and dailies, it is evident, on account of the lack of Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Litasy and Holy Communion 10:45 am official action, that the governments in these islands do Sunday School a has reopened his clinic for not really understand the seriousness of the conditions Evening Prayer and addrom, 80p. disenses of the blood, rheumawhich bave overtaken their countrymen here and in the JT MULCARE, Priest in charge tism and urolog cal cases in neighboring republic.
Why Not Invite Jamal. The Lucas and Clovelly teams The most that has impressed itself upon the mind of composed entirely St. Bartholomew Church, of the upper floor of Al Place, can Team. the governments, or the most that they have been able to Colored men, and it would not Las Cascadas Santa Ana Plaza, Street, cost cost too much to bring them Morning Prayer and address, 11am see is the state of pauperism in which hundreds of people over, as the gate receipts from 30 pm. Bunday Sehool No.
have been returning for the past three or four years; and Cricket Fans on the Isthmus these games would cover all the a 30 evning Prayer and address in many instances, this circumstance has been the cause who are deeply interested in the expenses. trust the Cricket Rev JT Muloare, Priest in sharp Salvation Army of grave concern and lengtby discussions, in which strange Grand Old English Game of Council of both the Atlantic and. up the Baptist Church su 30 am Prayer Meeting has developed to remedy the situation.
see the Isthmus ad. matter, and put it in concrete 10 Sunday School vanced should To come down to a raw. boned fact, it must be stated sider this suggestion: Why Isth seriously! con form to the various Clubs on the colonia m. 7, 15 Pastor Thrift Chorrillo 11 am Isthmus. We want to see the 11; 15 am Holinos Moeting 7, 15 Pastor Witt Suaday Sohool pm that West Indians stranded abroad do not cease to be cannot the teams from both great Holt, the star bat Corozal Rond 11 am Deacon Linton 7:30. m. Salvation Meating West Indians. If successful, they are hailed by their com ends, put together and invite of Jamaica, who is also Captain GEORGE MORRIS.
patriots at home in glowing terms; why should they be either the Lucas or Clovelly of the Lucas leaders in the Empire 11 am Pastor Witt forgotten and forsaken because they bave been unfortunate? Week. They would arrive on this suggestion worthy of deep Poeblo Nuevo II a. Mr, Stewart for 7:30 Mr Brown Commandant, The American government loses no time in helping its Wednesday, and meet the Vic consideration?
7:30 Deaeon Stever Seventh Day Adventist Chureb stranded citizens to get back home, and in this respect, toria, Sussex and Wanderera, SPORTING FAN. Cativa 11 m, Denon Foster No. Q STREET CALIDONIA West Indian Governments and Downing Street are taught Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Now Providence Dancon Broom lessons which they are slow to learn.
An all Isthmian Team on SanROAD, PANAMA Now Gatun Thursday 7:30 Pastor Thrift Rent Recelpt Books In SpanIf Barbados, Trinidad, the Leeward and the Windward day and Monday in Panama, Saturday) 45 Islands would appoint official delegations to Panama, and Tuesday Surrey, Wednesday ish and English for sale at the Church Of God G St Colon bath School; 11, 15 am General Worabie Britannic. Depart Thursday. Workman Printery Gospel Sermon 11. 30 am 30 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 if the delegations to appointed were to proceed to the Sungay School pm Young Peoplo Meeting; 30 Isthmus with open eyes and open minds to study the social Sis Brewster, Pastor. Erang.
Veapers and economio conditions in which their brethren and they would be willing and anxious to return to their homes Bunday evening at p. Reading countrymen are living bere, it would not be long before a they equirm at the idea of landing in their native home Gatun Class. All are welcome both young and old. 30 m, Preaching Service radical change would come about. If, at present, these without enough money even to purchase meals for a week, Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 islands are slow in encouraging their stranded natives back nothing to say of those cases where no relatives or close Sunday School pm George Griffith Wesleyan Methodist home it is because they are laboring under the delusion friends can be found to offer a lodging.
Panama, 11 Mr. Alfred Harris that, hard or soft, the people here can find something with Tbose West Indians who are stranded bere have no New Providence 30 Rev. Kistock Braham which they might eke out an existence; but this is far from funds whatsoever. The British Legation, while acknow 10, 15. Baptism in the river Pebenko being true, and delegations coming here and seeing for ledging the people dire necessity, finds itself powerless 11. 30 a 7:30 Holy Communion and Colon. 11. 2, 0, Mr. George Lsynis themselves and returning and hammering their informa. for lack of funds, to render any assistance. Official infor feet wasbing Bailey Pastor 7:30 Rev. C. Surgeon (La Bues 11 Rev. Kissoak Bracam tion into the heads of responsible people would be effective mation, sufficiently appealing has, it is believed, been of much good in the interest of West Indians in foreign forwarded to Downing Street and to the various islands Panama St Building 18 San Miguel. Mr. Louis Lindo countries who might happen to find themselves in indigent of British Dominion to warrant action from some potenGospel Sermons 11, 30 a. 7, 30 New Providence 11. Rev. Ma circumstances.
quarter. But nothing has been done, and some other way Sunday School pm Surgeon If it would be too expensive a proposition to send of getting the critical situation before the people repreParaiso 11 am, Supplied. Bailey Pastor deputations from the West Indies to investigate the consentatives at home must be found.
Empire 11. Mr. J, Airail ditions of their own people here and elsewhere where they It is believed that Barbados or any other West Indian Bible Truth Churches, Christian Mission Of Panama sre suffereng severely, it would be a good alternative for island would appropriate reasonable sums of money for San Miguel Pansms 11. a Pearly Billo 7:30 their governments to appoint influential and independent distribution to its stranded people in Panama who might 5:a. Morning Prayer Cragwell natives abroad whose keen interest in affairs affecting their desire to return home. If the governments understood 10 am Children Service Chorillo 11. am Trotmaa 7:30 Supt.
countrymen would prompt them to render reliable, even more of conditions in foreign countries they would act 11 am Preaching Service Burke La Bocs 1L am Supt. Rutka 7730 if gratuitous, service in eupplying the proper informatior more judiciously in cases brought to their attention. Each 30 pm Sunday School that would lead to the relief and repatriation of stranded case of repatriation would not require aid, nor would the 30 pm Gospel Service, Taylor West Indians, Paraiso 11 am 7;30 Moseley distributing centres hand out money indiscriminately, but Calidonia Gatun am 7;30 Sis. Thorpe Anent the question of repatriation, it must be admit just as the American Red Cross Society distributed small a. Morning Peayer Calon 11 am Miller 7;30 W, Noblett: In addition, there will be consects ted that with all the acuteness of the people sufferings me as an act of humanity to hundreds of penniless West 10 am Children Sarvice there has been a marked in difference, among the majority. Indians to facilitate them in their return to their homes, 230 pm Sunday School Service tion Servece at La Boca at 4:30 on the Lot of land that has been granted in submitting to repatriation. Why? Because, althou so cuid the people own governments do as an act of 30 m Gospel Service for the erretion of the Church Building, impoverished, they have not lost all their pride, and while cecognized obligation. E, Barclay Pastor in chargo, Rev. BURKE, Supt.
Cricket pm.


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