
OVER 20, 000, 000 grounds.
called DAILY Dan on 111 Eleven Arias to test polluted Cigarettes Assemby are session it 3845593938:SSN 03 Buy a package to day!
signed The INCOMPARABLE Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
farO barrio Third.
started the opp Deputy Vidal, starta Weather the he greatest Braithwaite, plish ans Harding them THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1922, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE. Sportsman Gricket SCENESS The Crisis in Disgraceful Scene League vs. Sinclair (Continued from page 1)
In Colon for the election of the three Designates. The official acts of It is expected that tomorron the previous session were conOn Tuesdoy afternoon (12th Isthmian cricketers will fight Sunday, September 17th, Interfirmed. From an early hour the inst) at about o clock a dis. the fiercest battle on the Istb.
spectator gallery was crowded.
graceful scene was enacted in mian Park The The animation of the crowd upper Bottle Alley ir mediately cricketers from the Atlantic will demonstrated a very high tension opposite Slifers Park. endeavour to make good their of excitement, and at 2:34 when There was a tett between a boast of being the best cricketthe bell the members to a soldicr from Fort de Lesseps ers on the Isthmus and there is order, it was hardly possible to and a wc residing in the no enter the ball. After the roll locality, who ought to be in the no gainsaying it that the Pacific boys will fight to the last man call, Hon. Deputy Martinez was Red Light District, to uphold their supremacy. The absent and a a letter was presentA large number of the The Colon boys are bringing a That is the record of sales of ed by Alternate Señor Salabar washed quickly corgregated and ria, stating that Deputy Martinez the Police wagon was requisi special car load of rooters so as to was sick and that he would tioned; but ro arrests were made side, replace him. He was sworn, and as the gallant. soldier who im inediately Deputy hid been bravely? beating up when all good cricketers, sh uld Now, therefore, is the time challenged the letter his ore time ght of love or must come to the aid of their and asked that a cornmittee as a forgery be made good his escape to his appointed to party. Pacific boys. we need the validity and quarters, which is just on the you every one. Don let those authenticity of the excuse.
Opposi e side of ite Park Colon bays come all the way Quite a lengthy argument This brirgs out in bold rellef over here and make more noise transpired between General the luted conditions of many than we can. Turn out in bun.
Qulozada and the Honorable sections of the City. There is a reds and back your favourite, Deputies as to the validity of in deed hardly a lock where whether he plays for Pacific or Senor Salabaria sitting in the may reside It was tinally decidadhe ed that he should without coming in contact with Atlantic erd. The Colon boy disreputatle characters, sports, therefore, barg around always good and game retire. There His Excellere, the was a wave of contention and and His Worship the Mayor who them a rousing cheer and wel.
in the United States alone the Railroad Station to SIVO nothing was accomplished Durs ing the th are both becoming deservedly come train wil arrive about 11 it transpired that General Quintero had popular, are doing their best o clock. From the station we of the edebis candidature as one improve the city in many can then head for the ground directions.
It is not too much to hope that in mind, THE GAME STARTS with a band of music. Bear this a conference held during the morning, it was alleged that the they will organise a campaign AT 12 NOON PRECISELY and majority of the Deputies had and rid the community of these no one can afford to miss any of a pact to elect Don barples, who flagranily violate the game so be on the ground in The package fits the pocket Rodolfo Chiari First Vice the laws and ordinances enacted time to see the first ball roll or to President for the regulation of this deplor see the boys warm up. Let The price fits the pocket The Assembly adjourned after able traffic.
each living man on the Pacific and the Cigarette is making arrangements for an side scull out a holiday and turn evening session when the Des! gnates would be elected.
Match Washed Out. it into a real gala day and have his fill of enjoyment. See the session was called to order at 45 when the Speaker The match scheduled for the Red wonderful and much talked of informed the House that Sports Sussex return game, took Reid better known as Bocas Rodolfo Chiari, would that appear place at Mt. Hepe Oval on Sun Spencer in action but less and the matinee idol Bobbie Designate, Ignacio day last and was washed out by we Quirzada Second, and Goala General rain. Sussex went to bat, and forget see your own dear Nicanor non.
at the termination bad 38 for curite and choice team under cricket wickets, when the sition ball rolling and from the Woodie Elcock with Zackie man decided to intervene, VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama on it was impossible to to accom.
match would have decided the The Teret: De Sintosh, The Bue anythiog. Toe opposition Cup, but having been thrown ket. discover. ng that no reasonable Nat out, will bring Sussex and ket SODXO OCIS COSES SE argument would weigh with the Knigit, Miller and Victoria to a tie, each having two Durant, in real action. If you Government supporters, grabmore games to play. The bed the voting papers and tore to shreds. is just a neck do not see this game you ll have The session ben derers the leaders, ard a lot to side tracks when you see knot of men on the side walks have for months been making was closed.
depends on the Cornwall Wan What making frightful gesticulations preparations for this notable THURSDAY SEPT. 14.
derers return match. If event of erecting temple Designates Elected By Asmatch is played it will be a in an effort to explain and give worthy for the edification of the sembly.
tie proposition, providing the weight is to what he would people and to the praise, glory Wanderers carry off the bacon.
have done if he was on the pick WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT and honour of Almighty God.
The Assembly was called to and who who and who was who Success has practically crowned order at 40. The official roll in the cricket world.
No. 78, New Market Street Removal Of Lodge.
their efforts as with the self was called and the Minutes of sacrificing efforts and assistance the previous session read and RETAIL DEPARTMENT Dedication Ceremony of the members and the well confirmed.
Before entering on The Naomi Household Lodge wisbers of the Baptist persuasion the Order of the Day, strenuous No, 61, under the Panama DisNo. 107, Bolivar Street this memorable act will be to efforts were made to bring the trict of the U Com of Dedication Ceremony of a Lodg morrow, consumated, and made opposition to a compromise. It ManagementEngland) has re hall for the working of Free Gardener, THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY possible.
moved to the Gabriel Union wns held on Sunday last by the Lily was seen clearly that they were The church will be the vici: not sufficient Deputies to elect Lodge Hall.
6th and Hudson of the Atlantic Lodge No. 493. nity of the Clubhouse the opposition candidate, who Lane, Colon FULL SUPPLY OF in conformity with the Household 6th Street and Hudson Lane. Colon, and Colored School house. An invi was General Quintero. Hon.
tation is hereby extended to the Alvarado although one are cordially welcomed to the was Bueces from every standpoint meetings. Sister Mercy Hink Bro. Aikens, WM vse Master Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, lovers of religion and adherents of the opposition laboured hard of other religious denominations to bring about an amicable setson, 1s Secretary of the of Ceremonies, and be performed bin Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, to be present and assist in tiement. but the opposition to Lodge, and she would be glad to duties in creditable manner, This making successful another stage mained adamant.
give further information of the dedication ceremony was caused by the ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES of progress at this town At 37 President Quinmeeting nights.
removal of lodge from the Flower of sada the lotbmus to the Gabriel Union Lodge Holy Baptism Desigpatesced that election for Mispah Installation would begin. The ball, Government nominated Rodolfo Call and see us before purchasing Chiari, To morrow. Sunday) an un. General Nicanor The Installation of Officers to serve SACRED CONCERT elsewhere.
asual number of infants will be second and Third Vice PresiFirst, Obario and for the ensuing term of the Mispah admitted to Holy dge No. 20, 1, took place At Wesleyan Methodist Church, Colon, and will return here in were taken and resulted in at respectively.
the St. Joseph Lodge hall on Saturday Colon.
the afternoon to celebrate the favour of Don Rodolfo Chiari, hast. The ceremony was performed in an Among those to be General Quinzada and General by the was at admitted are the infant children Obario Installing Master Bro. Jameo Small, The concert in aid of the York, Canal Zone Notes construction period. He Pedro Miguel and Paraiso for of Mr. Thomas Holder and Mr. for Gabriel Duque. The election One vote was ballotted State Grand Ruler The following Castle and Barbican High School many years, and for some Albert King, employees of the of Don Rodolfo was unanimous, were installed: Bro. William Holder, Resucitation Fund comes off on LA BOCA.
seasons he was the President of Lighthouse Department and Dam Layne, R; Wednesday next 20th inst, the (Pedro Miguel Cricket Club after the election, Construction respectively. erecho Taylor, Lynton, RW rare treat is in store for manifestation waited on Dr.
Mr. Cortenia is na ative of JaRelleno Davy, Gale, those who appreciate music and La Boca Literary Society maica, and has taken his wife Belisario Porras, President of with bim. He has been suffering the Republic. The manifestants Powell. OD Sisters Seaton literature, Song Service Well Attended R. I; Gillings, W, The price of admission is 25c.
were enthusiastically received at for the past months and despite and Wright, Bro. Pensos, Cy. a popular fare; but the the Presidencia and after severQuite a large audience was al speeches and the making of The La Boca Literary Society the medical skill and painstaking P.
Concert promises to be a 50c.
will received at next Tuesday night at assistance reci Ancon present at the Song Service, on toasts the manifestation return.
The Grand Conductors were Bro. A, one at least. p. The subject, Resolved Hospital he has failed to obtain Sunday last at the Silver Club ed to Santa Ana Park and disJohnson, and Bieter May Gale, P, is a A: Sad Lockouts bas medical practitioners and for a he explained himself with mark 3000 citizens joined in a demonbetter method any results, and for these rea house, Mr. Holder was the persed.
Rules of the Guiding Star Lodge. At the RALLY of close a delicious banquet was served to After the Band Concert than The rally under the auspices and change of climate and for a good ed ability His subject of address stration and marched to the of the Peaceful Retreats. Come airmative and De Sousa and Egleston rest New Druld Lodgo is to be found in the first chap residence of Don Rodolfo where The friends and residents here ter of Corinthians; verse Six (6. they showed in a very patriotic Dwill oft to night (16th point of the tone ne pomorrow Sunday, at join in wishing a ben voyage to The Loyal St. Jour ph Lodge No. St, Jame Lodge room corner of Mr. Cortinia and his lovely and manner the general satisfaction 2353, o der of Druids wili be organiwed 8th Street and Hudson Alley, the monthly song service under affable wife; and it is the sincere Secretary Waller Returns from for the result of the election.
Vacation at the core of the month on the AtlanCome out and have a good the auspices of the Society will wish that he will regain his tio Side, the menagement is working time.
be held at the Clubhouse and the health, Smoke 111 One Eleven)
hard to have a me completed. It will be Doors open at 30 Reverend Thorbourne of Secretaay Waller, of the Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents LodgoVAD Panama Baptist Church will be Colored Clubhouse has returned formerly Samaritan Lodge, and the the special speaker. His subject from his well earned vacation, Incomparable second oldest fraternal instituticn on Miss Walsh on Vacation will be The value of a wise Corner Stone Laying He reported having spent a fine the Isthmus of Panama being outranked decision There will be free time at Costa Rica and looks the Rally at Colon only by the Court Brock (Forestere)
Miss Elaine Walsh, of Panama admission to both these meetings picture of health: We tender him On the invitation of Mr. Carl eded The St.
Lodgo from To morrow will be a red letter a sincere welcome.
Elliot President of the the Order of Samaritans, and made city is at present spending her and the public is cordially invited this town and has day in this town, if Jupiter and Mr. Holder was reapplications to to the Heart Pluvias will be moderately, quested to take the chair. The GATUN Annlva rsary Lodge, D, for recommendation expressed that she is having charitable to the residents. It for a diepeneaticn about months ago with her friends.
very enjoyable and pleaant time eleven parishes of Barbados were will go down on record as one rallied for and the total sum which was granted by the Mr. Cortenia on Visit to of the most marked feature in To night, Chapter No. 16 of the netted 39. 00 Miss English Board of Directors, and which anived Jamaica the religious activities here for LA will celebrate thei represented St. James, which recently on the Isthmus. Credit must will be a neutral lodge, and will be stone of the new Baptist church Lodge hall. An invitation is ex 80; Miss Weekes, came a close. Bro Drummond, working direct under the Executive Among the passengers for Jar will be put in its place making a tended to all visiting friends to second with 80.
who presence and instrumentality We have to offer our congratulations Due credit bhought about the transfer, and under to Bro. Drummond and the New St. maica on Thursday last, was Mr. fature indication of the spiritual participate in the grand functions must be given the members for bis able guidance led them on to ona Joseph Lodge, and wished them succes Corienia, employee of growth and interest in things which the Association will pull their activities in doing all they of the oldest off in celebration of this unique can to assist the suffering Bar of Englich Friendly and prosperity for the many years to the Lighthouse Department and celestial.
Bocieties. The Loyal Bt. Joseph Lodge come, one of the old timer during the Rev. Thrift and his good wife Jevent.
badians on the Islamus. LYNTON in and Get Deputy General Baptism denta resna The votes event.
Immediately meet e remembered that this Heart of Oake vacation be given


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