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THE CRISIS IN PANAMA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ENDED WOMAN DEAD BODY REDUCTION OF HARLEM RESENTMENT AGAINST GARVEY KLU KLAN a score of a against this man who vaunts as the and uses this dition against taking bimself in th: to LABOURER WANTED FOR BOCAS Garveyites the held on and اله is Found In Pond At Barney Begin By More Than Side Pen Score of Nations.
Deputies Get Together and Set The Bathel Town correspon Latest despatch from Geneva Anti Garvey Meeting Ends In Free the Jamaica Gleaner reports presented by the Coun tle Down to Business For states that on Friday night ist cll of the League of nations on For All Fight When Police Nation Benefit.
inst, a married woman armed reduction of armaments at this Wilbelimina Kelly of Cold spring afternoon session of the Third ber Reserves were Called Out.
What appeared at one time to Deputy Aleman, introduced and she was not seen alivo again. countries which furnished figures in a a man, that in more than be a crisis, and which might resolution that the date for the Hor dead body The bitter resentment aroused called out to quell the incipient wis found in a restriction of military ou day have landed this Republic into a election of the three Vice Presie pond in Barney Side Pen, a dis. has been begun by the announcement in the riot.
Republic be press of Marcus Garvey inter. At several other meetings in reported a view with the Imperial Wizard of New York sinca Garvey allego has been happily averted and on Wednesday 13. instant. The trict of about four miles from Great Britain all the citizens and well thinking announcement was well received her home.
The maiter was reduc. ion of 55 cat. In the infamous Klu Klux Klan, ed endorsement of the aims of foreign residents have breathed by the House and the date was promptly reported to the Bethel naval tonnage, France 36 per came to a head Thursday night, the Klu Klax Klan there have a sight of relief and thankfulness arranged accordingly.
Town Police and three men have cent. Italy 49 per cent, and August 3, when a street corner been demonstrations against the that the woree has not happened.
been arrested on suspicion of Japan 59 por cent. In land meeting on Seventh Ave and bead of the and it beMONDAY, SEPT. 11.
Common sense. sound judga The ordinary session of the man. Their names are: Alfred reduction of 200, 000 men under demonstration against Garvey Negroes were at last aroused murdering the unfortunate wo armaments France reported a 136th St, was turned into a huge gins to look as if the American ment and patriotism bave pre. Assembly was called to order at many the husband of the deceased arms, and shortening of the and his deladed followers. residents although not having any political 35 The Minutes of Satured: Adolphus Ei vards and term of military service by one The meeting opened under the status, are in deep syun pathy day transactions were read Joseph Toulinson. of the monter of all the with the country which is their and confirmed. Deputy Hon.
Details of ting her military service in two, di, a tragedy are lack native of Africa from a obtained by of hd Sweden also reported cut auspices of Mokoto Manoen e falsa adopted home; and as a natural and for presented in project ing bus the police are busy colet reduced the period of Basuteland, who wished to representation in order to strike service and consequence, any unsettled con for first reading for the leting evidence suppressed 88 present the objections of the bargains with the enemies of the of iofantry, in the national affairs. holding of an Agricultural Exresentposition at Divid in the The afair hus courel quite a reduced her aring of a noland Garican peoples against Marcus race. Unfortunately the Province and hould all theme restrial or less pro of Chiriqui The Bli was read som kom kao Wate azed waz men to about 260. 000. Japan usurpation of the authority of the the form of a general attempted ment foundly ainst Garvey is resent ntnative chiefs for the first time and passed to nown Cardspring and (Continued On Pays 8) special meeting of the as the Comunittee on Legislation: the adjoining district.
by having elected ment against and active antagon sembly was held for the purpose in presenting the Bill, Deputy mo Africa exex When, however, some Garveyites this city. This, in spite of the heel president of reading tentative amend Arjina stated, that there were Arias and Alvarado retaining pos intimidate the speaker, there bitterest enemies in the past possibilities in that their seats, and conceding the and the holding of such an ExAND COSTA RICA.
began spontaneous popular have been found in the ranks of demonstration against reasonable pr posal that the two position attracs Capital to and Glem wentelligent West Indians who Provinces should not be disen the pub recognize the public and assist were first to which broughs on several franchised As a The United Fruit Company has Americans with whom you are fights to the injury and discomfenace to the Negto group in of development country a compromis was entered into, erkinly mee Deputy con appena completed arrangements for fairly conversant.
in Garvey whereby the two members ed very much for his brilliant handling a large number of the fiture of the Garveyites present attempts to divert the attention The Company pays promptly would retain their seats, The law proposed by Secretar economical developinent of a very their faras at Bocas del Toro in the carrying out of orders. his way home from Liberty Ball. Ition (and addition) of his explanation to bring about the surplus labourers on tha Isthmus and square, but are very strict and got for Garvey himself a of the Negro from the struggle Costa Rica. Conditions on the whole while a large num.
of Morales in oratione fpowereduinteroasta publicitant Province of the Re recantly have been more favour. ber have given a considerable parased As the wishealer body. Working force is therese Su preme Court t) suspend their the trouble. liberating Africa by wholesale TUESDAY, SEPT. 12th order of suspension. The basis needs of the His West unemployed, so as pressed complaints and gries Manoendi, closed his meeting the migration thither.
of the law was fully explained on assembling to day after to prevent further sultorings ances. qu tan a large number of number of Garveyites present Indians opponents have consist and with a few slight ammend the usual formalities of opening ind to accumulate suficient West Indians are in the com were reinforced by others from tently advised their compatriotis consy to return to Liberty Hall, and the West pany employ for a number of fight resulted in which at least grounds that the surest means free for a mente, its fundamental principle the session of the Assembly the to become naturalined on the was accepted.
first debate on the project of law Indies, you are advised to con years, and are satisfied and con one gun was drawn. Garvey of Negro liberation Deputy sider the terms.
tented presented by Hon.
Arjona was taken. After the To day the National Assembly debate, ite in the uniform of the Cana organizing a strong and aggresOnly farm labourers are need: dian Army was responsible for sive movoment in the United Dr.
Housing accomodations Eusebio ed cut Deputies in their seats. The and National Treasurer: present their families after. The houses are wanted for the settled down to work with 29 Morales, Secretary of Finance renerally good and those desir bananas, build drains and to this gun play. The gun, was States for the purpuse of carrying to go can for on railroad. No immediately out of his for. covered on and from this strategic center, Alvarado were not omitted from consideration of the Assembly. nc and are fairly accomodating thos present. band and the crowd closed in bin una onom for equal rights here go their bim, giving him a terrible beat to organize and direct the strug Those desiring to the official roll call and the The budget of general Qainters, and private.
interest will be looked after, by were able to effect his rescue, using the Negro yotes wad politie by ing before the other Garveyites glo on the African continent result that nothing unusual Director of Public Works was one who will never swerve under were able transpired also presented. The Assembly In regards to medical attend any influence however potential retreat as the ranks of the anti: this country in the same manner tential after which they beat basty cal and economic influence in The session was called to then closed.
ance, the company maintains and Here is e an opportunity to get order by Vice President Arauz WEDNESDAY SEPT, 13 keeps in ag up to date manner. away rabine Garveyites were swelled by the as the Irish American vote, etc. from the unfavourable that at 50 After the reading Today was the date arranged ped hospitals in Central America tions on the isthmus which face the cause of the fracas, began ocean to force the withdrawal of and confirmation of the Minutes of the previous session Hon. Continued on Page The doctors are well efficient, and have an extensive the visit of the Politicians from etrained, the West Indian people. Duting police aceshoe Garwyltes. The the British from Ireland. New reserves finally World.
knowledge of tropical diseases. Jamaica, Governor Morrow SHARPERS PLAY Lodge To Bid Farewell. The nurses are more or less painted a very gloomy situation, The People Commissary. ALCALDE AT ON COUNTRY West Indians who have a fair and stated there was no immo All members of the Improved knowledge of the idiosyncrasies diate prospect within measurBOCAS ISSUES FOLKS Elsewhere in this issue apIndependent Order of Baate of West Indian Life. Labour is able distance and that the lows London Unity, Loyal Star Roadstot much cheaper than all in their plentiful, moreso, Rica, Indian Governments should do pears an advertisement of NEW DECREE power of Hope Lodge No. 632 are in Lynton wholesale and retail Me nbers of Gang Sald Torequested to be present at the Panama And, the minimum removing the people from the dealer in Groceries and Proof ten isthmus before their suferings The retail departhours is The following is taken Clear on Junday at p. to say States Currency. Taere are peal is made in the highest ment is situated at 107 Boll: the Central American Expresc!
United become more acute. This ap From Fraud Victims.
var good bye to Bro. Jones, Past pleaty of possibilities for the interest of our labourine people as the People Commissary and it does appears as it the Street, and is few days ago we referred District Grand Master who is experienced farm labour to get as there is nothing better in which is quite étting to the and has fallen into is known of Bocas del Toro, Aug. 19 last, to a roving band of sharpers leaving for the United States, with beadquarters at Kingston, when the Brother will be present contract which brings an aver sight.
For further informatlan and carries every line of groceries that province. The United Fruit unique business place which a hard in Lagann lands in age of from two to four dollars who are going all over the ed with a Jewel country parishes robbing several of 26 working days. The man particulars apply and provisons needed by the Company, the giant trust, seems agers of are mostly Wynter, Workman Printery, every day parchaser and a to be scared at the operations of people, We learn that the Police have Jamaica People Assoprices that must appeal to all. that Association on their farms.
management realizing the got statements from a number ciation To Meet.
of victims of some of the wholeCaptain Conte Returns It is the inevitable of those Parcel Party Called Off.
present economic crisis fronting the housewife day by threats as to their future intencon, who will unwittingly give out sale frauds that have been From Bocas in her daily perpetrated recently. It is It is announced that a meet.
The public is hereby notified marked down everyday commo ness as to their complete depen.
purchases hus tions without estimated that the poor country ing any thoughtful of the Jamaica People that the Parcel Party which was dities to suit the pockets of lost Association will be convened on full, 8, 000. The money has been friday next. 22ad instes where to see Capiala Conte yesterday torium of the La Boca Clubhouse We are surprised and pleased slated to take place in the Audi: visit to the Pecple Commis gence on those to whom the 107 Bolivar Street threats are given. It is far dlvided up among the gang of all those who have subscribed who dropped in this office under the auspices of the Girls Bergreat scoundrels, numbering about a their nam 98 his before better to develop our intellectual Bocas Friendly Society of St. Peter is therefore right. Courteous than to organize Legions and.
purchasing elsewhere shares are re del Toro where he had been for Church; on the 21st inst, has attendants and quick service is a teach to war and thus bring and industrial requirements, doen.
of them, fearing quested to attend and make the past ten days.
Some arrest fled to Cuba.
It is remarkable how the ro payments of their instalments. been recalled to the capital and arrangements relative to the stand that Captain Conte has Wo under been called off.
pleasing feature at this store about their self extermination.
gues played on the credality of The meeting will be in the The U, and will the poor country folks. In some form of a public meeting and will continue his work of general Dr. Lowe WIII Practice At Special Meeting.
no longer operate according to cases they told them that there information recalved recently abolishment of the Detective the partial were thousands of dollars await trom Jamaica will be given out. Bureau of which he was head.
Jamaica the recent Decree issued by the Alcalde of the District of this ing them in Cuba or elsewhere. at the Wesleyan Schoolroom meeting of the Royal King Various forms of obeab have at pm. Jamaicans and other David Temple No. 2, on the 10th inst. IR Province will be held at the Flower also been mentioned, and The Jamaica Gleaner of the conjunction with the Police Code occasion in twenty three the members of the West Indians are invited.
Rose Garden Palace.
of the Isthmus Lodgeroom on 4th Inst, states that Dr. F, E, enumerated had an interview with their Friday, September. 22. at p. Lowe, will practice his profes Articles of the said Code, it has There will be a meeting of the All members are requested to sfon in Montego Bay, his home been Resolved by the Co. Maupe. There was a man who certain members of the gang Rose Garden Palace, No. at the be present re to be dealt with that Dr. Lowe left the Isthmus cultural areas in this Province as matters of vital town. It will be remembered that as owoers of extensive agriPromushay or as what is known as a have been obtained through Flower of the Isthmus Lodge Importace miracle man. fraud.
Careful investg ations by the room on Friday Sept. 22 at 630 They are also reminded that about two months ago to visit with legal rights to their possesIt is expected that there will o clock in the afternoon. Parents the meetings are police have led to the fact that a be a general rounding held every Jamaica. We wish the doctorsion of lands acquired from this good sum of the wealth. of shortly. Gleaner. up and Guardians are requested to second and furth Friday in a bounded success in bis new government, they will not allova be early with the little ones. each month.
field of labour. Continued On Page 8)
work was woro the West to assist in to farms day in.


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