
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 1922 PAGE THREE International Banking Corporation th, BELGIUM and suits lines.
HAVE YOU TRIED You will find time ago. photographs of you want QUALITY the crew of tificate of received by Meistration West Indian Nows.
LIBELLED, GAR(Coxins from page 27 Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 VEY SAYS, FILES DEMERARA SUITS Mr. Wood and The Wants 750, 000 for DotaImation. Times and Call Demerara Doctors Named with Individuals Head Office: 60 Wall Street, New York Om Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK Of New York At a fully attended meeting of EXAMINED FOR JUDGMENT the British Guiana Branch of the itish Medical Association, Pan Union Company Says Black held on Friday July it was unanimously decided to forward Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Estar Crew, Drank Booze Cargo to the parent Association.
strong protest to be forwarded Nine libel suite, aggregating ttle Scretary of State for the 750. 000, were filed Colonies in connection with the in the Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Supreme Court yesterday by Report of Mr. Wood referring to THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Marcus Garsey against news British Guiana Medical papers and Negro speakers. He Services ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY charged them with publishing or Dr. D. Rowland spoke very making slanderous statements stroagly on the gross injustica CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES concerning bim, The defendants done to the Government Medical ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO named in the proceedings and Service by Mr. Wood statem ant amounts involved are: and y ged that immediate actioa URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA New York Times. 200, 000; The be ta. sen New York Call. 100. 000 Dr. Winckler also referred to Amsterdam News 50, 000 the many duties performed by New York News 50, 000 medical officers as village chairCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Robert Bagnell, 100. 000 men and on matters of estate Chandler Owens 100, 000 sanitation; and considered it a 50, 000 respectively William gross libel on the medical prc.
Aickens, 50, 000. and Philip fession in the colony.
Dr. Ozzard endorsed the above ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Randolph, 50, 000 against the New remarks and drew attention to Times and the Now York the former Surgeon Generals INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM York Call grow out of articles and Medical Officers who had Appearing Monday in which been decorated by the Sovereign for their Services. He also re190 hell and Randolph were Defamatory statements ferred to the Inauguration of the regarding his character were Baby Saving League the work and the made, Garvey avers.
alleTuberculosis Society as of Medical Officers, and to the white Medical Association on July 7, cations in the other suits are along vigorous criticism was raised by finding of the Mortality Comsimilar mission, the conclusions of which Drs. Rowland, Winckler, and Black Star Line, was examined Garvey. as President of the corresponded almost exactly Ozzard against the statement in with that of the recent West the Report to the effect that the yesterday by attorneys for the in supplementary proceedings Indian Medical Conferenee heid Medical Service of British Guiana Pan Union there last year.
Company, did dot appear to be fully alive to the importance of adequate against the steamship line some obtained a judgment for 000 sanitary and health measures Friends Labour Question, being energetically undertaken Ubroughout the colony, and it ped a carload of Green River The Pan Union Company shipwas unain mously decided to Whisky to Havana on the Black The Demerara Chronicle of the if a series of send to the parent association a Star steamship Yarmouth be23rd ult. says. The British strong protest to be forwarded for the ban against the exportaGuiane Labour Union which is to the Secretary of State. tion of situated at 142 regent Street, whisky went lato Jan, 16 1920 The Pan eet Licytowa wos registered under The Georgetown Town Council Company charged the Trade Union Ordinance (N)
17 of 1921) on Friday. The cer.
120 MOVING PICTURE have been informed by the the Yarmouth imbibed so deeply 116 was Government that the Governor of the whisky that they disabled A, Crane, STARS will be prepared to recomend the the boat and she had to put at solicitor. who acting on beball raising of a Municipal Loan of back to port, where the rest of of the Union filed the necessary 2, 500, 000 for carrying out the whisky was seized They papers with its registration at a one certain road construction, and sued and were awarded a judgthe Registrar Omca Victoria sewerage schemes, provided that ment, a special rate be levied to cover Law Courts.
Garvey maintain the steam810 Reasonable It will be rememberd that in Fuad and Interest ship company has no moneys due 1920 the Union, which was be kept under it, and of the three vessels it Government control, that the was organized to opərate ha said established on the 11th January 1919 ave Price Government have power to en on on the basch as Government through Hon. Fran force punctual payment, that the Cuba; another, an excursion os cis Dias, Solicitor, that an Council estimate of expenditure sel, is a Wreck somewhere in Ordinance be enact incorpor Your chance be approved by either the New York Harbor and the ating the Union. year elapsed Governor in Conncil, the Court of third, the Yarmouth, was sold and the Government having done nothing Policy or the Combined Court, for in the has arrived th series and th. the Government have for 81, 8000 to satisfy claims of Union held a demonstration in the right to supervise the proper May last. The following montb Yesterday the forenoon gescarrying out of the works under sion of the Universal Negro the present Trade Unin Ordin.
FIVE CENTS we give taken.
Improvement Association was in ance (No, 17 of 1921) was intro duced by the Attorney General, charge of the women delegates, for The Pablic Works Dapartment who discuss the subject. Imand finally passed by the Court is carrying out a series of improvement of Social Conditions of Policy. Under the provision portant experiments in road Within the Race. Every speaker of this Ordinance it became FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE construction under the directions sáid colored women were willing necessary for the Voion to be of Mr S, Whittaker, with the to work side by side with the registered.
object of finding a means of men, but they are unwilling to The registered Office of the or word to the avoiding the heavy cost of follow any longer. strong Union will now be located at its maintenance of roads built of protest was registered against presises Regrent Street, and burnt earth.
a double standard of morals.
THREE FOR ONE CENT the executive officers and memwise. bald statement and a pali bers the Union expressed their indebtedness to Mr. Crane The dead body of a Barbadian of trousers do not make a man, for the interest he took and the na ned George Phillips, between one female delegate said.
56 and 60 years of age, was In the principal address Marservice he rendered in the mat recently found floating in Washington University would be cus Garvey said the Booker ter.
trench belonging to Plantation opened Sept. by the Universal Providence, East Bank, Deme Local items Of Interest Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12 2c.
rara. It is thought that the Negro Improvement Association.
deceased had lost his life. The World. Demerara through an accident.
annamannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Obstetrical Nursing InA Committee of the Council struction Offered.
of the Chamber of Commerce GRENADA have reported against the present We have Important to Lodges.
system of storing oil in Water been requested to give information to the licensed Street, Georgetown, owing to the Should risk of fire.
The Education nurses on the Isthmus, who are recommending that practicing midwifery; that it is the oil warehouse there be con All notices for publication Adabsolutely essential for them to trolled by a Board consisting of vertising dates of meeting nights attend the course of instructions Government nominees and are charged for at the rate 00 offered by the Health Departmerchants intrested, at the same per month payable in advance.
ment time approving the site selected (From the West Indian. 80 as to derive the benefits Publications notifying suspenand experience in the modern by the Government in Kingston. Why throw away your old, but no sion or expalsion of members There is something more to be and hygienic methods now used are charged for per inch of said to the suggestion made by in the local hospitals.
In a letter to the Argozy of July doubt interesting, books when you space taken us in Thursday issue with All well thinking persons in 2nd Rev. R Robertson com ments strongiy on the Governor Lodges and other local Friend. regard to the scrapping of the the line of this profession should attituda regarding improved ir existing Education Code. We avail themselves of this opporcan have them neatly bound at ly Societies are hereby requested advocated that Mr. John Harbin, tunity, so as to be in conformito be governed accordingly.
rigation and drainage. Meanwhile ex Inspector of Schools, should ty with what is required by the an agitation is on foot to have be The MANAGEMENT to produce a new authorities.
His Excellency term of office THE WORKMAN draft Code as a basis for discusextended in order that he may sion, owing to his large and varied deal with this very question.
expertsonal in the work of our FOR SALE JUAN ILLUECA he system. We There has been a famine caus.
One Stuvessant Piano ther and suggest that if such a Ing considerable distress among Attorney. at. Law Darbincato bo produced by Mr. who work in In 1 Condition the Indians of the Moruka No. 44 Central Avenue close touch with the Grenada No freasonable offer turned district, due to abnormal weather CENTRAL AVENUE Union of Teachers) such conditions and the failura of the TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 draft Oode should be sent to the down.
Cassava crops.
and No. G Street Practices in all Courts of Director of Education in Trini. For particulars apply at dad for technical review. This Panama.
WORKMAN PRINTERY Ata meting oth) British done, it should then come before Central Ave Street Gulana branch of th. British English Spoken Fluently (Continued on Pag 7)
Panama City שבבD MO in each package When you to the complete this matter Yost 100. 000, you an Album ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ CIGARETTES Book Binding!
Code Be Scrapped. appointed to Book Binding Department 80 fur.
BOT new


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