
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 1922, asses THE WORKMAN Published on Saturdays by Rstos. for Advertisement on applies WALROND, at the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Streal, Panama, of publie interest invited. de Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, sad RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be socompanied by the name of Ope Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publesSix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return Oas 25e. crejected orrespondenes LOMBARDO CARTERS CIGARETTES will WRITING FLUID The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1922 NEW QUEOLA Will soon be on sale in every establishment throughout the Republic INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF THE ECONOMIC DEPRESSION GROWING WORSE.
Cico The sign of the times on the economies hoolean ore than 20 CIGARETTES. 7c. CARTENS CARTER Tuk Eraser SANKY RACER LABOURERS WANTED SERVICE horizon of Isthmus are than ominous as be from industrial and commercial inactivities which are acting like a scourge on our populous cities of Panama and Colon. The complaint that nothing is doing is heard MANUFACTURED BY all around like a chorus sung by a multitudinous choir The Pan American Tobacco Co CARTER composed of a great mass of unemployed men and wom NES. FILS MUCILAGES whose eyes turn from pillar to post in a vain search for 308 Sexo Sos: sex, sufficient work to keep body and soul together, Always in stock ct BENEDETTI HERMANOS When the Panama Canal and the Panama Rail Road Centralva 3rd. St.
commenced their unfortunate work of retrenchment and CHURCH SERVICES PANAMA reduction of forces about four years ago, it was known then that a great calamity had begun to show its appear(American Episcopal Church)
ance. The effects of the crisis were, at first, felt to be slight (Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity)
as the Cuban Sugar boost came just at the time when desire St. Paul Church, Panama for change and a more lucrative field had seized the PRODUCTS thousands of West Indian ex employees of the canal. a. Holy Communion, The exodus to Cuba was not without its results as could FOR UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FARMS 10 sm, Matias 10 a. un Holy Eucharist and sermon, be seen from the enormous postal business in the line of Holy Baptism, money orders, as well as the bank drafts. WILKINSON pm. Sunday School.
Then Cuba fell, economically, and with its fall came At Bocas del Toro and 730 pm Evensong and sermon.
a crisis that had a reflex effect here upon the dependent NIGHTENGALE Vicar Contractor families whose principal maintenance became stranded Costa Rica St. Alban s, Paralso.
there. It was a sorrowful day for colored labor in Central and Builder America. Yet, the stores in Panama and Colon still did 11 am. Matias and address, desultory business and kept their staffs complete waiting APPLY EARLY pm Sunday School, 15th STREET, WEST 30 pm Evensong and address House No. 90 for the breaking of a better day. F. NIGH TENGALE Priest in charge Box 411, Panama, P.
Month after month, among the laboring classes of Only Farm Hands Required, Others people, it was a matter of hoping against hope. ConsolaLas Sabanas Mission tion was found in the fallacious belief that the re organiNeed Not Apply Church School pm zation of the Panama Canal system would have brought 15 pm Evensong and address Plans and Specifications Free AF, NIGUTENG ALE Prisst in charge about a more prosperous time for the great mass of idle For further particulars apply to Jabor which straggled about the streets and thoroughfares WYNTER St. Peter Church La Boca. First Class Workmanship expecting with exaggerated anticipation to hear the call Workman Printery Holy ptism 11 am Guaranteed.
for re employment Morning Prayer and ad Iresa tam, Now, after four years of trying experiences it is pm. Sunday School found that the canal forces, white and colored, have been 30 pm. Evensong and sermon on the steady decrease until the number of employees is MULCARE. Rector Dr. HOFFMANN half of what it used to be. This has not come as a revelation St. Barnabas Church, Empire has reopened his clinic for to those who have been following the situation with grave Morning Prayer and address 11 am diseases of the blood, rheumaapprehension from the time that reduction of force comSunday School 3p.
tism and urolog cal cases in menced; but those whose forlorn hopes had blinded them Evening Prayer and address 30p, during these few years have received the information with JT MULCARE, Priest in charge the upper floor of Al Place, a fit of stupefaction.
Santa Ana Pleza, Street, St. Bartholomew Church, The economic crisis has put its last stroke on local No.
Las Cascadas business. Several commercial houses in this city have sold Matine and Holy Communion 118 out or gone on the bankruptcy list. All of the survivors Ereningsong and Sermon have reduced their staff or cut the pay of their employees.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Rer JT Mulcaro, Priest in charge Many of them have opened baratillos selling their Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents goods at half the original prices and can find purchasers product honestly made as to Church Of God G St Colon Incomparable for them, except from among the free and easy class who 11, 30 7:30 Holy Communion and quality, and at a price always neither work nor want, but live by playing the role of the feet washing Bailey Pastor British Consulate Notice.
vamp and the parasite. These denizens, unleashed from fair to buyer and seller constiNew Providence the Red Light district, scour the city from Las Bovedas to tutes service Gospel Sermon 11. 30 7. 30 The Acting British Consul at El Casino and prey upon those who still hava someting to Sunday School pm Colon would be glad of informafeed their repacious greed for money; and they are the Sis Elliot, Pastor.
tion as to the present whereonly people who seem to be able to give patronage to the This is what you get when you use abouts of one Campbell, Gatun native of Jamaica who is stated limping trade in the city stores and one door shops on to have been recently employed Central Avenue.
Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 GAS FOR COOKING at the Universal Store, Colon, The Panama Electric Car Company, which since its Sanday School pm George Griffith inauguration, until a month ago, always showed signs of a Seventh Day Adventist Church flourishing life, has not escaped the hard blow of the Colon G St No. Q STREET CALIDONIA economic crisis. Most of the cars have been taken off the Gospel Sermons 11, 30 sm 7:30 ROAD, PANAMA.
lines and an apologetical schedule substituted for what PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Sunday School pm Sie. Brewster Pastor Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabused to be a practically efficient utility. Except for the normalistas and policias at noon day, the cars have been PANAMA OFFICE. AT bath School; 11, 15 sm General Worship COLON OFFICE: 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm.
running almost empty at a considerable loss to the comCathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
Bible Truth Churches. Young People Moeting: 30 pm.
San Miguel Vespers.
Ths situation is doubly critical for the company. It Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Bunday evening at p. Reading 5: a. Morning Prayer has been found necessary to reduce the car service at cer10 am Children Service Clam. All are welcome both young and old. 30 m, Missionary Programe tain hours of the day which means that conductors and 11 am Preaching Service Bro, Francis Wesleyan Methodist motoristas will have to stand the loss of so many hours 30 pm Special Program for Children Panamı. 11 a, Rev. MC, Burgeon lay over time. The public cannot help the company in the Day 7:30 Rev, Surgton way of increased fares, for there is no employment, there sands with their pitiable wreckage as the victims of a 30 pm Gospel Service Colon. 11. a. Rev. Kissock Broam fore no funds, and consequently no patronage.
dazzling delusion.
The people are trying to make themselves obedient to Below this spectacular surface there is a terrible Calldonla 30 Rev Kisrock Braham D, La Boca 11. Mr. Jobasen law and conformable to order. They are not expected to do undertone of sorrow. The one time robust forms of men, 5s. Morning Prayer Mr. SK, Walters anything else, and it is the only way they can keep safe, women and children are shrinking into a dimunition almost 10 am Children Sarvice New Providence 11. Mr. Johnson if even starving. But moral restraint creaks when hunger beyond recognition. If ever there was a time when soup an Preaching Service Parasoe 11 am Mr Waltera and distress become so assertive as to arouse the lower kitchens were needed it is now. People in classes high 230 m Sanday School Empire 11. a Mr. Layne 30 pm Gospel Service instincts in a discouraged and dejected mass of suffering er up who experience no bungry nights or anxious days E, Barclay. Pastor in charge, Christian Mission of Paname humanity.
know notbing of the wave of depression and want that is Panams 11. a mС. Moseley 7:30 The flash of gaiety which is daily seen upon the sur sweeping over the masses in this country.
Salvation Army Rawlins face of distress in the West Indian community and which There is no work obtainable anywhere within the gaze 30 am Prayer Meeting Chorillo 11. a 8. Taylor 7;30 quivers in the form of nocturnal dissipation in two con of the physical or imaginary eye; there is no promise of 10 am Sunday School Trotman Il; 15 am Holiness Meeting La Boca 11. am Ej Wilcon 7:30 Yard spicious quarters cannot be taken as indicative of general improvement on the economic horizon; nor is there any prosperity. It is rather the flow of a high tide of degen sign of relief. The people must perish. It will be a dark 30 Special Program The Corps Paraiso 11 am 7:30 Burke Supt.
Gatun 11 am 7;30 Miller cracy in which certain unscrupulous swells decoy light. day for Panama when this country becomes scourged by Brig oder in ako part Colon minded and tickle toed ignoramuses only to strip them of an epidemic brought on by the conditions which are plung 7:30. m, Salvation Meeting 11 am A, Nichols 7:30 J) Dasb In addition there will be Rally every vestige of self preservation, and, after casting them ing bundreds of people into filth and squalor; but if nobody GEORGE MORRIS taken place at all the Churches. Pansma on the rocks of adversity, will leave them to strew the seems to care what happens, that will happen.
Chorilio, La Bye, Paraiso, Gatun Commandant, Colon. B.


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