
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SLPTEMBER 23 1922 PAG. THRIR International Banking Corporation that lend SPADN ITALY BELGIUM boxing CHILE PERU not even here not befriend Efforts are saying. And havo HAVE YOU TRIED the und sald and another, pound Than and can bt T.
and photographs of them, under JACK JOHNSON WANTS THE GOVERNOR TO MEET JACK Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 BY RUSTICUS DEMPSEY. Uanse lies the head that rows In a fow days the relns of the My Box For Five Hundred Government will bave passed leto other baods, and Sir Ryre will Thousand Dollar Purs: In Head Ofice: 60 WALL STREET, New YORK Owned by TH NATIONAL CITY BANK OF Now YORK be leaving our shore and golog Mexico, Is The Report, abroad, on vacation. Judge by certain rumours from circleJESS WILLIARD AGAIN.
that are supposed to be in the know, and by certain outward Depository of the PANAMA CANAL signs colour to these Tut Jackson Ribs Broken Aud rumours from the inside, Bir Spine Injured in Bout With Eyre is contemplating a transfer Harry Wills.
or retirement In Atlantic City, August Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of aby cate, Fere Thee Well Bir! And it you succeed in obtain 28. Jack Johnson, at 44 wante THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Ing promotion then may those to meet Jack Dampsey, at 27, over whom you will govern, for the World Heavyweight ENGLAND FRANCE Spare Thee Well. It it is a vack championship.
tion you are taxing it is not well CHINA JAPAN INDIA am not only confident of JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES earned for your place is is at the Dampsey. but will ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PORTO RICO helm. The boat is rocking to stop Bill Brennan, URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA fearfully and the storm is raging Wills or any other man Captain cannot sleep.
within ten rounds or turn over As a people we cannot imagine my end of the money to the that you have the courage to quit American Legion Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World at this critical moment in your taking out my training exadministration. Your critics wiu ponses, said Johnson today.
friends pas your will criticise you.
being made to There are some sins that are match Johnson with Dempsey ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE pot forgiven. Neglect of Duty at an early date. possibly in is one that no true Britisher for October, in Mexico City. It is gives. This has been so before stated that an offer of 500. 000 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Nelson immortalized the old thousand dollars has been made family British Honduras expects you to this day for the bout. Lending colour to the reports that negotiations are do your duty actually under way is the report retrospect of your adminis that Jack Kearns, Dempsey tration leaves but little or not Manager, will see Johnson here ing that may be recorded to your next Mil GIRL OF TEN MOTHER Glory or to your Memory. The week, and Johnson has declared his intention of starting things you ought to have done.
training Och 220 ay.
Most Purzling Phenomenon, and the things you ought to only Physiclans Declaro.
loft undone are like blotches on eight pounda overweight the pages of your administration Johnson. Give me three weeks At one time you would seem will meet any man on earth Cleveland, July 29 After strong man, and not afrald am a better man today than was ten years ago much stronger Friends three Physicians of Sidney today to adsert a find You will confirmed the birth of seven you seem to be easily influenced and a harder hitter. am faster boy to ten year old and easily lead, Some of your Dampsey Elizabeth Irwin, of Hardin, o. critics say you are weak if a series of stating that they had been in you are Johnson wants th public to Insttendance upon the child moth. Another that mislead and becomes look him over and judge for itsince July 17, Ohio Physicians stubborn to suit your two advisell. am sending out a geneyou want declare that the case is without sors and these same two who tal invitation to newspaper men parallel lo tbe annals of medical dictate you.
to attend a private exhibition 120 MOVING PICTURE practice.
QUALITY failed here next Saturday night at the Really Bir, you have miserably to impress the people, local boxing club, where am The most pusaling phenome yon on for two three round non of the age. said Dr. you have not failed to oppress holuna at STARS Ryan, head of the obstetrios de tion the Import Duty has your administra newspaper men say am a has partment of McKinley Hospital risen from 11 to 20 at at Columbus. Dr. Ryan sald be the expense of been. will abide with their one a the had been present at the birth of som decision.
con a chila Joss Willard To Box.
to an eleven year old girl imposed export Daty and income somers, the people. You have Reasonable Los Angeles, August, 26. Jeg several years ago. Had occured in the tropics would character, tending to drive away of a most outrageons Willard, formar world heavynot have been surprised, Dr. Trade and Capital, at the peril weight boxing champion, has signed a contract, calling for a Price mature much the Colony. In a word the a week of exhibition bouts at a earlier Taxes San Francisco Theatre beginlearly. Such a case this far nortb. Pose Jou bave caused to be Your chance are oppressive Sunday September 8, and unjust however is most All thanks to you so most unusual for to the ex champion stativ88.
raisiog a Million Dollar Luan.
Eiz beth is the stepdaughter But bave you spent those Million has arrived of the Rev. Irwin, of Dollars wisely! Fort George Rece This will be Willard first Hardin. The Irvins moved here lamation appearance since he lost the from Harrod, Allen BE the titla to mpsey at Toledo, FIVE CENTS we give October 21 Country. Scheme are blunders last.
July 4, 1919. He accepted the Francisco repre The baby is in fine health. The out among the Seven Wonders three doctors des paired at one should know the cost o! these for of Your maladministration. You said, because he balievtative time of saving the mother life, ed it would give him an opportubut she is now able to be about. should remember the sum voted operations to date and you nity to show the public that he is actually getting into satis FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE for these works factory condition for a battle SUNDAY SCHOOL Are you running away from with Dempsey.
or word to the ANNIVERSARY.
the scene of your folly? Or do Jackson Ribs Broken.
you fear the Day of Wrath?
Washington Some months ago there appeared Court House, And Rally of the Bible in this paper what purported to Ohio, August 31. Tut Jackson, THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
Truth Churches, be a prophecy in the form of a local negro heavyweight puglsketch by comparison between list, knocked out by Harry Wills, you and one of our Governore, in the third round of their On Sunday 17ththe San Sir Roger Goldsworthy.
Miguel Bunday School will cele ticle was headed History Rescheduled fifteen round bout in ar.
New York Tu sday night brate their Anniversary at p. peats itself in British Honduras.
suffered fractured ribs and a sbarp this special program Will you make that prophecy severe injury to the base of the begins, when spine, according to Dr. LL Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12. from various Sunday Schools is come true or will you let us you those indignities by Brock, who examined Jackson on expected to take part, songs and spare you addresses will his return here today.
be the chief remaining or by returning and annmannammannannammannanaman feature of the evening making good?
prowe have nothing LONDON MAY BECOME gramme.
On Monday night 18th, at 30 you have been found wanting.
against you. As an administrator CITY MINUS SLUMS Closing Week At first taking part on the program and tact promptness at work, class School as well as other Sunday of seeing the Govornor, was uin Twenty Two 01 The Worst Las Cascadas all giving evidence of creditable or stady is one of the watch entertain of the West work done. 01 Com Areas To Be Wiped out of words of Existence evening Racital Hall was decora labar is sounded. The old adage tions, dialogues and songs which mittee Circular. And it is the first The West Caribbean Training ted with palm branches and says, there is no excellence are time that have failed dismally being specially worked by the Superintendent and his up in reading a a man. The bold fore.
London Twenty two of the School at Las Cascadas closed crepa paper. Ten students had without great labore the work of the school year lant made the required grades and The West Training staff of teachers. According to bead, the keen eyes, the worst slum areas in of man possessed of to be wiped out by on London week. The school reception was were meranted grammar School School is a missionary undertak peber sal bebis program is ex vision of business acumenroad on Monday certificates.
of Country Council. The work is to pro: Day Adventists. Soyenty board.
cordially be spread over the next ten or Program was given on Tuesday graduates took part in the ding operated by the Seventh ipected to be interesting. All arel Arpels and resolution; but alas invited to attend, the exterior has a deceptahralled especially parents of the Sunday tion. Yet standing, there on the evening. eaching students twelve years and the Govern evening and the graduating gram of the exercises conducted on Inspiring talk and recitation during the year. School Children. Special offer turf before the Racehorse, how ment will assist in it.
en heinl the schemes which In Wednesday evening. The recep was an index of the general char in the work is being developed ings on behalf of Sunday school often do we forget that the cure was of an entertaining acter of the school and the among the native people and is asked the on nothing the is not always responsiOn Thursday the future of the school is 21st inst. ble for its Indeed all the slum areas potere e Mire. Bord, called the activities of the place.
clearance of running Each student Initial promising. there will be WONDERFUL On your own merits, Bir Eyre, in London, is completed, says used for Colonel Lövita, chairman of the used in the making up of a new practical work. The students are The Las Cascadas school is a massion for native teachers wil TREROSA Caldonia Biblo you can make good: it indeed to you bear are returning do away with displacement fruita ihe retinue of advisors and sateltolle Committee. It will have Dame somewhat characteristic of not only taught the work of the Open October 10 and himselt. As soon as the guessed of his tion in common branch reviews representing lites who have helped you to some penditure of many des 45, 000 people, millions of lumende were served and a few ried and a few trades are taught management and name a refreshment check regular grades but thorough in ten weeks. Thorough instruc ontbly. Those also classroom the year are make a failure of your admingiven. is cartime methods to the is to Save me from my comic selections givenried top with the contributions of make London a Blumless city, Friends is Such cannot, course The dinner Hall was decorated The work of the school home, the teaching, work dollars 80 the the most receive plant, tho that the one who within apt quotation that be done on one strictly economic with palm branches and lighted and the work on the farm is all school year will open January prize. This will be anne olaborate hour: It bus to power of ser: you at this parting but London will benefit Japanese done by the students.
and. continue nine months.
mon if you it well and programme as many special now, Sir, Bon Voyage and greatly by the intensive cam. The musical was conducted in siderable stress is laid on the songs and addresses will add to Farewell.
paiga it is intended to pursue, Recital Hall. The music depart home life of the institntion, Rent Receipt Book In Span itself, Come and the program now attractive in for the better housing all around ment is in charge of Miss. Irma Cleanliness, neatness, and order enjoy this Pioneer of Rallies on the Isthwill mean better health and Halladay. She has had twenty characterizes tbe school through. Ish and English for sale at The Rally as the promoter who is the mus of Panama. Bring your therefore happier people. five instrumental music students out. All of the domestic duties WORKMAN Printery: pastor of the Church is. the friends along and lots of money.
in each package case Tax When you Ryan said. Closer to to the Equa. of and often Birten bear children very tor, gida complete this series wwwiitit and public offer, his you an Album CIGARETTES The As a man the the recita.
Arm lips; were work volves winner is Son normal and it continue tree is come basis,


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