
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN FATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands to YOU WILL STRIKE IT RICH IF YOU TRY calves.
Lucky Strike is quite LUCKY STRIKE. is a 84 day Cord Logman, show JAMAICA and sometimes strong wind happened between 30 and Medical Officer at Santa Cruz He which however does not last o clock when the inmates of the was act! or as District Medical long houso were asleep or had officer at Port Maria la the place There are still some cases of retired to rest. The sound of of Dr. Larcene and having so KingstonzGang Operating due the drinking water was beard and the girl who was West Africa Medical Service he At Frankfield. Much people will not boil the lying in bed upstairs cried out bas given up his position at port water as they object to its tasto The bullet penetrated the board Maria.
and passed through ber thigb. It is learnt that Dr. Calder will Story of Attempt to Rob ter it is boiled.
Hundreds of cattle are affected She was hastaned off to the receive a substan lal salary in s Peasant Proprietor of with disease, but the death rate Public Hospital where she was new position 11 there are is still very low.
Hls Land Value 300.
The pens treated and the matter reported certain priviliges which he will around have to take extra hands to the police.
enjoy as to leave.
to deal with the trouble. Deaths There was no crowd on the The Dr. Calder is the second doctor OUT TO DUPE PEOPLE. are confined chiefly among street or no signs of anyone from Jamaica to receive an ap It is observed that loitering about when the folks of pointment in the West Africa The Gleaner of the 1st inst. several pigs are sick much in the house looked out and the Civil Service during the last 15 the reports the following samo way as the cows. The matter seems somewhat myster months. The first appointmer Frankfield, Wednesday an foot and mouth are affected. ous.
within the period was that of Dr, occurrence which has excited large number of people have cut F, Cooke time great interest and equal about beet eating for the all it is of the community here has just es ten ortama that pork will not be Serious Motor Car Accident by many BARBADOS demand come to light. attempt come.
hom been made to rob a peasant for fowls, eggs, and mutton, Oute 9a. a serious accident occurr City Highways and SaniOn Sunday morning at about proprietor of lands fully valued is wondering whether it is safe ed around a part of the town at about 300. The facts are as 10 eat the flesh of the sheep and called Little Bay. One Ivan tary Commissionere.
related with the exceptions of since it is supposed that Bryan, brother to Miss Bryan.
the ames which are changed yux.
are not immune to the the assistant teacher of the for the purpose of story: Government. was driving Strolling Scribbler in the Mr. Freckles Bananas were bought to day car up the Rectory Hai. Ranch Weekly Tlustrated paper says: and travels about oftentime with by the Atlantic Fruit Co, thoing one Mrs. aker premises notice that the City High dog in a motor car which be Jamaica Frult and shipping the with the dwelling somo 40 feet consultation with feet ways Commissioners have had a boasts of as being able to out the Baltimore Jamaica and the below on another road parallel to Wilson with the view of getting Mr. John race any other car in Jamaica United Fruit Companies. The that on which the Freckles has been in many a price paid is the same as last travelling, It went over the pre cost of carrying out certain city some preliminary idea of the IT TOASTED scrape with the police and has by week.
cipico, turning a somersault, and im no means a clean record. Mr. Spring corn is nearly all with a sudden crash alarming all improvements. But this gentleman and the Board seem to be Columbus lives at Frankfield rem podrobene rullese roticpersons the inmates, it broke into one of at cross purpo with bushel Several of the as whilst it is les. He took Freckles one day have refused to sell at this front wheel inding its way evident that he wishes to get to Mr. Fort Main and intro figure and be they are holding through the window. The car some employment of permanent bis dearest back for higher price. Much became pus part of the story, the matter and their consequent duced him 28 complete wreck. The GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF friend and one in whom Fort land is now being prepared for The recognise their limitations in Main can always find a friend, the fall planting.
that the driver was found lying inability to make such an inte The next day Freckles plaer prostrate on the roof allen the rangement.
furnishing. was off to the director for a contract on Jamaicans In Cuba unconsclous and taken to DF plans and making an estimate the Frankfield Railway saying Edward surgery. From there they have expressed themselves that show he was hurried on to the ready to remunerate him, but as 100 and he will get the contract Allegations of Illtreatment Hospital the destinalitbis mo tion they are not prepared to do granting and him to ment in condition at present money from Columbus. Next Mr. Octavius James LEE SANG BROTHERS Columbus abus visited Fort Main writing from Guaro, Oriente, think that the first desidera.
and promised this man to GIRL SAD DEATH tum for any City improvement from another friend, Mr. the night of the 7th instant a get Cuba on August 13 says that on should be the plan of the city Beg to notify their patrons and the general from which any improvement loan him to to concert was kept by a Jamaican Hope Bay, August 28. public that they have removed their store to which amount he would make girl at Guaro. Hearing a shout most unfortunata accideat which may be evolved, as without this op to 100 pounds sterling Poor of encore in the concert hall ended fatally took place at Rod. sny undertaking would be like more commodious premises in Fort Main agreed, and then some Çuban soldiers outside ney hall miles from here on groping in the dark.
Longman was approached by were alarmed. They came into Thursday night last.
THE ST. HELENA BUILDING Columbus telling him that he the ball armed, interrupted the Luther Mick, a lad of 20, was Barbados For Barbadlans wants to lend the man this audience and started beating going from Rodney Hall to Bam.
117 BOLIVAR STREET money for four weeks, but fear them with machettes. Thero boo also miles from here. Ble Is Mistake (Opposite The Imperial Hotel)
may not was an was the ing it when due, he wants him as a soldiers took his revolver from when he came in contact with Barbados for the Barbadians the man to pawn bis land damod Barrett who is said to be year. Silvie (for this is the to.
Edwards girl of 13 is a motto that most Barbadian.
seem all too ready to subscribe Where there are on display pelu ed 800 pounds sterling for from St. Ann. Barrett remain an Excellent Assortment of four weeks. Fort Main the sboede or five hours namo he is generally known That the following of this is told that he is only to to the hospital was sent to at! by) fell to the ground and when not always in the best interest CAMPHOR WOOD AND the money and return it, agreed: Preston. One One of his near taken up was in an unconscious of the country bas beon pourthen he was taken before Jus to his shoulder was shot through. condition baving lost her speech tra in the filling of recent tice of the Peace and bad the Next morning these She was taken to the Bud Bay appointments 9, the filling of SEA GRASS FURNITURE necessary papers prepared and diers took ton men as prisoners hospital on Friday and on Sun the posts of Inspector of Police orecuted. worthless cheque them with rioting. day the sad news of her death and Superintendent of Public was banded to Longman They were taken to the court was received here.
Works in each of Upstana by Columbus who in turn house about miles away where The abdomen was the seat of ces ces selections from ALSO LARGE STOCK OF putado took it to Fort Main and gave they were locked up for seven the injuries to which she suc. would have bean more him. As Logman left, Freckles days and then turned loose. cumbed. One and all sympathise geous, Already some perfervid CHINESE AND JAPANESE entered the house, with the man, and it led The British Cousul was informe parents of the promis. compatriot presume) is clam stole of GOODS the in the fire. The man real beard from him up to the time pion runner of the Black Hill Mr.
of writing The soldier when they met the Hope Managing find that his valuable property abot Barreiro not nownia By School on taus Tadt Empire consion of Mr. Lingwood.
was gone for nothing. He was Guaro. Seven of the men Day.
By all means other quali WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dazed by the discovery. He ployed by the United Fruit Mick was arrested by Cor lications being equal a native tried to locate Columbus who hla Company to put out fires in the poral Wicks this morning on should have the prior claim to a himself away and when he did cane fields caught hold of one charge of manslaughter. He stranger to local appointments visit to our spacious and commodious store find him, was told that nothing of the Jamaicans who was mak will be taken before the court but in the interest of the coancould be done as over eight days ing his escape from the concert to morrow.
try the aspirant for office with will be worth your while had passed since the cheque hall and nearly beat him to death the better qualifications should disappeared to find that he was custody with the other prisoners. Almagamatlon Of Kingwas the beaten man was taken into be considered first.
dum made a dupe by a man who pro During July Kingstonian ston And St. Andrew Jessed to be a friend named Page was given job by ANNOUNCEMENT TRINIDAD British Consulate Nottce Mr. Tom Abrahams of Re a Cuban, Adopted.
When the treat took up the man case, Inished Page and those who and the papers, title, diagram, did the job with him were rob.
The principle of amalgamatiog The Royal Sanitary Institute The British Consulat Colca etc. have been recovered and bed thirty six dollars. Page then Kingston and Lower St. Andre Examination for Sanitary InE, Campbell of Santo Tomas would be glad of information as are now with the Clerk of the went to the Administrator and has been adopted by the Council. spectors was held for the first Hospital, begs to inform the to the present whereabouts of Court.
heard. The headquarters of this The Administrator told Page to that the Mayor and proposes tine in Trinidad on Tuesday. Pablic that his wife is not con Chesterfield Yearwood, a native Moore will soon be related to him his grievance. The Amalgapor tipa Bouncil the Wednesday and Thursday this nected in the Lottery ticket of Barbados, who emigrated BIH gang is in Kingston, and the meet him at the house of the week.
Toe examiners were police should do something to man who had given him the job missioners, and the Parochial Dr. John Baslem (Demo Muddle neither does she know to Panama in 1908, and whose up.
on the morning of the 10th inst. Board of St Andrew shall be dis: rara) Dr. Wood Greaves (Bar the said (Mrs. Campbell con last address was Balboa Post Columbus is the confederate in So Page and the other men went soll belog veste Sons of these bados) formerly of the Trinidad cerned)
the these Office parts. It is said that be to the house in question on the in an official Medical Service, Dr. LASwent to a woman, told her be day fixed. Our correspondent style styled the saw her photograph in Kingstnn believes that the Administrator Andrew and St. sale and Mr. H. Scott (City Commissioner, ho Engineer. About twenty four at a black art man who is going Gred the other Caban. The shall hold office until the election candidates for Trinidad sat for kill her, and took away all her Cuban then drew his gun and of new body to be known as the this test, along with nine from He went to another shot Page who fell to the ground King (ton and So. Andrew Cor. Demerara while Barbados sent man and charged him The doctors reported LAO to give him good luck. ball cannot be the poration, consisting of Mayor, two or three students.
found. In Councillors. and Aldermen.
SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR He went another and Barnett case the ball was excharged him 30 pounds sterling tracted. Our correspondent obThe Trialdad Guardian of sth Infants, Invalids and the Aged Going To West Africa to lift a spanish jar of money. serves in conclusion that this is He went to another man who is a the way in which Jamaicans instant states that in Mr. Eric well to Legge sweepstakes for the Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the o do thrifty small settler are treated in Cuba: and tried to get 10 pounds sterl The Gleaner is in a position to July and August 5th the bolder races held in that colony on 31st marvellous use of this great Food, fing as a preliminary start to announce that the Secretary plundering him. This man was SHOOTING CASE State for the Colonies has offered of ticket No. 1887 Dun Roi on the qui vive and he was not Purely An English Preparation.
an important appointment to De was Mr. Tudor, la te of John fooled. It is said that these men James Oalder with the Mayers Sons, Ltd. of this city Mysterious Affair threaten the people around with West Africa Medical Service; wir vide: winning, 12, 127 and the holders MANUFACTURED BY ylolence if they should speak and the latter has decided to the of other tickets whose numbers shooting case cept the post. He will sail within were and haye been paid 98 The smallness of BENGER FOOD, LTD occurred at No. 109 they wood the next few days for Eaglanden cents each.
latter gum is due to the fact MANCHESTER; ENGLAND Bethel Town News. Street on Thursday night last route for West Africa.
when a girl lying in bed was Dr. Calder entered the Pablic that payment had to be made FOR SALE AT shot through the leg by some Service on the 14th of October upon the two borses, gaining the Bethel Town, August 28 Very unknown person.
1884 and for a number of years same number of points. The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN heavy showers of rain pour daily From what can be gathered it be filled the office of District (Continued On Page 8)
And abe Bloor four Arms near samo solo trayed charging which Mr.
Care Engineer in the sac job was.
Kingston to BENGER FOOD money, well off to this


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