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Repatriation of Destitute West Indians LUPPER LIP WOOD ALCOHOL CAUSES MANY VICTIMS IN US to were relief ment.
diseasers appears that purpose of a htbe ceats realised SUSPENDED BY THE TRAGEDY AT MAN LOOSES HOSPITAL CANAL ZONE GOVT.
GOVT. Dispenser Takes Strych. Bit ori and Swallowed By ne Ey Mistake.
Antagonist Until Satisfactory Arrangements The death occurred under The Centrel American Ex Awful Death Toll Results From tragic circumstances at the press of Roosa del Toro reports Can be Made With West Pablic Hospital in Georgetown tha fullowing:Demerara on Thursday after. An incident which took place Drinking Of Bootleggers Indian Governments noon last of a dispenser named at Las Delicias Commissariat on Henry Joseph, about 24 years of Friday evening last, 8th instant is Spurious Whisky.
but minor record of the number From reliable information re available sailing to the various ceived in this office we learn islands which deserving Eist Bank, was employed for tude which have taken place on ares gathered by the National svlvania.
Joseph, New York. August 21. Fig. Jersey and fifteen in PennFive deaths that the Panama Canal Govern applicants may belong, of Co Committee for of reported four ment has stopped the repatria tion of destitute West to But there has come a bitch in Hospital as an Assistant Diepen in the Talamanca valley, Costa Blindness in the Russent sage in Connecticut, a Massachusetts, their native homes for Indianino the operation of this essentially ser, having qualified white at the pic, where the labourers are Fundation Building 130 Base Ohio and Miss In the first necessary work. o?
being. This we understand has hitch seems to be caused by wedal in the and the institution. He went to work as committing crimes Twenty seevnd Street, show 12 days o this year 103 of the morning and work month into month: and those on that during the first half of. 1922 130 deaths were reported.
of Barbados charging each per contaction of the Barbados ed all right until bu: p record for this pay day are of wood elephol caused 130 deaths by the Only three or four deatlas per Gvernment baso prought showing no signs of worry or the most desperate nature, and 22 cases o? blindness.
year from wood alcohol poisonfret he showed his quarantine fee which is collected son arriving that island alcused what is hoped to be friendly and genial dispost made an attempt to chop one ever, begin to measure the total State prior to 1919, said Mrs.
At Corn Farm a Nicaraguan These ägares do not howing were reported ta Naw York from the Panama Canal Govern this work of relief by the Canal Lion to only a temporary suspension of tion to all.
Inmelint ly ter Darvey a Jamaican. Darvey ran loss of life or sigut through the Hathaway.
Zone Government until a morea o clocks, just when the while more than Since the completion of the reasonable understanding is ar ceased in work and his home and bolted the door drinking of bootleggers whisky eight deaths from this case were prepar but the Nicaraguan attemped to Panama Canal and the actual rived at.
ing to leave, it is stated that but have been reported in the state to containing wood alcohol, closing down of the entire conJoseph, who speared to be in through the window to Mrs. Winicred Hathaway, cithin the last three years. In struction work, cons quently young man when one tarso omittec; yesterday Pansylvania wood aleshol killed To briefly outline the unfortue and excit intimisted that be Myers another Jamaicair took as try throwing a large. Lumber of nate situation: had taken strychnine in mistale the banana cutter and eat him and friends of sixty one persoas last year, persons out of employment There is a law at Barbados for mor for morphine. It to conceal the real Acute alcoholic poisoning cause within the past two years. it is which restricta passengers Joseph who was studying through. He died 15 minutes chose of death, and in some ed the death Taeday night of laler. Myers escaped.
Chemist ard known that the Canal Zone landing from ships that may call the pur cases succeed. And as the deteri Elward Daugherty, 82 or oration of sight Government and the American at ports under quarantine res. Druggist examinatio in Decem At Las Delicias Samuel Dixon wool alcohol poisoning is fre body was found early yesterday sight resulting from Bellingham, Washington, whose Red Cross Society has been trictions wery energetic in repatriating passengers from these ships ber was in the habit of taking a narsa ols Elizabeth, Jamneca sinall doses of morphine, in order and isserth Marshall of St. An gradual process, it is a to betul escurata recording to Assistant Medical large numbers of West Indians wniola way touch at such ports to assist him in his studies, It drew Jamaica both friends and cords of the total number of Exartner Gonztles. Con his room at the Ho to their native homes, from time will be allowed to land in their is eved that in his effort to men above middle ago, accustom cases of blindness and partial tents of a nearby empty bottle to time.
native home but must present take one of these doses uab. ed to carry on joltes freely with loss of visio from this cause, found near the body indicated Witbin the recent past, desite themselves to the health officer served by bis colleagues in the young and old alike but this pay eleven children hava been vie that Daugherty may have drunk tion among the unemployed which they hail, each day, for day work he poured out strych age seems to have added more of the district or parish from dispensary at the erd of the this season intoxicating bever tims. wood alcohol.
ex Canal labourers has become was announced Very acute and consequently the that more resources at the disposal of espection for nine consecutive mine instead of morphine and vigour to their usual spirit.
and a fee of forty eight drank it oft hastily. He Arthur Butler, 41, of 606 tha bail of the 130 fatal cases Panama Canal authorities have charged for inspection per day for each person is bis mistake immediately and It happened on this occasion brought to the attention of the First Street, Carlstad. been greatly taxed in repatriat for assistance, be holding the hands of Dixon to vention of Companydied Tuesday of ing these unfortunate West In It would appear that on the draught of potassium permar.
dians. Since the beginning of the last three occasions that desti ganate was given bim as an get him off for a battle Dixon first six molindness during the alcoholic poisoning before he year quite a large number have tute Barbadians were sent home antidote and he was taken down. declined to be mixed up but were in New york, New Jersey could be removed to the Hackenbeen sent home in the from this law was put into force and stairs into the asutdoor comes bothen men, being under a tho and Pennsylvania. Forts?
five sac Hospital. drank been every by all themselves York (Continued On Paye 8) De twenty in few days loose into summoned to bis on tumble whieb resulted in the aid and on a rough and the seres arriving the loss DR. THORNE DR. TODD OUT OF HOSPITAL used on him but to no wale was often ort anapewalowed THREE. LINKS. CLUB WEST INDIA REhe died shortly. The bit bitten Marshall BACK TO AFRICA We are pleased to state that Dr. police were at once notified of race wounds in his Tao Regular monthly meeting WC. Todd Attorney at Law the occurrence and the body was having been kicked by Dixor; of the above named club was con: GIMENT BAND PROPAGANDA. who was ill in the Panama Hos placed in the mortuary at the Both men received the aid of vened in the Lodge Hall pital for the past twelve days has Hospital. post mortem exami Mr. Prescod, Cor dis Loyal Excelsive Lodge, No. 9308 greatly improved and was able to nation was performed next day penter of Guabito who took with Boca pleasure we reproduce below an With undisguised pride and What a Chicago Newspaper leave that institution on Wednes.
him suitable material to furnish Canal Zone on the 12th inst extract from an article published Has To Say About Progress day last when he went over to Baptist Church ActivIlles Pixon with a new lip, the wound Ot Movement.
There was a good turn out of in the Evening Telegram of Toronbeing two incbes long; wbie Marshall ill wound took the shape members.
Visitor Bro. to Canada, dated August 28th Sacred Concert of St.
Nelson Bro. Holder presided, eulogising the performance of Service has been arranged The Saturday Blide (Chicago)
Tne Concert at the Wesleyan for all the Boy Scouts to attend questionedke Cross When After the usual formalities bad the British West Indian Reglabout the missing lip been dispensed with in its issue of August 26, pubsolo ment at lishes the following: Charch on Wednesday enmight e united Service at the Baptist igarrant of eclared that one, want entitled little Spaniaru was Exposition in the Dominion.
14th what While Marcus Garvey, with 20th inst was a marked success. Sunday afternoon when Pastor he believed was done. Our rendered by Bro. Allowed by a Dave anitorm, playing at the his gold braid and feathers, 18 who enjoyed the very rich pro Thrift wili conduct the service Both men were arrested fest. St. Vincent in 1812 by Bro. attraction and as they thrilled e Bandsmen to their beautiful There was a large audience he swallowed it This was then reading on tte Volcanic Erupti a Coliseum were the centre preaching in America the setzure grame that was present Probe and deliver a special address to of Africa by the negro race, a Pastor Rev. Surgeon the boys but were defended by a lawyer Bruno B:0. Lewis then ad.
tae of their audience Albert Thorne born in Barbadog and educated presided Sunday School Anniversary and consequently released and vised us to be wary in the form with their classic and perfect service will be held at Corozsi went back to Las Delicias on of the in Edinburgh University, Scot great masterpieces, the vast throng also working on a plan of co Hard Time Dance At La Road Baptist Church on Sunday Monday 1lih inst, to citatoa la recitation Be careful what interpretation which Monday.
Commandant money. On Thursday morning you say.
applauded their colored brethren Boca To night.
Marshall attempted to swim Morris of the Salvation Army Mars Reading on the Uncertainty of from across the seas, in a manthe approval of some very substantial whites in England.
will preside on Sunday In order to keep up with the and Joboson, Chase was by Bro.
occupy This is ainable to make the distance and Pogarty comented briefly and advertisement of the Dr. Thorne bas obtained a bardness of tbe times the Silver the chr: Deniston wiko:p. across the river from Las Deli lita was next masterly rendered ner never to be forgotten.
certainly a magniâcent cultural concession of ten thousand acres City Band is placing before the the Chair on Monday night.
when put after by boatman favorably on both readings but development to which West Pastor Witt will continue his on the Zambesi River, in Nyassa. Dance Fans a Real Hard Time series of sermons on Things to was not seen any more. seemed to have been deeply im Indians can attain. The British pressed with the Uncertainty of Government is at present doing Dance at the La Boca Clubhouse Come at the Chorrillo Church.
that the British Foreign Office is on terms which The subject for Sunday night is liie to which be expressions The latest Blues will be very What the Bible teaches about Labourers Leaving On in deep, siceren and sober tones. it can to demonstrate that.
The African Colonial Enterprise much in evidence. It has been no Hell.
her colored West Indian subjects Moriday.
The Chairman in a fated statements gave his closing not a backward people. The credit for this of the African race now resident sion of some of the latest hits, remaiks, after which the Doxo me wonderful achievein the Western Hemiphere will and even some of the pieces they Grand Rally Labourers are stm wanted for logy was sung: thus ending a ment must undoubtedly redound the West Indies. It was to be aided in returning and settling are playing now have not reached the United Fruit Company farmsory profitable meeting. the Canadians a pleasing sight on this land.
the hands of the other Bands!
at Bocas del Toro and Costa Rica to see dark skinned musicians grand Rally, under the The first group of men number auspices of the St, Goorge ing fifty will leave on Monday.
The first unit to go to the dis LEAVES FCR JAMAICA.
coming from thousands of miles across the ocean to entertain trict probably will be made up of not only must be farmers, but Juvenile Lodge, No 4, Those who signed on One hundred families of blacks they must be craftsmen as well. will take place on Saturday 30th names are requested to meet Mr their them: and don you forget it, everything is being done to a few families from the United The vanguard of colonista cres. inst at the Gabriel Union Lodge Wynter at the Standard. Among the passengers who left make our musical beroes feel trom Jamaica and Bermuda, with Each family is to receive 90 is ex hall. Colon. It is sincerely hoped Oral at pm today so as States, Dr. Thorne says that vected to start on noord Brine; and support such a worthy that all Galileans will turn out arrange their transportation.
for Jamaica on Thursday last by happy and contented the Tivives were Mrs.
while begroes that. Here is what the Evening TeleStates are now to volunteer as Henry Stanley and the Arch: cause, and bring along friend requesting to dos sent to be becas little adopted son Robert Burke grantham From Tuesday 26th persons Setters in the African colony, bishope of Cantebury and York each. Remember the Date 30th and Costa Rica will meet at the Mrs. Fonseca goes on an extenThe Band As Whole.
many of them are extending to have interested themselves in Dr. inst: Place, Gabriel Union Hs Standard Oxal Calidonia at p, sive visit to the Isle of Springs: The band of the West India nancial support to the venture. Thorne colonisation scheme for Hour p. Refreshments of each day instead of the Workman and is not expected to return to Regiment is in the class of our Thoee who join the first exodus negroes.
all kind on sale.
Priatery the Isthmus in a hurry. Continued on page 8)
probat met deata shipments born the fee for medical inspection where he had several convulsions ingerce controlador hoe gealities were reported in New quantity of wild cherry wine quickly and he raceived Colon.
Reed, of on Sunday last in brought to Bocas pegro doctor, hearts land, is cias land.
indicate To night, all few well are to


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