p. 8


At La Boca Clubhouse To night, Opens This Way KOLYNOS (NOSTROLINE ALONE HAS THE frore Prevents and Cures COLDS CATARRH Thousands are cured themselves with and Throat disorders by using it Consionally You should do to Try NOTILINE and tell your friends INSTANT RELIEF OR MONEY BACK Sold by Chemists everywhere Price.
Harold Matthews Co, Chamist, litton, Glos BRODERICK LLOYD Manufacturers Representative COLON. CHOMBES Dental Notice Song WINCH ON TO CAPTIVE САР Appended is an outlined Copy of the program in connection with the Grand Flag Contest Rully to by bald at Li Ba Clubhouse this evening under the management of the female members of the Wesleyan Church.
PROGRAM Opening Remarks by Casirm in Mr. A, Harris Selectiou Orchestra (Selected) Mrs. Sarah Williams Atir Panninin Fisg Mr.
Jump La Bocs Panama National Anthon Orchestra Rally (Flag of Panam) Song Slected Mack Baze Address The Tri Colour. Ls Marseillaise Orchestra 10 Rally French Flag 11 Saag Selected Miss Las Moultoa 12 Address Stars and Stripes Mr. Walter Soy. Gatun 13 Star Spangled Bianor Orchestra 14 Re. The Fisz Gə By Master Joseph Johnson 15 Rally The Am rican Flag 16 Bag (Salaste 1) Mis Olga King 17 Rositation Battle Of Trafalgar Master Nathan Johnson 18 Address Uain Jack Mr.
Wynter, Panama 19 Rue Britannia 20 Rally British Flag 21 Sob Miss Sarab Williams Voting Ad. Libitun 23 Selection By Orchestra Having received a large con.
signment of dental supplies from the United States during he week, at a greatly reduced price. desire my paient and the public to know that my fecs for der tal service will also be reduced while these supplies last.
Dr. JOHNSON Dist ict Dentist L1 Boca, 179 Central Avenue Opposite Station Fanam NOTICE HAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of KOV DI dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled away in the sleeping car or hid under the washstand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held captive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contents.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Begs to notify bis clients that he has removed his residence from 4th Street to 8th and Streets Colon. Deveaux Build.
ing) com inonly called The Louis Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents Incomparable Reduction of Alcalde At.
KOLYNOS (Continued from page 1)
any kinds of functions unions, assemblies, meetings public or private, to be held on their promises without permission from the said United Fruit Com.
pany and must be ratified by she Alcalde. Six other clauses are included in the said decree, that are still more forcible and carrying with them certain pen»lties for the infraction the Police Administration, For clear and distinct understand.
ing of this decree, we think, in justice to the general public, it is right that the decree should be translated in English and distri.
buted among that class of people who are directly concerned in Buch movements.
DENTAL CREAM of the no no (Continued From Page 1)
made reductions but failed to give the tigures, while Switzerland reduced from 70 per cent.
to 55 per cent, the proportion of Lav ber men eligible for military service Delegata Bellegarde of Haiti, took the floor today and made the most eloquent speech of the session He reviewed the work Council and demanded an investigation of the operations of a punitive expedition sent by the South rican Government some time ago against the natives of South West Africa territory for which South Africa has the mandate. The Haitains impressed the Assembly as other orator has done when he asked if it were possible that women and children could be slaughtered by airplanes, bombs, and machine guns operated by mandatories under the authority of the League of Nations.
Disarming (Proposals.
Ottawa, September Discus.
his disarmament proposal, Lord Robert Cecil sa to the Associated Press yesterday, that he was considering lectura ing in the United States on the subject.
The League Committe will report today on the advisability of such a plan, but he believed there would be an expression of approval or a resolution before the Assembly. GRAND MISSIONARY PROGRAM EWELRY BARGAINS Quantity sing N W R M Quality Price At The Pauama Church Missionary program will be given on bebalf of the new A. Church and School at No. Q. Street, Calidonia (near Isthmian Park) Sunday Setp. 17.
1822, commencing at 30 pm.
Admission adults 25c. children 100.
Dont fail to hear this program especially Mr. Romain the We are hoping that some ocpopular Tuner and Repairer of casion will bring you to our Organs in this town Mr. store shortly. And when you Romain will give an Organ do come be assured that it will Recital; also accompany Mrs.
Maud Wray in her solo entitled be a pleasure for us to serve Jesus Lover of My Soul. you, and that our pleasure in serving you will make your visit to our store even more enjoyIN MEMORIAM.
able for yourself.
MRS. LOUISE REID FULLER In sad but loving and affec JEWELLER tionate memory of our dear mother (and daughter) who fell 122 CENTRAL AVENUE asleep on the 13th Sept. 19211 What pesceful hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still; But YOU tave left an aching void, Modern Resturants The world osn never fill.
And shall we mourn while angels greet?
For Colored Bebold she rests on angels seat; And shall we eigh while angels sing?
Workers She joias in praise to God ber King, CHILDREN and MOTHER During the year 1914 the few Bragg WIII Study construction days, the remaining landmarks from the Medicinos in Messes and Kitchen were consolidated and called silver Among the passengers who messes.
Jett for the United States of Now the messes at Camp Bierd America on Tuesday last, was and La Boca bave both been Mr. O, Bragg, a very popular transformed up to date resand affable young man. He was taurants with cafeteria service ar ardent Athletic enthusiast, where you can make your own and it was due very much to his selection from the counter or energy and unassuming person. have waiter service, if so desired.
ality that the success of an Athle. We invite your inspection.
tic team to Jamalca last year Cash or coupons accepted, was made possible.
Mr. Bragg goes to the Iowa State University to continue the stady of medicine and to qualify Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
bimselt for the medical profession. We wish him bon voyage Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents with anticipations for his future Incomparable success. M BRITISH LEGION We are asked to state that a meeting of tbe prospective local branch of the British Legion will take place to morrow. Sunday) the 17th inst. at p. in the A. Hall No. 14, Guachapali Chapter, for the purpose of putting the newly organized branch on a working basis All ex soldiers of the British Army interested in the Legion are expected to attend and a keen interest in the proceedings as matters of vital importance will be discussed, The opportunity is here taken to thank the members of the UN for their kindness in loaning the hall to hold the meeting take a E Cigarettes R IN THE ZONE IN THE REPUBLIC. 10 for cents 16 for 124 cents To Make Bobbed Halr Crime In Britain London; July 18 Flappers with bobbed hair will fare badly en England if an amendment to the criminal law amendment bill proposed by F, MacQuisten, IM. for Glasgow, be carried, Mr.
MacQuisten amendment decrees that every family aged sixteen or under shall wear hair either loose or plated behind hanging down the Penalties are provided the who put their balr up back.
Advertise in The Workman. It Pays geile under years of age


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