
PAGE TWO 13 WORKMAN FATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands straight line is Wanderers.
known ands scheduled The shortest and quick smoke you will enjoy LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE stronger from It (toasted colony to a Chinese a 311 10 een aided by the holdinge.
of the JAMAICA Dental Notice BARBADOS colony feels no misgiving. Circumstances bave to arranged themselves as to debar tbolr FACT MYSTERIOUS. Having received a large com INTERCOLONIAL participation of such tried to from Don) of Pickwick; Browne DEATH OF LADY the United States e dicen the CRICKET TOUR Dohop. at greatly reduced price. Areber JOf Pickspartan; or. NAMENT IN THIS CITY and desire my patients and the the shortest distance.
Skeete of The form public to know that my fees for or two are batsmen of established between two points.
dental service will also be reduced Mrs. James Boyd Killed By while these supplies last. The Barbados Selection. reputation and bɔth have been THEREFORE to take wickets. Leslie Revolver Shot At Home Dr, JOHNSON Areber is a punishing bat, and The Herald states that atatireless and In Kingtson Gardens, District Dentist energetle Beld; of the Belection Com whilst Dr. Skeeta is the best meetlog La Boca, mittee the following cricketers cover point to the colony artisest way to obtain the AFTER HER DINNER. 179 Central Avenue were selected to represent Bar le and brilliant. fastlah Opposite Station bados at the triangular cricket bowler but of moderate Theory Is That Tragedy Is Panama.
contest between Demerara Trl ability. Wo intend to omit the is to ask for the Rosult Of Accident The nidad which was mention of Barbados Challenor Information Gleaned.
at! Wanderers who, though good elatives of the unfortunate lad. Demerara this month scheduled to take place It is requested enough for any team, was Wanderers: Austin, never expected to go owing DISTRESSING AFFAIR. Coroner Inquest will be held Captain. Challenor, e business ties. As it is it the into Mason, W, Ince, E Colly toam is carefully examined it The death occurred on Monmore and Dr. C. Hutson. 6)
will be seen it is only the batting day night last of Mes, Catherine CHANGE IS NECESSARY IN Pickwich Tarilton, department that his been Boyd, wife of Mr. James Boyd, Hoad, Kidney. wakened by the unavoidable merchant of this city, under BUILDING LAW Empire; Gilkes, exclusion of some of the somewhat tragic conditions, at Griffith. referred to.
players The team her residence No. 18 East Avenuo could Spartan Pilgrim. not be in bosted Kingston Gardens Authorities Have Not SuttiHarr. College: Walcott (1) ot trundier express, medium, It is constituted of every variety The Unfortunato lady died clont Power to Deal With The Herald comments on the slow, and googley. Its at:ack is revolver sbot which Now Erections.
personnel of the team as follows: tormidable; yet, in batting, it inflicted was accidentally self Aceording to the reports RESIDENTIAL AREAS is in no way formidable on fielding talent we entertain Although the selected team tares not too ill. It is of its gathered.
The Gleaner has good reasons paper or fully representative doubt, and we are hoping to see No one saw what happened and so it is merelys conjecture to believe that in de course the of this Kingston Commis strength, it is nevertheless con its members take to the grind28 to how the sad affair occurred stoners and Contenera St. Andrew stituted ot varied talent and stone in the interval.
From enquiries made by Parochial Board, the Building quite capable of performing The leadership is in capable representative of the Gleaner, it Authorities, will take definite gloriously It is composed of hauds and the followers are appears that the family adjourn. Steps to get the present Building two thirds young men active, truat wɔrthy. We place implicit ed to dinner as usual on Monday Laws amended: virile, and enthusiastic, bright reliance in the combination. The evening. Mrs. Boyd as well as her husband and children were The position is that from time oyed and unafraid; and the team saile on the 13th proximo.
all seated around the dinner to time petitions have been sent table and some time between to the Building Authorities of DR. DALTON TRINIDAD 7:15 and 30 o clock Mrs. Boyd hoth parishes against the type of left the table to go to bed. She buildings being erected in cer.
went in her bed room, came out tain localities. The latest case LEE SANG BROTHERS DEPARTURE As a result of the decision of sgain and went out to the veran is in Kingston Gardens where it dah Suddenly the report of a dre. S00N locality. There are the Trinidad Government to opputu at Before another issue of this erate an Agricultural Bank along Beg to notify their patrons and the general paper makes its appearance Dr. the lines on which the Barbados arm alarmed those at the table a and on rushing out to the ver case where the Buliding Authorie public that they have removed their store to Dalton expects to have taken Agricultural Bank is run the folboth andab, Mrs. Boyd was found on ties of parishes have been more commodious premises In leave of Barbados as he is book lowing resolutions were recently ed to for England by a. passed at meeting of the she door, the victim of the shot, able to trustrate the spoiling of Van Renselaar laer next week and Agricultural Bank Committee This happened on the section of exclusive residential areas; And THE ST. HELENA BUILDING the verandah facing north take the opportunity of ex now. considering the matter :and many Instances they have pressing our appreciation of her been the husband took her up and Dr. ditions of sale of Wibal con117 BOLIVAR STREET place her on a couch.
the valuable services which the that funds for the Government Phillips was summoned and on In other cases tboy (Opposite The Imperial Hotel)
wortby doctor during hta tay Agricultural Bank should be in the colony, has rendered in obtaleed by the Issue of his arrival pronounced that lite have been powerless and it is felt that the time bas arrived Its social and educational life was extinck Government debenture bonda, The police were at once com hond be Bunlading and that the Bank wben the Dr. Dalton entered apon Where there are on display duties as Headmaster of Harri DO (1)
manicated with and Acting Det should be armed with the sary power to make loans on firstan Excellent Asoortment of Connor bulidings should be erected in eetiye in May 1906, mortgage on sgricultural lands Inspector ed in have aon Cith us for harried off to the premises and certain localities. In St. Andrew.
Investigated the matter. special committee of the Board predecessor. Mr. Horace Delghcharacter, all such loans being Weapon Found Das been appointed to deal with ton.
info made repayable by equal annual directed destinies SEA GRASS FURNITURE the matter; and the Commission The revolver. Smith and long term of 88. 16 of. Wesson automatic was found by ere will also take aetion xo bring baving practically known no (2) To make advances against the doctor on the verandah and about a desired change.
other Head but him, on hio crops for the purpose of the was taken possession of by the ALSO LARGE STOCK OF retirement a stranger coming to maintenance and cultivation of police. The bullet apparently the Ioland in this estates.
entered above the right breast in ABUSE OF LAW FOR PROCHINESE AND JAPANESE capacity was viewed as an intruder. Consethe region of the collar bone and quently Dr. Dalton appointdeath must have been instan lane. TECTION OF EMIGRANTS.
The Trinidad Electric Company GOODS ment, wo regret to say, was bas bled an action against the resented in certain quarters. Port of Spain Gazette for libel The whole affair seemed. Labourers Travel To Cuba mystery and Mr. James Boyd As bel has proved himself a claiming, 5, 000 damages. The and the rest of the family were as First Class Passengers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL man not easily beaten from his cause arises out of a letter conrather upset at the sudden and to Avold Deposits.
purpose be continued at hio tributed to that paper by tragic happening especially as post and overcame all opposition Newton Bernard, entitled Danthere had been no reason to sus THE GOVT. GET WISE.
and has won the esteem of all gers of Electricity. Mr. BerDect or anticipate an occurrence visit to our spacious and commodious store classes of the community, he nard is one of the defendants.
of the kiad.
will be worth your whilo think we can safely assert How satisfactorily he has discharged It was lets to theory to place And Are Considering Withbls contract with the Governing English company to be called It is announced the cause and apparently the evi drawal of Free Permits In Body of Harrison College the The West dence, meagre as it was, pointed Certain Cases.
records of the school and the Fruit and Produce Corporation, Indies Co operative to an accident representative of the Gleaner ANNOUNCEMENT According to a report gather learnt yesterday that the GcyBritish Consulate Nottce scholars prove.
subsequent attainments of Its with a capital of 250, 000 will Boon be registered in Trinidad ed by the pressman. Mrs. Boyd ernment had under consideraThe increase of numbers on Mr.
oldest son used to sleep with tign the question of withdrawing Stollmeyer yer who is is in the revolver under bis pillow at the treo permits to certain The British Consulat Colon past few years we do the school regʻster during the correspondence with the nights, so as to bave it handy in passengers who travel on the Campbell of Santo Tomas would be glad of information as as a criterion. do not accept ration states that their object is the event of a to Cuba under the guise. owing to all the Fruit, notably as this we take as to market in a co operative way in. He however bananas mother that If he quested bigo they declare that they are nected in the Lottery ticket of Barbados, who In the mornings she should travelling as first class passen: Muddle neither does she know to Panama in 1908, and whose to be found in the class rooms, emigrated work at the school are not only necessary support.
But traces of Dr. Dalton good locally if they are giving the remove it lest it be stolen. The gers, many labourers theory therefore advanced is had been able to leave the island the said (Mrs. Campbell con last address was Balboa Post but even on its play. grounds. Continued On Page 7)
that Mrs.
Boyd removed the without having to lodge into the cerned)
Office under the pillow the and by the iatroduction of cerof which Bum of tain modern methods of Public during the morning and when are called upon to deposit she was retiring sbe under the of the School life he bas instilled into the pupil a better idea of its FOR SALE to son best among was carrying het back Emigrants Protection Law.
for corporate life and ban trans One Stuvessant Piano have been fixing her bair while pass it has transpired formed school into walking and the deadly weapon that many of those who profes tution for the fuller development went ott. But that is all a matter sed to be travelling first class SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR of mind and body.
In 1 Condition of conjectnre, as no one saw have had to be repatriated.
Infants, Invalids and the Aged At a recent function at which No reasonable offer turned what happened and it The Government has decided leave was taken of the Doctor within a couple of minutes of to prevent such down.
he expressed his desire to be For particulars apply at her leaving the table.
future, and consequently, only Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the able to revisit Barbados and we Detective Sergt. Irving and first marvellous use of this great Food, can assure him hearty wel WORKMAN PRINTERY Detective Corpl. Allen took proceedlog. In this way some to Cuba will be given come whenever he may be Central Ave Street statements in connection with free pleased to do so.
the adair and yesterday morn. agents and steamship companies Purely An English Preparation. For ourselves we should have Panama City ing Dr. Lawson Gifford, will not benefit as they did in the preferred to have him remain for Kingston, performed a post past: and the labourer in having with us in another capacity as Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
MANUFACTURED BY mortem, examination on the to make his deposit will have the Lord of the diocese, ibody, the interment of which complied with the provisions of BENGER FOOD, LTD which post we feel he would Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents took place yesterday afternoon. the Emigrants Protection Law.
MANCHESTER; ENGLAND bave filled with dignity, but Incomparable Needless to say the aftair those who had it in their power created quite a sensation among Smoke 111 One Eleven)
FOR SALE AT to make the choice when opporthe residents around Kingston tunity offered deemed other life we wish him a peaceful time Gardens and much sympatby Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN wise so this is vain regret.
gras expressed for the bereaved and health and that he may take Incomparable Whenever Dr. Dalton may with bim the satisfaction of rest Jelect to pass the even side of his well earnod.
Authorities be given neceshogy a class of little having crop of oleh orahol to the underlig operiod opera de atendimento over than an Corpo. a native rovolver from Treasury to bed they took provisions might passage. but They BENGER FOOD occurred chabuse in the passengers Bishop


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