p. 8


KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE VOU bed அs can SOM handi Add da specie you APS Blacne application destroys the CASA era in the most is, audiop hours prolete the sensitive MCU membrane from further infection, Use this famous asal speel in your home for every form of the Tafecties in children or adults. Remember most of the common infectious dised are anche in the nostrils, that is why the start with. mptoms ocol NOSTROLINE peelte is the best protection against the PL convenient, afe. No al Speelfte for Nasal Catarth, Teen, old in the tende Bore Thotand Hay Feret.
al Chemor bol from RAROLD MATTHEWS Co.
Nostroine Laboratories, Cufton. Bol and Olet CAPTIVE CAP NOSTROLINE WINCH ONT of praise ces which KOV DE badly of GovernKOLYNOS it DENTAL CREAM On Monday, last. Labor Day)
quite an unusual large crowd Opens was present at the Isthmian Park for the purpose of enjoy This ing the athletic Sports which came off on that day. It is safe Way to state, that it was the largest West Indian gathering since the opening of the park. Ladies were out in very large numbers, the beautiful and varied colours of their dresses and well fashioned hats, lent much ele gance and cbarm to the occasion.
It was truly a successful event and it must be ungrudgingly stated that the promoters of the BRODERICK LLOYD Un que for the Manufacturers Representative serve a weed Association de arrangements, and are entitled BOX 272 COLON, to every inch of suocess attended this very beld venture Week Doings.
in pulling off such a gigantic meet at this time of the year.
King sol behaved magnificently (Continued from page 1)
it was an ideal day for athletes seen that matters were 898um.
to try conclusions, and although ing a very ugly aspect. The the track was not in first class CAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of session was closed without any condition, due very much to the business transacted.
tale Tuesday, Sept: away in the sleeping car or hid under the washprevious, the cyclists certainly Several Deputies were in their made good time in all the events SU stand at home?
place at the usual hour. Mostly mar the fraternity of sentiments Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capthe members of the opposition.
which prevailed among the peotive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure It was then rumoured that General Quinzads, the sea until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the and it is a matter of regret and was sick and unable to sorrow, Omphroy fell twice tube.
None of the Vice Presidents and was bruised.
We now furnish you with a package of the same were present The Deputies filed Schloss, in a very hard sezond high standard as its contents.
in and out. Deputy Alvarado against Hollis, had is wheel took the stand. He was the and he was popular hero of the moment. The a braised. It is the conTHE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
infully thundered with deatening census of Opinion that after this In a few well cho sen fall be was badly handicapped remarks be referred to the throughout all the contests in cowardice the which be entered, ment.
He said. We camo bere to perform Hollis was the dominant figure our several duties and this we shall continua for the day. He simply cleaned until, as have said yesterdal up everything in which he was our dead bodies are carried entered, and done with our from this place Our cowardly very excellent judgement. He antagonists ref refrain from coming demonstrated himself master hace because they think they can in of the wheel against all competin aus jure us by staying away.
Arias tors; winning just all the time and myself are ready to sacrifice he thought it was profitable to all that we hold dear! and are go to the front, proud of our actions in this conThe Cyclone Club of Colon troversy, since we know by the did not carry away many of the demonstrations at Santa Ana prizes but hand it up to them.
and other places we voice the they are game and and should be ena 10 boys people sentiments.
Wednesday Sept. continue. Despite the prevailng hardships under which The Assembly was called to suffered, not having any order at 25 At the call any prac.
tice on the cycle of the roll the suspended Depupainful bruises recolecc, the by ties names were omitted, and Omphroy, they demonstrated a supporters spirit of sportsinanship in car.
vehemently During the discus eion Deputy Carrion of the rying to the games to a finish.
was indeed a commendable Province of Panama threatened disgruntled Deputy Vidal with pera gun, but who song des Proceed Without Dis.
have Conscious Auto wanaonewidus elf te tree that the Con, Rumour About. was quickly disarmed by Asst.
troyed the spirit of harmony and self often poseaned of a very cussion, unreliable memory while the unconscious Suggestion.
pleasantness so necessary in the session was closed in confusion, Tield self on the contrary is provided with of sports. The prizes were Continued from Page Thureday, Sept. marvellous and impeccable memory well selected and there was no We take this opportunity of There is a message from disatisfaction expressed by any informing Commander BY SIDNEY McCLEAN wh ab rezistors without our knowledgo West Indian liabilities on us, from the President Porras offering a comthe contestants officialso did their duty satisfac Colon: that his communication Sicretary General League of Purther. it is eredulous and accepta Britain and some intarest occa Supreme Court to withdrawrotz The various Watson, of the Boys Institute, the ansllest events, the least important and with a bonus ant des of our existence.
United States will hardly succeed promise by bringing forward a We rather have the debt from project of law, empowering the torily, and on the whole this was has been received at this office, indeed a splendid record of the but it is not considered advisa Cellogians and Prospeciive with uareasoning dacility what it is told. sionally tban a batch of unsatis orders of suspension, thereby a first venture of the Uniqe Cycle opinion is best left alone.
to publish what to our Collegians of Thus, as it is the unconscious that is factory Caribbean Islands popu: permitting the two Deputies to Club.
You nou responsible for the functioning of all our lated with an unsatistable retain their seats, prevent adverse criti Result of Events. At il am a conference of the tune cisms of any public In order to understand proparly thongang by the intremediary of the brain, population wholly out of institution, result is produced which may noem with our ideals and idane. opposing parties was beld and 100 Ydo. HANDICAP, FLIT RACE or those responsible for its work phenomena of suzgostion, or to post rather paradoxical to you that time for the arrangements made inge. As principal Commander, men decorate thote to believes that a certain organ functions lot Heat Armstrong let, Jos. Paul, you have and is doing well. The necon uy to know that two absolutely well or ill or that we feel nuoban Puzzle Solution carrying into effect of the Presi 2nd, Ford 3rd. Timo result of your work is being distinct seves exist within us. For this impression, the organ in question does dent proposal.
At 210 the Assembly Dear WORKMAN: received Zad F(af Coltburst 1st, Wallace who are competent to judge. It proveli po ceniodicos e te dho were gone to len le impression.
many replies to my last Word met and the first reading of the merely takes Law big mistake 2ad. Time 10 5 passed the House. It was to examine Puzzle but sorry to say none referred to a special Com inittee certain phenomena Not only does the upcons sious self (2. ONE MILE CYCLE FOR NO. in any unfruitful discussion in the VICE Worell let Saspo 2nd challenging the opinions of those. will report who to Lot us take for instance the following im, but also over all our actions for another time, and send you at Friday session. 5 secs your Minister South and Col.
call imagination, and is which. HALF MILE CYCLE RACE social or economic dovelopment Sery one has heard of Somnambulism; Whatever they are. It is this that woveaders, the first solver of this Morrow. Governor of the Panama ment of their adopted homo.
to saco: pted opinion, always Hollis lot, Schloss 2od, gets up night without leaves Management of Baptiste 3rd. Time min. 10 5 his home or room Workman Printery makes us net even, and above all, solutions to be mailed by 20:h sessions.
either himsif e or not, so downstairs, walks against our will when there is antagonism Sept. 1922 to, LEVY out between those two foroos.
along corridors, and after having exscut 440 Yds. DASH Wallace 1st, Alleged Outrage.
Box 745, Panama, Jack Barnes 2nd, Time 50 5 Special Song Service St. ed eartain acts or accomplished certain works returns to his rood goes to bed PUZZLE (Continued from page 1)
Peter La Boca.
Silver City Band At Cristobal.
again, and shows next day the greatest HALF MILE CYCLE HANDI astonishment at finding work finish which.
the Government is partially CAP, Moombers of Uaique CA For the last two weeks the he had left unfinish the day before. Compelled am to plant a grova On Saturday tha16th, the responsibie in not providing the only Agard 1st, Lewis It is however he himself who has done of St. Peter To satisfy the girl love young people necessary means of transporta Silver City Band will journey to tion. Besides, it is a matter of 2nd, Time min. 26 5 secs.
Church at La Boca. have been it without being aware of it. What force The grove she says must be composed Cristobal to entertain the of nineteen Tresa ia Nine short rows there at the Clubhouse. It is a has any legal rights to remove whether the company THREE LAP CYCLE RACE, for practicing hard to give the pub has his body obeyed if it is not an unBoys only Morrell 1st. Plunkett llc a high class song service, on conscious foroe, in fact his unconscious Five trees in each row, must place little time since this Band has the bridgo. The opinion is 2nd. Tims min, 39 secs.
Sunday 10th inst, and they take. Or else, shall not so her 109 not been down there, and it expressed that having permittaa through medium this ONE MILE FLAT RACE Pleasure very cordial welcome quent case of would do your heart good tɔ hear its use for so many years withLet un ex mine the alas, too fre. So do my friends come to my aid lat, a droakard attacked by yan 2010 And let me please this curious maid them with the latest stunts.
out any restrictions according Timo mins, 3 seos, to all. special collection in ald DELIRIUM TREMENS. As though Each one of you just drop your murale to the Statute of Limitation. ONE MILE CYCLE SCRATCH close of the service. The service nearest weapon, knife, hammer or of a new bell will be taken at the weised with madnosu be picks up the And help me help me solve this Rally.
The bridge or bridges bave beHarry Hollis ist, Ceoil Abrabame will begin at 30 puasle.
come a public bighway. If this is 2nd, Tima mins. 30 5 teos, furiously those who are unlucky enough hatchet, as the case may be, and strike The peaceful Retreat Lodge so the Government should have 11 MILE CYCLE Saspe lot, The first correct answe received by No. 49 Independent Order of prevented the removal. Bragg 2ad.
be in his vicinity. Once the attack 14. MILE CYCLE HANDICAP to be in his Tim. ada.
Good Samaritans and Daughters There is a general request, 87 5 mees.
Harry Hollie lat, Comproy 2nd, over, he resovers his sense and contem 16th September 1922 will receive a priso.
Schlow 3rd. Tim. mino, 13 neco plates with horror the soone of carnago Pantun City: Addross Lavy.
Box, 745 of Samaria intend pulling off that the British Legation should Rally Saturday night initiate an 10. 220 Yrds. FLAT RACE Arm. 16. 890 Ydo, FLAT 3, Osborne let, around him, without realising that he September 16th: popular o la Yesti. partial and search in this matter, strong 1st, Herbart Levy 2nd, it. Here again Lane Barn 2nd.
Timo min band will discourse fine music so as to determine whether there Time 24 os.
43 seco.
not the unconscious well which bo Brltish Consulate Notice. and a good time is in store for have been any violations of the all who attend.
people right, sad if there is 11. FIVE MILE CYCLE SCRATCA 16. 100 Yde. PINAL Armstrong caused the unhappy man to set in this 1o, Wallace 2ad. Timo 10 8 reste for ourselves, every one of us and And what aversions, what ills we none, considering all the circum. Hollis Ist, Abrahams 2nd, The Acting British Consul at Time 14 mins. 21 5 mens, Putting Cricket Ground in stances, there should be very strong and forcibie memorial in every domsin by not immediately Colon would be glad of informa12. 13 MILE CYCLE HANDICAP 17. ONE MILE WALK Nachan bringing iato play good Conscious tion as to the present where Shape presented to His Excellercy De.
Stephen Allen ist, Greaves 2nd, Bryan Ist, Herbert 2nd. Time Autoruzgestion our BAD abouts of Benjamin Hackett, a The young men here are clean Belisario Porras, President of Time mins. 32 4 secs. mins. 54 secs.
UNCONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION native of Barbados, who was ing up the Cricket ground and the Republic, to provide the 13. MILE MARATHON Eric 18. NINE MILE CYCLE RACE thon bringing about the disappearande of last heard of about two years putting everything in fine shape necrosary means of transportaEvsns lot, Cabellore 2nd, Time Hollie lat, Schloss 2ad, Time 25 all unjust suffering.
ago when his address was said for the anticipated contests. The tion, and to refund the fines to 27 mins. 53 5 nece mins. 35 secs.
If we compare the conscious with the to be Balboa Post Office, o. first class mca will come ou the poor unfortunate sufferers.
their protested example to always des Cannot 10. 35 rees.
It is existence if engage the trouble to waking, after either BECS, FECS.
doubt Jos on himself is of way.
croate secs.


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