
THE WORKKAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922, PAGE FIVE Shoes. Shirts. Hats Street (C and fail to vojournere Large and Choice Assortment CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES American Bazaar Stores Coco York, At Last other distinfrom members ence until the Butcher West Indian NOTICE Lily Of The Atlani le Lodge No.
493 Memorlal Day Needed. PDR. HUBERT EDWARDS The following are the meeting Begs to notify his clients that aights of the above named Lodge To the editor of The Workman, be has removed his residence second and fourth Wednesday Cristobal Col. Scbool, from 4th Street to 8b and and first Saturday of each month, Streets Colon. Deveaux Build.
at the Gabrel Union Lodge Hall September 5th, 1922 ing) commonly called The corner of Hudson Lane aod sixth Sir. Please publish this lot. Louis.
ter in your extensively read paper.
First meeting takes place on the 18th of September Messrs. DAVIS to save money for other people who do and GIBSON.
not share ia our viowa.
ALONZO YOUNG remish with insistent vabeneaca The Three Most Prominent Gentlemen: Secretary Appeals to the brarti and obedience of Box, No. 1786, With pleasure noted your his countrymar, He resoria to every sort statements in the Workman of a perrusion of threat and worning, of Items In Man Dress Cristobal, last week, concerning the West intrepid eloquense to awaken in them Indian Memorial Day.
It is a good idea This is done of care for the weak and opprewed and sense of religion. lile of jus: daring, lected officers: O. Lawrence, to many parts in the West Indies of kindness towards the strangen und President; Carter, Viceto see why It cannot President; Mitchell, Secre.
be done the on Isthmus tary; and Rankin, Publicist, This teaching of the prophate nechce The American have kept metly tb» teaching of Jesus. found in The meetings are fixed for Mon up their Memorial Day. the how wayings of mine. He strikes days, Tuesdays and Toursdays.
Panamanians tave kept right at the heart of matters, He showe Any persons desiring to become theirs, and why should not the searcely any interest in what most of the a member can apply to Mr.
West Indians follow the exim people around bim cal religion, or what Mitchell, Secretary.
ples. From the strength of they think is religion. lle talked about these two mentioned, West the kingdom of heaven a rule on earth GATUN Indians need to be encouraged of good wil, of meekness, forgivenem to make a to how their botour for their idea that the way to prve men. Men are step forward, and and pure thinking Ho emphasiard to On August 31, last, the Gatun departed ones daily and hourly being judged by the Division of the Universal Negro i, realise that upon earnest heart searching standard of conduct.
Improvement Association and request, the impathetic Gov.
African Community League, ernor of the Panama Catal wil No better moto than this can any one Division No. 16, had quite an put over the portals of this life To do not hesitate; in bis approval for enjoyable evening at the st, day, set apart, for ibis Justies, and to love kindness, and to walk purpose.
Bernard Lodge hall.
It was Then, not only would the mass bumbly with thy God.
the occasion of the celebration march to Mt. Hope and Certain it is the vials of persecution of the closing of the big Negro Panama Colon Convention at Harlem, New prior to the march Memo ultimately make martyr of him and which held its sittings rial Services thсuld be held in redound the benefits of him and bio o us. throughout the month.
the various West Indian church Thanking you Mr. Editor, The Lodge hall was tastefully 09. May the ministers of the beg to remain, yours truly, decorated for the purpose, Mr.
gospel, and West Indians, in GEORGE RICHARDS, Frank Connell, was present and general, show their intrest in Canal Zone Notes introduced by Godtrey, Exe this matter and endeavour to make the move a success.
cutive Secretary. Mr. Connell delivered INITIATION CEREMONY very eloquent ad.
Respectfully, LA BOCA. dress for the opening and was SMITH, loudly applauded for his very At Royal King George Lodge Dramatic Show at La Boca.
kind sentiments.
No: 2, of recitations, diaYour Opportunity Is At Hand lo. Several songs, Wesleyan Methodist On Thursday 14th inst. pre and at the close of these activi and spreches were given.
On Monday night the 28th August the cisely at 800 the curtain and at Concert will raise at the La Boca Club ties, substantial supper was Royal King George Lodge, No. 2, house, displaying a gorgeous served which ended with toasts of B, had links added to its chain by array of taleot, in connection to the Association, the PresiIn Aid Cf Higher Education. When our noble and beloved Bro.
the way of initiation, great was the joy with the Variety Entertainment guished dent General and Samuelv, lled the meeting to and Dance to be given there.
officers of the AssociaIC WE HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE tion.
The choir of the Wesleyan (rder, the hall was packed, at the timol Very much congratulaRheumatism, Indisposition, Indi. tions were tendered to the prin.
Methodist Church, Colon. toge and a while after it was members after ther with a number of local seeking admittance gestion or any of the other lis cipal officers for the successful TO BUY artists) 18 preparing for a sacred members reached u much as Seventy that tend to dampen your cheer evening spent. Special mention is ful spirit, take a walk, run, or a made of made of Sisters Annie White, concert to come on on Wednes. three (73) a number that for a long drive there. GO DOWN TO Eliz Rankin, Lady day evening the 20th inst. time past never was seen, Bro.
EGYPT FOR TAERE YE WILL Secretary; Clara Willo Presiden Caroline The object of this effort is to Brown, and Bro. Lamont, FIND CORN.
assist the Circuit in subscribing along with many as officers Ader the show which is in lame, Eva Brown and B, Nurse its quote of the drive for the paid us a vieit, also. Bro. Samuela.
NY WHERB itself, of a bigher level than the al Black Cross Nurses and Ella 80, 000 sbilling fund if ibe after having things fixed up.
NY TIME ordioary Concerts, there will be Ward, Executive Lady PresiJamaica District for the purpose turn the meeting for initiation, the NY PRICE a Dance with the Silver City of re opening the York Castle and solemn ceremony wably performed by Orchestra bitting up the latest Barbican Bigh Schools in the Bro. Samuela instructed by Blues, etc Island of Jamaica.
Bra. Brown, after the IN THE ZONE 10 for cents Grand Dan Be Held These Institutions under the to the banquet tocma and there partock initiation ww over, the members went IN THE REPUBLIC 16 for 127 cents At Clubhouse auspices of the denomination, to the banqu LAS CASCADAS have in the past provided higher of the many nice things that proeducation to some of boa dick themelves vided by the genial Hesten, who proved The members of St. Bernard SURPRISINGLY GOOD to mark. We are proud to LA, Chaptsr No. 14, WILLodge No. 16, M. will be sons of Jamaica. Through Hold Rally Lodge, St.
Barnaof funds they have had to be state that our giving a big dance at the Silver suspended during the last decade Las No. turn out in number that City Clubhouse on Monday night and it is the hope of the District how their love to us, great praise should The Las Cascadas Branch of Sept. 18, Martins famous band really given to Brown, Chapter 14 of the UNI will will be in to re cpen them in the near the thy Bro. De very beo. Resolution of Sym ROOMS TO LET hos erand Rallo abide Dance at looking forward to attendance tuture.
been invited ere his The object is worthy of the keep both Lodges on thi6 blessed their hall. All are invited. pleasant support of all Jamaicans and is principle of Love, Unlty and Peace, that pathy.
CALLE No and enjoyable evening The an obligation on all Methodists happy night will over be remembered, most popular ladies and gentleand considering that a programe the function was brought to close at APPLY ON PREMISES Literary Society Formed men here have expressed their to keeping with the traditions of mm, WHEREAS, it has pleased the willingness to be present.
this talented choir, will be preAll Wise God of the universe in Literary Society has been Bent it is anticipated that a The Burning Book. formed and those wishing to be Song Service Tomorrow record house will crown the Hon. Thoe Wint His Unerring Providence to remove from our midst; our esteemmembers can, please apply to ed beloved sister Florence Rice On account of the prominecce Mr. Abendeau. who will furnish In which sad occurence took place at and the well deserved advertise all necessary information in conconsequence of the heavy Colon, on August 17th, 1922, ment which downpour of rain on Sunday last. few local the weekly song service did not WUI Return To The Minister have been giving to WHEREAS, this Lodge being the Harp of God, a wonderful take place, but the same will be awakened to full realization of unsectarian little book published Mr. Joseph Starts Activities held Tomorrow evening at Isthmus.
the To The Editor Of The Workman usual hour, should the clemency this painful visitation, by which by the International Bible Stu Dear Sir. As a layman, am frank we loose a pillar of our temple. dents Association of Brooklyn, Mr. Joseph of the Pedro Miguel of the weather permite. All are to the end new balans retorted op Hon: Theo Wint, of pattern in der weer brillers Hot Judge porutherford te stated that he will be putting the Christian Mission Annivermy that do spprove the We are pleased to report that whose entire career, should be a New York, and authored by the colored Club has been laid on requested to be out on time.
to reduction of force.
Rev Barclay, the cfficial bead of Jamaica People Bociety, will and member No. 2807, by announcing that a We the officers desire to the Prin to augment this oence for the benefit of the Clubhouse in order, where sary.
the Bible Truth Church.
make an early return to this cess will be dances and other bis for the purpose of In the efforts to destroy and discredit deem this a fitting Bible Study is him wd his organisation, lay this with transeunfinished business moment to pay a lasting tribute Bible Students Hall 156 conducted at Sacon wes les for the residents on the bank of the Canal, danc out prejudice to the bo are launchicg which owing to his hurried re to our departed sister. Conspic AVO Tuesday night at 80 recent date which will be knowned success. The function was The Christian Mission Sunday (near DeLessep I be organized within School Anniversary was a decid.
reports with the intention of creating an complete. Mr. Wint will leave able qualities in the Order of Jamaica on October 9, and will Shepherdry, which she so dearly the Dhody is principally for as the Jolly 16. Membership is held at the residence of Mr. and idea of guilt, and it is gratifying solicited to make this club a Mrs. Bovell, in the lower part success For my part, like fair play and do spend a few days in Colon and loved.
was not see any theory in this systematic Panama.
BE IT RESOLVED, that we to note the interest, progress and general evinced, very much crowded and there attack being engineered by the Reverend Honourable Gentlemen bow in humble submission to the numerically EMPIRE was hardly standing room for the gentleman erries, it has always been writes in glowing terms of West mandates of the Chief Shepherd Come full of questions; bring rule of law, that, where epite, personal Indian Unity on the isthmus, of the Universe, who ordaineth your numbər of persons who Hirps; a enmity proven jealouy forced the brais and is desirous of harmonising glory.
competent leader presides. au Domino Championship Games. Rev. Burke, Pastor of the attended of an attack upen the citizen the care the activities of the Jamaica BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED are welcome.
thrown out upon the theory that People Society with the West that we entertain the fond assur mission presided. In taking the chair he referred to the very the accuser must into the court Indian Committee so as to secure ance, of being reunited on the On Wednesday night, Mr, interesting program in hand and with elean bauds, this must be first better representation at home banks of that beautiful river, the Britisb West Indians under our Great Chief, where we published in the Workman and champion match was started. be guardians the duty they owe to Carter residence a domino impressed on the parents and proven Criticieirg the gentleman and dio abroad.
will be one sheep under one a copy be forwarded for publica tween Messrs. Carter and Burke. the It is refreshing to note the Shepherd.
agreeing with him, and bio policies, is children, tion in the monthy magazines of Tbe by program consisted of 120 one thing, and maliciously miereprezent liberal mindedness shown AND BE IT RESOLVED, that the Loyal Order of Aacieat so as to determine the ing him is another, His ples at the our West Indian politicians in our Surance and Lodge Phara Shepherds. The deceassd was a scientific player.
items and it must be said that Reception Service at San Migubl was expressing a desire to serve the phanalias be very much credit must be given draped for a period of Barbados, and was to those who trained so succes scholarly legical and convicting. He interest of the people concerned of three (3) months, and that we forty three (43)
Literary Club Organized years old, arriv foliy the little ones. Masters mry e may be detroned, but the It is anticipated that all respon extend to her ief stricken ing on the Isthmus in 1908, she fall, he principle bich bei uns contending aible men and women here will family. the fraternal sympathy leavesar husband and a stepson and little Miss.
Brig Scantlebury did their On Monday night last, at the Doris live demonstrate of Ancient to moura her.
exceptionaliy Her remains was There are hundreds of people in interest in Ar. Wint and the Shepherds In conclusion it was Panews today who believe gentlemen who visited resolyed that the foregoing reso Mount Hope Cemetery on the the purpose of assisting the trom Colon and costobashildren PANAMA against the these parts, so that they belations be embodied on our evening of August, 18th and was young people here in developing city and they did much to Give Movement, which us for its encouarged in exerting them minutes, a copy with a letter of accorded the last Rites of Shep a higher culture of literature, enliven and make interesting sent object Africa first. but this should selves to improve conditions in condolencebe to her berdry The meeting was called to order the very lengthy and remarkabl Lot caure us to unduly exert ourselves the West Indies, bereaved husband, a Copy to be (Barbados papers please copy) and the following persons were program.
New York Cigarettes AN dant.
up to our Sister and all 18 Be Fairplay in Criticism.
and, bere Harp there public ing club will The large Bibles and things for his for most native residence of Mr. Carterior parte re ware several children MUSI. in other


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