
LONDON CORRESPONDENCE British Trade And Industry.
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Canada Steamer Contract.
Why Wore Not Given It.
DEPOSITORY OF holiday en cour The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy dian with thi latter be gents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA KING BEE MAGNUMS imatically The reason why the Canadian Government Merchant Marine were not given the contract for steamship service between Canads the West Ladies and British Guians was explained in sb Canadian Huse of Commons prior to prorogation by the Hon. Robb, Minister of Trade and Commerce in reply to ques tion saye The Canadian Gazette Mr. Robb stated that the CantGovernment Merchant Marine were asked if they wish.
ed to put in a tender and they replied that it was not their Intention to do so as they had no Steamers which would comply senger accommodation or cold as storage should the necessary The only tender received for the service WLS from the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company of London, England.
The contract previously exist.
lag was renewed for two years from April 1, 1922. It provides for a fortnightly mail passenger and freight service from Halitex to Bermuda, the British West Indles and Demerara returning via the same ports to St. John.
The annual subsidy was the same as before 340, 666. The contract provided that the Minister might cancel it on thirty day notice if there has been any breach on the part of the contractors or any of the stipulation of the agreement. Exchange In New Position In West Indies Grenada Puts Money Order Transactions with Americi on Dollar Basis.
Washington In Communicat on with all British Colonies In These Waters.
sived point to an are being. By Richard Latham. London, August, 1922. The past month, July, bus on the whole bees on of little change in British commerce but the indications continue to point to stondy il gradual improvement. proprouobu ust been so marked in June, must be bourne in mind that the RO and the near approach of the harvest have tendency to ago making time definito know lodge of good crope in India and Cans da are wonderful stimulant to lagring industry. Fortunately it seems that this year both year are likely to be well above the averago Waraco.
The textile industries continue to lead the way to better times and are showing marked activity The demand from abroad is good in the cotton, wool and other textile trades and the evidence of the shortage of stocka has promoted a feeling of confidence. few weeks back it was feared that there would be serious famine in tow ootton but now the Manchester market is inclined to believe that supplies are safo for next year. feature of recent cotton importa is the increase of Egyptian and Peruvian cotton. In the woollen trade values are well maintained, both Yorkehire and Leicester manufacturers being busy, while Sootland reports trade to be thoro prosperous that at any time since the slump. Trade in silk goods is brisk; ook ia linen (Belfast) quiet; and in jute (Dundee) there is what has been dee oribed as semall boom. The revival in textiles has not been without its effect on the chemical trade, which tends Auto to improve prove with the better ment of the former industries, The revival in the engineering trade has made progress already but some little time must elapse before the effecto of the stoppage disappear. Progress is clow, but inquiries red expansion of business after the holidays.
The overseas demand for pig iron is well maintained, Americs being one of the leading bus buyers. Shefild engineering firms are busy and additional blast furnace get to work The demand for South Wales tinplate is quiet but there are sufficient orders in hand to keep firms going for two or three months, The Coventry motor works are fairly well employed though the end of the season is approaching, bul And this is another indication of general trade revival enquiries are being received for commercial vehicles.
In the machinery votion the repercussion of the better times in textile traces is being felt in a good fow of order for textile machinery. Electri osl machinery is also receiving a fair share of orders.
It is impossible to write of the British coal industry without touching on the effect of the coal miner strike in the United States. completo change has come over the market is inquiries by America Enormous nous orders have been placed for all classes of fual. and South Wales alone (the anthracite centre) contracts for the shipment of about a million tons have been booked, Prices have risen conriderably for the effect of the American demand, bas been that other buyers, who a month ago were boldig off to force lower prices, are now com peting keenly to buy at the now and greatly enhanced prices. It is no matter for wonder then that an optimistio tone prevails in this market. but prudent persons will recognise that this and unexpected demand something in the nature of windfall and that it is to an improvement of industry generally that the coal trade must look for any permanent amelibretion of its recent depressed condition.
The big increase in the export of coal has, of course, had its effect on the freight market, stenmers having heen chartered carry about 200 000 tona of Welsh coal to American porta. To take a definite ins anon it may be said that the freight rate from the Tyne to New York bas risen from 78 6dto 108. 6d, for early It is anticipated that some thing like two million tons of British coal will be required per month by America and as this will mostly go in British bottoms the further hardening of rates may be expected.
The same week that bai wi Densed the death of that distinguished Scot, Dr Graham Bell, who had an immense addition to the facilities of commerce and human intercourse by invention WANTED of the telephone in 1874, has also seen the issue of the of the report of the Govern.
ment committee on the Pony The committee considered that the FOR HANDLING TOILET developement of radio telephony for PREPARATIONS long Com on basis within a a measureable period. For short er distance not exceeding two hundred etc. etc.
miles they ernsider the position more For saticulars apply to hopeful and they look for such develop ALEX. SANCHEZ ments in reasonable times will app oach to the requirements of a comHouse No. 24 St. Guachapal, mercial system. The Committee adds or mail to Bɔx 879 that they cannot recommend the use of Ancon, KINGBEE MAGNUMS result of the of heavy The PORT CENTRAS Wom 098908 Extra Mild CIGARETTES a The sudden and Washington despatch dated August 10, states that the American dollar advancas one more step toward ex.
a medium of internalas change with the receipt at the Post Office Dapartment to day of the acceptance by Grenada, B itish colony in the West Indies, of a modidcation of the 1904 Postal Convention, putting money order transaction between the Uaited States and the colony on a dollar in stead of a pound sterling basis Governor of Grenada signed the modification, to be effective October This is the culmination of the first step taken by the Post Otice Dapartment some time ago with a view to placing all the British West Indian Colonies on the same basis. The con.
munication received from Gren ada indicated that the island of St accepting the modification Vincent and St. Lucia would execute separate conventions in the near future.
Other British Colonies in the West Indies, which have been asked to make similar changes.
a re Jamaica. Barbados Bermuda Bihamas. Antigua, St. Kitts.
Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, and the British Virgia mean that money orders may be puro purchased in the United States for these countries payable in American dollars, which will be convertible into British currency by the Colonial authorities at the market rate instead of the old prewar rate of 87 per povod sterling is calculated to stimulato not only the sale of money orders between this couutry and the colonies, but to stimulate trade relations as a direct result of the stabilization of exchange to ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SAVE THE CASH COUPONS WORTH 00 GOLD FOR 100 COUPONS delivery.
The change will meds Islands.
This low telephony. on the subject of wireReliable Salesman 177 stage and they do not anticipate to Ho ro co Tonics ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY radio telephony, it stands today, as substitute for any other means of telegraphie communication except in thou case where special requirements can be mot ia no other economis way. Broadcnetfag of news they consider, however, to be a practical cɔmmercial proposition.
especially in localitis ill equipped with land linee. British technical developmant in wireles telephony is, in the opinion of this committeo, rest of any foreign countries,


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