
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
They Satisfy From Chesterfield would other as mation bave SAVES with the sojourn LIFE Interesting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 5)
good account of itself VIGOR TONIC against the Trinidadians in spite of the fact that they will be up against This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend the vagaries of Trinidad mat ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female. Weakness, tering wicket and Trinidad Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up strongest team of teachers, The Trinidadians gave a very good a run down constitution.
account of themselves in Deme It promotes digestion, improves the apperara last August, The colony team therefore bas debit tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
account to wipe off in Trinidad DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or but with good team work there times a day.
is no reason why they should not give the Trinidadians a good fight, wwwwwww CONSULAR ACTIVITIES IN It the way the good DEMERARA.
Turkish and American toapplications United baccos are blended in Chester.
Organization Ellected States laas be made in writing. Rev. Barclay Comfields that makes them so through the United Btates Consalar That why Agents municates at each of these different.
presenting foreign nations in meeting of the Consuls codds, to the United States British Guians was held on Trinidad, at either Barbados or books of Gosben Manse, Wednesday morning the 2nd reference it instant, when representatives of while there is appear that, Lucky BW o.
United Btates ten nations attended. It was Consular Agent at st, Jamaica, Lucia, decided to effect the formal there le none for the island of Aug, 26, 1922.
organization of a Consular Body. 8t. Vincent. Should this Intor My Dear Mr. Wynter, CIGARETTES olmilar to that existing in cities. Mr Chester Davis, the honour to suggest that the sound in bonnie Jamaica tbe prove correct, have Here we are again safe and of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended American Consul was elected inhabitants of St. Vincent might Pearl of the Antilles and the Dean of the Consular Body and be permitted to make their Gem of the Caribbean. Despite Mr. Cyril Psaila, Consul for application in writing, either the dust and files and mosquitos France and Spain, was chosen brough the Consular Agent at there is no place like home and it to act as Deputy Dean. Grenada or through the Agent we can only get the gateway at St. Lucia placed in order we shall certainTrusting, that in the view of 19 live in one of the most beautiST. LUCIA the further considerations men ful spots on earth. To put here tioned above, you may see your in that sanitary condition must LIGGETT Mys TOBACCO Co.
way to accede to the request be the aim of every one of made on behalf of the Islands of loyal and patriotic Jamaicans.
Important Corres St. Lucin and St. Vincent. Please accept our sincere and hare the bonour to be, pondence with the bigbest consideration, eved thanks for the part you in making our visit so enjoyable and and helpful. Woris Sir.
cannot adequately express our Link up with LIFEBUOY Modern Resturants Relative to Visas of Passyour most obedient, gratitude but you the ports of Persons Leaving For Colored humble servant.
assurance that in the shrine of for Health Sake.
our affection you have erected St. Lucia for Sgd. CHILTON. monuments that the hands of Workers The Honourable Time will never efface. We wish The attached correspondence Charles Hugher, you every success in your During the year 1914 the few tor of St. Lucia and the British between the acting Administra Secretary of State of the sphere of life and hope that the home call which we are sure has remaining landmarks from the Ambassanor at Washington, DC Washington, hel already reached you will soon construction days, the relative to the visa of passports Department of State Messes and Kitchen were for intending passengers leaving biria you back to your native Washington varied experience consolidated and called silver St. Lucia for the United States, June 26, 1922.
gained from your messes.
will doubtless be read with much abroad, experience which we Now the messes at Camp Bierd interest by West Indians and Excelleney have the honour feel sure will benefit this lovely and La Boca have both been probably other, in these residing to acknowledge the receipt of Isle of Springs.
ree climes:your note of June fourteenth With Love and kind regarde, taurants with cafeteris service Government Office, requesting that the same arran.
where you can make your own gement which has been made for Sincerely Yours, selection from the counter or Saint Lucia, the inhabitants of Grenada in A, BARCLAY.
have waiter service, if so desired.
3rd Augut, 1922, connection with applying for We invite your inspection.
Hie visas for the journey to the Cash or coupons accepted, Excellency the Governor have United States, be extended to Cricket Team In Shape.
the honour to forward for pub the residents of St. Lucia and lication the enclosed correspond. Icould be Saint Vincent in order YOUTH and happiness are linked ISLE OF SPRING LODGE ence with reference to applicabe possible for The Scottish Mechanics up with health. Link up with tions for yisas on passports for for visas for United of the Atlantic Side is getting Lifebuoy for health and for the the United States, States to be made in writing in shape for their initial match children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proNo, 8150 have the honour to be, through American Consular with their fraternal brethren LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; agent stationed at each of these of the Paciac side, some time in The meeting nights of this Sir, islands to the American Con September. Now Teacher it protects the children from the is a reputable lodge are the 1st and Srd Your Obedient servat, sular agent stationed at Barba Thomas we are looking to you permicide and dangers of contagious diseases.
Mondays and the 3rd Thursday LABODE, to show your colors, and to Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfecta of each month, in the Loyal Pro Acting Administrator, In reply, have the honour to bring over a team to do battle.
sit cleanses; disease germs cannot live where gress Hall Parama.
The next Lifebuoy Sonp has been used. Lifebuoy Soap inform you that your request The Altantic Team is working meeting takes place on Monday British Embassy, has been given will safeguard the children keep them most careful hard, and can can be seen practicing night September 18th.
Washington, healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them consideration. However, re every afternoon. The represenusing it before school, after play, before meals.
All officers and members are July 12, 1922 that it is deemed impracticable Victoria. Joe Layne. Sussex)
gret exceedingly to have to say tatives are: Holder. Capt. USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE requested to be on time.
at this time to make the con. a. Gittens. West Bad. HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH WM. MAYNARD, Sir, With IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
reference to the cession asked for.
which you were good (Cornwall. Jas. Ford Per. Secretary. note Accept, Excellency, the reenough to address to me on the newed assurance of my highest Archer. Victoria. Forde, 26th alto. 811, 111 36865) and to consideration. Victoria. Grifiths. CornRent Receipt Books In Span of my staf bad with the Chiet the conversation with a member (Sgd. CHARLES E, HUGHES wall. Lashley. Barbados. MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
811. 111 87865, Alleyne. Gatun. Ish and English for sale at the of the Visas Bureau on the 6th In the mean time we would Workman Printery.
instant, have the honour again His Excellency, like to hear from any friendly to bring to your attention the The Right Honorable Sir team on the Atlantic Side de question of obtaining United Auckland Geddes, siring game on any open States visas in the Windward Islands, Ambassador of Great Sunday, Address Samuel, Britain. Mgr. Box 811 Cristobal.
In my previous note on the subject, should perhaps have made it clear that Islands to Panama District, ODD ACCIDENT KILLS which it is desired that the con already granted to TWO Grenada should now be extended The regular quarterly session e. St. Lucia and St. Vincent, of the Panama District of the form part of one group with the Grand United Order of Odd Gorman Couple Shocked To island of Grenada and that the Fellows working Death By Bathtub, Pipe Governor of this group, at whose diction of the Committee of And Lamp Circuit instruction made this request, held on Saturday night, Septem. In was DONE WITH NEATNESS AND merely desires to have extended herd om Frank fore, Germany, July 22to the inhabitants of two other ber 2, at the of the Flower islands within his own jurisdic. Isthmus Lodgeroom at Electrocution snuffed out the concession already The usual formalities being lives of a young married couple DESPATCH granted to the inhabitants of the observed, prayers were said in one of the most unusal acprincipal island.
and the roll called when dele cidents on the local record. Both a bath gates from lodges were present bodies were found in There is no desire to look The following officers were room and investigation revealed upon the concession which the also present: Bro. Best that the zinc bathtub a water United States Government were presiding; assisted by Bros: pipe and portable metal lamp good enough to grant to the Green, A Aliman, electrical circuit that caused stand figured in completing the inhabitants of Grenada TJ.
on which to base base Balta, Guadell. Das Belfort their death. The wite had graspea similar requests for other parts Chaplain, and Wilson. tbe lamp, which was of defectiva of His Majesty Dominions. It DM.
construction, with her wet hands would appear, however, that to The agenda was then entered as she was about to leave the tub extend the concession to those upon and the various items dis and was immediately electrocutA Good Assortment other two islands in the same posed of in a manner creditable ed, since the pipe leading from group might well be considered to the officers and delegates the tob completed the circuit to a logical outcome of the original present.
the ground. The husband was concession rather than TO SELECT FROM AT THE new At the conclusion they all ex. Killed when he took tiöld of the departure from the visa regula pressed the satisfaction it gave lamp in trying to assist bis wife.
meet again in the near future.
body and on the man fingers The Governor of the Wind With the pronouncing of the termining the cause of the fatal.
provided the means for des ward Islands in his dispatch to Benediction the session was me on the subject, suggested adjourned sine die, ities The New York Times.
their app that it cation the Remember the SOAP is more than soap, it dos or TTD or Trinidad. sure disis.
fectant No. 528 LIFEBUOY SOAP.
tion, the Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards precedent WORKMAN PRINTERY


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