
The American Foreign Banking Corporation American Owned Boats With British Flags.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Recent Attempt to Shoot Mayor Creates Sensation In Haitian Capital. STRONG GOVERNOR.
Determined Campaign to put Down Long standing Graft And Malteasance.
DEPOSITORY OF The United States Treasury Panama Railroad. The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA London, August It does not follow that the Minnie Wallace is British owned chooner, said an American who was recently engaged in in.
restigating the business to a 90r Tunning represes tative yesterday. There are many small schooners and large motor boats flying the British flug engaged In this illegal traffic. Most of them are not British owned, even though they may be of British registry tbe actual owners are mostly American DorThese syndicates.
vessels outside the three mile limit off the coast of and elsewhere. Some have Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, the sadacity to go into Chesapeake Bay, but a lot of nerve is requir ed to run the gauntlet there. It was, however, successfully ac complished less than a month ago by four schooners. They usually work in conjunction with motorboats.
Trips By Night For the past three months the Federal authorities have been endeavouring to locate an aerial syndicate who have been smag.
ling by means ans of a seaplane from tantic City, known to be making many trips nightly, carrying about twenty cases of whisky on each flight.
was disposed of to cale kzepers in Atlantic City. On July I saw a notice hang.
ing in the window of a number offcafes there which read We visited several of these cafes, and asked for a drink.
Instead of iced water or soft staff, was served with a whisky and soda.
The extent to which liquorrunning is being carried on may be gathered from the fact that Bimini the nearest point in the Bahamas to the American coasts, which was just a small village with a diminutive harbour in non prohibition days, is now a Jie large town, with an extensive harbour and fine buildings. great city is being built on the proceeds of the liquor traffic.
Rounding Up The Irish Irregulars.
which was This VUOD)
WORTH 00 have it Port Au Prince, Haiti August 21. The recent attempt to shoot Edourd Mangones, the Mayor of this city of 150, 000 people, followed within 24 hours by either the suicide or or murder of the whe city receiver, have created sensation unusual from with tales of a The resort to firearm, to her a mystery car with three gunners operating at night are now symptoms for Haitian politics, In the past, crimes of violence were usually accomplish ed by the secret use of poison or other methods. Since the occupation there has not been more than six murders, and what may prove to be a crime Wave is an unusual manifestation.
Absolutely unknown in a cen.
government in the determined campaign of SAVE THE Governor Mangones, backed by the influence of President Borno and the American officered CASH gendarmerie, to prosecuta local officials charged with shortage of funds. falsification of tax COUPONS receipts, and graft Mangones, a man of mans, an aristocrat and a business man, has created consternation among the politiclans.
Forced To Resign GOLD Last May he forced the resig.
nation of the communale re FOR 100 ceiver for shortage of 5, 000 dollars, in his accounts, the receiver claiming that his safe COUPONS had been robbed of that amount months before, although he had not reported it. Following that, three officials were arrest ed for alleged falsification of tax receipts to the extent of several thousand dollars. Then came an investigation of Luvodic Monplat.
sir, Director of Cemeteries, who CONTRAN herent of Nangones. In the course of it, Monplaisi tried to sboot Mangones, seriously wounding one of his personal cabinet, Edmund Millet.
The following morning the dead body of the new receiver, Clement Den was found.
whether his death was due to murder or suicide has not been established. Report of a mys.
terious automobile complicated the situation, and gave rise to al murder as part of a dation by the mayor enemies.
planned campaign of intimi0. the other hand an investigation of Daniza offic3 bad been ordered for the following day by Mangones.
Mangones has gone relentless.
ly on whatever the truth of the Dəniz, mystery may prove to obe, and the Americans and other foreigners are delighted at this of a growing civic resFor more than a graft and malfesaance bave been winked at, but Mangones, a man of personal courage and honesty promises a continuation of bis programme.
KING BEE MAGNUMS NORTH THE had long been a partisian ad Extra Mild CIGARETTES SSAN AMERY Several the theory Collins, las comrestoration of Among 2d property century local Entirely Different exceptions King Bee Mr. Lloyd George To Write Book ING KIN BEE MAGNUMS It is probable that the task of rounding up the Irish Irregulars wilt take the National irish troops more. Woeks though there is a chance that the process may be shortened by surrender. The rebels have been making pac overtures during which time the hostilities have hand been favourab Ping more and more towards them Michael who is in command of the National Forces, will accept nothing short of com plete surrender. He has laid down the only terms upon which the Irish Government will cease hostilities. These terms prise unconditional obedience to the Irish Parliament, surrender of all war material, and the all seized pro the Irish people feeling against the Irregulars is becom ing very strong owing to the seizure by them of food, stock, motors, etc. The rebels are are not only, with very few behaving like brigands in an alien land, but on their perpetual retreats they are destroying water supplies and burning buildings without any consideration for the suffering thus caused to non. combatants is no doubt that the British Government having once come to terms with tha Irish Provisional Government, very wise in leaving the settlement of the trouble with the Irregulars exclusively to the Irish themselves. Documents have been discovered showing that the Irregulars are particuanxious to implicate Britain once again in the Irish squabble in order that they may revive the myth about the invading foreigner. The strategy is too obvious, however, and it is left to Irishmen exclusively to work out the salvation of their own country.
British Consulate Notice: The Acting British Consulat Colon would be glad of information as to the present whereabouts of Benjamin Hackett, a native of Barbados, who was last heard of about two years ago when his address was said to be Balboa Post Otice, Irish There Were larly Considerable interest has been aroused by the news that Mr. oyd George is going to write a book. The plan of it is already in existence and the work of writing it is to be the Prime Minister holiday task in Parliamentary recess. It will be a war book by a man whose influence on the progress of the war was probably unrivalled. It is said that it will begin with description of that WANTED bistoric meeting of the cabinet presided over by Mr, Asquith, the Liberal Premier at that tims, Reliable Salesman when it was decided to send an ultimatum to Germany. Lloyd FOR HANDLING TOILET George will have a great theme PREPARATIONS and of it.
His book can hardly fail to prove Ho ro co Tonics of the utmost historic value, and there can be no doubt that it will etc. etc.
also contain many piquant passagés. Needless tɔ say there is For paticulars apply to considerable competition among ALEX. M: SANCHEZ the publishers to obtain th home House No. 24 St. Guachapal, and foreign rights of the work, and already many huge offers or mail to Box 879 are mentioned.
Ancon, ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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